Ep 175. - Why Muslims Should Vote For The Green Party with Dr Jill Stein
I have a very special guest, Dr Jill Stein, leader of the Green Party and Presidential candidate. Jill is a Harvard educated doctor, an environmentalist, campaigner and organiser.
Ep 174. - African Americans, Democrat Deceit & Principled Politics with Imam Dawud Walid
I have invited today to show someone who I deeply respect for how he thought through these essential topics long before Gaza came along to haunt us. Imam Dawud Walid is the author of Towards Sacred Activism and an Imam in Michigan.
Ep 173. - The General's Plan: The Killing Fields of Northern Gaza
My guest today, is Imam Fuad Abdo, himself from palestine. Imam Fuad is the imam of Al Ansar Centre, Goodmayes, and someone who I have seen first hand at the forefront of activism – especially encouragement the encampment movement.
Ep 172. - The Imam Taking on Kamala Harris and her Cheerleaders - Imam Tom Facchine
To help us understand the political and intellectual climate, I have invited back onto the show Imam Tom Facchine show. Imam Tom has been instrumental in galvanising Muslims behind the anti-Harris campaign, and he joins us from Pennsylvania.
Ep 171. - Gaza: How The Media Manufactures Consent with Hamza Yusuf
A conversation with young Palestinian journalist Hamza Yusuf on the role the media plays in crafting a pro-Israel narrative.
Jalal's Take: Harris Must Pay a Political Price for Genocide
Genocide must come at a political cost. In the long road to justice, let’s make this election count. We owe this to the beleaguered people of Gaza. We owe this to ourselves.
Ep.170 - Q&A: Muhammad Jalal Talks Gaza, Elections & US Empire
This week on The Thinking Muslim podcast, I answer viewer's questions. I discuss Gaza programming, the US elections, and the genesis of the podcast with Dr Yakoob Ahmed, our guest host.
Ep.169 - Is Modernity Destroying Childhood? With Ahmed Paul Keeler
An interview with the wonderful Ahmed Paul Keeler on how modernity has destroyed childhood.
Ep.168 - Why US Muslims are Abandoning Harris with Sami Hamdi
An extraordinary discussion on the US elections and how the Gaza vote may decide the outcome.
Ep.167 - Exploding Pagers and Shattered Credibility with Sami Hamdi
We talk to Sami Hamdi about Israel’s attack on Lebanon, Iran’s response, Hezbollah and Syria, Saudi’s normalisation and Erdoğan’s failure to address Gaza.
Ep.166 - Can the Sunni-Shia schism be resolved? With Dr Tareq al-Suwaidan
Tareq al-Suwaidan returns to discuss the thorny topic of whether the Sunni-Shia schism can ever be resolved. We have a candid conversation about theology and geopolitics and the problem with sectarian thinking.
Ep.165 - What We Get Wrong About Studying Muslim History With Dr Yakoob Ahmed
Ottoman historian Yakoob Ahmed tells me why Muslims are doing history wrong and how Gaza has transformed how he sees his role as a historian.
Ep.164 - Why Has the Muslim Ummah Failed Gaza? With Dr Tareq al-Suwaidan
I speak to Dr Tareq al-Suwaidan on whether the ummah has failed the people of Gaza and how we need a renewal of thought and action.
Ep.163 - Resisting US Hegemony with Matt Kennard
Matt Kennard explains why we have to resist the US empire and its hegemonic order.
Ep.162 - Managing Your Money and the Halal Economy with Harris Irfan
I interviewed once again Harris Irfan on looking at how to look after your money in the West. We look at Islamic models of economics and finance as an answer to contemporary banking.
Ep.155 - Will Gaza Change The World? With Sami Hamdi
Sami Hamdi returns to discuss US decline, multipolarity, what Gaza symbolises, elections in the US and UK and how we acquire an active mindset.