Ep 207. - The Illusion of Solidarity: Gaza and the Arab Regimes with Sami Hamdi

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The struggle for Gaza is not over. For over fifteen months, Israel's Western backers told us that there was no genocide taking place. Now, President Trump confirms that the Israelis have turned it into rubble. His plan, ludicrous as it sounds, is to displace Gaza’s population to surrounding countries and colonize it for America, and presumably Israel.

This plan has been roundly rejected by Palestinian voices and regional governments, including, with some gusto, the Saudis. At the time of recording, the ceasefire is in flux, as Hamas points out Israel's lack of commitment. Trump declares that there will be hell to pay if Israel does not commit to releasing the so-called hostages. Are we about to see Gaza—and maybe even the region—go up in flames once again? In these confusing times, we once again have political analyst Sami Hamdi back on the show.

Can I stress that in order to support this channel, please subscribe on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify? The more you engage with our content, the more we grow, Insha'Allah. As Ramadan approaches, I plan to discuss, Insha'Allah, how we aim to expand The Thinking Muslim with your help and contributions. Also, for the past 16 months, we all know how difficult it has been for food and essential supplies to reach the beleaguered people of Gaza. This, Insha'Allah, is changing. We have partnered with a charity, Baitulmaal, because now, more than ever, there is a need not only in Gaza but also in Turkish controlled Northern Syria and in all the places we routinely talk about in this program where our ummah is subject to abject poverty.

We have chosen this charity because Baitulmaal is a non-profit with people on the ground who organize well-thought-out projects and serve the most needy. To donate to their Critical Aid campaign, please visit the link on our screen now and in the description. Please do remember that charity never reduces our risk and gives Barakah to our wealth.

You can find Sami Hamdi here:

X: https://x.com/SALHACHIMI

IG: https://www.instagram.com/salhachimi

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Transcript - This is an automated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



to our surprise the Saudis have have used some  very forceful language gave an interview to Taka  


Carlson just last week where he says that we  have no problem with Israel destroying Hamas  


Trump is saying publicly what the Saudis wanted  to keep private I think that bin Salman has the  


power to stop Trump in his track bin Salman is  more in a panic at having being outed than he is  


about Trump's actual plan we've invited Niki Minaj  she turned us down unfortunately so we had to set  


for old school Mariah Carey what Trump is  trying is what Biden tried I have no doubt  


that the Palestinians will be able to ruin  all of Trump's plans just as they ruined   Biden's plans where Elon Musk finds all this  wasted money in the government and people are  


waiting to receive it but instead he carries it  to the Israelis if its elections are producing   a choice between a fascist and a genocider  we cannot keep choosing the lesser of two


evils the struggle for Gaza is not over for  over 50 15 months Israel's Western backers  


told us that there was no genocide taking place  now president Trump confirms that the Israelis  


have turned it into Rubble his plan ludicrous  as it sounds to displace gaza's population to  


surrounding countries and colonize it for America  and presumably Israel has been roundly rejected  


by Palestinian voices and Regional governments  including with some Gusto the Saudis at the time  


of recording the ceasefire is in flux as Hamas  points out Israel's lack of commitment and Trump  


declares that there will be held to pay if he does  not commit to releasing the so-called hostages so  


are we about to see Gaza and even maybe the region  go up in Flames once again in these confusing  


times we once again have political analyst Sami  Hy back on the show now can I stress in order to  


support this Channel please subscribe on YouTube  apple and Spotify the more you engage with our  


content the more we grow inshallah as Ramadan  comes up I'm going to inshallah discuss how we  


plan to expand the thinking Muslim with your help  and with your contributions now also for the past  


16 months we are we all know how difficult it has  been for food and essential supplies to reach the  


beled people of Gaza this inshallah is changing so  we have partnered up with a charity B Mal because  


now more than ever there is a need not only in  Gaza but also in Syria and in all the places that  


we talk routinely about in this program where our  umah is subject to abject poverty we have chosen  


this charity because Baal is a nonprofit with  people on the ground who organize well fought  


out projects and serve the most needy to donate  to their critical Aid campaign please visit the  


link on our screen now and in the description and  please do remember charity never reduces our risk  


and gives Baraka to our wealth Sam and welcome  back to the thinking Muslims well for joining us  


once again um Samy have the Muslim rulers gained a  backbone I mean president Trump has announced that  


he wants to clean Gaza out of Palestinians and  turn it into some great real estate project uh  


a middle eastern Riviera and uh to our surprise  the Saudis have have used some very forceful  


language over the last few days uh and on Saudi  TV we've seen uh show after show um denuncia in  


I suppose Israel and even getting to the point  where uh they regard the project of trump to  


be an evil project so something's changing  at least in tone have we seen a change for  

Arab rulers changed?


once uh from these uh compliant Muslim rulers  I don't think that there's been any material  


change I think that when we look at the actions  that are still in play at this moment in time  


it's clear that the objection of the Saudis has  nothing to do with Palestinians but rather to do  


with the suggestion that Saudi might have to take  in those Palestinians what I mean is when you look  


at Saudi media throughout the genocide that took  place there was a glaring absence of any sympathy  


for the Palestinians Saudi media very aggressively  suggested that it was the Palestinians fault  


that this genocide was taking place because  Palestinians are quote ungrateful there were imams  


who were giving lessons in the mosques asserting  that there was nothing necessarily wrong with the  


Israeli presence in Palestine and that rather  the Palestinians should learn to accept that we  


saw for example interviews with uh officials  from the Palestinian factions who received a  


more tougher grilling from Saudi media which one  would expect to have been more sympathetic than  


they would have got from PE Morgan or from some of  these other channels elsewhere we saw that on the   day that Israel began their ground offensive  in Gaza itself and many have said that Saudi  


please take a more principal tone with regards to  what's happening in Gaza the demand was not Saudi  


do something to stop it the demand was Sai you are  being a bit tonee Riyad season should not be going  


on while the Palestinians are being slaughtered  Shakira should not dance on the stage while the  


Palestinians are being slaughtered we should not  be inviting Jennifer Lopez to come and perform  


while the Palestinians are being slau slaughtered  we should not erect a model that looks like a  


Kaa and have dancers dance around it while  Palestinians are being slaughtered when Saudi  


was requested during the genocide please alter the  tone at least so that we can show some solidarity  


with the Palestinians tury Al the head of the  general entertainment Authority bin Salman's  


right hand man in division 20130 reforms responded  on Facebook and said that what we are doing in  


Saudi Arabia we should not stop it just because  of some political event because no one else in the  


world does that and 3 weeks later when the Amir  of Kuwait died turkey Al would cancel the events  


for three days in solidarity with Kuwait implying  that he recognized that he should change the tone  


but believ that Palestine was not worth it when  you look at what's been coming out in the leaks   from those officials who traveled with blinkin to  Saudi Arabia they have been stating quite frankly  


that the Saudis have been reassuring the Americans  that we want to see hamus wiped out we don't mind  


what Israel is doing in terms of destroying  hamus we sawal Prince B tal one of those that  


bin Salman put in the Ritz and squeezed him into  submission and got him to give up a lot of money  


and the like gave an interview to Taka kson just  last week where he says that we have no problem  


with Israel destroying Hamas we want to see them  destroyed my point here is that it is clear that  


any shift in the south tone that we're seeing  today is not because of genocide nor is it because  


of the prospect of genocide so we can rule that  out as the reason for the change in tone I think  


the reason for the change in tone has more to do  with the blunt nature with which Trump is talking  


about Palestine and secondly the suggestion  by Trump that he wants the Saudis to Bear the  


burden for the Palestinians who are kicked out of  Gaza by that what I mean is this muham there were  


reports in political that the Saudi Crown Prince  Muhammad bin Salman during the genocide told the   Americans I'm not against normalization of ties  I want it I want to normalize but if I do it in  


these circumstances quote I will be assassinated  by my people when the genocide was unfolding Jared  


Kushner came to Saudi Arabia and he gave a speech  a keynote speech in the Davos in the desert Forum  


where he said that the Palestinians are trying  to Scupper normalization of ties between Saudi  


Arabia and Israel and they will not succeed and  the events of October 7th will not succeed in  


doing this when Gerald kushna went back there  was no statement made by Saudi Arabia rebuking  


Jared kushna for suggesting that there would be  normalization between Israel and Saudi and that  


they were close and secondly Jared kushna went  back to America and said that I felt safer in  


Saudi than I do on University campuses in the  US what he meant was no one in Saudi told me  


why you're doing a genocide no one said to me in  Saudi what you doing a genocide the point here   is the first reason for the change in tone is  Trump is saying publicly what the Saudis wanted  


to keep private Netanyahu gave an interview to Fox  News two days ago Netanyahu said to the presenter  


the presenter asked him the question you said  to me are the Arabs taking a Firm Stance here  


and will this affect your plan he said you would  be surprised his words you would be surprised he  


said how many Arab states actually support us  but for reasons of their own they can't come  


out and say it publicly and I shouldn't say too  much about it because I want to leave them room   to deny it amongst their own populations over  here Saudi issued its strongest statement after  


Trump made his statement but the reason they  issued it is not to say to Trump we're against   your plan is to say guys what he's saying is not  true guys I swear I'm with the Palestinians guys  


I swear that though my actions are not really  with the Palestinians I promise you I'm with   them and and I give you another example there are  many but I promise I won't go through all of them  


you received many reports I received many reports  many people who went to came back with the stories  


as well about how they were clamp Downs on what  people wearing kufi people wearing free Palestine  


jumpers where Middle East I reported it new ARA  reported other people reported it and there are   many anecdotes about it too about how gods in  Saudi Arabia would say to people we don't wear  


that here for the first time tury Fel the son  of the late King Fel the legendary King of Saudi  


Arabia tury Fel former head of Saudi intelligence  gave an interview to CNN to Christian Amur 3 days  


before this recording what is he wearing the kfia  he's wearing the Palestinian kfia to try to make  


a statement to say that we are firmly with the  Palestinians and we will not accept it right if  


genocide did not force a shift in tone when it  was happening in the 15 months and if any the  


what was happening in Palestine didn't stop sopia  Vergara Shakira uh Jennifer Lopez and these other  


concerts from taking place in Saudi Arabia then  it's clear that the change in tone has nothing to   do with Palestine so what's forced the change  in tone I think it's the exposing of what the  


Saudis are saying privately to the Americans and  the second point is the fear that Trump is going  


to force the Saudis to take in the Palestinians  which would confirm their betrayal even amongst  


the loyalist who still remain today who are  insisting that Saudi Arabia is sort of you  


know still with the Palestinians or the like bin  Salman now fears that he might be steam by Trump  


into taking in the Palestinians and it may well be  and this is the point I finish on regard regard to  


this question so I don't go too long about it  it may well be that Trump's suggestion that we   will own the land and we'll send in troops Trump  can't send in troops we'll probably go into that  


later that's for different reasons yeah but it  may well be that binman to rescue himself from  


what Netanyahu and Trump are now exposing about  him will say let's send an Arab Force instead let  


the UAE Saudi Egypt bahin let these nations let  join us too qar is also investing money in kajar  


kush's fund to try to keep the worst of him away  from Qatar let's send an Arab force over there and  


we will help to rebuild Gaza and you might be able  to invest in these companies too binman recently  


lifted the rules on foreign investment in meca and  Medina they a company can't own a building but it  


can now invest foreign companies in companies  that are own property in Mecca and Medina he's  


already opened up the doors many people believe  that this is more an opening for normalization   all the like and and what is worth noting is  if binman was serious about the statement let's  


suppose for a second the statement's been made  and we've elaborate on some of the reasons you   can tell the seriousness of Bin selman's statement  in only one case which is that if he accompanied  


the statement with a withdrawal of the two billion  that he's donate that he's given to Jared kushna  


that is being invested in the Israeli economy if  bman announced that I'm withdrawing the 2 billion   from Affinity partners then we know something  serious is happening if bin Salman alongside the  


statement came out and said I'm going to now shut  my airspace once more to Israeli planes then we  


know that there's action that's accompanying the  words we know something serious is about to take   place if bin Salman was to say that normalization  is now off the table because there's no way we  


can normalize if it's just going to lead to more  annexation of territory then we know it's serious   but the idea of normalization Still Remains  on the table moreover if you notice the Saudi  


media they're attacking Netanyahu for extremism  Netanyahu specifically and implying Trump might  


be extremist but the focus of Netanyahu means that  there's a limit in terms of the scope of which  


they are going to criticize Israel with regards to  what's happening to Palestine the point is all of  


these angles when you look at it and all of these  events that took place show you that I think the  


statements bin Salman is making has is directed  less at Donald Trump where they're saying Trump  


do what you want to Hamas but we don't want to be  the ones who bear the cost for it and it has more   to do directed at the Muslim um who are hearing  what Trump is saying who if you remember in the  


press conference they said Mr President uh isn't  Saudi Arabia saying that they need a Palestinian  


State before they normalize he said no they're  not and Netanyahu said this to Bloomberg last   year as well Saudi Arabia 4:00 a.m. in the  morning they released a statement immediately  


after Trump to say no no it is a requirement  bin Salman is not telling Trump that I'm now  


suddenly against normalization he's saying to  Trump please man please Biden at least respected  


it about keeping it private although Biden did  say in the interview 3 four months before the  


election if you remember he did say that the  Saudis uh are actually ready to normalize with  


