Ep 216. - Dividing Syria: The Weaponization of Sectarianism with Hussam Ayloush

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There has been what can only be described as an intense disinformation campaign in recent days regarding Syria. If we were to believe it, there exists an unholy alliance of the American right, Assadists, Iranian propagandists, and Russian trolls who argue the new Syrian government is intent on eradicating minorities in the western coastal cities and towns of Syria. Much of this has been driven by naked propaganda to undermine the new liberated Syria. However, is there any truth in the claims that civilians have been caught up and perhaps even targeted in reprisals as forces attempt to deal with a pro-Assad insurgency? And how should we understand the demands of Israel, which has suddenly become the protectors of the Druze in the south? Are we poised to see sectarianism used as an excuse to destabilise the new Syria?

To assist us in untangling fact from fiction, we have Hussam Ayloush on the show. He is the CEO of the California chapter Cair (Council on American Islamic Relations) and hails from Damascus, Syria.

You can find Hussam Ayloush here:

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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



there's a lot of noise out there a lot of  misinformation now the remnants of the regime   started organizing they were the ones who were  involved in the mass murder of people close to  


400 people killed by the remnants after 54 years  of one of the most sectarian eras in Syria's  


history some people are in pain some people have  lost everything they're learning that they can't   blame a whole entire Community for that Iran  knew andah knew what Assad was committing in


Syria asalam Al now before we begin I'd like to  ask all viewers who cherish this podcast and wish  


to see it continue and expand to support us by  making a monthly contribution with as little as  


1010 p a month we can develop this podcast into  a multihost multicountry media project simply  


head over to thinking muslim.com membership  and inshallah tala become a member may Allah  


subhana T accept your contributions there has  been what can only be described as an intense  


disinformation campaign in recent days regarding  Syria if we were to believe it there exists an  


Unholy Alliance of the American right assadist  Iranian propagandists and Russian trolls who  


argue that the new Syrian government is intent  on eradicating minorities in the western coastal  


cities and towns of Syria much of this has been  driven by naked propaganda to undermine the new  


liberated Syria however is there any truth to  the claims that civilians have been caught up  


in perhaps even targeted in risal as forces  attempt to deal with a pro-assad Insurgency  


and how should we understand the demands of  Israel which has suddenly become the Protectors   of the Drews iners South are we poised to see  sectarianism used as an excuse to destabilize for  


new Syria now to assist us in untangling fact from  fiction we have husam Alou on the show he is the  


CEO of the California chapter of Care Council on  American Islamic relation and hails from Damascus


Syria and welcome to the thinking Muslim honor to be on the show well it's lovely to  have you with us uh husam and it's been a worrying  


week week and a half and uh I really want to get  your understanding of what happened on the ground  


in Syria as well as your analysis of the uh future  of of uh what we uh very hopefully look at as the  


Syrian Revolution so let's begin with the events  of two Fridays ago where maybe hundreds of people  

Government intervention


including government troops uh were killed uh  in the east of the country um take us through  


the events what led to the government the new  interim government to intervene in Latakia and  


Tartus well to put things in perspective first  of all when the new government uh took over it  


had issued amnesty uh to all those who were part  of the regime and asking them to sign up uh with  


the various uh locations in throughout the country  giving them no some kind of amnesty so they won't  


be so they would be able to move around the  country and the city asking them not to leave  


the country because there is Transitional  Justice that is expected basically you know  


keeping in mind there were hundreds of thousands  of who served in the various regimes intelligence  


agencies and and Military agencies that they were  involved in The Killing torturing abusing of Sy  


it's going to be impossible to punish each one  of them there must be some we have to choose   syrians have to choose basically those who were  the the leading figures the leading individuals  


uh conducting and executing the killing and the  mass torture those are the people who are going to  


be targeted now those are the people who were not  happy because they were afraid that they will be   singled out so they've started regrouping secretly  in various areas especially in the strongholds of  


the regime areas uh in the coastal North the north  part of Syria in the coast Coastal area this is  


where a majority of the alawi population lives  in Syria which the regime traces its trots from  


and and and used uh that Community I think used  and abused that Community to stay in power uh now  


the remnants of the regime started organizing  because they knew the amnesty eventually is is  


not going to spare them because they were the  ones who uh were involved in the mass murder  


of people we're talking about whether the use of  chemical weapons or the mass torture in Sadaya in  


MZ massacr in various in hola in various  cities and Villages so they were waiting  


for the right moment and then what happened to  Fridays ago they launched a coordinated attack  


on the various checkpoints and locations where the  Syrian government units whether it's mostly police  


actually this is not the army mostly police  and security units around Latakia and tus the  


two main cities and a lot of villages in between  you know this is the coastal area killing dozens  


and dozens uh summerly executed uh you know there  videos of those and now were finding Mass graves  


in Syria with with uh dozens of these Security  Forces killed at that moment uh almost it was  


alarming uh the news of dead uh soldiers and  and security forces started spreading around  


Syria and and in addition to that actually there  are reports coming out over the last uh few days  


that that also includes dozens of civilians some  are of the Sunni background who because this is  


also mixed areas this is not just fully Sunni  fully alawi and some alawi who were known to be  


uh critical of the Assad regime and the remnants  also so we're talking about probably close to 400  


people uh killed uh from from from by the remnants  uh and then by by the time the news reached uh the  


northern part of Syria where the Hub uh uh of  the what used to be the rebels forces are you  


know in in the idlib area tanaz area you know  all the Northern Area the halb area the suburbs  


of halab uh almost like there was an appeal for  people to come to go and provide support for the  


security you're talking about uh hundreds of  thousands of people Gathering and maybe tens  


of thousands of them entering the area now these  are not the organized units of the military these  


are not the ones that were added to the military  recently these were disbanded kind of units but  


still had their weapons so they they joined in  uh and for the most part were able to push back  


against the remnants the Assad remnants into the  villages uh unfortunately the news came out also  


that uh uh some civilians were targeted uh as  in a in a retaliation mode that is completely  


unjustified uh the the good news is things are  contained because it's not in anybody's interest  


let alone this is uh terrific and and horrible  you know to uh to hear about civilians whether  


sunnis or alawis or any side you know a civilian  is a civilian but also it's also destabilizing for  


