Ep 177. - Why We Must Be Radical - Professor Butch Ware

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The US elections are nearly upon us, and we have all be subject to the empty words and rhetoric of of the two main political parties. The Green Party has gained a lot of traction, especially amongst the countries small but very important Muslim community. I have already interviewed the leader of the Greens, Dr Jill Stein. But Today I have the pleasure to speak with Professor Butch Bilal Ware, its Vice Presidential nominee. Professor Butch Ware is a lifelong activist and educator specializing in the history of empire, colonialism, genocide and revolution. For the past two decades, Ware has put scholarship in service of the people, especially in response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, as well as the George Floyd murder in 2020.

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Transcript - This is an automated transcript and some of the language may not reflect the actual conversation


somehow you're watering down your radicalism  but wear is too radical for the green party  


I was stopped for driving W black 17 times  before I reached my 18th birthday an officer  


drew his service weapon and pointed it at my face  so we need to In This Moment organize for maximal  


political power we never condemn the resistance  of occupy people to their occupy in your mind  


AA we has been persecuted there has never been a  more dang dous dealer of death than the American  


Empire we destroyed Iraq we destroyed Afghanistan  destroyed Palestine we are the Dutch star these  


so-called leftists apparently have never read  any books on the subject nor have they had any  


conversation with actual weers and it is better  for these people to have a red fascist than a blue


fascist the US elections are nearly upon  us and we have all been subject to the EMP  


words and rhetoric of the two main political  parties the green party has gained a lot of  


traction especially amongst the country's small  but very important Muslim Community I've already  


spoken to and interviewed the leader of the greens  Dr Jill Stein but today I have the pleasure to  


speak to Professor Butch Bilal we uh its Vice  Presidential nominee Professor Butch wear is a  


lifelong activist and educator specializing in  the history of Empire colonialism genocide and  


revolu ution for the past two decades Professor  wear has put scholarship in service of the people  


especially in response to the ongoing genocide  in Gaza as well as the George Floyd murder in  


2020 professor butam alayum and welcome to the  thinking Muslim it's an honor and a privilege  


I'm overdue I'm but glad I was able to make  time in the midst of a busy campaign to get   this in so it's great to talk to you no I really  appreciate your time and I know you've probably  


got a punishing schedule at the moment so jazak  thank you so much for joining us precisely the  

Embrace Islam at 15


yeah punishing it's punishing I I I watched a  really great interview uh between you and the  


Ansari on the Ansari podcast and I was surprised  to hear that you had become Muslim at the age of  


15 um before we begin with the politics and with  you know the many questions I have about the green  


party can I just ask you I mean it's very rare for  someone to embrace Islam I think anyway at the age  


of 15 like what brought you to Islam at that age  yeah um so uh I read the autobiography of Malcolm  


X um cover to cover in one night when I was 15  years old um and I I remember that night like  


it was yesterday I mean I could not put that book  down um you know Chang positions on my bed a few  


times sat in the corner on the floor for a while  but I read it cover to cover I couldn't put it   down reread certain portions of it um I wanted  what MTH had at the end of that book Malcolm  


um like me had been in a lot of dark places in  his life I was raised in uh extreme poverty um  


very difficult circumstances in Washington DC my  father had a sixth grade education my mother was  


15 years old when she was pregnant with me was  told by her high school guidance counselor to   get an abortion um you know I I came in to this  world under difficult circumstances as Malcolm  


had um and what I saw in that book was that you  know no matter how dark the places um you know  


you might have uh seen uh may be that the light  of God could find you there and lift you up to  


the highest of all stations so I went to my school  library the next day after not sleeping that night  


and I checked out an English translation of the  Quran wow um yeah and I read that cover to cover  


the next night so I had stayed up you know for two  consecutive nights without sleeping and I actually   when I finished the Quran in Translation I fell  asleep and missed my school bus and and slept  


through school that day so you know nakum and and  and and and the Quran made me a truant um but but  


I hadn't taken my shahada before the end of the  week I told my mom that day that I'm Muslim um   and and that I and I looked up in the phone book  for the where the nearest mosque was to go to go  


make my shahada I had also got a couple of books  that were like instructions on how to pray and   how do you you just something simple I think that  um it was one of U maud's books was actually also  


at my public um you know library at that time I  grabbed a copy of that and just learned the basics  


we didn't have the internet back then so I had to  look these things up in books um and yeah I I my  


mom I told her I'm Muslim and um and I said I want  to go you know make my shahada at this mosque and  


she was like that's wonderful honey but gonna have  to wait till the weekend because I have work you   know so so we waited until the weekend and then  we drove out um to the Islamic uh uh uh Islamic  


Center in Fridley Minnesota I was living on uh in  Minneapolis at that time I I made my Shada then  


really wonderful to hear it's inspirational and  and I want to pick up on the Malcolm X connection  

Malcolm X and radicalism


there because um Malcolm X was a radical and he  fused his radicalism with Islam and in many ways  


Islam is a radical Faith uh it's it's a faith that  requires us to call for justice uh and against all  


the odds and so in many ways you know we are  all responsible for speaking out against tyan  


tyrannical rule oppression genocide is in the  case of Gaza how important is that melding of  


radicalism with Islam in in your philosophy for  and for me so just to be clear reading those two  


books uh consecutively on back-to-back Knights um  they were a single argument for me right one was  


an autobiographical narrative about how to triumph  over both internal and external oppressors and  


then the other was a universal narrative the  Quran was a universal narrative about how to  


triumph over internal and external oppressors  and when I read the Quran even that first time  


the the the Anti-Imperialist nature of the Quran  the radical IM manatory liberatory message of the  


Quran was apparent to me right because why well  where do we find IIM face Toof face with Nimrod  


the most powerful Emperor and Tyrant on the face  of the Earth in his where do we find Moses and  


Aaron M and Har we find them T toes down face to  face with the most dangerous tyrants and Emperor  


on the face of the Earth in their time where do we  find Yahya where do we find ASA uh peace be upon  


all of the prophets we find them being persecuted  by the Roman Empire why because the people of God  


always stand against the fundamental form of  Oppression in their time that's what makes them  


the people of God if you have genuine comp passion  for the children of Adam um and in many ways the  


quran's most radical argument is also its simplest  right you are all the children of Adam and it is  


from dirt that you were created your nobility  lies in the Divine breath that is breathed into  


you that caress that makes you right the human  being is not made in the Quran just through a  


simple Act of speech no God asked inad to why did  you not bow to that which I made with my own hand  


and then in two separate eyes of Quran God says  and when I have fashioned it and breathed into it  


of my spirit then fall down before it prostrate so  the human being is this sacred creation um indeed  


I enbl the children of Adam um so so uh for me the  struggle to keep harm and oppression from reaching  


the children of Adam that was wired into my  understanding of the Quran from the beginning and  


it was clear from Malcolm's experience that he was  carrying forth that radical emancipatory Legacy in  


his age last thing that I'll say in response  to this people that don't know my academic   work before I got pulled into politics um my  scholarship is about the history of West African  


Muslim Scholars who from the rise of the Atlantic  slave trade itself also Drew on this emancipatory  


um uh potential of Islam to struggle against the  fundamental evils of the age right they organized  


resistance to the r the Atlantic slave trade  they organized resistance to um French to Dutch  


to British Imperial occupation Spanish imperial  occupation um the the these African Muslims like  


an African-American Muslim like Malcolm or myself  were people who read the Quran as as as a radical  


