Ep 217. - The Genocide Must Be the Jolt That Awakens Us From This Slumber- Muhammad Jalal

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The current crop of rulers that litter the Muslim world are amongst the most detestable of people. They sit silent, often proactive only in the degree to which they collude with the joint enterprise of genocide. Many of the Gulf rulers live in hedonistic metropolises, their empty lives and cities punctuated occasionally by inane regional summits – to bury their ineptitude in the pomp of ceremony. Never has the Muslim world's seats of power been occupied by such wretched leaders. If anyone were to seek a resolution from any of these regimes to save the lives of Palestinians, one would know such an endeavour would be in vain. They epitomise those characterised in the hadith: "The worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you."

Read Muhammad Jalal's full piece here: https://jalalayn.substack.com/p/mans-meanest-weapon-is-to-shed-tears

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the current crop of rulers that Lit to the  Muslim world are amongst the most detestable  


of people they sit silent often proactive only  in the degree to which they collude with the  


joint Enterprise of genocide many of the gulf  rulers live in hedonistic metropolises their  


empty lives and cities punctuated occasionally by  inan Regional Summits to Bar very natitude in the  


pomp of ceremony never has the Muslim world's  seats of power been occupied by such wretched  


lead leaders if anyone were to seek a resolution  from any of these regimes to save the lives of  


Palestinians one would know such an Endeavor would  be in vain they epitomize those characterized in  


the Hadith the worst of your rulers are those  whom you hate and who hate you and whom you  


curse and who curse you however in the Long View  of Islamic history we have always had effective  


and ineffective rulers although much of the  current crop combines ineffectiveness with supine  


servitude to Washington romanticizing history  is a Fool's errand but we can learn lessons from  


individuals who reignited our energy and pumped  blood back into our veins one such man is kardi  


abuad alh harwi the chief judge of Damascus  this scholar had absorbed into his City the  


influx of refugees from Al kuds Jerusalem who had  escaped the slaughter of the first crusade in 1099  


these Exiles were embraced by alh Hari an Afghan  who in the world of Islam had found position in  


the meritocratic and Multicultural Empire now  cardiel harui recognized the significance of  


the conquest of Jerusalem by the Crusaders and  embarked upon a mission with firsthand testimonies  


of his Exiles to implore the khif in Bagdad to  raise an army by then the complacent Empire was  


oblivious to the dangers of the Crusader ERS and  their appetite for Conquest consumed by Palace  


Intrigue and infighting in August 1099 a month  after besiege and Slaughter in Jerusalem he and  


his companions entered baghdad's Central mosque on  a Ramadan day and began conspicuously eating dates  


soon an Angry Crowd gathered around him perturbed  by The Eccentric behavior of the judge alh Hari  


responded how could it be that they could feel was  so indignant at the violation of the fast whereas  


the massacres of thousands of Muslims and the  destruction of the holy places of Islam met with  


their complete indifference he then moved onto the  court of the Abbasid khif alaz bah whose Pastime  


included gardening and tending to his flowers  bursting into the Dewan with shaved heads to  


signify mourning a few of the Court dignitaries  tried to calm him but alh harui swept them aside  


with brass disdain stroe resolutely to the center  of the hall and then with the Searing eloquence  


of a seasoned preacher declaiming from his Pulpit  proceeded to lecture those present without regard  


to rank how dare you Slumber in the shade of  complacent safety leading lives as frivolous  


as garden flowers while our brothers in Asam have  no Dwelling Place save the Saddles of camels and  


the bellies of vultures blood has been spilled  beautiful young girls have been shamed and must  


now hide their sweet faces in their hands shall  the valorous Arabs resign themselves to insult  


and the Valiant Persians accept dishonor it was  a speech that brought tears to many an eye and  


moved men's Hearts the Arab chronicler IB a  later would write the entire audience broke  


out in whales and Lamentations but alh Hari had  had not come to elicit sobs he responded to the  


tears of the khif and his Entourage man's meanest  weapon he shouted is to shed tears when rapers  


stir the codes of war the audience was moved but  in action followed alh Hari expressed his anger  


at the nonchalance with which the khif S assault  on a center of Islam never have the Muslims been  


so humiliated he alari repeated never never  have their lands been so savagely devastated  


it will be another 90 years before salahudin Albi  reconquered Jerusalem but only after a Renaissance  


of Islamic thinking to remove the complacencies  of Vieira his forebear the great sjuk nurudin  


zeni refused to smile whilst Palestine remained  Under Siege fearing that Allah would punish him  


for living a life of triviality this genocide  has got to be the jol that reawakens us from  


this Slumber and the inconsequential  lives we have curated for ourselves



From The Thinking Muslim


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