Syria and Syria doesn't need that you know  syrians had 54 years of of instability of  


dictatorship of repression and T tyranny uh they  will not accept you know syrians uh definitely the  


supporters of the Revolution the supporters of  the current government have made it very clear   unequivocally that those responsible uh do not  represent the government or the Syrian people

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thanks for B Mal to build our school to  give us the hope today is the first day  


in the school and thanks so much  to make us to continue to do new sust um ham how do we untangle fact from fiction  here um you talk about a Consortium of Rebel  



groups uh who uh came to the aid of the Revolution  the aid of the government and uh uh some of his  


groups uh indulged in or in were were involved  with um summary executions and and um but we we  


also know that uh the internet is a wash with  claims of mass executions um many of these uh  


claims come from pro-russian pro-iranian accounts  uh some of them utilize even uh videos from uh the  


old assard period of of atrocities um so how do  we know that um some of these groups did engage  


actually in the execution of civilians and how  do we know the extent to which uh these uh these  


crimes were undertaken I would say the full extent  of what happened is is not yet known but we have a  


general I mean there are various general idea  there are various human rights organizations   with a good track record of being very accurate  uh being underground well connected and neutral  


or I would say not neutral objective at least and  you know for the last 14 years they've done that  


tracked crimes committed by the Assad regime which  obviously a regime that has killed over a million  


people and also violations and and and any abuses  committed by various Rebel groups over the past  


14 years so this Syrian Network for human rights  uh has has documented by speaking to people on  


the ground families who lost loved ones and using  their observers so their numbers uh basically as I  


said almost like 400 killed by uh the the remnants  the Assad remnants that includes both uh security  


forces and civilians and almost again similar  number 390 or so uh from the alawi side and  


that includes civilians and also fires who were  not dressed in in military fatigues in general so  


would we know the exact facts considering  there's a lot of noise out there a lot of   misinformation it's a misinformation campaign and  it's a very deliberate because you know it's one  


thing to repeat uh rumors it's another thing to  be actually using fabricated videos as you said  


some of it from Russian soldiers or Russian from  the Russia Ukraine war I've seen I've seen ones  


from uh images that we've seen six seven eight  years ago from is Syrian soldiers uh committing  


torture and and and murder execution of Syrian  civilians who were deemed to be in support of  


the uh Revolution at that time uh I've seen  videos from Gaza of of children killed by the  


Israelis and then also you know being claimed  falsely claimed as part of what happened there  


U you know there there are you know two things I  want to say one on one hand there is a deliberate  


campaign by people who never cared about the human  rights of syrians ever like for the last 14 years  


these are people who actually denied the crimes  of the Assad regime denied the victims uh uh of of  


chemical weapons of their Humanity they denied  there there are torture centers there are Sadaya  


there tadmur prisons they denied everything  and and blamed syrians as you know labeled  


syrians as some Israeli agents or agents of of  some International Force to un undermine uh the  


amazing uh pro-arab prop Palestinian Assad regime  of course a big line so these people have always  


been silent and have been very unhappy to see with  the of events in Syria in terms of syrians finally  


being free and setting up themselves on the path  of of democracy and a free Syria for all syrians  


but also this is not only the pro-assad people you  also have the pro Russia pro-iran as you mentioned  


but also the pro-israeli uh agenda there even you  know the the irony of things uh pro- Israelis pro-  


Iranians uh uh you know activists are sharing  exactly the same videos and the the same claims  


at a time uh when Syria needs actually uh people  helping uh with the stability so that is one thing  


to keep in mind the second thing to keep in mind  also is whether it's one or 200 or 250 it's not  


acceptable like and and and and and let's make  it clear the Syrian government itself the interim  


president uh uh Mr sharah himself has said has  admitted that violations abuses were committed  


uh and has committed to establishing a committee  made up of trusted people in Syria with human  


rights understanding that will track will assess  what happened will interview people on the ground  


and has committed to holding people who are  responsible for that uh responsible accountable  


for it whether it's the remnants uh who are being  uh tracked down as we speak because they continue  


with their attacks on the current government uh  uh sites and checkpoints uh you know and and and  


creating fear even among the alawite community by  scaring them by intimidating them uh forbidding  


them from engaging with the government the  majority of people as we've you know we've   seen in videos in meetings they they want to have  peace they want to move on they they understand  


this was a bad era the Assad regime and it's over  now let's move on the remnants still have a lot of  


their weapons a lot of the money and they know  they will be held accountable so they want to  


drag everybody into their own Civil War so with  that I'm confident uh that there is a consensus  


from the government from people uh uh that this  should not happen and and those responsible for  


should not be allowed to derail serious path uh  to stability and democracy now we've known for  

Al-Sharaa anti-Sectarianism?


some time that y's heel of uh the Ahmed shar's  government is the Spectre of sectarianism and  


uh in West there are many commentators who have  jumped on the events of of two Fridays back and  


uh argue that uh Ahmed Asar is is really using  this opportunity to expunge certain sectarian  


groups in particular the alawites uh from uh from  sections of the of the country how convinced are  


you that Ahmed Asar is anti- sectarian and and  indeed that his government forces were not behind  


any of these violations only Allah knows what's  in people's heart we can judge by what we hear  


what we see on the ground and everything we've  seen and heard so far is very promising uh it's  


promising and also it's if we couple that and and  with the reality the practicality of what is in  


the interest of Ahmed shar's government and the  future of Syria everything would lead us towards  


a direction that sectarianism is not acceptable  is not good uh so I would say a context to put  


there because changing people's views is not going  to be easy the goal is to change practices to set  


rules while people use change after 54 years  of one of the most sectarian eras in Syria's  


history where the Assad regime exploited his  own Community the the alawi community the Ala  


White Community by placing them almost exclusive  exclusively in every High position in the Army  


in the military in the intelligence uh in the  torture centers uh and then pitting the various  


ethnicities and religious communities within Syria  against each other by creating fear that's how you  


know divide and conquer div divide and rule that  was the Assad ability to rule for 50 years plus  


55 years almost by making Christians afraid of  sunnis and telling the alais if the sunnis come  


to power they're gonna Slaughter you and telling  the Drews and the Shia and so on and so forth uh  


you know syrians are waking up to the fact that  this is not true syrians have lived together in   harmony yeah they have differences like any other  place in the world people have difference even  


within the same family forget about the religious  differences it's it's normal people adapt adjust  


and find ways to to work on the common good  but after 54 years I can tell you many Minds  


in Syria are poisoned now out of fear out of  intimidation or I would also say out of pain  


you know if you're from hamah where 40,000 people  were killed by the Assad the father in 1982 for  


refusing for daring to challenge his his regime  or saying no uh mostly in the most starian way  


you know the the massacre was committed in very  sectarian ways you know seeking people who are  


imams religious people who ladies in hijab making  sure as you were being tortured to know that the  


one who's killing you and torturing you is a is a  aloi and so on if you talk about Villages complete  