Manifesto of resistance to white supremacy um  and so in that respect um you know I I I I feel  


quite comfortable in point of fact in this  new position different from my academic life  


because I feel like I've been tagged into a fight  you know that that that Malcolm took up in his  


time and that the great Scholars that I've written  about in my work took up in their time um is your  

Sufis and being radical


radicalism shared by many Muslims in the United  States I mean I I note that I read somewhere and   forgive me if I if I read it wrong but you are  uh from a Sufi tradition or you Embrace a Sufi  


tradition and in in a West African Sufi tradition  and in uh the United States we associate a lot of  


the time at least from the outside side uh Sufism  uh with quietism with an apolitical Islam that  


tends to be in cahoots with dictators and princes  around the world um maybe I'm I'm exaggerating a  


bit for effect here but um you know how does it's  not a caricature by any means yeah go ahead right  


no I I I just want to understand so how does  your Sufism uh uh interact with your Islam  


and your radicalism yeah I mean so for me so i'  for people that have been knowing me you know as  


an intellectual in the Muslim Community I've been  trying to persuade people that Sufism isn't about   you know uh polite middle class tea parties in  the suburbs um and chanting di that the real Sufi  


the people like um you know for example abdad jir  Abdul Kad you know at age 19 he was crowned with  


the ceremonial turban that made him the greatest  living heir of adby in his time okay and at age  


20 he was organizing armed resistance to the  French occupation of Algeria right um Abdul Kad  


Khan Kad Sufi himself in the 1770s um abolished  not just the international slave trade as it was  


being conducted in in the senar river valley but  he abolished the institution of slavery itself  


with a a an Emancipation Proclamation he said that  that not a single verse of the book of God should  


ever be held in bondage so that anyone capable  of reciting so much as a single Ayah of the Quran  


that was in his territories was to be immediately  freed and just to be clear an ay of the Quran like  


is an Ayah of the Quran and he he said he said  that the Muslim that should be protected from   the indignities of enslavement is the one that  says even if she pronounces it in other words  


he took the the legal exemption of Muslims  enslaving other Muslims as a way of creating  


a blanket emancipation Pro Kad Sufi right and I  wrote about him in my in my first book the walkin  


Quran shman Dano Kad Sufi also Northern Nigeria  organized resistance to the Atlantic slave trade  


elaj maral Tani Sufi organized resistance to  French occupation sh Ahmed Amba creator of the  


Tarik moradia spent 27 years of his life under  house arrest because of his resistance to French  


colonial rule so the Sufi tradition that I know  is one that tethers together spirit uality with  


social justice and it is a it is a Sufi tradition  and this is important especially for this audience  


to understand that it is a sober Sufi tradition  it is a Sufi tradition that is rooted in Quran and  


Sunnah and nothing else the idea behind the West  African Sufi tradition is and always has been that  


the traditional branches of the Islamic religious  Sciences are three that we have um the and they  


correspond to the Hadith of jel where the Prophet  Alat was described to to was asked to describe  


the contents of the religion Islam Iman for in  response to Islam he named the five pillars in a  


a response to uh to Iman he named six articles of  Faith it's belief in God his books his angels his  


Messengers decree and the hour and in response to  the to question what isan he said it is worshiping  


God as though seeing him and if you do not see him  knowing that he sees you and the way that this has  


been understood in a West African context is that  this is to put a 24hour surveillance camera not on  


your Deeds but on your intentions on why you do  what you do um and that this is the the the the  


path of asan and so these are Sufi Scholars who  why they did what they did was to try to keep  


needless harm and oppression from reaching the  most precious thing that God created the children  


of Adam now you're starting as VP of the green  party and uh I've received the occasional message  

Diluting radical tradition


I think it's it's uh uh it's certainly not in  plurality but there's an occasional message   I received from Muslims in America and elsewhere  which suggests that in a sense what uh by joining  


the green party and by uh fighting uh within the  political process you're somewhat diluting that  


radical tradition because it's a secular it's  a corrupt political process and it's better  


to fight from outside then join it fine you're  not joining it by you know by embracing it but  


you're joining it by fighting this election and  how would you respond to accusations that somehow  


you're watering down your radicalism yeah I mean  it's a it's a wonderful question so was Malcolm   watering down his radicalism when he created the  organization for afroamerican Unity an explicitly  


political organization no he was not was huie P  Newton founder of the Black Panthers um watering  


down his radicalism when he ran for elected office  not once but twice was huie P Newton some kind of  


sell out was quame T stokeley carmichel um a  sellout when he advocated for organizing what  


what quami Tor said and by the way people don't  know that stokeley carmichel petor was a direct   student of of of Malcolm X Malcolm said we are  not outnumbered we are out organized Malcolm  


argued explicitly for political organization as  the basis of empowerment um for black people for  


Muslims for all colonized people and he was  a supporter of those political movements that  


embodied that so what stoley carmichel did with  this U with Malcolm's insights about organizing  


he said people usually mobilize around issues but  revolutionaries organize against systems let me  


repeat that people usually mobilize around issues  revolutionaries organized against systems so as a  


historian myself it is claim that successful  modern revolutions always contain a kernel  


of political party organizing within them and  the reason is is that no party is bigger than  


the movement the movement is bigger than any  party but political parties allow um movement  


energy to be galvanized towards organizational and  institutional expression it allows you to leverage  


power and you mentioned in the introduction that  the first time I got on social media is true I  


didn't have an open a social media account before  George Floyd was murdered um you know so the hund   40 whatever thousand followers on Instagram  that's all since you know since 2020 well what  


happened in 2020 there was a mobilization around  an issue and it swept the whole globe whole globe  


but no organizing against the system so then  what happened the system responded to the fact  


that this was a moment and not a movement by more  repression than before so police have killed more  


people in every subsequent year 2021 2022 2023  now 2024 they're they kill more people every year  


and now the cops that used to just beat up people  like me and by the way I was stopped for driving W  


black never ticketed 17 times before I reached my  18th birthday an officer drew his service weapon  


and pointed it at my face on 36th and 10th on the  south side of Minneapolis a few blocks away from  


where George Floyd would eventually be choked a  couple decades later so I know the carceral state  


uphand on my own flesh and the reality is is that  people did not organize against the system so now  


the brutality that used to be exercised just  against people like me is now being extended   to middle class kids on college campuses right  because this police state is now defending the  


Imperial fascists abroad with Imperial fascism  at home so so what do we think is going to  


happen as Muslims in this moment where Gaza has  people on fire if do not have an organizational  


institutional structure for our resistance when  these white liberals stop seeing babies blowing  


up on their phones do you think that they're  going to be interested in divesting from the   apartheid state or Palestinian Liberation no so  we need to In This Moment organize for maximal  


political power and that means uh yes you take  electoral Avenues but it also means that you  


do not foreclose on non electoral Avenues such as  direct action boycotting divesting and sanctioning  


and of course as is plain I have made it plain  I I said this in an interview on Middle East eye  


we never condemn the resistance of occupied  people to their occupi somebody asked me um  


uh um uh uh how would Malcolm have responded you  know to to our current moment I said we know how  


he would have answered the question do you condemn  Hamas we know how Malcolm would have answered that  


and and and I'll just you know make my position  plain I have said at countless times that that  


resistance on the part of occupied people that  that's enshrined uh as a right in international  


law our obligations go beyond this because um we  are it is not a right to resist um occupation it  


is a responsibility to resist occupation you  are not permitted in our Dean to have someone  


if someone wants to enter your home and kidnap or  violate your family members you are not allowed  


to just say um I have a right to resist but I'm  going to forego that right to resist you have a  


responsibility to resist and the the jurist the  the scholars understood this so that they were  


they only considered themselves absolved of that  responsibility if certain formal requirements were  


met if you were outnumbered more than two to one  on the field of battle or if casualty ratios were  


in that then you had an option where you could sue  for peace or negotiate but below that threshold  


you are required to resist now that's really  really good to hear actually it's really um  