Israel in the middle of a genocide he said they've  given us assurances that they are willing to do   so binman is trying to say to you Jal to those  who are sitting in this room to the Muslim umah  


that Trump is lying Netanyahu is lying and he's  telling Trump and Netanyahu come on guys show some  


respect over here I need to do this carefully  I need to do normalization over a longer period   my action show that I'm serious about it I need  to give my um words I'm giving you the actions  


but show me some respect and it appears Trump is  saying to bin Salman I couldn't care less about   your image net is saying I couldn't care less  about your image you will do what I tell you  


to do you will take in those Palestinians so you  don't think that because many analysts have argued   that Trump has made it almost impossible at least  in the short to medium term for Saudis to sign a  


a normal alization agreement with uh with Israel  because of the extreme uh measure of of removing  


uh dispossessing uh Palestinians from their land  you don't think that's that's implausible at this  


stage that normalization is now implausible for  the Saudis at the time that we're Recording King   Abdullah of Jordan is in Washington right now yeah  if we assume that this is the position that you've  


suggested over here King abdullah's statement  in Washington would have been we categorically  


rule It Out Mr President there's no way this is  going to happen and no one in the Arab states is  


going to accept this instead we heard the press  conference just before we started yeah he said Mr  


President for this plan to work we need to make  it work in a way where it benefits everybody's   interest in the region and we need to consult  with CCE in Egypt and Muhammad bin Salman is  


inviting us in riy to discuss it and as a gesture  I'm willing to take in 2,000 Palestinians you know  


those who might need cancer treat or the like  I'm willing to offer that as a gesture while we   discuss the nuances or the details of your plan  that's not a categorical rejection of what Trump  


is calling with regards to what's happening in  Gazza or the like I think that bin Salman has  


the power to stop Trump in his tracks yeah binman  has the ability to do it bin Salman is perhaps the  


only one in the region who has the power to do so  all he literally has to do is say normalization is  


finished there's no way we're normalizing I'm  sorry it's no longer on the table we're going   back to King Fel and King fad what they used to  say in which we're not normalizing King Fel said  


even if all the Arabs were to recognize Israel  w we will not recognize the Israelis he put that   statement out but didn't say it himself he put the  video clip Up bin Salman could also summon the US  


ambassador as he did with the Canadian Ambassador  when she criticized human rights and he could also   kick out the US ambassador or if he doesn't want  to kick out because he doesn't want to provoke  


Trump he could recall the Saudi Ambassador arim  BM he could recall Saudi Ambassador for Washington  


for consultation in a clear diplomatic gesture  to say I'm sorry but I'm going to have to start  


you know rolling back on some of the ti none of  that is happening he did it to Canada he did it   to Germany he did it to he did it to Biden as well  on on a couple of occasions not withdrawing the  


Ambassador but giving him the cold shoulder he's  done none of that with Donald Trump yeah which   leads me to the to to the conclusion that bin  Salman is more in a panic at having being outed  


than he is about Trump actual plan and the final  point is this the media in Saudi Arabia does not  


speak outside of the government line yeah for to  make the statement that he made where he says we  


want to see the destruction of Hamas and to see  the Saudis criticize net for extremism but bin  


Salman not showing any action to match the words  I think gives Trump reason to believe and I think  


this is why Trump is insisting on it it's why  Trump keeps saying you guys think my plan is mad  


but they will follow it they will find a way  to accommodate it so I don't think the Saudi   position has changed I think that bin Salman needs  to show some action first before we can see a  


genuine change in stance but to give a an analogy  Biden was committing genocide but saying he was  


working tirely for a ceasefire yeah if we took  Biden at his words Biden was deeply sympathetic  


to the Palestinians but it's clear he's genocide  J he committed the genocide and that's the thing  


judge by the action don't judge by the words  and and and just on this particular Point Allah


says the idea being is somebody who is fighting  Islam at home Beware of the words that they say  


when they are talking about defending Islam abroad  Muhammad bman is cracking down on Scholars you had  


you hadd son of on your channel as well imams  being imprisoned and being banned from giving  


lessons and durus restrictions being imposed  on the manifestation of Islamic identity and  


and things like that the revising of the Saudi  identity that he spoke with ABD yeah somebody  


who is trying to prevent the remembrance of  Allah at home it's hard to imagine he will   remember Allah in festine and take a position  there as well so I think we should be careful  


in terms of how we move with that so we know  that these rulers do not fear Allah subhana wa   ta'ala but from what you say they do genuinely  fear their people I mean how accurate is that  

Do rulers fear their people?


because of course and it's a question I asked  abdulah AA um you know these authoritarians have  


Consolidated their position they've centralized  power they're at a stage where there are very few  


leevers of opposition in their countries I mean  how realistic is it that MBS would be ousted by  


people who are angered by Palestine or about  Palestine I think it's less about whether we  


can identify where the threat is and more that bin  selman's actions demonstrate he believes there is  


a threat somewhere and I explain what I mean  when the uee normalized ties with the Israelis   sudas went into the Haram on the following week  and gave a specifically about deals that the  


prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam made  with the Jews of Medina the point he was making   was there's nothing wrong with normalization of  ties with the Israel it was testing the water  


when there was a backlash to it they Ted it down  a bit but you could see Palestine begin to become   absent from the prayers and supplications and Dua  that was being made in the Haram yeah when October  


7th happened immediately there was a return of  Palestine in the supplication theam the point   was Muhammad realized this was an event that the  Arabs were suddenly being galvanized about that  


they were seeing that the Palestinians now were  pushing back against normalization of ties this   was their view of it so bin Salman was worried  it might lead to a spotlight on his action so  


he allowed the imams to go back to making Dua  for Palestine but not Dua against the zionists  


then as time progressed initially there was  clamped down with the kuf and the like and   then Middle East eye exploded and other people  exposed it and then he started tackling if you  


had a British or American passport you'd be  let go if you had a Bengali Pakistani you'd   be in in trouble or or Egyptian or Algerian  so the desis don't think it North Africans  


are included in it but in any case Muhammad  bin Salman begins to say crack down on it but  


begin to give some leeway to avoid the public  backlash yeah eventually public opinion gets so  


high in terms of its fever pitch that the Imam  start making Dua not only for Palestine but now  


against the zionists and now in the Haram just  last week there was Dua very open Brazen you know  


Dua not just against the Zionist but against the  whole ideology and those who follow it completely   in the Haram itself something that was disappeared  two three years ago before the events took place  


it's not that I'm saying I know where the threat  comes from it's that bin Salman allowing this to   happen demonstrates he believes there is a threat  he believes that he has to adapt to something  


there is something out there that requires him to  go to the imams and tell them guys I know I was  


putting you in prison for making Dua for such  and such you can go back to making Dua for it   so these imams like s days they act as some sort  of vent the frustrations of the masses sud went  


from saying that don't talk about because it's a  and you should obey your Scholars and don't talk  


about it leave it for the leaders to talking about  it now in his sermons and in his Dua and the like  


you can only explained the shift as there was an  order don't talk about Palestine before there's   an order I'm allowing you to talk about for the  masses over the past 6 months we've seen a wave  


of releases from prison imams being released from  prison by the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad binman  


in light of events happening in Syria but also in  light of events happening in Gaza particularly as   the spotlight comes under Saudi Arabia where you  have a lot of Palestinian figures in Saudi prisons  


and where you have the accusation that Saudi is  not supporting the Palestinians bin Salman is   saying to the Israelis I'm letting you fly through  my airspace I'm allowing a land bridge that goes  


to bbid where you guys are picking up your goods  from Jordan that goes from U toit I am allowing J   kushna to come here I'm allowing Zionist to enter  the kingdom but I also need to offer something  


to my people just to keep the peace and Biden  used to say I appreciate this Biden said this   is perfectly fine Netanyahu said I appreciate  this Nom looks very nice I've come to visit it  


the problem is Trump is now saying you're given  you're doing all this anyway let's just come out   in the open now and let's just say that you  are you want to normalize with the Israelis  


and I think that bin Salman is saying to Trump  you don't know my people yes the some of them  


are now dancing in the parties yes some of them  are now smoking marijuana at last yes some of  


them are now going and party and taking off the  hijab yes some are now belly dancing even in Ana   one of the the the most conservative areas in in  in Saudi Arabia yes but these are still minority  


of my people majority of my people still believe  in this Quran they still believe in this Islamic   identity if I go too fast Mr Donald Trump it will  cause a backlash against me I need you so Trump  


essentially is effectively saying you do what you  got to do for your people I do what I got to do   for my people I want these Palestinians out and I  need you to take in the Palestinians I think that  


bin Salman's true position is he's saying to Trump  let's the plan I'm not going to immediately reject  


it I'm going to reject it publicly but let's work  out the details to do it in a way where Jalel does   not go out and say I betrayed the Palestinians  let's do it in a way whereby blink had the humanit  


Corridor make it humanitarian blink also wanted  to Turf the Palestinians on October 20th Biden  


went to Congress and he asked for $ 106 billion  in aid for Ukraine for other places amongst them  


was Gaza he Biden said in the report that he  gave to Congress I need this money in order  


to help Egypt and Jordan to take in the influx of  the Palestinians at that time there was no influx  


of Palestinians into Jordan or Egypt what Biden  was diplomatically saying was I want to drive  


out the Palestinians from Gaza but Egypt and  Jordan need money to do so I want to bribe them   to do it when CeCe said absolutely not as he's  doing now by the way with Trump when CeCe said  


absolutely not Biden came out and said okay we  won't support the displacement of Palestinians   let's just slaughter them instead until CeCe is  under so much pressure he has to open that border  


which is why when you ask me I know I got some  heat for it when you ask me is CeCe betraying   Palestines by shutting the Border I said if he  opens that border Israel will eventually conquer  


will eventually enter Sinai Peninsula the point  that I'm saying here is it's not that I believe  


bin Salman fears his people per se it's that  bin Salman still believes that a threat exists  


that could remove him from power that threat  can Channel public opinion through Gazza and  


that his actions on razza are enough to Galvanize  the population against him because he seemed to  


be betraying razza betraying the Palestinians and  therefore he is reacting to the public opinion to  


say that guys I am actually on the Palestinian  team and look at all these things that I'm  


doing now with regards to my media and the like  please believe take me at my word and ignore my


actions this is your brother M MTAR CEO of I pray  that you and your families are doing well as we  

Baitulmaal donation


look forward to the Blessed month of Ramadan with  the coming of Ramadan there comes an opportunity  


for reflection and compassion for mercy and  forgiveness for prayer and for charity with  


you can send a Ramadan food package to families  struggling with Hunger around the world Allah  


subhanahu wa taala says the Quran truly those  who believe and do good works are constant in  


their prayers and give charity their reward  will be with their lord they will not fear  


nor will they grieve I pray that Allah  will shower his mercy and blessings on  


you and your loved ones in the month of Ramadan  and that he will reward you for Every Act of


Charity I mean unlike um Biden Donald Trump is  willing to withhold military aid to both Egypt and  

Trump’s plan realistic?


Jordan uh how much if if he does follow through on  that how persuasive do you think uh Donald Trump  


will be in uh in convincing these countries to  um uh to take in uh two million gazans us gives  


Egypt $1.3 billion in Aid which in the context of  international countries is is not really that much  


1.3 Bill the Americans every year raise about  more than 1 billion in zakat alone if the issue  


is 1.3 billion CCE can ask the um to raise 1.3  billion for him to replace the American Aid I  


think when Trump talks about Aid I think it's less  to do with money and I think it's more to do with  


the support for the regimes against people against  the people who do not want these regimes in place  


the idea being that you are in power we know  you're unpopular he once called CeCe my favorite   dictator we know you're not popular but we see  value in you and we're willing to support you  


against your people so that you remain in power  it's like the whole notion of uh when a coup  


happened against the the Americans were very  quick to say we are monitoring the situation  


then recognizing CCE whereas in other places  they're very quick to try to reverse the coup   but the point that I'm saying is that I think that  what he means by Aid is it's very similar to when  


Trump said about Saudi Arabia if you remember in  his first term he said I called the king of Saudi  


Arabia and I said to him listen King you're a good  man and I like you but without us your kingdom  


will fall in two weeks Iran will take you in two  weeks so I'm sorry uh but I'm going to need you  


to start paying up I'm sorry you got to pay you  got to pay and the and the audience were cheering   that is a very good indication into how Trump  views these Middle Eastern governments I know you  


guys are coming to the Israelis because you need  Israel against your own population and against   other Regional threats I know that when you come  to America you're coming because you don't have  


popular support you need my support against your  own people I know you don't have a leg to stand  


on in order to resist me and therefore you need  my Aid this is what I think Trump meant when it   came to the idea of Aid that if you don't do what  I want you to do I'm more than happy to see you  


and throw you to your people and and and see what  they do to you instead and then find somebody else   to replace you instead which I think why CC is now  allowing protests to be Pro Palestinian protests  


near the border to sort of suggest no my people  are actually with me America you have it the wrong   way my people actually love me and they support me  so I think that although Trump is threatening that  


he's going to cut Aid Trump threatened tariffs on  Canada and then found an agreement to reverse it  