Villages you know families were wiped out kids  were stabbed to death in ways where the Assad  


regime used uh these uh I would say uh militia  men from his you know not just the military from  


from the various aloi towns but the reality is if  you visit aloi towns and areas in Syria they're  


imp impoverished they're not they're they're  struggling too because the regime wanted to  


keep them poor so he can exploit them and exploit  their need so I would say everybody is a victim  


there's no debate over the past 54 years the top  the main victims of the Assad brutality had been  


the sunnis of Syria but I would also say other  minorities pay the price especially those brave  


ones who Dar stand up especially among the alawi  communi so what I'm what I'm alluding to what I'm  


saying is yes there are a lot of angry people  and we saw that happen to fray ago when people  


heard the news about their loved ones you know yes  the overwhelming majority did not break rules did  


not commit murder did not commit violations but  all it takes is a dozen people committing to do  


to do that to get things out of hand fortunately  this time it was uh uh contained and I hope uh  


by going through some reconciliation process in  in Syria where uh syrians get to know each other  


again not as religious or ethnic minorities but  as as as people sharing a land and a history and  


a future together uh from what what I'm seeing  on social media what I'm hearing on the ground  


from people it's actually very promising I think  syrians want to put this era behind them sunnis  


uh they they they they want to see and meet with  with with other segments of the of the of Syria we  


because many of them were part of that Revolution  success and victory it wasn't the majority of the  


victims were sunnis no debate almost all people  who were refugees and living in tents were Sunni  


and I don't say that to be sectarian but I I say  that to say it's going to be harder you know it's  


G it's going to take some work I want to be  realistic some people are in pain some people   have lost everything loved ones property and and  and they know who did that to them but they're  


learning that they can't blame a whole entire  Community for that they are bad people they   were sunnis who served the regime they are sunnis  the Muti of Syria hassun was was the one issuing  


fatwas for the regime to to to drop bual bombs on  on on on people and and and making comments about  


Assad's militias you know praising them and all of  that and there were others not going to get into   names but there were many sunnis Christians Drews  who were part of the regime uh and and syrians  


need to be reminded of that so they can move  on and move forward towards what's best for all  


of them as syrians brother Hassam can I ask you  about the insurgence uh how effective uh is this  

Insurgency effective?


Insurgency has it been contained and uh is there  any IND indication that outside Powers uh may be  


at play uh in feeding uh this this uh Insurrection  there there has been some information showing that  


at least let me start with the insur Insurgency  has been ineffective hamdulillah thank God for  


that because it does not have popular support it  doesn't have the the the support from the base the  


aloi areas actually we've seen them on the street  along with the rest uh of of of the people of  


Latakia and tortus that could change because the  economy is hitting everybody hard uh because there  


are still sanctions uh economic difficulties uh  much of Syria was destroyed by Assad he destroyed  


it to stay in in stay in power those who supported  Assad whether it's the Iranian government or the   Russian government supported his military uh uh  actions against syrians they didn't support the  


economy they didn't build schools universities  so it's almost like starting from below zero to  


restart so in the meanwhile um the Assad remnants  you know whether it's the Assad family or the  


other Generals in his army left with billions of  dollars much of the of Syria's wealth was taken  


with them now when you have people who are poor  with less economic means it becomes easier to  


recruit people play on their anger play on their  feeling of being marginalized and the the reality  


is everybody suffering uh but I can tell you in  most of Syria people are saying we are willing  


to live with no electricity no jobs little food  until things get better because we don't want to  


go back to what we had to deal with for 54 years  and if you actually add the bath party it will be  


over 60 years since the the bath party took over  first uh I don't know if that is uh the the same  


feeling and sentiment among a majority of people  in the castal area My worry is many people are  


hopeful and they want to be part of that change  but those remnants with a lot of money uh can play  


into people's feelings uh uh you know feeling  of being marginalized feeling hey where where   are the jobs there are no electricity Etc so it's  going to take extra effort from NOS uh in Syria to  


continue the dialogue along with with the various  diverse segments of Syria's uh population but also  


from the government itself to make sure that it  focuses on the heads of of assets uh system and  


infrastructure not on every member because the  reality is if you are a young alawi man from a  


village uh that might might have been your only  source of income you might have been recruited you  


might have been forced to to torture and and abuse  I feel reconciliation is going to require focusing  


on the heads of the abuse and the murder not on  the uh you know the the lay people who just were  


used for for that for that kidding so I I hope  Iran uh rethinks its policy in the region Iran's  


policy's policy in the region um before I get to  Russia Iran and's role in the that region had been  


very detrimental not only to syrians and Lebanese  but I think to uh to internal Muslim relations you  


know Iran's action in Syria supporting a dictator  that they knew was a dictator involved there's no  


debate Iran knew and hisbah knew what Assad was  committing in Syria but they decided to go with  


the political experienc of keeping an ally and a  friend in power while knowing he was acting like  


sh that the Iranian Revolution overthrew because  of his repression that hypocrisy in my opinion  


fueled uh sectarianism in the region in a way we  haven't seen in decades and it's going to take a  


long time to fix that problem and honestly it  should start it will begin with Iran Iranian  


government the Iranian government issuing an  apology to the Syrian people and I mean it I  


don't I don't say it as like it's about subduing  or humiliating but if if they are sincere in  


seeing stability in the region because as we watch  what happened you know with the conflict with  


Israel no muslim no human being no person with  a fair mind would be celebrating or watching as  


Israel destroys villages in in in in in Lebanon  and kills innocent people whether they're sh or  


others nobody celebrates but the I can tell you  the level of sympathy was at its lowest nobody  


celebrated or cheered for what is for the crimes  Israel has committing because those are crimes   regardless of the victim but the sympathy that  existed in 2011 for in 2008 for example when when  