Green Party and Liberals


reassuring to hear I uh I was speaking to a friend  of mine he's a historian and uh he said something  


to me he said that but wear is too radical for the  green party um think otherwise go ahead yeah well  


we we've got an equivalent we've got the we've  got a green party I know they're not connected   we've got a green party here and uh I spoke to a  Muslim who's a member of the green party and he  


said you know it's full of uh you know well-to-do  uh well healed white liberals who tend to not want  


controversy uh how much is the green party at the  moment restraining your radicalism in no way is  


the green party restraining my radicalism when  they when they made this invitation I said you  


guys do know who I yeah I said I said listen  I'm going to give you 24 hours to reconsider  


this offer I need y'all to go ahead and run as  much tape on me as you can um and you know good  


friend of mine hus jafer I did Instagram live live  with them you know also uh you know a UK guy um  


he he he said you know we thought that when you  got pulled into the politics we were suspicious   because we thought you might mellow out and I'm  like mellow out what like what what would I look  


like you know uh you know trying to embody the the  legacy of Malcolm if I now turned around and and   mellowed out so the first thing to say is that is  that when I said this I said you guys better run  


tape on me they were like the campaign manager  Jason call um Jill St he said he said no we know  


that's why we brought you on the campaign and Jill  Jill said Jill Stein said absolutely and so Jill  


has been you know like um you know completely  locks up and she also said if there are places  


where our platform does not go far enough then you  let us know right so they've been open to you know  


to to to being responsive both to the concerns  of the Muslims and to the concerns of those of  


us who are you know committed Anti-Imperialist  I just have to say Dr Jill Stein is a committed   Anti-Imperialist like in the best radical  tradition I think that that the way the only  


way that I would argue um so I don't know about  the green party in the UK but the green party in  


in the United States has almost no liberals in  it um it has a lot of white progressives it has  


a lot of white um environmentalists white radicals  the the older generation of green party leadership  


you know I think you know still reflects that  demographically but politically it's not a party   that has liberals in it um so that part we haven't  had to do a lot of house cleaning in that in that  


respect because we know what Malcolm said you know  about white liberals Malcolm said that the white   liberal is a is a is a fox um you know that it  that it Hunts by guile and cunning it Bears its  


teeth and you think that it's smiling but you  are on the menu um so we have not had you know   too many uh you know liberals white or otherwise  to deal with in the green party so the green party  


has has really embraced um you know and and  and has been willing to be pushed um and and  


just to be clear like the green party has run on  a platform of reparations for the black community   since 2012 the green party has run on a platform  of full Liberation divestment um you know uh from  


from the aparte state in uh in in Palestine since  2006 um so so with respect to these major policy  


you know points of both domestic and um you know  foreign policy um I I was actually surprised  


myself when you know because I knew about the  green party uh growing up um one of my closest  


friends was a green party elected official in  the City of Minneapolis so I knew about its   local politics I did not understand the extent to  which the green party was already standing at The  


Cutting Edge of Anti-Imperialist work that's  really really reassuring to hear again um so  

Green’s and social issues


let's talk a little bit about uh the green party  and the Muslim vote at at present um I think it's  


fair to say that you have captured the majority of  Muslims it seems to me at least the active Muslims  


uh and I anecdotally I'm just picking that up  for conversations I'm having through comments   on my videos through uh through various means it  just seems like Muslims are moving in the green  


Direction and we'll be voting green uh I do often  get uh a response from Muslims who are voting  


green that they're ready to do so but they don't  agree with all of the policy platforms of the  


green party and they tend to site more often than  not the social platform of of the green parties  


can you address that for me please yeah yeah  definitely I mean so so I had similar questions   until I read the platform and that's that's when  I realized that that that we didn't have a problem  


so so the first thing that I'll say before I get  to the question of social issues is to talk about  


how consonant the green party platform already was  with core Islamic ethical and spiritual values so  


at the end at the bottom of every poster you know  Green Party will say people Planet peace right and  


the the formal platform of the green party since  its foundation 40 years ago mallister College 1984  


in in uh in in minneap in Minnesota um you know  next to my hometown second Hometown in Minneapolis  


was to they literally described themselves  as stewards of these three things things the  


people the planet and the peace now in my online  community spiritual intensives where I've taught  


from the West African uh Sufi tradition about how  to tether together spirituality and social justice  


I have been teaching for the last four years  without having any awareness of the green party   platform about the notion of KFA stewardship in  Islam and the principal things that we are uh uh  


uh question about our custodianship these things  are the rights of the people the sanctity of human  


life the sanctity of the rights of human beings  the planet like the the the Abomination that is  


the Saudi State we can talk about that in another  you know uh uh place um but all of these you know  


Gulf polluters have been you know um what's the  word um disavowing this fundamental responsibility  


that Muslims have to be stewards of our shared  home as human beings our natural environment  


and especially as stewards of the peace and  what because what we have is essentially the  


United States Empire which is the most dangerous  Imperium ever to exist in human history I mean if  


we talked about Nimrod and pharaoh and the Roman  emperors they would have all wet themselves at  


the prospect of surveillance capacity and death  dealing capacity that the American Empire wakes  


up with every morning so so just to be clear um  our responsibility our values as Muslims are first  


and foremost to be stewards of these three and  those are precisely the core values of the green   party so at the highest of levels there is direct  consonant now with respect to the question that  


you asked about social issues and this is where I  think people have a huge number of misconceptions  


in part because the green party is usually uh  thought of as a party that is to the left of the  


Democrats to the left of Team blue and therefore  thought of as on social issues then also being to  


the left of of Team blue whereas in point of fact  the green party has played precisely no role of  


any kind in the culture war between liberals and  conservatives as it has unfolded over the last  