Trump threatened tariffs on Venezuela found an  agreement to reverse it same with Colombia he's   now engaged in negotiations with the Europeans  about the same it may well be Trump is upping the  


anti and then he comes to some sort of agreement  with those Arab states l later Sami earlier on   you mentioned Javid kushner's uh fund like what's  the relevance of that fund explain explain why you  


mentioned ja jar kushna I would recommend people  to watch the episode you did with ABD where he  


talks about the first meeting between bin Salman  and Jared Kushner and we don't need to repeat many  


of those details here however Jared Kushner during  the first term of trump was seen as the gateway  


to Donald Trump the gateway to the White House  and him and Bin Salman developed a very close  


relationship Geral Kush appears to have understood  bin Salman's position in that bin Salman wants to  


normalize but has to normalize in the right  circumstances to prevent a backlash from the  


Muslim world as a result for bin Salman in order  to prove that it wasn't just words when he said I  


want to normalize because Jared kushna might have  said to him UAE normalized they didn't give a damn  


about the opinion of the umah Morocco normalized  and just yesterday they signed the agreement with  


elit systems to be their primary military partner  the Israelis are now their Prime military partner  


Jared Kush might have said to binman I don't  believe that you're worried about your people   you should be strong and imposed in normalization  because UAE and Morocco they did it bin Salman as  


a gesture to prove his sincerity in normalization  invested $2 billion in Jared kushner's investment  


fund I think it's called Affinity Partners Jared  kushna said this exposed this in an interview that  


he gave to K ble with Sky News and jaral Kushner  says in the interview that the Saudis have given  


us permission to invest this two billion in the  Israeli economy this was binan indirectly saying  


to the Israelis that look I'm getting their  slowly and I'm proving it to you the Israeli  


airline before bin Salman would never fly over  Saudi airspace it was forbidden the Saudis would  


not allow it so that's why they had to always  go around the kingdom bin San allowed them   to go through and Jared kusher was on the first  plane that flew over Saudi Arabia and he tweeted  


and said historic moment Saudi have allowed  us to fly through the airspace this was Bin   Salman saying that I'm not just talk I'm showing  you action earlier we talked about palestin when  


you were saying is a genuine change in stance and  you were only pointing to a statement here with   normalization I'm pointing to action he allowed  them to fly through then in the daa rally in 2021


bin Salman allowed an Israeli team to participate  for the first time in the Kingdom allowed them to  


enter with Israeli passports to participate  to say I'm not officially normalizing but can  


you see how I'm desensitizing my population to  the idea of Israel's participating then at an  


Esports tournament in 2023 they raised the Israeli  National Anthem at a rehearsal and then leaked  


it to see what the Saudi reaction would be to the  idea of an Israeli team of participating official  


in the Esports tournament which is what binman  is pushing with regards to video games and the   like a delegation came from Israel went to where  they planted a tree and recorded themselves saying  


we are back we we have been allowed back the  reason I mentioned Jared kushna is that in the   relationship with J kushna Muhammad bin Salman's  interactions with kushna had been kushna was blunt  


kushna said I have three priorities to destroy  wahabism to normalize with the Israeli State  


and the third one ABD ABD the son of talks about  it in more detail but with regards to the first  


two binman responds and says we're way ahead of  you in this where we've invited nikim Minaj she  


turned us down unfortunately so we had to set up  for old school Mariah Carey we've uh done a bikini  


beach in jeda to break boundaries in terms of what  what we're doing and the like we've brought pitol  


and we're doing this Middle East Beast uh our  Prophet this is Muhammad bin Salman talking to   Jared kushna and this is the scenario that that  I imagine our Prophet Muhammad s Al wasallam he  


went through an area which he told his sahab  do not settle in this area just pass through  


it quite quickly today this area is called Al Al  now is the jewel in the crown of vision 2030 it's  


almost like trolling the Hadith of the Prophet  Muhammad s wasallam who said avoid this area for   this is where Allah subhana wa tala destroyed  the people before you B has made Al has made  


the resorts and the centerpiece of vision 2030  those pictures you see in he thr airport where   you see Vision 2030 he's made that the centerpiece  he's saying to Jared kushna I don't believe in in  


in a lot of these things that you know and I'm  proving it here with the actions over here Jared   kushna giving that keynote speech of that D was  in the desert Forum two weeks or three weeks after  


October 7th to say that the Palestinians will  never succeed in ruing normalization between the   Saudis and between there's no way jar kushna  says that without believing that bin Salman  


supports it and I think what bin Salman is doing  through that is through the actions he's saying to  


the Israelis I'm sincere about normalization  in exchange for my three conditions which is   you know security support for vision 2030 and  nuclear technology Palestinian state is not  


key in this when netan said it openly binman was  forced to say Palestinian state is involved in it  


francina Franchesca laqua Franc laa from Bloomberg  interviews Netanyahu says you keep talking about  


normalization with the Saudis but they say they  won't do as a Palestinian State how will you do it   if there's no Palestinian State Netanyahu looks at  and says you know they don't bring up Palestinian  


State as much as you think they do like it's  really not not not an issue Trump says the   same thing at the White House it's not the fact  whether they're credible sources or not it's why  


do they not say that about a country like Algeria  or these others because they're categoric about   their refusal to normalize it means something is  being said with regards to pushing normalization  


of TI the relationship with Jared kushna is what  is what in my opinion one of the greatest proofs  


that what bin Salman says is not what he does when  he says I want a Palestinian State his action show  


otherwise when he say says the kingdom stands with  Palestine his action show otherwise and I truly  


believe that the genocide could have been stopped  literally in the first week all it required was  


for the Arab countries turkey erdogan is worried  about his economy doesn't want to get involved  


all it needed was the Arab countries to summon  the US ambassadors recall their ambassadors from  


Washington and scare Biden into believing he's  about to see a complete collapse of American  


influence if only one country did it they could  sanction that country but you can't sanctioned   the whole region they collectively not only  refused to do so but lent their media apparatus  


to support the genocide and that's why I think  when you look at bin selman's actions there is   no similarity between those and between these  statements that we're reading and I prefer to  


look at the actions and the statements uh you  just mentioned turkey there and of course the   comments will be lighten up as you speak because  um you've talked about the Arab countries but it  

Turkiye responsibility


seems like You' just let erdogan off the hook uh  for his part in in uh in allowing this genocide  


to to uh to take place I mean are you saying that  turkey has less of a responsibility because it's  


got a a worsening economic standard I think that  the Turks do not see Palestine as their primary  


responsibility when you see those who defend  erdogan's policy they come out bluntly and say  


where are you Arabs with regards to Palestine  a sort of sense of it shouldn't be our primary  


responsibility you guys should do something first  yeah I also think that when you look at the slow  


pace at which erdogan rolled back some of his ties  with the Israelis refusing to cancel trade then  


announcing that he's canceling some trade and then  losing a mayoral election and then announcing that  


he's going to cut more trade which exposed the  extent of the trade that he was still doing with   the Israelis and then saying that I can't turn  off the gas pipeline that takes AER oil to is  


because it's an international contract even if  it goes through my own territory and I think that  


when you look at the way that Ahmed Shar of Syria  who was heavily supported by the Turks when he  


was in idlib even if I don't think the Turks you  know supported him in going to Damascus I think  


he took them by surprise and they adapted but in  any case Ahmed goes to Saudi Arabia for his first  


foreign visit knowing what bin Salman is about and  I think that Ahmed went to that visit and you see  


it links with turkey for two reasons or three  reasons actually the first reason he wanted  


to go and do you'll remember after the Taliban  well when US forces withdrew from Afghanistan  


H I think it was or another official they went  to to mekah to the Kaa they took a camera crew  


and they recorded how the um celebrated them and  they wanted to really put their chest out with  


this Islamic legitimacy of what they had achieved  I think Ahmed wanted to go and make mecah the Kaa  


his first visit to sort of say my Jihad against  Bashar Al Assad was a blessed one and I have come  


to thank Allah subhana wa taala for it in order  to go to om he had to see Muhammad bin Salman   it's impossible not to do so when he meets with  Muhammad bin Salman the second reason is to try  


to find what is Muhammad bin Salman's view of  what happened in Syria because initially there  


was a suggestion that the Saudis were going to  send oil to help the Syrian economy that oil   never arrived it's been three month or however  many months it is it never arrived I think he  


went to see where does binman lean because M's  greatest threat didn't come from the US it came  


from Saudi UAE and I think that Ahmed want say to  the Saudis I'm not a threat to you look at ABD I  


don't think whated said so that no one accuses me  of it but but the the image that he wants to give


ABD did a video in the musk where he criticized  Saudi UAE he was fine in Syria but when he left  


for Lebanon he was arrested in Lebanon kidnapped  put on a plane and sent to UAE on an extradition  


despite the fact being a Turkish Citizen and and  the like sent to UAE where according to amnesty   there is or according to Human Rights reports  there's suggestions that he might be being  


tortured over there I think that Ahmed sh went  to say I will not allow Syria to be a place that  


threatens you so you don't need to worry you don't  need to conspire against me you don't need to   build media channels there to attack me you don't  need to build think tanks and Ally with civil  


rights organizations to demand the freedom of  women's rights so that will cause me a big issue  


over there I promise I won't harm you and the  third reason is what links with turkey which is   why I mentioned it Syria needs to be rebuilt one  of the first things Syria did was they announced  


a 300% increase in tariffs on Goods coming into  Syria the Turks were very upset they said hey they  


shouldn't apply to us ahed removed their tariffs  but erdogan has offered to send Turkish companies  


into Syria to rebuild Syria now companies  are not going to rebuild Syria for free and  


Syria doesn't have money to pay for those Turkish  companies and according to a friend of mine who   just came back from Damascus electricity is  probably exists for maybe one or two hours a day  


according to his reports where is the money going  to come from to pay for the Turkish companies  


us has lifted some sanctions or or their suggest  Europe has lifted some sanctions on humanitarian  


Aid and it's not clear what sanctions will be  lifted from the US so I think that the tax the  


focus on the economy is such that they have been  pushing Damascus to go and reconcile bin Salman  


and the UAE the foreign minister of Syria the new  one is now in the UAE today by the way attending  


convention to say these are the guys with the  money go and reassure them you will be no threat  


tell them whatever it is they want to hear tell  them there will be noan no Muslim Brotherhood  


there will be no assertion of you know exporting  this Islamic revolution the way the Iranians did  


and let them give you the money that will pay us  so their money can flow into my economy in Turkey  


instead I think that erdogan is so focused on the  economy it's affected everything in his foreign   policy and that's why I think that when it when  when you say are you going soft on erdogan it's  


not that it's that I think that erdogan is quietly  praying that all of this just goes away that all  


of this just disappears without him having to take  any real meaningful action against the Israelis  


that might jeopardize and and the final point  is I know that somebody now is going to write   oh look how how he speaks how he spoke about bin  Salman look how he speaks about erdogan any cas  


erdogan believes that if he does take a position  against Israel on his own without binman if binman  


doesn't do it with him then Trump will impose  sanctions on turkey as he did in 2018 and 2019  


when he imposed sanctions on like aluminium  and some of these other stuff as well erdogan   believes that will be a death blow to the Turkish  economy and what will happen is the Turks will  


not say erdogan we are with you you did this for  Palestine we are standing with you we Turks cannot  


live without Islam and without the rights of the  Palestinians erdogan we are ready to struggle  


with you we are going to tie our stomachs we are  going to do like the stories of old you showed us  


ER where erul stands up and says we why are you  complaining about refugees for Allah is the one  


who brings the risk you showed us Al aralan where  he says Allah we can't live without our flag and  


our Dean says we can't live without the Quran you  showed us all this we're going to stand with you  


erdogan doesn't believe Turks will do any of  that erdogan believes what the Turks will say is why on Earth would you take a stand for  Palestine that brings ruin to our economy  


when the Arabs over there did nothing you should  have done nothing to you are a Turkish president  


you are not a Muslim president s me and you know  Turkey is everything not um Muhammad only turkey  


you should have behaved we're now going to go  to the election polls and we're going to vote   for imamu or we're going to vote for somebody  else because you weren't politically Savvy we're  


willing to stand for Palestine but not if we have  to pay a price for it we're willing to stand for   the rights and liberation of Palestine but not  if we have to pay a price for it and then what  


will happen is you'll have the nationalists  they'll bring up this fabricated Narrative of   how Arabs betrayed the Ottomans and betrayed the  Turks and the like which is why the Ottomans fell  


and erdogan will find himself out of power then  he'll find the Nationalist coming after him and   his family accusing them of whatever corruption  or the like true or not is irrelevant erdogan  


will suddenly find in his old age where he was  in power and all he had to do was keep quiet on   Palestine he said something about it and now  he's almost going to be put in prison that's  


how erdogan calculates what will happen and that's  why I think that when it comes to Turkey it's not  


that I'm soft on Turkey it's that I believe well  and truly that erdogan's calculations are that  


the Turks will not stand with me if I stand for  Palestine that's not the same as bin Salman if bin  


Salman tomorrow was to kick out the US ambassador  withdraw the Saudi ambassador from the US what  


do you think the reaction of the Saudis will be  it will be thei F fog it would be What a Mighty  