Israel attacked South Lebanon the Syrian people  welcomed people from the south of Lebanon in their  


own homes there were no tents no tent cities  anywhere in Syria syrians felt it's a dishonor  


it's a shame to have a tent on their own country  said you stay with us and W I know people Allah is  


my witness I know people who went and lived with  their family members with their brothers or their   parents to clear their homes in in zabadani areas  to have people from the south of Lebanon live in  


their homes until things settle down when Israel  attacked the sad part is these same areas zabadani  


madaya were destroyed and the people of those  areas were slaughtered by hisbah militias in 2013  


and 2014 so there's a lot of pain in that region  and I I I I don't speak from a sarian perspective  


I speak from what I objectively see it was caused  by the bad decision made by the Iranian government  


and it owes its people because I think it betrayed  its own people but it also owes the Syrian people  


the victim of that bad policy a major apology  and a commitment not to continue to get back and  


interfere in the Syrian Affairs in any detrimental  way if anything it should say we are not uh uh in  


support of this Insurgency we are here to wait and  see the new government establish peace stability  


in Syria and we wish the Syrian people all the  best because they will find if they were sincere  


they those same Syrian people would be the best  allies for the entire people of the re region  


including the Iranian people because the Syrian  people would always for the majority stand for  


what is right for justice because they're part of  that region they're not going to ever be against   that region yeah um on that point of Iran I mean  we've we've uh tackled Syria for the last uh few  

Iran’s role in Syria


months and for for for last year in fact we've had  a number of shows on Syria and Iran has come up  


as a as a particular challenge for the region and  challenge for for syrians um whenever uh we hold a  


show and I think uh we'll find the same with with  today's conversation a number of Iranians and and  


those who are sympathetic to the Iranian position  would argue that Iran's role has been exaggerated  


uh in in Syria its detrimental role and Iran was  fighting Isis or alqa and Iran did not engage in  


the type of um civilian Slaughter that some  claim uh they uh were indulging in I mean you  


know how how credible do you think that argument  is because I think in the Iranian population at  


LGE uh there is this very clear understanding  that Iran played a benign role really in Syria  


I would say the Assad regime would have fallen in  2012 you know within a year from the revolution  


without people on the ground militias funded armed  supplied by Iran and without the air force of the  


Russian fighter jets I mean it almost fell I  mean to to to be exact even even at the first  


you know at the beginning of the first two years  of the Revolution uh despite dozens and dozens  


of militias coming I mean let's face it the  Iranian government was funding supplying and  


and sending militias from Afghanistan from uh  from Pakistan from Iraq from lebanan all under  


sectarian pretext all under the the claim of  protecting the holy sites in Syria these same  


holy sites that existed in Syria for decades for  centuries and centuries under the protection of  


sunnis in Syria because sunnis like Shia rever the  families of the prop they wouldn't yes there are  


divisions and they will happen but the problem  is that political division it's an excuse Iran   needed needed to find an excuse to protect its uh  its Ally it man its man in Syria because you know  


it wanted to it it to protect the route for its  uh influence uh weapon transport routes toah all  


the way to the Mediterranean there are a lot of  I mean politically it's clear why Iran would do  


that and and one wouldn't be surprised when when  when it's done by Russia when it's done by uh you  


know Western governments but for a country to  claim an to be an Islamic State to be driven by  


Islamic values that's where the hypocrisy that's  why syrians and I think many Muslims were harsher  


in their critique of Iran than Russia although  Russia was heavily involved in the in the mass  


murder because Russia used the scorched Earth  Earth policy uh dropping missiles and all sorts  


of deadly weapons from the air Russia didn't have  fires on the ground you know very little you know  


a chuchin unit that the pro Russia the protin  chuchin unit that they brought in to keep peace qu  


un Cote their killing was done on air the massacre  on the ground was done mostly by the milit  


funded by Iran and and if anybody has a debate  you know is debating what happened I would suggest  


they talk to syrians who has lost who have lost  loved ones at the hands of hisbah at the hands of  


of of some of these militias coming from Iraq the  militias and various under various names dozens  


I'm talking about of these groups well known and  it's not secret I mean the reality is on their  


own website they were bragging and boasting about  sending their fighters to uh to be in Syria and  


and the claim to be were fighting Isis and alqa  the reality is they were involved way before alqa  


or or Isis had any any role in Syria or any major  role to be exact their their attacks most of their  


attacks much of their attacks were on the what's  known the Syrian Rebel groups the free seran army  


the jam you know all the various uh uh groups that  are part of the rebels not part of alqa or Isis  


yes and the reality is as the sectarian role of  these militias grew uh unfortunately uh it became  


easier for extremist groups uh like uh uh uh Isis  and Al to recruit people because now now they're  


saying look this is a war about your own identity  they want to kill you because you're Sunni this  


is no longer about Syria's freedom and so on  so yeah they they they they gained some ground  


but the reality is much of the clashes that these  militias had were not with Isis Isis probably 85%  


of its clashes were against Syrian rebels and  maybe 90% of their victims were actually sunnis  


from these uh Sunni Villages and and rebel  groups uh because you know again I don't want  


to get into conspiracy theory it could be one  of two things either Isis is so extreme and we  


know they are and brutal that in their mind we  can never succeed until we clean our own ranks  


quote unquote as they would say or actually they  were serving bigger agendas uh you know Iranian  


agenda Syrian government agenda Etc ET you know by  by doing the bidding by reconfirming the biggest  


myth and lie that the Assad regime was claiming  this is not our Rebellion for uh for Freedom uh  


this is these are terrorists and we're only  fighting and killing terrorists so the Isis  


uh with their crimes and what they did obviously  serve the Assad narrative uh but Isis was a tiny  


tiny part of this whole conflict uh brutal no  debate uh but in terms of the extent of the  


context of of the of the conflict TimeWise and  casualties it was you know by far by far Assad  


has killed you know 100 times more than you  know hundreds of time more people more syrians  


than Isis ever did in its all uh brutality over  the years it was in control of certain areas in  

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Israel’s role in Syria


can I ask you about Israel's role in the current  crisis but generally in destabilizing uh the  