30 plus years in American politics you can just  look that up we're not there having an argument  


about lgbtq rights versus religious rights and  the reason is is that the basic principle of  


the green party is that at age 18 when a a person  that has political maturity in the United States  


of America they can live their life by whatever  code they choose to live their life by and there  


is not a moral argument that you are supposed to  be you know um accepting the way that someone else  


chooses to live their life as a core tenant of  your value as a human being Muslims should choose  


to live their life by the code that they choose  Christians should choose the Life by the code that   they choose atheists agnostics whoever that is and  that the role of of an actual uh de uh democracy  


the leadership in an actual Dem democracy is not  to stoke Warfare in order to site fear between  


people that choose to live their lives differently  but is to create a safe space in the public  


environment for everybody's choices on how they  live their life to be respected and for no one  


to get prejudicial treatment one way or the other  and when I want to put a fine point on this to the   musl Muslim Community I just often point out that  from from the standpoint of you know uh of certain  


secular humanists right there is a demonization of  the institution of polygamy correct it it can be  


represented from their standpoint as deviants they  can frame it however they want the green party um  


is there to protect the rights of people who will  live by whatever code that they have chosen for  


themselves and to not impose that on other people  so when Muslims sometimes get exercised about   lgbtq issues I remind them of a few simple facts  the first is is that non-muslims are not required  


to live by the Sharia of Islam so what non-muslims  do in their bedrooms is none of our damn business  


that's number one two no sin puts a believing  person outside the fold of Islam therefore if  


you are a person um who constructs um homosexual  uh Behavior as a sin according to the tradition  


kind of Juris Prudential rulings of Islam and I'll  be blunt about this I will be explicit about this  


is that I have never come ac across a plausible  juristic ruling that suggests that the sin of  


the people of lot is anything other than what we  presume it to be but at the same time as all of my  


teachers my West African teachers have taught me  no sin puts a believing person outside the fold of  


Islam therefore it is not our position to chase  such people away or any other such thing rather  


it is to create an environment that that Fosters  safety for for all so mus non-muslims are not a  


problem and now the Muslims are also not a problem  so then the question becomes do you want the state  


probing into your private bedroom Affairs in  your polygamous household or in your monogamous  


household for that matter well then stay out of  other folks bedrooms too that that is the basic  


you know position and when you understand that  the green party has played no role in stoking  


this culture War you realize that you are actually  being a given a vehicle that allows you better  


expression of your values and ethics as a Muslim  and more importantly a vice presidential candidate  


that has sat with Scholars I do not advertise this  this fact but I have traditional authorizations  


from Scholars for texts I don't run on that  basis that's not the basis on which I would  


govern but the point is is what is better to have  someone in a position of power that is capable of  


understanding and defending Muslim sensibilities  or to have someone who uh in in power who has  


no even awareness of the intricacies of those I  know that not everyone is going to have the same  


understandings of you know Islamic jurist Prudence  that I have been trained with both as an academic  


and as a as a student of knowledge but the prophet  Alam is reported to have said dis agreement in my  


um is a mercy from God so I'm there to defend  those that might see things otherwise and to  


create a public space wherein the rights of  all people of faith and people of conscience  


are respected um and to contribute in no way to  this toxic environment of a culture War and the  


last thing that I'll say on that is that so many  Muslims do not understand the way the extent to  


which their Consciousness has been poisoned by  right-wing rhetoric yeah that's I think that's a  

Uyghurs and foreign policy


really comprehensive answer jazak thank you for  for answering it in in that way can I then ask you  


about foreign policy positions now you said that  Jill Stein and the green party have a very strong  


Anti-Imperialist uh history and they take very  strong positions on on imperialism in particular  


American imperialism but does that commitment  to be Anti-Imperialist and anti-American foreign  


policy or anti-empire does that commitment  come at the cost of sometimes siding with  


groups and countries who are persecuting Muslims  I mean I I think I got a satisfactory answer on  


the Syria question from Joe Stein but the oers I  mean there was a an interview that went around of  


course Medi Hassan sent it around because it it it  uh it corroborates his agenda his pro-democratic  


agenda for sure but nevertheless his Pro his Pro  he Med Med Hassan believes that you that you can  


oppose a genocide and support the genocider which  is which is which is a kind of Madness that I  


have no ability to Fathom but go ahead continue  sorry yeah no no I I I completely agree but it's  


illogical completely illogical but let's just talk  about the Wagers um in your mind uh are the Wagers  


being persecuted you know or even genocided I  I would suggest and are they been placed into  


concentration camps or is this some sort of CIA  plot uh to you know to to restrict the uh the  


appetites of a rising power China yeah so so I'll  go back to the beginning of the question and then  


and then answer the final part so so the overall  framing of anti-imperialism is crucial before we  


get to the second part of the question I'll just  say this um before I was brought onto the campaign   I hosted uh Dr Jill on an Instagram live that I  did and I asked her specifically I said I'm not  


gonna ask you questions about Palestine because  all of my Palestinian colleagues both in AA the  


West Bank abroad here in the US have been pushing  me towards East I'm not going to ask uh sorry  


about that I'm not going to ask questions about  about that I want to ask you about overall view   for American foreign policy and her answer stunned  me she said my view for American foreign policy is  


to dismantle the American Empire great and I  said yeah you better hurry up and do it quick  


before somebody does it for you right that that  if you take those $1.3 trillion doar that are now  


spent annually on the War Machine and instead put  that into housing Affordable Health Care all of  


the social programs that Americans need you can  cut Americans taxes and still give them better  


social programming than before you can build not  a Utopia but a functioning Society whereas if you  


continue to squander that wealth on dealing death  throughout the Imperium then somebody bricks for  


example um is going to take your Empire away from  you and and that can lead to a kind of collapse  


into fascism which we are witnessing under both  teams blue and team red so the first thing is just  


to say and to affirm that there has never been a  more dangerous dealer of death than the American  


Empire and that our aim is to is to dismantle that  Empire so that the American state survives and so  


that the resources of the American state can be  put at the disposition of the American people and   that the globe will become a safer place when the  United States is no longer the Death Star because  


that's essentially what we are we point beams  and Destroy whole worlds we destroyed Iraq we  


destroyed Afghanistan destroyed Palestine we  are the Death Star and if you have responsible  


moral adults with intelligence and integrity  then you can dismantle that weapon of death  


and instead put all of those resources towards  the construction of life and livelihood now to   the question with the Wagers yeah this is a a an  issue it is not a fundamental issue inside the  


green party it is more of an issue that affects  the the Socialists and the Communists because  


there is a strong authoritarian tendency they're  glossed sometimes as tankies um and it's it's a  


reference to you know whether you agree with  the the decision I think that Stalin made um  


to to to use tanks against his own citizens to  put down a popular Uprising um these are people  


that will defend um authoritarians as long as they  happen to be socialists or Communists as long as  


they happen to be anti- capitalist um and opposed  to us Empire so the first thing to just to say is  


that I'm not going to waste my time arguing with  Tanki so let's put that part aside right the the  


the the question about weager specifically is uh  one of those situations where both things can be  


true and and some of the so-called leftists  refuse to accept that something can be blown  


out of proportion and weaponized um by CIA  intelligence and Cor corupt liberal press and  


also be true on the basis of facts on the ground  those things can both be true at the same time  


and in fact they often are but the unfortunate  logic is that people are uh concluding that the  


enemy of my enemy is my friend therefore I have  to treat but whereas in in reality sometimes you  


got two enemies right the enemy of your enemy  is not always your friend and as somebody that   has lived in Africa for extensive periods I  speak the wallof language fluently speak the  


colonial language of of of French fluently um and  and by the way sagol where I did most of my field  


research and have lived for years is a socialist  country and they will be the first people to tell   you that Chinese Capital while not violent in its  domineering nature is nonetheless capitalist and  


extractive in the way that it engages with the  African continent Chinese are not infallible the  