Crown Prince Allah abbar he's taking a position  for Palestine and we are with you yeah Muhammad  


bin Salman don't you worry about it if he was to  go further and say I am in imposing sanctions on  


American companies that want to invest in Saudi  Arabia the Saudi won't be like the Turk who says   why are you ruining my economy the Saudi will  say we lived on dates and milk before like mik  


Fel said we are willing to struggle for this  even more for Palestine bin Salman does not  


have the same problem that erdogan has in Turkey  erdogan is fighting the legacy of atat Bin Salman  


is fighting the legacy of Islam it's the opposite  way the opposite battles and that's why the blame  


is put more on bin Salman because he has the power  to do something he has the public opinion on his  


side to do it and he also has the umah public  on his side to do it but he chooses not to do  


so because he genuinely sees that Palestine is not  something that he wants the Saudis to be concerned  


with and the proof of this is when you look at  the Reformation of the Saudi identity when you  


look at the change of the year of the founding  of the Kingdom from 1744 the year that Muhammad  


ABD wahab and Muhammad Al sign the pack they  shake hands they say Will We Fight Together  


for Shar will We Fight Together for Islam they  agree and The Story Goes Allah gave them Dominion  


afterwards that's the story they tell King Selman  himself when he was governor of RAV he wrote in an  


article in in the newspaper in 2008 which is  still on Google you can find it on Google he  


writes the state of Saudi Arabia was not founded  on a tribal Endeavor nor was it founded on an IDE  


ology like communism or all the like nor was  it founded on a nationalist identity these are  


abd's words he goes it is false and categorically  untrue to say that Saudi is a tribal nationalist  


or an ideological identity it is not the Saudi  state was founded on the promise to uphold the  


Quran and the Sunnah and that's why Allah gave  Dominion to my family who agreed to uphold Quran  


and the Sunnah what this means when you make  Quran and sunah your identity it means festini   matters it means the umah matters bin Salman is  trying to say guys Saudi was not built on this  


the Saudi Ambassador here in London said to say  religion played a role in the establishment of   Saudi Arabia is false you can find it online he  said it to Cham house bin says the date was not  


1744 don't say 1744 it was 1727 when Muhammad Al  became the County chief of the of the tribe and  


the interesting thing is and and I'll finish  on this point with regards to this my father   many years years ago was in a m with Sal the  current King and The Story Goes they were in a  


MJ and Salman bdaz says to my father yeah Hashim  what do you call a uh a County chief like a like  


a village Chief in Tunisia my dad says uh we call  him like he says to him my grandfather Muhammad Al  


was nothing but a in when he became leader of the  clan but you see this flag and what's written on  


it because he raised this flag Allah elevated him  from a and made him the leader of a state this is


sald bin Salman is changing that identity and  that's why when people compare bin Selman and  


erdogan I think the political considerations are  different it's not that I believe what erdogan   is doing is right I believe what he's doing is  wrong but the reasons why he's doing it wrong  


are different one of the reasons why bin Salman  is doing it wrong erdogan I think envisages this   idea of Muslim power but believes himself somehow  restricted then it's it's it's like the the ad  


age I like to say about erdogan erdogan is a is a  Muslim in good times and a Turk in bad times when  


it's good times he's Muslim he spreads it when  it's bad times economically it's tury tur with  


binman in good times he is trying to constrain  Islam and in bad times he allows the imams to make  


very religious Dua he goes back to Islam in the  bad times and that's why I think the comparison   between the two I think is valid and I think the  the the Dynamics are different for both of them  

Trump’s announcement serious?


let's go back to Donald Trump's announcement uh  to occupy in effect or colonize uh Gaza I've got  


a few questions on that firstly um how um how  serious do you think he is in this plan because  


there is a an analysis out there that uh like  I think you may have intimated before uh like  


with Canada and Mexico and with the European  Union you know he starts his negotiations   the Arts of of the deal by these maximalist  positions and then he negotiates them down  


a little bit uh and comes to a compromise  uh but by doing that he forces everyone to  


think uh you know to to to go on high alerts  how much do you think Donald Trump is serious  


about this plan to occupy uh GZA I think this  is easier if you look at the timeline of events


Netanyahu flew to Washington last week for a  reason the reason he flew to Washington was  


because there was significant concerns in Tel  Aviv over what Trump was doing with regards   to Gaza the belief in Israel was that if Trump  comes to power he will be even more supportive  


than Biden was instead the first thing Trump does  is force Netanyahu into a ceasefire and Trump  


forced netan into a ceasefire for two reasons and  and these are the reasons that Netanyahu ended up   going to Washington to speak with Trump and have  a showdown to tell him Trump I need to know what  


on Earth you're doing because I don't think you  understand what's going on in Gaza and I need to   explain it to you because your actions have deeply  upset me you'll remember in the buildup to the  


elections Donald Trump said that the Hamas have  to release the hostages before I get to the White  


House or all hell will break loose you remember  that statement you all remember the statement


Trump I think meant it when he said it and then  his AIDS delivered the message but then Trump  


soon realized there's a problem he went to the  Palestinians and said to them I'm going to give   you hell and the Palestinians went would you call  this what you call what Biden's done there's no  


way it can you can do anything to us that is worse  than what Biden to us there's literally nothing  


here it's a demolition side Biden literally blew  the legs of Sidra and left her body hanging and  


was not moved by the image Biden literally kept  sending bullets even after he knew that 300 of  


them were shot at Hind and she died surrounded  by her family members the corpses of her family   members while she pleaded and said my family are  dead I don't know what to do when the ambulance  


came in to rescue her the Israelis shot the  ambulance and then proceeded to leave her to   Die the Palestinians said what could be worse than  what happened to HRA Dr Nick mayard I was with him  


the other day he said that when he was in Gaza  one of the the children came in and she needed  


her leg straightened because of one of the bombs  the impact of it we had to do three- hour surgery  


without anesthesia he said and without painkillers  he said I will never forget it from my memory the   palestini said what could you do that's worse than  that you bummed literally every single Hospital in  


Gaza you told us maasi was a safe space and  Biden still bummed the masasi you Biden said  


that we need a humanitarian Corridor he used it  just as an excuse to move us out of Northern Gaza   and the Israelis tried to occupy Northern Gaza if  it was not for the wacka project where the Israeli  


soldiers were being ambushed and killed they would  have been able to take Northern Gaza Gaza but they   did it tell us Trump you say you're going to bring  us hell we swear to you Trump there is nothing you  


can do to us that Biden has not already done so  we're not scared about your hell we're not going   to release the hostages Trump realized he had a  problem because now the Israelis are saying to  


Trump you see we told you these guys don't want  peace they don't want to release the hostages  


here's the difference between Biden and Trump  Biden ideologically would have said these wretched  


people need to be eradicated Trump the businessman  said but I told the whole world that there's going  


to that the hostages are going to be released  before I get into power and they went okay so   if they won't sign this they sign the ceasefire  agreement I'm going to need you to sign it n  


what you mean what you mean I need to sign it net  says I'm not going to sign it Trump says I'm not   asking you I'm telling you you need to sign the  ceasefire agreement so Trump Trump says W sends  


witkoff to Doha and witkoff says to Doha Donald  Trump is guaranteeing a ceasefire I just need you  


to go to hamus and tell them that he's ready to  force the Israelis do tell Hames hamus says you   know what we think Trump might be serious we agree  to the deal as it is we're not going to add to it  


whatsoever wiov calls this is reported by the way  I'm not making this scenario this is all public  


record wiov calls Netanyahu on the Friday he's in  Doha and he says to Netanyahu I'm coming tomorrow  


I need you in the office and you're going  to sign the ceasefire deal Netanyahu is like   hang on a second why am I the first loser of a  trump presidency what on Earth is going on here  


he says to witkoff tomorrow is the Sabbath you  now witkoff is a Jew witkoff is Jewish witkoff  


is Jewish he knows the importance of Sabbath  according to the media reports wikov says in  


a very vulgar fashion I couldn't give a damn  if Sabbath is on the Saturday I'm going to be  


in the office you make sure you're there Netanyahu  realizes Trump is serious Biden wasn't Biden would  


say I'm working for a ceasefire but to Netanyahu  don't worry you can do what you want Netanyahu   realizes Trump is serious Netanyahu turns up in  the office and according to an Israeli journalist  


the scenario he gave was Trump effectively Wick  cof effectively grabbed netanyahu's arm bent it  


at the back bent Netanyahu over and forced him  to sign on the ceas fire agreement not only that  


when Netanyahu thinks okay maybe this might just  be a ploy this ceasefire I don't actually need to   implement it he suddenly finds that wiov announces  that he's going to Gaza so the Israelis say what  


you mean you're going you're going to Gaza because  now the qataris and the Turks are getting involved   and they're like yes yes you should go you should  go you should see the destruction that's taking  


place the Israelis are saying hang on a second  Trump now is forced us into a ceasefire we don't   want Ben now is squealing Ben is like what's going  on why is it all collapsing under Donald Trump but  


he resigns from the government smotri netan has to  go to him in the last hour and say I'll find a way  


around it just don't leave my government I'll find  a way to convince Trump to go back to the levels   of support that Biden was giving us Netanyahu  believes that Trump is just doing it for show but  


then he finds out that Trump wants him to withdraw  from the narum corridor that suddenly Trump is not  


only imposing a ceasefire Trump is telling him  I want the Palestinians to be allowed to return   North to Gaza you remember when the Palestinian  families were going north you remember there were  


photos and and reports that came out that said  that the tanks were not allowing the Palestinians  


to pass the naram corridor they were not allowing  them to go through and there were reports they   were saying some people were saying it a bit GLE  too gleefully for my liking saying you see this  


ceasefire is a joke and it's not going to happen  because look he's not allowing the Palestinians to   go home I admit when I saw it I thought yeah maybe  this ceasefire might be just for sure within two  


days witkoff has gone back to the region and he's  told Netanyahu I don't think you understand BB we  


want this ceasefire move your tanks and let the  Palestinians go home did you did you not see the  


picture of the Palestinians as they went home  under the view of the Israeli tanks who could  


do nothing because the US president always had the  power to stop the genocide they just needed to use  


it Trump decided to force Netanyahu to withdraw  from the to to step aside and let the families go  


home Netanyahu said okay fine he put a ceasefire  he forced me to let the Palestinians go home to  


the north but he hasn't told me to withdraw from  the net Corridor so maybe give it a couple of  


weeks I'll go back I'll drive those families out  surely this is just for show then Netanyahu is  


told by wiof that President Donald Trump wants you  to withdraw from the nerim corridor in accordance  


with the ceasefire terms Netanyahu goes ballistic  so do his government and so do the other his other  


cabinet members they're saying we don't understand  what is going on here this guy said he was going   to give the Palestinians hell he's given us hell  instead what on Earth is going on and not only  


that as the hostages are being released and going  back to the Israelis in good condition with that   whole PR of the videos you know thank you for  treating us well and they're going back the  


families of the hostages in Israel itself are now  saying hang on a second are you telling me they   could have come home back in May which was the  same deal and Netanyahu was the one stopping it  


yoav gallan the former Defense Minister wants to  rescue His Image in isra Society so he goes behind  


netanyahu's back goes and gives an interview  to CNN I think it's CNN where he says I told  


Netanyahu take the deal in May he's the one who  refused to take the deal Suddenly netan at home is  


having the families of the hostages saying to him  that Netanyahu you could have brought them home   in May but you chose not to do so shame on you  Netanyahu realizes this is ridiculous Donald Trump  


has gone mad so he calls witkoff he says witkoff  did you see the movie that we've prepared about  


what you know Kamas did on October 7th wiov says  CE see he goes please just have a look at it it's  


a shorten version wiof watches the video and then  calls Donald Trump and says Mr President I think  


you need to see the video Netanyahu says wait a  minute if wiof is surprised by the video let me  


get on a plane and let me go see Trump face to  face I think I can fix this relationship if I  


go and see Trump face to face so netal gets on a  plane last week and he goes to sit with Netanyahu  


and he sent with Trump and Netanyahu says to  Donald Trump this is the way the conversation goes  


Trump I don't think you understand the situation  this ceasefire really look at what these Hamas  


guys do Trump is hesitant until those pictures  of those hostages you know the ones who are GA  


who who are a bit gaunt because all the Israeli  bombing and they limited humanitarian Aid and the   like so Trump says I'm getting a lot of stick I  remember a friend of mine in the US I won't say  


who um a bit close to the Republican Party said  that when wiof went to Gaza a huge campaign began  


in the party against witkoff if you remember taka  Carlson did a did the interview where he said I'll  


find the I'll try to find the clip I'll try you  should watch it just for yourself where he says I   don't believe it have you seen the accusations on  witkoff they're calling him uh an an an islamist  


in in in secret they're calling him aqar agent  they call who was calling him aat agent those  


who were upset at the the zionists were genuinely  upset they were upset that wikov and Trump were   forcing a ceasefire so when those pictures come  out Netanyahu and those in the Republican Party  


the Zionist Lobby they Lobby heavily on Donald  Trump and they tell him Mr Trump really I know you   think this sear is a good idea but it really isn't  a very good idea and Netanyahu has spent the best  


part of a week usually when presidents visit each  other they stay one two days max they have their   own domestic issues to talk about netan was there  for more than 3 days sitting with Donald Trump in  


his ear going around to giving interviews to Fox  News going in meeting with Ted Cruz go meeting  


with the Republicans what was Netanyahu doing  Netanyahu was going to try to fix a Lobby whose  


influence had been damaged by what had happened  in the elections because the second reason Trump  


called for a ceasefire aside from Saving Face when  he said I'll give them hell and then realized the  