Syrian Revolution um now I've heard from a number  of Western analysts that uh the Israelis are  


heavily lobbying uh Washington to keep sanctions  on on uh the on the government the interim  


government uh and the country in in Syria um and  uh recently there has been uh a a war of World  


over the Drew's population in the south of the  country and Israel has been uh mooting the idea  


of creating a buffer zone to protect in inverted  commas the the Drews uh I just read earlier today  


that um a hundred Drews religious leaders uh  visited uh Israel for the first time in in  


many decades uh visited one of the religious  sites I think it was a tomb of prophet sh or  


somewhere and so um there is obvious ly a uh a a  conversation that's that's taking place between  


the Drews population and the Israelis and Israelis  are utilizing the welfare of the Drews population  


in order to intervene in in in Syrian uh domestic  affairs um so I suppose my question is really  


about Israel's role how how do you analyze its  role in the current crisis it is no secret that  


Israel has been part of its policy whether it's in  action what it supports what it undermines or what  


it lobbies in the US is not to see a democracy  in the Middle East because in their view uh a  


democracy would elect people who are accountable  to the Views and the aspirations of the local  


people the local people by far support the right  of the Palestinian people to be free so Israel  


prefers to deal with dictators dictators are  easy to deal with you know promise them to keep  


them in power and they will do your bidding again  it's might sound like an overgeneralization but  


that's the reality that's why when the Arab Spring  started Israel worked with the the well-known Arab  


states that are considered to be Allied allies  of of Israel to undermine uh the the results  


uh and the fruits of the Arab Spring in Libya in  in Egypt you know under you know overthrowing uh  


president late president Muhammad mury supporting  the coup of CCE undermining the situation in Li  


Libya funding and supporting General ha uh because  it's the democracy is a threat to Israel because  


it has to deal now with people it has to deal  with realities and it can can no longer claim to  


be the only democracy in the region right it says  Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East   so it doesn't help now with with the situation in  Syria as much as Assad blabbered against Israel  


Israel was happy with keeping him as weakened  with clipped Wings over Syria understanding that  


he is allowing for hisbah to resupply Weaponry  through it it's you know Iran Iraq Syria and  


then to Lebanon but that was an easy that was a  price willing for Israel willing to pay uh because  


anyway it was constantly almost on a weekly  basis targeting those supply lines targeting uh  


hisbah intelligence a agents there in Syria and  Iraq targeting Iranian officials including the  


Ambassador in Syria and Damascus including the  Revolutionary guards uh uh the brigades uh leaders  


it's an open field for them and they knew and you  know I would say uh unconfirmed information says  


that much of that information was leaked by people  in the Assad regime like you know the whereabout  


of all these meetings and all these people it  just hard to believe uh that that it it happened  


without some real good source intelligence Source  on the ground most probably it's the Assad regime  


because Assad regime the Assad regime is not an  ideological regime that's what people don't know  


some of the pro Palestinian sometimes people on  the left in the west they they have a a vision  


you know they think when they think of Gaddafi's  rhetoric or Assad's rhetoric they think of them   as ideological anti-imperial these people can be  pro-imperialist I mean for God's sake the Assad  


family allowed the CIA to use Syria for for its  torture centers uh it it has no issue uh jumping  


ship and and changing alliances as needed to  stay in power that's the only ideology they  


have to stay in power it is not a religious  identity it is not an anti not a pro Muslim   it is not a pro alawi they would use anything  to keep that family in power so with that said  


I mean at least in in in in in in for Israel  itself it was okay with keeping us and the the  


the the turn of events uh on on you know in late  November till December 8 when the Assad regime  


fell took everybody by surprise you know they  it's actually reported in Israeli newspapers  


that the Israeli cabinet had to have an emergency  meeting even on a Sabbath night Friday night just  


to decide what to do with with with the quick  fall of the Assad regime at that time and uh  


it it was made clear through various uh comments  and statements from various Israeli officials they  


would like to see Syria divided into four regions  one in the north for the alawis like a minate one  


in the south for the Drews where Israel was hoping  it would create a special relationship in you know  


to to connect with the drus in the occupied Gan  Heights that Israel occupied illegally and then  


one in the in the middle for the sunnis Sunni  Arabs and then one on the east side Northern East  


northeast side for the Kurds alhamdulillah thank  God uh those plans or this plan at least is not  


uh uh being realized as we speak we know there  is some some uh derailment of that attempt but  


I would not trust I mean we know Israel you know  they have committed to spending a billion dollar  


to uh engage with the DRS of Syria as they said to  have them reject the current government and maybe  


claim EI either demand self-rule or uh secession  from from Syria uh the the drw's people uh have  


a long history of being Syrian nationalist  actually you know they they they were among   the leaders against the French occupation uh you  know uh Sultan bashash a very well known uh Drew's  


leader was part of that Revolution against the  the the French occupation the colonialist many  


of their members many of the members of the duw  community have have made it clear in various  


statements on social media within their ngos they  reject Israel's inter interference in Syria's  


Syrian Affairs uh expressed uh their wish to be  reunited with Syria and I think there are talks  


happening now uh to prevent that because they know  uh the the even the leaders of the drw community  


even of those who might have some misgivings or  concerns about the current government in Syria   how representative how inclusive is going to be  they also know they cannot rely on Israeli support  


forever Israel would use and abuse any Community  it did that with the Kurdish community did that  


with the Maronite community in Lebanon it did that  with the Shia Community early on back in the days  


so it would do that and they know that Community  would be left by itself on its own uh to deal with  


the anger of the rest of the of that region so I  think people are smart enough to know uh there's  


no other solution for syrians other than getting  together and building a country that will respect  


the rights the aspirations the hope of everyone of  their citizens yes Syria is diverse yes Syria has  


one majority and and a lot of a smaller number  minorities but they're all citizens of of that  


same country and we we we we we can see and hope  for a country that will uh include and and and  


embrace all its citizens all its diverse  population and uh on uh the conversation  