Chinese Communist party is not really communist it  is capitalist in the way that it organizes much of  


its activities at home and abroad last thing to  say with respect to the Wagers we as Muslims all  


know Wagers who who who who will tell us directly  face Toof face their experiences of persecution  


their experiences of being oppressed whether you  call it um in a genocide in the the post that that  


got the tankies mad at me was that I referred  to to to the Wagers in the overall context of  


genocidal oppression and I think that that is a  fitting um you know title for what weager face and  


by the way this is not a controversial position  and it is not drawn from any Western sources I've   never read any of those media accounts nor those  CIA statements they inform my opinion and nothing  


I'm an academic I served on a search committee  where we hired uh uh historian historians of  


China so and they were all Chinese candidates by  the way those Chinese candidates write and talk  


about Han Supremacy Han Chinese Supremacy as being  more virulent and dangerous in China than white  


supremacy is in America and the reason is that on  an ethnic basis thead make up something like 91%  


of the total population of China so that both  the wayy and weager Muslims as well as Tibetan  


Buddhists and others that don't conform to the  kind of or in the case of the Wei they conform  


to the ethnic basis but not the religious BAS  basis of the kind of uh normative um identity  


of the state that they are always living under  circumstances of persecution and that by the way   is a matter of fact simple academic conclusion  that these so-called leftists apparently have  


never read any books on the subject they nor have  they had any conversation with actual Wagers as  


Muslims we all have and as an academic I've read  multiple Works including doctoral dissertations   on these subjects is not a controversial from  uh statement for me to say that Muslims have  


been systematically disadvantaged and oppressed  and subjected to genocidal practices for over a  


thousand years yeah no I think that's a really  clear answer um actually as you were talking  

His political leanings


there I was I was thinking I mean you you've  talked about the tankes and the leftist so   where do you fit in terms of your politics  like would you self-describe as someone who  


is a socialist or is a leftist like how would you  describe where you are my entire life I have been  


an anti- capitalist um from the beginning um you  know I organized a Pana africanist reading group  


at the University of Minnesota when I was 18  or 19 years old um called Africa's progyny for   Global power that this would I mean literally  from the beginning and I was we reading Walter  


Rodney um I was reading um you know the the the um  African socialists you know quame and kruma seur  


and others I I I learned French early on and read  the French revolutionaries in their um in their  


original languages whenever I could for me  I don't so just to be clear about this and  


this is I think why people find me difficult  to place if you read my first academic book   the walkin Quran you will find not a single  reference to any Western theorist in the book  


I do not take my categorial thinking from white  supremacist categories at any level I refuse to  


so I actually do not in my own thinking situate my  own politics on a left to right political Spectrum  


Malcolm didn't think about it or talk about it  that way he never used that language he talked   about liberals and conservatives he did not talk  about left and right okay um for specific reasons  


and though he has been claimed by many um you  know socialists Communists marxists Malcolm  


was not in point of fact a socialist communist  or Marxist he was explicit in his rejection of  


that framing as descriptive of reality because I  think that Malcolm was similarly ideological res  


ideologically resistant to the idea of taking  some white European man as the the the founder  


of his his way of thinking so for for my own  personal politics have always been radically  


anti- capitalist but as a believing and practicing  Muslim I I and I use by the way the analytical  


tools that come from marxian analysis all of the  time especially when they come from colonized and  


third world populations but I never consider that  the kind of um doctrinaire Marxist positions as  


being foundational for me in in any way um I  I find a basic flaw actually um in much of the  


articulation and as as a Muslim it's a relatively  simple and straightforward one so linguistically  


and analytically uh the anti antithesis to a thing  must always contain the thesis antithesis right so  


the the thing is is when you craft an antithesis  you have to respond in the terms of the original  


argument otherwise you do not win the original  argument and what we often find in Marxist  


analysis is that the values of capitalism are  deeply threaded within them they're just simply  


inverted they're turned into an antithesis and  that's the reason part of the reason why what  


we often find is uh that so-called socialists or  so-called Communist States actually end up with  


capitalist structures under State control rather  than under control of the Bourgeois so that's a  


a structural problem and it inheres in the kind of  dialectic relationship just of of these are basics  


of philosophy right that the thesis the antithesis  must require must also contain the thesis secondly  


because the thesis of marxist capitalist analysis  is uh um it is it is materialist and what I mean  


by that is that it has no metaphysics it takes  as real only that which is empirically verifiable  


and as Muslims we must therefore reject it as  the basis of our ontological understandings we  


can use and I encourage us to use it's analytical  category for thinking critically about capitalism  


but no system that is purely materialist as a  philosophical system is capable of actual um  


metaphysical Transcendence meaning um so so the  and by the way stokeley car also quame T pointed  


this out quame T said that when Mark said that  religion is the opiate for the masses that was  


only he said this that was only accurate for  Europe he said that throughout the indigenous  


World throughout the African World throughout the  Asian world that the the spiritual traditions of  


those places were emancipatory Radical tra uh  uh traditions and that the struggle against  


imperialism and against capitalist exploitation  in the non-european world was always a spiritual  


struggle not just the material one and that that  way of thinking is much closer to my own personal  


thinking now again at running for the executive  branch my own personal thinking informs the way  


that you approach policy but it does not determine  it because it's not your personal thinking that   you are there to represent you're there to  represent the interests of the the people and of  


the collective but when asked what my own personal  thinking and approach is that is you know in in a  


in a five minute sketch the kind of philosophical  basis of it do you think Muslims in America could  

Can Muslims work independently


organize themselves independently around this  philosophy I don't think that it's necessary  


that we do so I I think that that part of what the  green party is offering is and let's just be be  


clear about this and explicit about this um the  green party is providing the the material based  


the the the the increase in fundraising capacity  organizational capacity political prominence that  


the green party is experiencing in this electoral  cycle which will exceed any electoral achievements  


even in the nater era for sure that is all being  bullied by the Muslims and with a Muslim as the  


VP and a very particular kind of Muslim as the  VP like a a Muslim that is steeped in the black  


radical tradition and I think that it is partially  because I am both very Muslim and very black and  


very radical I sorry I said both but I'm all  I'm all of those things um that it has helped to  


crystallize what is going to happen in this moment  in the next moment which is that the Muslims don't  


have to create their own we have organizations  we have care we have you know and we have  


others what we are being essentially get given an  opportunity to do is to have Islamic ethics values  


and Leadership provide the driving force for  the third largest political party in the United  


States of America the Muslims are being handed the  keys and and and let me just make this clear the  


Muslims are also being presented with exactly the  same crisis therefore exactly the same opportunity  


EXA exactly the same dilemma that the American  Jewish Community faced after World War II how  


do you respond to a genocide against your people  and they they responded in an insular way driven  


by ethn religious nationalism to Say Never Again  to my people right and they responded with APAC we  


do not need a Muslim version of APAC what we need  is Muslims providing ethical leadership spiritual  


leadership moral Clarity um in a cohesive movement  of Anti-Imperialist forces that are actually about  


restoring representative government to the  people make America work for everyone um and  


so the Muslims have this incredible opportunity  now right to provide moreal leadership and we are  


providing that like we you mentioned the numbers  it's not just the plurality it is now a majority  


of American Muslims that say that they're going  to vote are saying that they're going to vote for   the green party and what it means is that this is  the First Community in uh in the United States of  