Palestinians wouldn't Buckle so he forced  Netanyahu to buckle so he could say to the   world I brought the peace the second reason that  he did the ceasefire was Trump knows he won the  


election on the back of the anger that was geared  towards Biden for committing the genocide in Gaza  


when Trump gave his winning speech and he said  I think that Muslim Americans the Arab Americans  


the African-Americans the Hispanics we have the  widest coalitions when he goes to Michigan two or  


three times when he goes and meets with the Muslim  Community the Republicans knew that what swung the  


election even if many Muslims don't want to admit  it the Republicans and Democrats acknowledge now   and Republicans knew it what swung the election in  those swing States was the vote was the Gaza vote  


was the vote that punished Biden and so the second  reason Trump called for a ceasefire was he wanted   to say to guys I listened and I've delivered  the ceasefire and it's something that wins  


me domestic support at home the third reason that  Trump pushed for a ceasefire is within right-wing  


debate itself we've seen shift tuer Carlson you  saw the interview that he gave with peer Morgan  


where he said he laughed at PE when Pier said  that maybe sometimes it's moral to kill women  


and children because it's a war and taka Carson  laughs at him how can you see what's happening in  


Gaza and say Israel this is taka Carson 10 years  ago no one would ever imagine he'd say those kind   of words Candice own has been doing video after  video saying we don't want to get involved in  


this Matt Walsh when they cut funding of us Aid  Matt Walsh came out and said I've always been an   advocate that we should cut Aid to foreign Nations  when they goed him underneath and said what about  


Israel he said and Israel too we should cut  funding to Israel too Trump believed there were   three reasons to put the ceasefire I need to sa  face cuz the Palestinians some people might Buckle  


but Palestinians do not they refuse to bend their  necks they refused to go to Egypt and Jordan they  


decided to go home instead these Palestinians  didn't bow their necks the second reason that   Trump called for a ceasefire is he knew that's  the reason that the election swung his way in  


those swing States Wisconsin 32,000 votes he won  Wisconsin by there are 70,000 Muslims in Wisconsin  


alone add to that non-muslims who are pro Gaza  it's clear that if Harris had changed her position  


Wisconsin might have gone the other way in  Michigan 880,000 was the difference between Trump   and Harris there were 250,000 Muslims in Michigan  add to that probably tens of thousands hundreds  


of thousands of non-muslims who are pro Gaza it's  safe to say if Harris had gone the other way maybe  


Michigan would have gone the other way Georgia  Pennsylvania 120,000 difference in the vote  


we're not talking a million difference 120,000  votes difference between them more than 150,000  


Muslims in both States in Georgia and Pennsylvania  add to that the non-muslims who are pro Gaza it's  


safe to say if they had voted for Harris if  she changed her position they might have swung  


the other way for swing States Harris wins the  election then add on top of that the 7 million   votes that disappeared 2020 Biden has 81 million  votes 2024 Cala Harris has 74 million votes  


those 7 million who stayed at home like bessim YF  like a lot of the African-Americans like a lot of   white Americans as well who stayed at home saying  I can't vote for a genocide and a fascist all this  


data was available to Trump that's another reason  he called for the ceasefire the reason Trump is   threatening now to ruin the ceasefire is because  Netanyahu went himself personally to Washington  


and went and mobilized the Israeli Lobby and  went and said to them guys Trump is doing some   funky stuff Trump is doing something because  he believes there is a power that emerged we  


want Trump to adapt the other way I'm not saying  Trump suddenly became Pro Palestinian I'm saying   Trump the businessman was adapting to the market  trends Trump the businessman was adapting to the  


Electoral Market we need to remind him that we are  the ones who have the power over here this is why  


no one can say for certain if Trump is genuinely  going to break the ceasefire on Saturday or not or  


whether he's giving Netanyahu just some statement  over there and tomorrow maybe a Muslim delegation   or King Abdullah goes sees Trump or a Muslim  delegation and Trump comes out and says the  


Muslims they love me actually you know what I'll  give it another chance and the reason I say this   is today we're talking about that Trump trump said  today or yesterday that uh Saturday is a deadline  


if they don't release all of the hostages Israeli  press are reporting that actually if Hames just  


released the three that are expected we won't go  back to war a sort of already toning down of that  


statement over there the reason why I say is that  when you when it go goes back to the question is   Trump serious is Trump really going to dispel the  ceasefire or the like I think it's unclear if he  


will but I think your question was about will you  occupy Gaza and this is the second strand yeah and  


this is think about it this way what has changed  on the ground that makes one believe that Trump  


can achieve what Biden couldn't Biden wanted to  ethnically cleanse Gaza the proof 20th of October  


he goes to Congress he asks for the billions of  dollars to give to Egypt and Jordan in order to   get the Palestinians out CC says you can give  me all the money in the world I'm not opening  


the Border not because he cares about Palestinians  because he's worried the Palestinians cross over   and start resisting Israel from Sinai Israel will  invade Sinai and take it and it will plunge Egypt  


into war and he can't rely on the Americans to  come and help him when Biden found that Egypt and  


Jordan would refuse the money from Congress  to take in the Palestinians blinkin came up   with a better idea blinkin said let us gather  the Palestinians in and force CCE to open the  


Border this way so where Trump says go and take  them bluntly blinkin said the same thing but in  


a different language blink said we're going to  set up a humanitarian Corridor for Palestinians  


to go from the north to the South and we will  make masasi and ra safe zones where is Raf on  


the border with Egypt what happened blinkin set up  the humanitarian Corridor the Israelis allowed it  


and thousands of Palestinians they walked from  Northern Gaza where did they go Southern Gaza  


what do you call this other than ethnic cleansing  and displacement what did the Israelis do once the  


Palestinians moved from the north to the South  they went in and they tried to occupy Biden then   sent a humanitarian peer so-call humanitarian peer  which was supposed to be a Launchpad for American  


soldiers to help the Israelis secure the middle of  Gaza to ensure that in the event there was a flare  


up in Northern Gaza Israel would be quick to adapt  Biden did what Trump is saying he's going to do  


Trump says I'm going to send in US troops to help  the Israelis to occupy Biden didn't say it bluntly  


Biden said I'm going to do a humanitarian peer  in order to ensure the safety of the humanitarian  


corridors no difference in the intention at all  the only difference is the language when the  


humanitarian peer got blown away by Divine forces  let's say got blown away the Israelis went in but  


they realized they had a problem in staying  in Northern the casualty death toll of Israeli  


soldiers was rapidly mounting which is why y  afghanan wanted the ceasefire deal in may he said  


we were getting reports of more Israeli soldiers  being killed killed by who by Palestinians who  


refused to leave it was like playing waca as soon  as the ceasefire took place did you see how many  


fighters emerged out into the blue which shows  you for all of the bombing they didn't manage to  


remove their fighting capabilities of the forces  that are in Gazza itself my point is what Trump is  


trying is what Biden tried there's nothing that  Trump is saying that Biden hasn't tried Biden  


tried it Biden tried it aggressively when people  say that Biden didn't allow the 2,000 ton bomb to  


be delivered Biden allowed two 1,000 T bombs to be  delivered Biden said I won't give you it in one go  


I'll give you in two Trump is simply saying I'm  going to give you what Biden gave but I give it   to you in a different package the point that I'm  saying here is your question was is Trump serious  


about occupying if Trump allows the Israelis to  enter Gaza again there is nothing to suggest that  


he will get a different outcome from what Biden  got which is 15 months of bombing of Gazza with no  


gains for the Israelis more Israelis dying no land  being annexed and US soldiers not having the power  


to even help them he sent battleships Biden sent  battleships to help the Israelis he sent Marines  


to to help the Israelis when Trump says I'm going  to send in US troops it's clear that it's not  


different from Biden's policy what is going to be  done differently nothing but Trump has a different  


problem from Biden which makes it even harder  for Trump when Biden did it because Trump was  


the other candidate many Democrats were willing  to say that Biden is working tirelessly for a  


ceasefire even as Biden was sending US troops to  help they were willing to turn a blind eye to it   Republicans are not willing to turn a blind eye  to US troops in Gaza can if Lindsey Graham Lindsey  


Graham who said that what's happening in Gaza is a  religious war between Israel and Palestine Lindsey  


graah was asked what do you think about Donald  Trump's proposal of sending US troops he said he   said that's a really bad idea to send US troops to  another War really bad idea what is making Lindsey  


Graham one of the most ident supporters of the  Israelis say it's a bad idea to send US troops  


it's a fear of a fear of the US population what  is he indicating US population will not tolerate  


American casualties in Gaza Candace Owens does a  show and she says Mr President I support you when  


you go back to two genders male and female  I support you in most of what you do but Mr  


President I don't support US soldiers going abroad  Matt Walsh Mr President why are we going to send  


US soldiers to go abroad Marco Rubio had to come  out and tone down Trump's statement and say no no  


it is we're not going to go and occupy we're not  going to go and fight we're not going Trump has   a unique problem in that his own supporters even  those who support Israel are not willing to see  


US troops be sent abroad because they believe it  will cost them domestically so neither is Trump so  


Trump's suggestion there is nothing to suggest it  will achieve any of the Strategic objectives that  


Biden was ideologically held bent on achieving  nor does he have the support domestically within  


his own party ranks to do it which is why the  following day after announcing that he would   send US troops Middle East ey reported and the  media reported that he had contacted Saudi qat  


and UAE and said why don't we do a different model  where you send companies to build the Riviera and  


we will invest in the Riviera via your companies  this the idea about bin Salman allowing foreign   ownership of property in Mecca provided it's a  Muslim company that owns it so foreign people  


can invest why don't you guys be the vehicles and  will'll invest in it suggesting that it may well  


be and don't hold me to this but it may well be  Trump doesn't want to send troops Trump wants to   provoke Saudi UAE Bahrain and Egypt into sending  a force there Trump wants to provoke them into  


containing Hamas Trump wants to provoke them into  sending the Palestinian Authority and entrenching  


the Palestinian Authority into G itself does that  plan resemble a plan that you've heard before it  


does it is blink's plan it's blink's plan when he  said we want to establish a peacekeeping force of  


regional powers and we want to establish the  Palestinian Authority in Gaza itself the point  


I'm making is there is absolutely no difference  whatsoever between what Trump has announced he  


wants to achieve and what Biden tried to achieve  in 15 months Oro if Biden didn't achieve it in  


15 months giving every support he could to the  Israelis if the Israelis threw everything knowing  


they had full us support and full International  impunity and impunity from ICC and icj and us  


would veto every single resolution Israel had all  of that support and still could not Annex Gaza  


still could not drive the Palestinians into Egypt  still could not drive the Palestinians into Jordan  


what makes anyone think that Trump can do anything  differently and here in lies the Crux of the issue  


the ceasefire may fall the ceasefire May collapse  but we'll go back to a situation very exactly the  


same as we had under the Biden nothing better  nothing worse what happened when Biden had it  


the Palestinians survived in so far as they were  able to go back to their home thousands died yes  


they didn't survive those Palestinians didn't  survive but my point is Israel didn't win and  


neither did Biden and there's nothing to suggest  that Trump will win and it may well be that when  


Trump realizes hang on a second I can't send US  troops hang on a second the war is continuing  


CeCe is not taking in refugees neither is Jordan  h going a second UAE and uh Saudi and bahin are  


not willing to send a peacekeeping force it's  hard to imagine Trump continuing the genocide  


given that he's not going to win anything from it  domestically given the change in public opinion   that is taking place amongst the right-wing media  itself and I think that's why you see the hysteria  


within Israel itself with regards to netan and  why net had to go and see Trump I think there  


was a series of Les with regards to Netanyahu  in his relationship with Trump Netanyahu has G  


to try to resolve it but it's unclear whether  Trump will allow the ceasefire to collapse and   even if he if it does it's not clear if he'll  give the support that Biden did and even if he  


does there's no suggestion whatsoever that he'll  succeed where Biden fail I mean um when I watched  

Netanyahu’s Lobbying


that press conference uh the initial press  conference with Netanyahu and uh uh president  


trump it it it seemed very clear to me that  even Netanyahu was taken by surprise by that  


um decision to clear out to clean out uh Gaza and  and you know since then um Donald Trump has just  


doubled down on on on that decision you know he  was on Fox News as you said uh yesterday and and  


today he was on another TV channel where he very  clearly stated that um you know we are planning  


to take off Gaza he's no no longer calling for  American troops but we're planning to colonize  


Gaza and we're going to give them a some piece of  land somewhere else uh and and they will be happy  


according to according to Trump so there seems to  be a policy from Donald Trump that is separate to  


that of netanyahu's lobbying uh because even  Netanyahu said in that press conference this   is not what we were asking for we were calling  for a Gaza fre of Hamas but this seems like out  


of the box thinking and maybe we can we can  go along with it so you know Netanyahu wasn't  


certainly wasn't lobbying for that extremity of  a plan that seems to have come out uh from from  