Diverse groups in Syria


about Ahmed Asar and the way he's handling uh the  sectarian differences in in the country um how do  


you uh evaluate his approach to uh to sectarianism  I I note again but there was a major break  


through with the uh Kurds in the northeastern uh  part of the country who have always wanted to have  


some level of of autonomous uh uh an autonomous  region in fact they had previously established  


what was known as the so-called rojava State um so  uh there is a a real attempt to bring them in and  


to integrate these various groups into the central  Syrian State um you know how do you assess the  


quality of that engagement with with these groups  again I always bring some context to the viewers  


and listeners uh Kurds are an integral part of  Syria they're they're not it's not you know when  


we watch Western media there's a portrayal of  Kurds as some isolated community living in in  


the mountains Kurds constitute a large segment of  the people of Aleppo the people of Damascus the  


people of hamama uh they arabis Kurds right like  they're kurd in ethnicity culture but also they  


speak Arabic fluently they don't see a conflict  between Arabic and Kurdish at the same time this  


is a very modern conflict in that region Kurds  were part you know there were Kurdish presidents  


uh almost every Muti you know was Kurdish uh  in s sy's history judges most of the judges who  


are appointed during the Ottoman Empire were  of Kurdish background because kurd Kurds are  


people of knowledge when it comes to Islam they  were they were U well respected in the depth of  


knowledge they invested in as a community and you  go to areas in Damascus R you know again Kurds are  


prominent they food they PE you wouldn't tell I  can tell you that you can go to Damascus you can  


go to Aleppo and you can be a friend with somebody  unless you're an expert in last names you have no  


you would have no idea because people it it is  not that separated as the way media portrays it  


sometimes maybe the DRS because they they're  a little bit more isolated in certain regions   in the sueda area people might not have that  interaction in the same depth that they have it  


with the Kurdish people and and so on so I would  say I'm not worried because the Kurdish people uh  


are are also very very very caring patriotic uh  for for for for Syria uh they're proud Muslims  


what we see is a Kurdish nationalist movement that  is an offshoot of the pkk that has ruled over that  


part part of s the uh SDF and and and uh and and  and their likes there that group in in in general  


took its orders from oans from uh pkk you know  who who who was arrested in in in in Turkey it is  


Marxist leftist so it had an ideology and it was  riant on us support the US was the main funer and  


supporter of of of that separatist movement and  and the Assad regime allowed it to thrive because  


it created a counter pressure to the rebels you  know instead of having the whole Rebels control   the whole area you know it creates internal strife  and Israel had a role and at one point some Arab  


governments were supporting it because you know  they were scoring you know settling some scores   with the government of turkey what has happened  after the uh the fall of the Assad regime number  


one there was a change in government in the US uh  the Biden Administration was Hardcore in support  


of the SDF and their region uh Trump seems to be  less interested in being in in that part of the  


world so he has announced publicly and and and  secretly I guess both that he plans to withdraw  


from it or withdraw us presence whether it's  money or soldiers uh which obviously created  


fear for the uh uh for the separatist and also  uh you know with the change in government now  


and and and a strong Syrian government government  establishing control over much of Syria uh and  


Assad is gone it became harder for the leaders  of that region to claim they opposing asset you  


know what what are you opposing now now you are  you declaring secession from from Syria and then  


there's the Turkish Factor you know Turkey sees  that as a threat a threat to its own Unity as  


a country because pkk has been leading you know  until recently you know now they just announced  


you know talks about uh seizing fire or maybe  dropping their weapons but until for for for  


decades they were leading a separatist war that  has cost many civilian lives in the area so so  


turkey has legitimate concerns about that so I  think the leaders mlum abidi the leader of the  


separatist is a smart man uh and I hope he is you  know also patriotic enough to realize it is in the  


interest of all syrians including Syrian Kurds  uh to have a unified country not at War people  


are tired uh so I'm I'm hopeful actually I mean  we we we we heard the you know the statement we  


read the statement of agreement that was signed  between both mlid and president Ahmed Shar uh I  


I'm hearing also there are some uh some there's  some resistance in the separatist area but I think  


the majority are are and keeping in mind that  area is not all Kurdish na you know Nationals  


uh actually in some part of that controlled  area by sdp SDF is is is actually also Arabic  


uh uh ethnicities there so it is a bit more  complicated uh I think a long war is very  


difficult uh especially on the people of that  region including the sepas area so I think it's  


in their interest as well the interest of all of  Syria uh to to be part of some government maybe  


with some cultural rights protected I don't know  self-rule is going to be the case I doubt because  


it's very difficult again it's not you know there  are a couple of areas K maybe some cities and   Villages are predominantly Kurdish but the rest  is very mixed it's going to be very difficult  


to have one dominate over the other I think what  Syria needs is to rid itself of Arab nationalism  


which was a tool introduced by the bath party uh  to kind of create that repressive Tool uh and resp  


the diversity of Syria syrians appreciate the  Arab culture that they have because it is the  


culture you know you can be Kurdish you can  be Armenian you can be Assyrian and you speak   Arabic and you're proud of uh engaging in that  language but we don't want to see that being  


pushed in a form of nationalism that takes away  the rights of other people I think that is that  


is the legitimate concern Kurds have raised under  the Assad regime that their culture their identity  


was under attack they were denied their basic  right and I think uh islamically leaning groups  


which is you know who sh is and a lot of their  his allies have less of this nationalism and I  


think they have appreciation for the diversity of  the region uh they don't feel insecure when people  


say I speak Kurdish or the turkman people speak  Turkish or Armenians speak Armenian or whoever  


wants to speak language of their choice there's  less uh I think insecurity about that and I hope  


that leads to more again openness between those  diverse communities inshah and and one final  

Syria & Trump presidency


question on on on Syria for Trump presidency now  uh during the uh the pre-inauguration period um  


Donald Trump sent out some signals on Syria early  January when the uh Rebellion took hold and and uh  


fought successfully the um Assad forces that  uh you the US should stay out and should not  


be involved in in the the crisis and we know  historically uh he reduced troop numbers uh in  


the northeastern part of Syria and um he uh he  in effect favored um eran's uh message that uh  


uh America needs to wind down in in the Middle  East and of course the general policy of the   Trump Administration is to wind down in the  Middle East and not to have entanglements um  


um I found it having said that it it's it's been  very difficult to find a consistent policy of the  


Trump administration at this stage on Syria and a  host of other uh issues in the Middle East I mean  


you are far more closely involved in monitoring uh  the administration there uh from your perspective  


is there a a trump policy towards Syria that you  can discern I think the Trump Administration has  


been busy with some domestic files and obviously  the dismantling of various agencies uh that's a  


different story but also with the Ukraine Russia  file because that is a bigger one for the US it's  


it's a financially uh more uh costly uh for the  US plus you know the the various other issues you  


know Trump's connections with with with Putin  and and campaign uh promises that he has made  


and so on and then The Clash that's developing and  Brewing between the US and uh Europe in general so  


that's taking a lot of his analyst his cabinet's  time um I don't think there is a a crystallized  


policy yet for Syria or on Syria however these  policies are not delivered by one man you know as  


as powerful as he is and as egocentric as he might  be I'm sure he's relying on intelligence reports  


military reports Israeli reports reports Arab  allies reports and Turkish government's reports so  


all of these are you know all of these are going  to be pushing in different directions Israel as  


you said earlier correctly and there there were  stories written leaked in various media Outlets   about the Israeli government pressuring Trump  not to lift the sanctions until they get some  


kind of compromises from the sh government uh in  in basically uh you know some some of the talk  


is about accepting uh forced refugees from Gaza  into Syria uh maybe signing an agreement with a  


peace agreement with with Israel that relinquishes  uh Syria's uh control uh or sovereignty over the  