America to say no in coin of fact genocide is our  red line and everyone that wants to follow us that  


build community with us um and and we are going to  you know to to bring in those progressives those  


radicals but I've made it this explicit we are now  in two separate polls we are pulling more Trump  


voters than we are uh Harris voters I mean most  of our voters are going to be people that wouldn't  


have voted at all but we are now pulling more  Trump voters than than Harris voters according to   to a number of measures and the reason for that is  is that all of the issues that the green party is  


running on are 7030 or 80 twit 20 issues for the  American people so the last part of my answer to  


your question is that when I see the future of the  green party I do not see a leftist party on this  


you know kind of Fringe left what I see is two  separate framings if we were to borrow Malcolm's  


framing I see liberal extremists on one side and  conservative extremists on the other side and I  


see a green verdant path right down the middle  on 70 30 80 20 issues that are of concern to  


all of the American people see the green party  as a Centrist movement not in the compromising  


way that that term is usually used but if you are  responding to to to the the concerns and questions  


of 70% of the American population that want to C  Spar then you are in the middle now if we wanted  


to borrow instead of Malcolm's you know kind of  non-denominational you know framing if we wanted   to use this left to right Spectrum we're still  centrists and and the reason is in that framing  


both the Democrats and the Republicans are so far  to the right that they're off practically off the  


scale entirely I mean just think about the fact  that Ronald Reagan in 1982 racist devil that he  


was remember he said that a that he he he was  caught on tape talking to Richard Nixon about   African uh dignitaries that visit visited  The Wine House he called them monies and  


said that this was the first time they ever wore  shoes and Suits but and that blackhearted devil  


nonetheless knew to call monam Bean in 1982 and  he called what the the Zionist entity was doing  


in Lebanon a holocaust explicitly comparing it  to the Nazi Holocaust of the Jewish people and  


within 24 hours that Holocaust was ended because  Reagan didn't just threaten an arms embargo he  


threatened to cut off relations that was Ronald  Reagan he's a monster that Joe Biden and kamla  


Harris 40 years later have let a genocide linger  for a full year they are incapable of even that so  


that means that Reagan was here and now today's  Democrats and Republicans are literally off the  


map to the right we're still a Centrist party  because the green party is responding to what  


every American wants none of them want their tax  dollars to use to be used to blow up babies they  


all want those tax dollars to be used instead  to lower income tax provide affordable housing  


Health Care they none of them want corporate  uh domination in our politics none of them  


want money to determine who wins elections these  are all right down the-middle issues and and you  


know I've already made this clear that now that  I've been tagged into this fight with the green   party I'm not coming out of if we don't land that  knockout punch I am running immediately for the  


nomination in 2028 for for to to run at the top  of the presidential uh ticket and running for  


governor of the state of California for for in  the midterms in November 2026 I am not letting   the Muslim Community or this Coalition that we  have been able to build I'm not going to let us  


stop organizing because I know what is going to  happen if we stop organizing fantastic um I have  

Voting for Trump


come across Muslims who are with you actually in  punishing the Democrats you've made it very clear  


that uh voting for the Democrats is untenable it's  unacceptable and I completely agree with you what  


would you say to those Muslims who are teetering  they're thinking about voting for Trump just to  


uh solidify that anti-genocide vote because of  course when you vote for Trump you've got two   votes right you've got you're taken away from  the Democrats and you adding to Trump whereas  


when you vote for the green party you've basically  got one vote because you're taken away normally   anyway from the Democrats and you're add in it's  the I think it's actually the opposite of the way  


that it's normally framed and the reason is is  that if you vote for Trump you just get thrown   with the racist and the Rednecks to be perfectly  honest about it um whereas if you vote for the  


green party you can actually begin to develop  the institutional strength in the third party  


alternative so let's say you're not persuaded  by the way that I just laid out the green party   platform and its consonant with Islamic values  and you still think that a conservative quote  


unquote option is the better option for you  70% of American Independents 53% of American  


Democrats 40% of American Republicans say  that what we need is an independent third  


party because teams blue and team uh teams blue  and red are so bad at their jobs so the way that  


you can actually create change is by investing  in the the the the growth of that third party  


which is us we are the only third party that is  available as an option to voters for 95% of the  


voters in the United States of America we're the  only one that's actually capable of reaching the  


5% threshold in this upcoming election which would  guarantee us uh perhaps as much as $60 million um  


in order to to to to run the next election in  2028 it would um guarantee us ballot access  


across the country not in every state but in the  overwhelming majority of states to this point in   time almost half of our budget in the first 10  months of running just came to try to secure a  


ballot access so it would allow us to clear the  Batton access hurdle right from the beginning and   here's the best part it would give us a debate  I mean IM imagine you know imagine it's 2028  


um and they let you know um either Dr Jill Stein  or myself um anywhere near that stage and I mean  


I'll be blunt about this we don't talk about  this a lot it's it's not appropriate to talk   about it before the election but Dr Jill came out  of retirement to run this cycle we've had these  


conversations it's very unlikely that she would  run in 2028 unless she's running for reelection  


right now that that is a very different Prospect  but what that what that means is that that the  


and and I've heard this from you know green party  you know organizations on the ground that you are  


right now talking essentially to the presumptive  nominee of the green party for 20128 which means  


that they gonna owe me a presidential debate and  man they do not want no part of that presidential  


debate and and the reason is is that the American  people are not fools the American people have been  


fooled right they have been conditioned to  think that there are only these two choices  


when and that's the reason why they've you know  attacked Dr Jill tried to smear her that that's   why they're now trying to smear me is that there  is a marked difference between candidates with  


intelligence and integrity like us and corrupt  mediocre politicians because let us be clear  


Donald Trump is Donald Trump could not pass any  class that I have ever taught at any University he  


is dumb as a box of sticks okay and that's just  obvious JD Vance in uh insanely mediocre as a  


human being because privilege protects mediocrity  Kam Harris as well what has K Harris ever won  


she is a miserable ineffective candidate she's a  joke Vatican smoke signals went up anointing her  


her she did not win a single nomination for that  office so these are fraudulent flawed candidates  


and if they had let Dr Jill on a debate stage  during this cycle which they were terrified of  


she would have been able to say this one here team  red is a domestic terrorist and a convicted felon  


this one here is a war criminal because the ICC  and icj concluded that that the aarid state of  


uh I won't even call it Israel Israel is a name  of Honor in the Quran the Zionist entity is an  


illegal apartheid state conducting a genocide in  the midst of an illegal occupation um anybody that  


provides material support to such is actually in  point in fact a war criminal and they want no part  


of us having the the ears of the American people  which is why they tried to sue to keep us off the   ballot the the crazy part is is because I was in  the academic world and had no interest and in the  


community teaching world and had no interest  in politics they never saw me coming they did   not ban Tik Tok fast enough and they did not you  know get to my social media account fast enough  


because now that I've been tagged into this fight  especially in a position where I can represent  


the values and aspirations of both the Muslim  Community and the the the the community that is  


anti-colonial Anti-Imperialist and has longed  for you know Liberation for five centuries now  


I am not putting down this sword I'm going to keep  fighting until we get to Freedom can I turn to um  

George Floyd


George Floyd I remember um Yahya senoir in fact  he drew a parallel between George Floyd and the  