Donald Trump's mouth I think I actually agree  with the point that I think that Netanyahu went   there to Washington and came back with something  that no US president has ever promised him before  


he looked shocked by the announcement as well and  that's a consensus amongst even American ANS that   Netanyahu was taken by surprise and I think even  the chief of staff in the white house or of the  


of the Armed Forces U told media that the first  we heard of this plan was in the press conference  


itself that we haven't been told by Donald Trump  which suggest it was an off thee C from Mark what  


I will say is if you remember in the first term  of Donald Trump he threatened many times that he  


would put maximum pressure on Iran and might even  go to war with the Iranians when John Bolton said  


let's go to war Trump sacked him Trump said I'm  going to go and impose full tariffs on Canada  


within a week they've come to an agreement this is  where people think that perhaps Trump is doing the   whole deal making thing let me go high and then  people say okay I'll settle for something lower  


shop tactic and then accept something lower that  might be true but it might be equally true that   he means it which is why I prefer to answer the  question less from whether Trump means it and  


more can Trump achieve it can Trump actually  do it can Trump actually and and the reality  


is that I think what the Arabs are trying  to impress upon Donald Trump is especially   the Saudis is this is an issue that can get  bin Salman assassinated this is an issue that  


can topple my whole government Jordan is saying  this is an issue that can topple my whole Mone  


CCE is saying this is an issue that might topple  my whole government so you might think in pushing  


this that you're coming up with a peace plan but  what happens if something like Syria happens where  


ID Falls and you now have an entity that comes in  that believes ideologically in the eradication of  


Israel in other words it may well be that Trump  tries and it starts a domino effect and you see  


these regimes fall and it causes a catalyst of  events whereby suddenly Trump's over support  


for Israel is what leads to its destruction the  reality is David H wrote a good article in Middle   East even if I disagree with some of it where he  said that Trump Trump's rhetoric has brought all  


of the Arabs into a Firm Stance with regards to  Palestine in a way byen never in a way genocide   never did yeah why is it bringing them in a Firm  Stance it's bringing them in a Firm Stance because  


they realize the risk now and existential RIS to  their governments that Trump's support for Israel   is going to push and that's why your question is  does Trump mean it I prefer to answer the question  


can Trump achieve it and judging from the way the  Palestinians have stood firm I don't think there's   any way Trump can achieve it and when you look at  the reasons why he withdrew from Afghanistan what  


did he say he said we invested so much money so  much troops we got nothing out of it when he gets  


nothing out of Gaza after another year of genocide  or the like and may Allah protect Gaza and may it  


never happen and may Allah always make sure that  they're protected I'm not saying that I wish   for genocide I'm saying analyzing it politically  Israel achieved no strategic aims yav Gallant said  


we achieved no strategic aims Biden achieved no  strategic aims blinking through the kitchen sink  


to try to make genocide humanitarian and still the  Palestinians went back to the lands that blink was  


hoping that Israel would Annex all of that they  didn't achieve anything there's nothing to suggest  


that Trump will be able to achieve it and even if  some of us perhaps are very worried about what's   coming next I have no doubt that the Palestinians  will be able to ruin all of Trump's plans just as  


they ruin Biden's plans Samy let's talk about the  Arab Lee because of course um the Muslim leaders  


as you've said you know they they've betrayed  probably certainly have betrayed Gaza but um  


there was a a conversation about the Muslim League  coming together and uh and showing a unified front  


I think they've got a meeting coming up towards  the end of uh this month um how do you assess  


sort of the the response of the Muslim League as a  as an organization I think that the one who wants  


this me meeting urgently is CeCe of Egypt I think  that CeCe genuinely believes he's in a real crisis  


now primarily because if Trump forces the others  to buckle to his plan and if the Gulf States  


support him in his plan the first place that the  Palestinians go will be Egypt if he's forced to  


open the border and the Palestinians come in the  Palestinians will resist from inside Egypt Israel   will use it as an excuse after it an Nexes Gaza to  go into Egypt itself and then it will take Egypt  


and then he can't he believes he won't be able to  rely on International support on the Americans or   the like so cisi wants to get the Arab Le together  to say to them guys we're all on this table over  

Sisi and Arab League


here I need a guaranteed confirmation that none  of you will support this deal the problem however  


is for an emergency meeting of this gravity you  would expect the meeting to take place tomorrow   the day after maybe this week the meeting is  scheduled for end of February after Trump's  


deadline for when he plans or or when he says that  he will no longer support the SE that's the first  


point the second point is those who are  attending the Arab League amongst them are   states that not even a genocide could make them  reverse normalization of ties with the Israelis  


the UAE has not kicked out the Israeli Ambassador  nor has it recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv  


nor has it indicated it's going to reverse  normalization of ties nor has it given any   indication whatsoever that Israel is no longer a  partner in whatever it is that it wants to pursue  


in foreign policy on the contrary UAE has doubled  down there are reports that those Israeli soldiers  


who are fighting or committing genocide in Gaza  when they have their break from the fighting they  


have their break in Dubai they have their break  in UAE cities and where Australia now is demanding  


that IDF members declare whether they served in  the genocide in Gaza or where other countries are  


turning away Israelis who have served in genocide  UAE remains an open open door policy for those who  


have committed genocide to come and have holiday  to take a break from blowing up the heads of kids   all the like UAE will be present at the meeting  at the Arab League CC will find that bin Z doesn't  


automatically reject the plan he has to convince  bin Zade and try to push B Zade to convince the   plan Morocco has refused to reverse normalization  of ties with the Israelis but has doubled down  


on it by announcing that it's now made Elbert  systems its main defense partner signing I think  


a $500 million contract if not more and impr and  increasing trade with the Israelis and increasing  


ties with the Israelis and in the words of the  Israelis doing so on the basis that it wants the   Western Sahara and it hopes that Trump can bully  Algeria into allowing Morocco to take over the  


Western Sahara CeCe will be in a room with these  kind of individuals CeCe will be in a room with  


the king of bahin the king of bahin who normalized  ties with Israel on the orders of Bin Salman bin  


Salman we were talking earlier about Jared kushna  and how bin Salman put sort of a deposit payment  


of normalization to convince Kushner that he  wasn't just a man of words I give my um words  


but I give you actions Muhammad bin Salman when  he told kushna that Saudi can't normalize yet  


because of the people it usually it's bahin its  foreign policy is often directed by Saudi Arabia  


there's been some upheaval in Kuwait as well it  seems the uee and Saudi are having their way in   Kuwait now Kuwait has lost a lot of its neutral  leadership but in any case bahin normalized on the  


it was like a deposit I'm going to push bahin into  normalizing with it for those who don't understand   the Dynamics between Saudi and bahin very I I  remember the last time I ever went to Saudi Arabia  


many many many years ago uh sh I see it again  soon inah the there was a a guide who took me  


to a museum he was one of he was working for one  of the Ministries so we walked into the king ABD  


Museum Ry and I remember there is a I've told the  story before maybe way back in raving podcast but  


there's no harm in doing it again there there's  a picture of King abdulaziz next to the then Amir  


of bahin so the guy next to me says to me Samy  look at this picture I was a big picture of King  


he was a tall and dominating figure so he says to  me the guy what do you notice about this picture


kingd goes no no look carefully what do you  notice I see two men sitting next to each  


other no look carefully you're supposed to be  sharp at this stuff like what do you notice   I said tell me what you want me to notice he said  notice Amir of bahin sits lower than the king of  


Saudi Arabia because we are the big brother in  terms of what we do bahin the king of bahin he  


hasn't reversed normalization and if even if he  wanted to he could only do so if bin Salman allows   him to CCE will sit on a table with bin Zed who  absolutely refuses to reverse normalization and  


in fact is in favor of the isra Israel's mission  to eliminate Hamas you have Morocco which doesn't  


really care as long as Western Sahara Israel  keeps his promise and bahin Cece wants a strong  


Arab stance that can make Trump back down and  give up on this idea of Palestinians going into  


Egypt in that kind of room it's hard to imagine  CeCe getting a very strong position from all of  


them when King Abdullah of Jordan says today in  the white house with Donald Trump that bin Salman   is summoning us to discuss the plan that's not an  outright rejection of the plan that's an editing  


of the plan Cece's Rel relationship with Saudi  and the UAE is one of dependency Saudi UAE pumped  


money in order to keep the CC regime afloat when  the CC regime was spending on Mega projects CC's  


dependency on UAE is such that when the UAE backed  militia in Sudan launched its coup in Kum CC  


didn't want the militia to win CC's ties were very  good with the current government Ben Zed went to  


Egypt 3 days before the attempted coup essentially  to say to Cece something's about to happen in  


Sudan you better stay out of it and as a guarantee  himti went and grabbed 80 Egyptian soldiers from  


Mari airport in Kum and CeCe could do nothing  to get them out he had to wait and he couldn't  


lend his support to the Sudanese Army against the  militia and then when the UAE finally said to Cece  


I'll give you a gift I I'll tell him to release  them CeCe had to write a statement to say we thank   the UAE for its initiative and for its role in  releasing these hostages cc is heavily dependent  


on the finances that come Saudi Arabia before  has happen tur Hamed and these other commentators   were saying we should stop funding CC unless he  convinces the Army to start selling its assets  


to Saudi Arabia to UAE or at least to start de  privatizing the economy instead of army generals  


owning it he has to open otherwise we're not going  going to give him any money when Egyptian media   lambasted Saudi and said like we're Egypt CCE had  the Articles removed from Egyptian papers and then  


went to visit R to say I'm sorry like please don't  take seriously what these people are saying you   guys are really good CCE has that thing that he  does with in that table CCE has no leverage he's  


in a room full of people who are more pro-israel  than they are pro Palestine it's hard to imagine  


this Arab League achieving anything with regards  to taking that Firm Stance that is taking place  


and I think that is the tragedy in that I don't  think Donald Trump is pursuing this plan because  


of Netanyahu alone I think he's pursuing the plan  the same reason Biden did when blinkin went to RI  


he heard from the Saudis that we don't mind  if you go and attack Hamas it's in Woodward's   book when he went to UAE they said if it's Hamas  go don't worry about us we're with you in this  


regard wherever he went in the region aside from  Qatar and aside from Turkey he heard from them  


that we don't really mind this genocide that's  taking place but please bear in mind we have our   public opinion considered Washington Post had that  headline in the first week or second week after  


October 7th where it said that uh blinkin goes  to visit Arab capitals to seek help in tempering  


public opinion their words not mine the point  is blinkin felt that the regional rulers were  


more aligned with the Israelis to the extent he  could go and ask them can you keep your keep your  


populations under control cuz the Americans are  hearing them and they might become anti-israel can   you please keep them under control and that's when  sud came out a week later and said is a f don't  


talk about it my point is in this Arab League CeCe  is going to sit in a room where not everybody is  


against the genocide of Palestinians not everybody  cares about the genocide of Palestinians and Trump   will say the Arabs themselves are telling  me that they don't mind so what's the big  


deal Jordan take the Palestinians what's the  big deal Egypt take the Palestinians CCE has  


suggested that he might send tanks to the Border  but the biggest and this is the point I finished   I think the biggest issue that CeCe has now is  Netanyahu gave an interview to Fox News where  


he says that part of the reason the Palestinians  are suffering is because Egypt is is is is choking  


them Egypt is always keeps that border shut all  the like Egypt should do the Humane thing and open  


the border and and and let them in CC's greatest  issue is not Trump and netanyahu's plans those are  


expected no one ever believes that Israel wants  peace in the region his problem is when the time   comes that he needs the Arab League to really  stand with him he'll find them standing closer  


to Israel than they will with him and that's why  he canceled his visit to Washington it's why he's   refusing to meet with Trump and it's why he's  calling for this emergency meeting and I think  


he probably wanted the meeting this week but he  found that the gulf allies were telling him that   maybe we don't need to rush about this let's  wait and see whether Trump actually brings the  

Reckoning of Democrats


ceasefire down earlier on Samy you spoke about the  impact the Muslim and the conscientious Community  


had on the outcome of the American elections  and how GZA featured in those swing states of  


Michigan and Pennsylvania and and others um there  was a question that was asked by uh one of our  


subscribers alhamdulillah we've got uh you know  it's we've got this uh amazing set of almost 400  


subscribers to our podcast and um they have the  opportunity to ask questions to our guests and   normally we ask you these questions afterwards as  a bonus bit but it was a really good question from  


Sister Sarah and I want to ask you the question  now Sarah asks that uh we would told that if we  


vote against the Democrats uh then there will be  an internal conversation that takes place within  


the Democrats and in two years time or four  years time uh next election you know midterms  


or or the next presidential election there will  be a Reckoning with the Palestinian issue within  


the Democrats and I suppose her question really  is that has that recog taken place is it going  


to take place and what else can we do between now  and then to make sure that conversation does take  


place within the Democratic party I think that  this question is best answered if you look at  


the Democrat calculations following their defeat  in the elections the Democrats did not believe  


that the votes that would be influenced by Gaza  would cost them in the elections and the proof  


is they refused to change their position even  As Trump quoted the votes that were upset over  


what was happening in Gaza Bill Clinton was sent  to Michigan instead to really double down on the  


fact that the Democrats are ready to stand with  Zionism and they are not going to listen to those  


votes that are angry about the genocide they're  going to stick with Zionism because these votes   have nowhere else to go and these votes do not  have the resolve to punish us because they're  


not going to go to Trump and the third party  option is not realistic they have nowhere to go  


except us that was the Democrat strategy when the  Democrat ended up losing there was a big debate  


that took place within the Democrat Party did Gaza  really cost us the vote and it took place even in   months some members of the Muslim Community and  the like was Gaza really a decisive Factor Bernie  