Golan Heights for example which I doubt will  happen because the the Syrian government is more  


in tune with the with the popular sentiment on  the on the street and I I doubt they will do that  


uh but also you have Arab Arab governments uh  which are very worried about a democracy in  


the Arab countries you know I talked about Israel  being uh weary of of a democracy in the region uh  


but the truth is many Arab dictators are equally  afraid and opposed to seeing uh an Arab a fellow  


Arab country run through a democracy so they're  also putting pressure to condition any lifting of  


sanctions uh but also you know there's some kind  of a bromance between Trump and president erdogan  


that seems Trump admires some of the policies  and has given him given him some leeway based  


on uh you know seeing maybe uh him as a strong  man in the region needed for the US Etc you know  


the balancing act with Russia NATO whatever it  is the reason it's a whole different discussion  


of course Syria Syria's border is the longest uh  with with with turkey and the the country with the  


the most influence on Syria now is turkey under  the uh the government of President erdogan so uh  


turkey will have a say in terms of helping shape  what happens next and so far between turkey and  


Qatar there has been a commitment to stabilize  the process in Syria and establish a democratic  


process where there would be a parliament  a constitution elections and so on because   stability a stable Unified Syria geographically  is in the interest of turkey let alone some of  


the religious Affinity that turkey has with  its border with with with syrians in general  


and all of that but at least from a practical  perspective it is important for for turkey to   see a stable Syria so I think in the next few  weeks maybe couple of month at most we will see  


a crystallized uh Syrian policy uh for the US in  that region uh I'm hoping you know from from what  


we we're seeing and hearing is that uh they there  is an interest in keeping Iran's influence out of  


Syria uh because you know a weak Syria will invite  again the interest you know Iran uh involvement  


and interference in Syria so maybe they will find  some kind of common interest between Ahmed sh and  


uh and and and the uh the West uh and the Arab  governments uh turkey because uh again he has been  


very careful uh we have to give him credit you  know people change because you know you mentioned   Ahmed Shar earlier and you know not to divert from  this question but I it is important I would say  


as as a syrian-american activist as a human rights  activist I criticized Ahmed sh when he was part of  


you know openly criticized because that's not the  future for Syria that's not the good future for   the region you know and and then when he shifted  from that and clashed with them and when on with


forming with a toned down approach and more  inclusive uh and the way they operated in idlib  


area uh you know these were positive moves and and  and and and improvements that people noticed and  


then you add to it uh what we've seen over the  last two month you know since December 88 in uh  


in Syria so maybe three month certainly we've  see a we we see a a person who's practical uh  


maybe well rooted in his in his faith well rooted  in his ideology and that is fine you can deal with  


ideological people as long as they're pragmatic  enough to understand you know there are more  


people and other people than you and so far I'll  have to give him credit he has played it well uh  


you know looking for the interest of Syria and  syrians understanding that a wrong act on his  


from his end from his side would inv invite  again the return if not the Assad regime of  


another regime from one of those former military  people so he understands that he's not goingon to  


get everything that he had hoped for maybe five 10  years ago when he was a younger man uh you know as  


you get older we all change we all change we all  learn life is not fully black and white there's a  


lot of gray area there are a lot of people who are  good people who might be differently ideologically  


than you but you can come to a common ground where  we respect together you know Prosperity growth  


progress for the country stability elections  sometimes you win sometimes you lose that it   seems is the direction of Syria and I hope it  continues to be that way that's a very positive  

Comment on Mahmoud Khalil


note to to end this section on um I I just want  to turn uh for the remainder of the show uh husam  


aou to a domestic story uh that has been brewing  uh for a number of days and and that's really the  


the fate of the American Muslim student Mahmud  Khal uh who has been detained ained by uh by  


border force uh by Ice uh uh police agents or ice  agents and um uh there is uh every sign that the  


Trump uh presidency that the administration wants  to remove him from the country now um I I really  


want your comment on this but also uh the broader  um your broader point or your broader answer to uh  


this niggling question I've had for some time when  I whenever I interview uh American Muslims they've  


always said that we have a constitution here in  America and that Constitution safeguards us from  


uh from the types of intrusions that you guys in  Europe are are very much used to uh but it it it  


just seems to me that the constitution matters  very little um uh or at least at this stage to  


uh uh the lives of of of Muslim activists  in particular Palestinian Muslim activists  


I know it's not just the Trump administration  of course even the Biden administration were  


very harsh towards um protest and protesters on  University campuses so just comment on on Mahmud  


Khal please for for me sure I mean certainly  I would say this is probably one of the most  


serious assaults on our constitution on the First  Amendment the free speech amendment since 911 you  


know after 911 we we we saw a a a turn into  that direction where freedoms were were being  


restrained and constrained and attacked uh with  the push of the Patriot Act people's uh ability  


to express themselves their political views were  being under threat but also with lawsuits it  


it allowed basically a push back against that  direction back then and and reaffirm that the  


constitution is above all so yes many of those you  spoke with are right in a sense that we've seen  


back again and again you know mcarthism during the  era uh uh you know the anti-communism activism of  


the 50s and 60s in America uh the the targeting  of these civil rights activists and movements you  


know Dr King Malcolm X you know it it's it swivel  I would say it goes up and down the pendulum goes  


you know people react and they're they politicize  uh their reaction to whatever movement it is you  


know the anti-war movement the anti- anti-vietnam  war the anti segregation movement the Civil Rights  