Palestinians I mean did that resonate with you  and the in particular the black community there  


in the United States 100% um I posted you know  um a graphic and I'm forgetting the name of the  


incredibly talented artist that did this um but  he essentially you know uh uh ju the pose image  


of a American police officer in blue with his knee  on George Floyd's neck um with an iof um you know  


soldier with his knee on a Palestinian neck um  and you know we know that it's not just that  


the that our you know um police state repressive  police forces here in the United States of America  


are often trained by the the Israeli occupation  forces but it has always in point of fact been   so before it was Israel it was South Africa um  and that the the the the apar state of South  


Africa trained a lot of the police and tested a  lot of the weapons that were then used on black   communities throughout the the the 80s so there  was been there's been a profound resonance um in  


that and you've seen black people um not just  people of color generally black people at the  


Forefront of a lot of these campus protests at  the Forefront a lot a lot of this movement there  


has been a rift you know essentially because  KLA Harris's campaign is attempted to try to  


weaponize Black black Ness um in support of a  white supremacist genocide um and I've spoken  


about the the kind of massive betrayal that is  not just of the black radical tradition but of  


Blackness itself because African-American identity  black identity comes into being in response to  


white supremacist domination I mean you got to  understand as a historian I've studied this you   you're talking about people that spoke of hundreds  of different languages coming from you know many  


were Muslims many were um there were congales  Christians many practitioners of traditional   African religions speaking hundreds of different  languages on plantations throughout the US South  


but also in Northern cities people forget that  slavery was widespread throughout the northern   colonies until the American Revolutionary War  and it died out slowly thereafter all of these  


people coming from different backgrounds united  only by the slur you know of you know negro negro  


you know I won't say the other one you know on on  on on this CU I I don't I want you to be able to  


to keep up your monetization you know on your  YouTube channel because if I say the other one   they you know they they they'll cut it right but  that's what we were called and never before in  


human history had people that came from so many  different backgrounds united only by this system  


of Oppression made themselves into one people  Blackness is in and of itself a miracle and it  


is a miracle that was defined in opposition to  white supremacy so what could be more perverse  


than now having Blackness weaponized in service of  white supremacy and and if we have any questions  


about Zionism as being white supremacy in its  foundation brilliant doctoral dissertation by  


MAA alhassan was the one that taught me this  is that she she actually went through Malcolm's   field notes and and after he had spent time in  Palestine hunas and other is he wrote in his  


notes he said this is a white Jewish population  being empowered by white imperialist authorities  


to move Brown Arabs off of their ancestral lands  nakum said in in so many words that Zionism is  


white supremacy and if you understand Zionism  as wank Supremacy then you understand what we  


are actually all struggling against my my wife  for examples Mexican Amer um the IM immigration  


policies of the United States of America are  white supremacist uh policies um and her people  


um have to fight back against white supremacy as  my people have to fight against white supremacy   is your people as any apostate as any you know  light-skinned quote unquote white apostate from  


white supremacy also has to fight back against  white supremacy as well when you understand that  


our shared enemy is white supremacy imperialism  fascism capitalist exploitation then we are so  


much more numerous than our opponents are and and  I'll end that you know kind of discursus with this  


point from Malcolm what did Malcolm say he said  two things he said never let your enemy tell you  


how many of you there are never let the man you  are against form your opinions for you we have  


internalized this idea that we are friends that  we are weak that we are small no we are not weak  


we are not few in number we are definitely not  outnumbered we are out organized and my goal is  


to do everything that I can to bring this you know  power Coalition um into being uh of course Barack  

Fascism in US


Obama uh made a comment the other day about Muslim  voters and the consequence of voting for Trump or  


voting for a third party and enabling Trump to  come to office and he painted a picture of a  


world which would be far worse uh the Democrats  that have banded around the fword a fascist  


were describing Donald Trump I mean how would you  respond to these claims that U life will become  


far more Fierce and difficult for Muslims for  black Americans if Donald Trump comes to power I  


mean so there's there's two sort of basic you know  um uh answers to this the first is to just debunk  


the basic premise of the question so the first  thing to understand is that the Democrats have  


already lost the election and they know that they  have already lost the election you're confident   about that no they they know that it's happened so  they know that we are not taking votes away they  


know that unless you elect the green party Trump  has already won and the reason is is that when   I joined the campaign I immediately got access to  a bunch of polling information that I didn't have  


access to before and it's clear that that as as  early as January of 2024 the Democrats knew that  


they were going to lose the election and here's  how they knew is that Institute for social policy  


and understanding named Dalia mahad presented me  with the data as soon as I joined the campaign in   August in 2020 Joe Biden in the swing states of  Georgia Michigan and Pennsylvania and those three  


states by the way demographically with respect to  the African-American population Muslim population   and so forth are basically the same state they  have the same kind of basic demographic makeup  


so Joe Biden in those three swing States and  he needed every one of them you know to win um  


he got 65% of the the Muslim vote he was ping at  12% in the Muslim Community in January 2024 wow  


dead man walking and they have known at least  since January that they were never going to be  


able to reassemble the Coalition that got them the  that election and that's why they've been coming  


after black voters so aggressively um because  they know that they have no hopes of putting  


that Coalition back together but they forgot that  black Muslims are the largest single ethnic group  


in the American Muslim Community so that that  that you are never going to get black Muslims  


on board with this genocidal uh um you know um  campaign so just to be clear the most recent  


data from yaken Institute you know shows what  what um how much worse things have gotten for  


them um this was almost a month ago now where  they were showing that 53% of the Muslims they  


surveyed were planning on voting third party with  over 80% of those coming to us 14 15% for Kamala  


4% for Trump so the reality is is that listen  Jews don't vote for Nazis and Muslims are not  


going to vote for Democrats you don't vote for  the people that Holocaust you and so that and  


that's the reason why the Democrats have made  this last second appeal to try to get Republican   voters on board with people like Dick Cheney  and L Cheney and so forth because they know  


that they have no hopes of any kind of winning  this election with the Electoral constituency  


that they have before they're dead um so the  first part of the answer to your question is  


you can sleep comfortably at night knowing that  they caused their own demise and you did not  


you should vote your conscience vote for where  you want your name on the L because understand  


that if you choose to write your name next to  the party that genocided your people you have  


in Essence signed your name next to Pharaoh well  what happened to the people of pharaoh the people  


that stood next to him were washed away with the  flood but Pharaoh was a hereditary Monarch the  


people did not elect him and yet just by standing  next to him they were destroyed what will be the  


Fate on the day of Judgment of a people who enter  into a Ballot Box and positively affirm that they  


choose the people that slaughtered bear brothers  and sisters in the third holiest place on the  


planet for Muslims it is a catastrophic decision  from a religious standpoint every single human  


being that has been maned or lost their life  unjustly in that war now has a potential claim  


against you on the day of judgment because  you have participated in whatever crime was  


committed against them because you have positively  endorsed and affirmed it and you've said more


please now with respect to the Spectre of  so-called fascism and Trump fascism is already  


here these are democratic Governors Democratic  Mayors Democratic cities that have been building  


these cop cities and sending Riot troops in  the hundreds to suppress your constitutionally  


protected rights of speech and assembly fascism  is here and it is better for these people to  


have a red fascist than a blue fascist because at  least when there's a red fascist the Liberals are  


afraid when there's a blue fascist the Liberals  will cut your throat and tell you it's for your  


best because those other guys are dangerous it  is a kind of collective Madness if we want to  


make it quranic cuz we're on the thinking Muslim  how did F keep the people under control he had  


magicians that had them Spellbound well who are  The Magicians that have the people Spellbound  