Sanders suggested it was when he came out and he  said that we lost because we quote abandoned the   working class and because of our stance with  regards to Gaza roana said the same thing John  


fetman the Zionist came out and said oh they we  lost because we supported the genocide in Gaza I  


hope Trump does to these voters you you know and  gives them hell and all of these things however   there was still some sort of Doubt particularly  amongst the community and these others about  


whether the insistence that Gaza had a part to  play was more motivational rather than rooted in  


facts despite the data showing that Gaza did swing  those swing States in favor of Trump by causing  


millions of Voters to stay at home as opposed to  go and voting for Donald Trump since the election  


the Yugo poll has come out and confirmed that 29%  of those who stayed at at home they stayed at home  


because they did not want to choose between  a genocide in Biden and Harris and between a   fascist Donald Trump that 29% of those who did  not vote would have delivered the election for  


Harris in those swing States had they voted and 34  other polls confirmed that too from youav and from  


other respected polls and the like the other proof  that the Democrats now recognize that Gaza was a  


key swing issue with regards to their voting is  that now that Trump is escalating his rhetoric and  


becoming more incend in his rhetoric we're seeing  many Democrats and those who support the Democrats  


come out and say you punished us because of Gaza  you brought Trump over here I hope he really gives  


it to you we're seeing that sort of sneering we're  seeing that sort of I told you so I told you Trump  


was going to be worse but you decided to punish  us for genocide knowing Trump was going to come   back ignore the legitimacy of the argument the  premise of the argument is that we lost because of  


genocide we lost because of Gaza we lost because  of our role in Gaza and the implicit recognition  


in that accusation of We Told You So the implicit  accus the implicit recognition is that Gaza was  


what swung it and if people did not punish  us for Gaza we would have won the first thing  


that is clear from this is the message has been  received loud and clear Democrats lost because of  


Gaza and Democrats now recognize it the Democrat  position as it stands now is what do we do with  


this information that Gaza cost us the election  Michael Moore wrote an article on substack where  


he said that if we want to win elections in future  we need to start creating distance between us and  


between the zionists other members of the Democrat  Party are saying that we don't need to create  


distance between us and the zionists because  Trump is going to give this community so much  


grief and so much hell that within two years in  the midterm elections they're going to come back  


to us and apologize for punishing us as a result  of Gaza what they're saying the Democrats is that  


this community didn't punish us because they were  resilient their non-muslim allies didn't punish  


us because they were resilient the millions of  Americans Muslim and non-muslim who chose not to  


vote for genocide at Harris and for fascist Donald  Trump and who some went for third party and some  


stayed at home they do not have the resilience to  put up with Trump for two years and the fact that  


in these elections they had the chance to give 5%  to a third party which would allow owed the third  


party to get Federal funding which would have  really caused the divided that sort of advantage  


that the Democrats had against the Republicans  means we don't need to cater to this vote we  


just need these people Trump will wear them down  they'll come back to us in the midterm so the   Democrats have recognized that the Gaza vote lost  them the election but their Reflections on it as  


it stands is let's be patient they're going to  come back to us anyway and already we're seeing   some uh voices coming out and say we should never  have punished genocide because now we have Donald  


Trump who's also going to be committing genocide  the problem for the Democrats is the community is  


far more resilient than they give credit for in  other words they believe that the community voted  


on a whim but CNN went and interviewed people who  had voted for Trump I don't know how morally they  


could have done it but it is what it is who went  and voted for Trump and said do you regret voting   for Trump or do you regret voting third party  which made votes leave the Democrats and go and  


allow Trump to win all of those are said we don't  regret it we're stunned by what Trump is saying  


but we don't regret it because the genocide was  so bad so the Democrats are saying okay that's   the first year the first year they might say yes  we stood on principle we did right and the like  


but Trump is going to wear them down when the  second when the midterm elections come we'll   go to them we'll get those votes back without  having to cater to them because they'll Buckle  


they won't hold firm they won't hold strong  like the Palestinians did in Gaza when Israel  


was unable to ethnically cleanse them they won't  hold firm like the Palestinian in Gaza who didn't  


go to Egypt and Jordan but chose to stay on his  land they won't hold firm like the Palestinian   in Gaza who decided to return home North and  they stood in front of the Israeli tanks and the  


Israeli tanks were forced to step aside and allow  those families to go home these communities are  


not like the Palestinians they claim to support  the Palestinians are resilient these communities   are going to buckle because they have a history of  voting for the lesser of two evils never voting on  


principle the Democrat calculation is wrong in my  opinion why because when those midterm elections  


come in two years after Trump has deported a few  people and maybe smashed a couple of organizations  


or the like I don't think the Democrats will find  a community that regrets punishing genocide I  


think on the contrary I think the community now  is going through a phase whereby they are saying   that given that we voted less of two evils and we  had a choice between a genocid and a fascist we  


can't keep going down this path we have to find  a different way moreover the environment today  


is different than what it was before millions of  Americans their opinions have shifted now with  


regards to Palestine but also with regards to  their system in America at home there are many  


people who did not vote because they believed  that the two parties no longer represent them   it's like that African-American girl told Don  Lemon I can't vote for a fascist and I can't vote  


for a genocider the system needs to change not me  as a voter we're seeing those on the right wing  


saying that we cannot have parties that continue  to support Zionism me shimer Jeffrey saak he  


they're not rightwing but in any case me shimer  Jeffrey saak on the right wing Candace Owens   Tucker Carlson Matt Walsh all these other people  coming as well moreover we're seeing Americans  


now asking questions about why is it that we're  giving so much money to the Israelis why is it  


we have rampant homelessness in Los Angeles and  in California but we can't find the money to give  


to them to solve homelessness but we can find 14  billion to give to the Israelis Americans are now  


asking why but why are they asking why they're  asking why because this community that punished   genocide Muslims and non-muslims they raised  their voices so loud that an issue that should  


never have been on the headlines if the zist  were truly in control ended up being forced onto  


the headlines it ended up being delivered to the  ordinary American people because of the activism  


of this community which led to the Democrats  losing what the Democrats fear is that when  


the two years comes and the midterm elections come  when they go back to the community they won't find   a community that has buckled they won't find a  community that regrets they will find a community  


that might be sweating they'll find a community  that might be slightly ragged they'll find a   community that is struggling against fascism with  the help of those millions of Americans who reject  


fascism as well and this community will say to  the Democrats are you coming back to me with the   same sneering face face when my people were being  killed in Palestine in Gaza when kids heads were  


being blown up when people are being slaughtered  you've had two years to repent you're coming to   me with the same face I'm wrestling with fascism  but I will never allow genocid is back into Power  


I'm sorry I'm not giving you the vote in the  midterms I'm going to give it to Independence   I'm going to give shut Adam in the UK another  term I'm going to give Adnan Hussein in the  


UK another term this time the third party only  got a limited number of votes maybe this time  


instead of sitting at home now that I believe I  could top with a Democrats maybe I can actually   give it to a third party this time and get them  over that 5% threshold and really punish you you  


didn't see punishment in the presidency you got  off lucky that the third party didn't get 5% this  


time I'm going to give it 5% because in two years  you didn't learn your lesson you thought I would   Buckle you're the one who needs to buckle under  my resilience with regards to community and we're  


seeing it in the way that when people are talking  about Elon Musk cleaning up the government there   is a meme going around where Elon Musk finds all  this wasted money in the government and people are  


waiting to receive it but instead he carries it  to the Israelis we're seeing the shift in public   opinion that is taking place that now opens up  opportunities with regards to what is possible  


politically in America and I think that is the  cause of concern for the Democrats the question   is not whether the community was right to punish  genocide the question is whether the Democrats  


ever want to win an election again whether the  Democrats ever want to be in party again whether   the Democrats ever want to gain those votes that  stayed at home because they were disgusted at the  


genocide that they perpetrated the question is  not whether those who took a stand on principle   did the right thing to do the right thing the  question is whether genocides learned the lesson  


or whether they want to lose again because this  is a community that is ready to struggle for   what's right they're ready to dig the trench with  the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam  


they're ready to keep marching with him even when  he loses in they're ready to march with him even   if he signs the treaty ofia they're ready to give  raise their voices with him even as he's being  


beaten up in Mecca they're ready to line  up behind him and they are not willing to   compromise on these principles especially if it  means that it favors the genocides instead and  


this is why I think that when you look at what's  happening in America Trump is coming after those   who might have limited access to healthcare but  the Muslims have be M they have HCI they have  


ikna relief they have mass they have all these  various different organizations that are engaged  


with American society what the community did in  punishing the Democrats was they represented the  


heart of America them and the non-muslims who  joined them what they said to America was oh   America this country that we all love even though  we despise its foreign policy this country that  


we live in this country that we were born in  this country that we reside in cannot succeed  


if its elections are producing a choice between  a fascist and a genid we cannot keep choosing the  


lesser of two evils we have to learn to dream  as the American dream dream told us to dream  


we have to learn to dream and think of something  better we have to envisage and come up with a new  


vision one in which we are never told to choose  again between fascism and between genocide and  


the community did that through dawa they gave  dawa to the American public and they found the  


American public heard what did Candace Owen say  Jal when P Morgan asked her why did you change  


your opinion with regards to Zionism she said PE  you know me my whole career I've been considering  


the friend of the zionists but when I saw on  social media what was happening on Palestine I  


as a Christian can no longer support that Candace  Owens is one person imagine how many others feel  


the same way taka Carlson laughed at PE Morgan  when P Morgan said that Israel might have a moral  


right to kill Palestinian kids taka cson laughed  at him New York Times describes Tua cson as the  


most watched right-wing podcast him and Joe Rogan  have some of the most the most watched podcast in  


America Joe Rogan not necessarily rightwing but  they are the most watched podcast Joe Rogan on   his own podcast talking about why do we support  the Israelis what's our real benefit in supporting  


the Israelis hosting Jeffrey sax and these  others talking to the American people and saying guys we have heard callers who are calling to  that which is good they don't say it in those  


words what Joe Rogan said was I'm coming across  increasing number of videos of what's happening  


in Palestine I'm I'm hearing their call and as I  hear it I can't stop hearing it so I'm starting to  


look at it what is in this call what is happening  here and what Unity Labs did what im Tom fakini  


did what Omar did on Lex fredman podcast what Yi  did when he sat next to M ped and the Jewish voice  


for and husse sat next to the Jewish voice  for peace what the community did when they  


spoke to the American society was they presented  and they told the Americans Unity Labs put the  


billboard they said oh Americans did you know that  we're giving more than $3 billion a year to the  


Israelis but we can't afford health care here in  America you can't afford healthare did you know  


that after the hurricane that ran through Florida  Biden only sent $750 per family in Florida but  


sent 8 billion in the same week to the Israelis  to enable them to commit genocide oh America  


Americans speaking to them as Amer Americans oh  America did you know that what you're suffering  


in access to medical treatment those bills that  are making you bankrupt those Insurance scamming  


you instead of the government intervening and  providing waivers providing financial support  


Biden didn't find 14 billion to help you he  found 14 billion instead he asked Congress on  


the 20th of October to give to Egypt and Jordan  to say to them that leave the homelessness in  


America that's not my priority leave the medical  situation that's not my priority I want to give 14  


billion to Egypt and Jordan to help Israel on the  other side of the world to ethnically cleanse and  


kick out the Palestinians because somehow I'm  ideologically Zionist and I would be a Zionist   even if there was no Zionism Americans when they  heard this retric from this community they punish  


the Democrats with regards to genocide and  that's why when people are debating whether   punishing genocide was right or wrong that is the  wrong question to ask the question that should be  


asked is if this da of 12 months resulted in  the defeat of the Democrats if this da of 12  


months convinced millions of Americans to stay  at home and not participate in voting either  


for a fascist and a genocider if this da that we  participated in flipped zus into Pro Palestinian  


if this da that we gave if these boycotts that  we embarked on made companies and universities  


divest from the Israelis like UC Davis and these  others if these protests that we embarked on  


made naftali Bennett say on the Jordan Peterson  podcast that these protests have quote devastated  


our influence in foreign capitals which is the  reason Netanyahu needed to fly to Washington to  


say to Trump what on Earth are you doing forcing  me into a ceasefire which is why netan had to   call macron and tell him what does it mean when  you keep talking about a ceas fine a two-state  


solution which is why macron told CNN that we  are averse to Trump's plan for ethnic cleansing  