Movement so you know people get polarized and  then one side becomes really uh uh galvanized  


and they want to sacrifice freedom in order  to silence their opponents what we're seeing  


today it is not really necessarily unlike the  other ex the other examples that I used it is  


not the same in in a sense it's not an American  popular sentiment this is a very politicized uh  


position driven by the pro-israel the pro genocide  lobbies and their supporters in America uh at at  


you know basically they are uh weaponizing uh  our constitution our Free Speech uh uh Trump's uh  


anger at at the left at liberal America liberal  colleges all of that they're weaponizing that  


to silence critics of the state of Israel  and its abuses in Palestine and they they  


they're looking for the most vulnerable now  so they're looking for foreign students and   then the permanent residents in this case Mahmud  Khal a student you know until recently a student  


of Columbia University a permanent resident  married to a US citizen pregnant eight-month  


pregnant uh who had engaged as far as we've  all seen they haven't seen any evidence of  


doing or illegal activities just free speech vocal  absolutely clear with his vocal opposition to the  


genocide absolutely vocal in his support support  for the Palestinians and their right to live free  


on their land absolutely it's not a crime not def  definitely not under the Constitution but it is a  


political issue now it's a political agenda it's  a political Vendetta it's a also political scoring   because you know that's what he promised a base  uh remember uh Trump appealed to various bases you  


know the religious right the ultra right uh the  conservatives but also the conservative zionists  


who had promised him you know money they delivered  on money and votes like the various communities uh  


now the the reality is this this is galvanizing a  response uh at a higher level that we haven't seen  


in years in America not just the left this is not  just the progressives even those who are Centrist  


even those who until recently were pro-israeli  and Zionist maybe on the left or Zionist in the  


center on the center are realizing that anybody  could be next if they can arrest actually it's  


not an arrest it's an abduction because there no  charges were filed the the the people who arrested  


Mahmud mistreated his wife refused to share  information they came wearing plain clothes  


uh they were not they didn't have IDs they didn't  they didn't didn't share business CS who they are  


unmarked cars uh so this this is like you know  I joke sometimes with people I say many of us  


escaped the brutality and the oppression of the  Middle East but it seems the Middle East loves   us so much it follows us here in America and we're  going to make sure it doesn't happen I think there  


are enough people in America that understand that  this is no longer about Palestine and Israel this  


is no longer about mm KH and his activism or  student activism or a green card holder this  


is about a a creeping assault on our constitution  because that next they're going to declare certain  


speech a threat to America's security that that  would include Pro probably criticism of policies  


engaged by by the Trump Administration so I'm  very hopeful that uh between the law the the  


power of the court system that we have in America  uh the action of the president will be challenged  


uh and and and the president will have to deal  like anybody else with evidence this not about  


I feel I hate I it's going to be about evidence  proving any illegal actions uh by by Mahmud which  


they have not introduced and probably does  not even exist and allowing the accused to  


defend themselves and inshallah God willing if  we can uh win that legally and through public  


opinion pressure it will Empower many people  and and and and I think it will G Galvanize  


progressives Democrats and Libertarians many  Libertarians actually have supported Trump  


uh you know for some political reasons but I'm  hoping even those Republican uh Libertarians would  


realize that these policies are a threat uh to  America itself and the Liberty that exist um how  

Constitution aids Muslims?


confident are you that the constitution will come  to the aid of of American American Muslims I mean  


I note that um at the moment there doesn't really  seem to be any effective opposition either from  


the Democrats or the traditional institutions  of State towards um uh you towards uh Donald  


Trump and his administration and and some of the  excesses of that Administration uh the Supreme  


Court now has a very strong majority with a  conservative bias um you know Donald Trump in  


effect has a majority it in the House and Senate  uh I appreciate that it's it's much more difficult  


to get you know laws passed because of the um the  two-thirds majority in the Senate but nevertheless  


there is a a very strong um uh Force now in favor  of or bias in favor of of Donald Trump I mean are  


we are we going to see as you just quite rightly  said you know an Arab regime style government in  


in in the United States personally I don't think  it's going to happen I think we're going to face   some setbacks yes we're going to lose couple of  battles uh but those battles uh remember Trump  


is Waging War on many levels on many fronts at on  many fronts not just Free Speech but also against  


education against you know even with the economy  uh messing up relationships with the West with the  


Europe with Canada with Greenland uh and various  you know Nations and with with Mexico and so on So  


eventually even those who supported him are going  to feel uh the impact of his bad policies and his  


actions uh remember we have a midterm election  every two years in America which determines uh uh  


the the membership of of our Congress the house  specifically so every member of the house is up  


for election and onethird of this of the Senate  is up for election and if there's enough of a  


reaction of a sentiment and Trump sentiment  in the next year or so then people are going  


to choose different people in Congress that  and and we're not talking about Landslide but  


enough of few uh uh makeup of deceits that  it will deprive him from his majority will  


make it very difficult for him to get things  done at that point and then will will create   a bigger uh resistance to his policies I think we  have to worry I mean Trump is is is somebody that  


makes a lot of people worried because his regard  for the to the for the Constitution is not that  


high and I think he sees it as a convenient  document as long as it serves his policies uh but  


I still believe in our system I think I I think uh  the opposition to Trump is still in shock from the  


L of the of you know the November loss and there's  still an some reassessment of what caused this  


loss the reality is Democrats are doing their soul  searching today to uh to recognize uh and they  


have yet to admit that publicly but I can tell you  the Grassroots the rank and file recognizes it is  


the stubbornness of of the establishment within  the Democratic party that led to Trump winning  


you know it led so many Democrats and voters to  abstain and not vote for this election because  


they were fed up with the way the campaign was  conducting its campaigns with Cala haris and  


especially on many issues but specifically there's  no debate a third of the people who didn't vote  


in that election while they voted uh four years  ago are people who said they didn't vote because  


of the the way the Harris campaign behaved on  the issue of Palestine and Raza the genocide  


on Raza so it you know I know it's a little bit  different but what I'm saying is you know after  


the shock people are now realizing that okay you  know now we need to regroup so you have immigrants  


rights groups civil rights groups labor you have  uh groups representing various minorities uh who  


at one point thought maybe you know we couldn't  tell who is the lesser of two evil and maybe we   still didn't know who is the lesser of two evil  but that's behind us today like at this point we  


certainly have someone who is endangering uh the  well-being of America and the Constitution and if  


we lose that uh then we lose everything so I'm I'm  I don't want to be an alarmist yes I think there  


will be some setbacks because the opposition is  not organized but I think it is organizing as we  


speak because they realize everybody uh everything  is at stake and everybody could become a potential  


Target of of of these repressive policies from the  Trump Administration thank you so much for your  


time today my pleasure thank you very much for  giving me the opportunity lovely thank you so much  


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