AB accepting these absurd arguments they are the  media companies MSNBC running cover and carrying  


water for team Blue Fox News running cover  and carrying water for team red CNN running  


cover and carrying water for the 1% as a whole  and they tell you over and over again that the  


despite the fact that all the American people say  that we need a new third party you can't vote for  


them they might not win it's a kind of collective  Insanity because we've been propagandized over  


and over and over again to just accept these  two corporate murderous parties as the only  


option that we have the reality is is that they're  both the same party they're just they're purple  


fascist they're a mix of blue and red they they  have 99% the same name donors APAC and the war  


machine there is a 1% marginal difference between  the the Christian Evangelical nationalists which  


support team red only and lgbtq U extremists  that want to indoctrinate everyone with their  


own philosophical um uh Moray as the the the  supporting the other parts so there is this  


Skirmish between these two identity camps Each  of which is trying to propagandize the other  


no you have to accept a Christian definition  that life begins at conception which by the way  


no muslim jurist ever believed no mus it kills me  when Muslims get Tethered to these uh right-wing  


Christian talking points about life beginning at  conception when every single Muslim jurist that  


I've ever read said that the insulants of a human  being takes place after 120 days and that the the  


the jurist used to say about this question of  abortion which was known that uprooting a dates  


a seed is not the same as uprooting a date palm  I've got one final question for you um uh Dr we  


and that's really about the American Empire I  mean today we've spoken a lot about dismantling   the American Empire dismantling this Imperium and  of course um Muslims around the world have have  

Dismantling Empire


feared very badly uh with this Empire and its its  propensity to deep militancy to violence um we saw  


over a million dying in Iraq and War on Terror  and we we're seeing that continuing in in Gaza  


and in Palestine and if this is all connected  to the American Empire are we ever going to   see the end of this Empire like will we see the  end of this Empire In Our Lifetime like how how  


realistic is it to to dismantle this Imperium  so so across all of our Fai and philosophies  


as human beings there is one universal truth that  unites them all all Empires fall all Empires fall  


right go to the end of Sur and God asked this  you know question of qu have you not wandered   in the earth and seen the ruins of those who  were more more exalted in power and wealth than  


you were do you see any sight of them now or hear  so much as a peep from them it's a Stern warning  


and that is also true across secular philosophies  no Imperial power can with uh can uh retain that  


power where are the Builders of the pyramids now  where are the Builders of the Roman Coliseum now  


so the the problem that we as you know Muslims and  we as formerly colonized people have is that we  


have internalized the chains of our oppressors  we struggle as though defeating the the Empire  


is impossible whereas in point of fact the fall  of the Empire is inevitable inevitable the most  


important question is what will replace this  Fallen Empire and that's why I'm always focused  


on those social policies and leading with our  ethics and our values rather than Vengeance and  


retribution because I'm thinking about the kind  of society that we want to live in post American  


Empire in the world of language they say the child  of Adam not release what their hand is holding  


until they're reaching for something better right  we have to be reaching for society that's better  


than this Imperium because this Imperium is in  point of fact doomed it is not uh impossible  


it is inevitable so the then the question then  becomes well then how do you usher in this new  


age what what do you do well Dr Jill Stein has  already talked about this there are 800 military  


installations of the US Empire throughout the  globe 700 of them serve no tactical or strategic  


function they are just you know artifacts of  Empire that continue to antagonize the world  


with the marks of American imperialism right  she said that within the first year you can get   700 of those out that leaves a hundred that have  strategic importance and you make the world safe  


um you know from us and for us um you know by  by by phased negotiated withdrawals from those  


places to create a multi-polar world the truth  is is that I think part of the reason why we're  


drawing more Republican voters than Democrat  voters and according to some uh polling now is  


that the so-called conservatives already perceive  the futility of you know wasting money and you  


know American lives trying to fight fruitless Wars  in foreign countries as they would frame it around  


the the the the world um that those get Americans  killed and they don't do anything except make the  


shareholders at halberton or Ron or Lockheed  Martin or Boeing or General Dynamics richer um  


so the the the end of this Empire is is within  sight and the last thing that I'll just say  


about this as as a historian right why has the  Middle East you know and the broad Middle East  


you know stretching from West Africa through North  Africa into East Africa the lands of the Muslims   let's just be blunt about this lands of of Muslim  majorities from the time that Columbus first set  


sail people forget that Columbus's first Journeys  were off the West African Coast before he sailed  


um West to go East they were trying to find a way  around the Muslims so that they could control what  


had always been the most lucrative sources of  Commerce in human history those they connected  


the Muslim world and for 500 years a white  supremacist imperialist capitalist system has  


kept Muslims and the globe under its subjugation  first dominated by the Spanish then the Portuguese  


then the Dutch then the French then the British  and then after World War II by the United States  


of America five centuries of white supremacist  global domination that era is over it is finished  


a new day is Dawning and America will either be  um an irrelevant I hate to say this um you know  


former you know uh uh Empire you know still  drunk on its past Glory the way that Britain  


is I mean I I I saw an epic take down you know of  of of you know Britain by by Chinese Diplomat he  


was like why would we think of them as equals  like like what why who wait are you're talking  


about the United king United Kingdom like who  are they like have them talk to my door man  


is basically the way that that that that China  did and that is what is coming for the United   States of America unless its leadership Embraces  the idea that it still has if not the first then  


at least the second you know largest and most  powerful economy still has this incredible you  


know military capacity that could be used to keep  the World safe and secure as it withdraws from  


its previous imper those are tactical chips that  you can use to keep people safe from the other  


Mad Men in the world right because we do have  other people with you know crazy imperialist  


aspirations you know through throughout the globe  the United States of America just by withdrawing  


from its Imperial fantasies and instead using its  resources to actually meet the needs of its people  


could provide a model for all of humanity and with  me in the white house either as vice president or  


eventually as president and preferably both you  have my word that if they put the sun in my right  


hand and the Moon in my left I would not desist  from my lifelong mission of trying to live true  


to the values of this religion and true to the  values of the black liberatory and emancipatory  


tradition which has brought so much to the Muslims  who have always you know looked up to Muhammad Ali  


who have always looked up to Malcolm X and to be  frank about this the Muslim immigrant community in  


the United States of America is largely present  because of the 1965 Immigration Act which was  


born through the Civil Right struggles of black  people this is a way for our community to become  


whole to get free and to help set Humanity free  so if your people did not know who I was before  


this interview um they need to start reading  up because that's what I'm going to be on for   these next you know few years and make you know  God protect us all from you know from from the  


enemies that seek to keep that from happening and  may God give us Swift Liberation in our lifetime  


not waiting to pass this on to our children five  centuries of white supremacist Empire is enough  


Professor but where it's really been a pleasure  speaking to and I think I I speak for much of my   audience um we've never really come across uh  your writing and your um uh your videos before  


but I think um alhamdulillah I think we'll be  following much more of what you have to say in   in the months and years ahead inshah thank you so  much for the opportunity to to talk to the people  


thank you very much brother please remember  to subscribe to our social media and YouTube  


channels and head over to our website thinking  muslim.com to sign up to my Weekly Newsletter


Ep 178. - Keir Starmer's Secret War on Gaza with Matt Kennard


Ep 176. - A Man on a Mission to Punish Genocide - Dr Hassan Abdel Salam