Palestine belongs to the Palestinians they should  stay there something that he wasn't necessarily   saying when Biden was in power the question is  not whether it was right to punish genocide the  


question was is if you can shake the world in 12  months by finally communicating with your Society  


by finally engaging with your Society by finally  raising money for those Billboards that Unity La  


put out by finally raising money and pushing care  to represent Muslims and defend them in the courts  


and bring the court cases alongside the Jewish  voice for peace against those who are zionists  


like in the Oakland Court or the like that got a  judge to say I'm not sure I have jurisdiction but  


if I did I could probably charge those who are  supporting genocide with supporting genocide he  


said it in Oakland he said I don't have I don't  think I have jurisdiction but if I did it would   be the case which is Landmark even if people think  that it is irrelevant and I know the lawyers who  


went and did that as well the question is if the  community was able to achieve all of that what  


can they achieve over the next four years what  can they convince more millions of Americans  


if they convinced 10 million to stay at home Jal  do you think maybe and that was 12 months multiply  


that by four over the next four years with the  concerted effort alongside Trump who is bearing   down who speaks bluntly and forces those who are  going along with Biden's PR to finally come out  


and become Pro Palestinian because Trump makes it  too ugly for them to stand with Trump the way they  


stood with Biden 10 million in one year multiply  that by four years you could convince 40 million  


Americans to maybe start to explore a third way  I'm not saying people go and abandon the Democrats  


in the next election nor am I saying go and go and  punish labor in the next election I'm saying that   the Democrat and labor strategy as it stands is  you I didn't believe you to be resilient I didn't  


believe you to be a community that was willing to  entertain struggle I believed you to be a people  


of Wen I believed you to be like the foam of the  sea I believed you to be large in number and in  


wealth but I believed you to be impotent because  you would never entertain struggle suddenly you  


surprised me you took a stance on genocide you  actually toppled me and I recognize by because  


of the polls because of the data because of the  numbers because of Wisconsin 32,000 difference   with 70,000 Muslims Plus non-muslims in there  swinging the state and the poll suggesting if  


Harris had changed her position she would have won  Wisconsin you've shown me in this instance that  


you're willing to take a stand on principle but  the Democrats and labor are saying I think this is   a one-off I think was emotional I think this was  a lashing out I don't think you're people who are  


resilient I think you're a people who are going  to crack zionists don't crack Zionist have not let  


up Democrats lost and when Trump did a ceasefire  that they did not want they spent even more money  


to try to L with the Americans Netanyahu flew to  Washington the tech companies are trying to revise  


their laws about cracking down the universities  are changing their laws and their policies they   didn't go home and say everything is done they  said oh my goodness we have to spend more money  


we have to embark on more initiatives to push that  down because this power is manifesting itself in  


a way it has never manifested before because  this is not a minority that is revolting this  


is a minority plus Americans plus white Americans  black Americans Hispanics they who are changing  


their minds because of this dawa the Zionist did  not stop against you because they don't believe   this community to be powerless so the Democrats  what they're saying and the zionists are saying  


they're saying okay this was understandable the  genocide video was everywhere but let's let's  


gamble on Trump trump is going to give them hell  Trump so far hasn't committed a genocide although  


he might but even if he commits a genocide and I'm  not downplaying it it will not be anything worse   than what Biden did as we explained before but the  point that I make here is is that if Trump commits  


a genocide the zionists believe that Muslims will  forget that Biden's was just as worse and that  


Muslims will say we should never have punished  Biden let's go back to the Democrats because it  


felt better did they lose their home no they  didn't lose their home in America did they   lose their cars no they didn't lose their cars  did they lose their wealth no they didn't lose  


their weth was an organization smashed maybe  one or two but we built one or two as well and   now the Supreme Court is looking into it because  Jewish voice for peace and other white Americans  


are lobbying on our behalf and also some Democrats  are now becoming Pro Palestinian because Democrats   are pro-israel in power and pro Palestine in  opposition they're now joining the front as  


well and we're seeing around the world things  that are changing the zionists are saying Trump   will make them suffer and they'll come back to you  you don't need to entertain those votes and here's  


the point that I finish on yeah in 2 years time  the Democrats will come to the voters who punish  


them for genocide and they will say to them do you  see what Trump did to you was punishing genocide  


worth it and there will be voices that say we  should never have punished genocide they will  


say to the community it wasn't worth it come back  to us because even if we support genocide we are  


not nicer to you and make you feel better about it  if the community Buckle at that point all of the  


efforts of punishing genocide until now will have  gone in vain the issue will disappear yeah but if  


they hold their ground and punish Democrats in the  midterm elections punish them because we have the  


likes in our community of Mahi Hassan who is going  against those Zionist propaganda and going doing  


these whole high-profile debates against Elon  leevy and really bringing it to the four but he   would be calling for a vote of of the Democrats  but but set that aside for a second the reality  


is this many Americans saw the debate between M  Hassen and between Elon leevy many Americans saw  


the debate between Bim YF and between P Morgan  many Americans are watching what wi shahad for  


example a Democrat Party strategist who might have  leaned towards Kamala Harris they will notice what  


he's saying on Twitter and the like when he says  Democrats you need to learn about this community   because they might punish you again these people  who are spreading these narratives even if their  


sympathies might be with a Democrat Party I'm a  I'm a believer that the umah has talents in many   different places and though we might disagree  on on tactics the strategy Remains the Same in  


terms of how we can stand for what's good and  what's right and everybody does their part in   it it's like Omar said we might have disagreed in  the last election but the battle continues we all  


need to put our arms together and hands together  while we push forward as a result of the shift   in these narratives by these gems that we have  in the community even if we disagree on some  


positions I think that if the Muslim Community  and the American people of conscience punish  


the Democrats in the midterm elections in two  years Time by going for independent candidates by  


going for third party candidates by going for for  independent counselors by punishing Republicans if  


they choose to go for genocide and punishing the  Democrats to go genocide and saying you know what   it might be a rough storm but I'm going to dig  my trench over here and I'm going to move forward  


with it I think in that third year Jal and here's  here's here's the Crux of the issue in that third  


year the Democrats will get together and they will  say to themselves guys we got a problem because  


when they punish us in the presidential election  the Zionist told us that this was a one-off   midterm elections look at all of the damage Trump  has done in America to health care to benefits  


to the to education to all these other things as  well but still in the midterm elections we could  


not capitalize because we are unrepentant with  regards to genocide guys we've got two choices  


here either we start changing our language or  we're going to lose next year again and I don't   think that when the Democrats are one year away  from the elections having tasted the power of a  


community that was told Trump is going to be worse  and they said bring Trump we will fight genocide  


and punish it today and fight his fascism tomorrow  having got a taste of the power of this community  


that two years later when they were getting tired  of fighting against Trump because of the pressure  


that he brought against them and when Democrats  said to them have you had enough they said what   do you mean have we had enough is there more  let him bring more w we will not go back to  


you so long as you support the genocide we will  hold true the Democrats will say these guys have   done it twice once is lucky twice is becoming a  a pattern we need to change our rhetoric that's  


what I see the Democrat calculation and how it  can be ruined the point being and I promise this   is where I finish the point being the question is  not being asked in the community whether what they  


did was right or wrong i' I've gone around the  UK I went to the US after the elections I I I've  


contacted people from other parts of the world  no one is saying whether what they did was right   or wrong what the question is whether the parties  that lost want to win an election again and they  

Longevity of Muslim community


will never win so long as they support genocide  because this community after what happened in Gaza   they are ready to struggle ready to persevere And  when they see the image of the Palestinians going  


back to their homes when they see the Palestinian  resistance they say I can't betray them by staying   at home myself I think you're right I don't think  there's anyone saying that what we did was wrong  


and and there is there's no buyers remorse when  it comes to to have a Muslim Community in America  


or in Britain generally voted which was in the  interest of the Palestinians and against a two-  


party system and we saw that uh on both sides of  the Atlantic I suppose my worry uh is that and  


and it's it's only a worry on anxiety it is that  is there longevity to this Approach at least from  


the Muslim Community perspective you know is  there a resilience fair for sure there's not a   bias remorse but we know that the Democratic party  and the labor party they're still wedded to their  


Pro zist approach yet they have started a charm  offensive in the Muslim communities I've seen it  


I've visited some of those communities that were  very strongly behind an anti- labor vote in the  


last general election and there are some cracks  I'm not saying there are major cracks but there   are some Community leaders who are saying maybe  because the labor party have have reached out to  


us before the general election they were not even  reaching out to us now they're reaching out to us   they haven't tangibly changed their policy then  maybe we should think about entertaining the labor  


party for our vote um that that possibility  is still there and and I just worry that that  


sort of longevity that resilience in a Muslim  Community doesn't quite exist in the way that   you've you've described it in the long term I will  rephrase what you've said yeah because I disagree  


slightly with the premise you called it cracks and  I call it something different I think that when M  


Hass and W Shah say say to the Democrats look we  believed in our understand we were horrified by  


the genocide we knew Trump was going to bring  fascism we quietly supported you we want we we   preferred you B mus said he didn't vote for either  one of them they say we wanted to vote for you  


but we want to make it absolutely clear even if we  sympathize with you more than Trump this community  


will never vote for you unless you change your  stance on genocide M Hass in the Tweet just before   the election he tweeted and he said Kamala if she  loses it has no right to blame the community and  


he was somebody sympathetic to her he said she  can only blame herself because we're all telling  


her that if she wants to win this community she  has to change a position on genocide wi Shah had  


said the same thing I don't think necess I don't  call it a crack yeah if these people sit with a   labor party and tell them bluntly that even if  we sympathize with you and we recognize that you  


are better than the conservatives and there is  an argument for that historically all the human   rights that people enjoy today minorities  enjoy today has come more from the labor  


party and has from the conservative party I think  there's no harm in these people saying look even   if we sympathize with you this community won't  vote for you for genocide and we have no face  


to back you if you continue to support genocide  yeah there's no harm of that I don't call that   a crack nor do I think it's a crack if labor  adopt a policy of listening to the community  


and hearing what they have to say there's nothing  wrong in that the problem comes if labor listen  


to the community and then continue to support  genocide at that point the community says we're  


not inherently against conservative or labor we're  not inherently against Republican or Democrat When  


Donald Trump came out and said one of my first  moves will be that there will only be two genders   male and female under my government nearly every  Muslim celebrated they said alhamdulillah finally  


we're not have to dealing with this transgender  stuff being ran down the throats of our kids there   are issues that we align with the Republicans and  issues that we align with the Democrats likewise  


with labor likewise with conservative the Muslim  is not labor nor conservative the Muslim is not   Republican nor are they Democrat the Muslim is a  mercy to society and they judge based on who is  


better for Society at any particular given time  or they go and search for a third way it's not a  


crack for labor to talk to community leaders I  think the crack comes when labor say we're not  


going to change our position but could you go  and get the community on board anyway at that   point you have a crack but what Gaza demonstrated  which is why I'm not as worried about it as your  


question suggests what Gaza demonstrated was we  saw people who are aligned with the Democrat Party  


scream from the rooftops that we still had to vote  for Democrats we saw those aligned with the labor  


party we saw imams coming out and saying we have  to vote for the labor party even if they support  


genocide we saw it I believe I I always prefer  to give people the benefit of the doubt their  


interpretation was the fascism of trump is going  to be way worse I'd rather settle for the lesser   of two evils that's their opinion my opinion was  that we should dig our heels in and finally stand  


for something ride the storm and then see the  opportunities that come after us that's perfect   fine but my point here is this Jal when the the  community that has in ital my always has in it  


my is never powerless Allah has never taken power  away from it Allah has always given power to my  


um to the um of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu  alaihi wasallam Allah has always given power to   the um to change at any moment when this umah  was presented the two strategies Jal of let's  


forgive genocide to avoid fascism or let's punish  genocide and then fight fascism which is why when  


we discussed in the podcast before the elections  you know presenting what many people didn't know   the idea that there is a 5% rule for a third party  hint hint when the um was was given these two  


choices forgive genocide or punish genocide yeah  both presented their arguments both used their  


channels both camps did thinking Muslim did it  and Zeto did the other argument it was there the  


um always has the um said this argument is better  let's go and punish and that's why for me I don't  


call it cracks the um will never agree to a wrong  I think that in the next election labor will come  


and they will say to the community we want your  votes why because we notice in Birmingham one MP  


that we had had a majority of 30,000 she now only  has 500 West streeting in ilford North lost to  


Lean by less than 500 votes and she only lost  because many in the community didn't actually   believe that they could succeed in it this time  she might actually lose let's go and listen  


if labor come and say if labor come and say that  genocide is a war crime and Netanyahu should be  


arrested this genocide is abhorent and we are  going to do an arms embargo on the Israelis and   we are now going to stand against his genocide  then Jalen I don't see anything wrong with the  


community saying if this is truly your policy then  fine but if labor come and say no Israel has a  


right to do what it's doing in Gaza but we want a  two-state solution we tell them I'm sorry there's  


no way you're getting the votes back here and not  only that labor you're making a miscalculation   here lean only lost because the community believed  enough to stay at home but not enough to go and  


vote for her the Democrats lost because the  community believed enough to stay at home to  


punish genocide by stay at home but didn't believe  enough in their ability to break your advantage  


by going third party when they tasted that 2024  election labor party or Democrats those guys who  


stayed at home might actually spite you further  by actually going third party and forever breaking  


your advantage that you had the point that I'm  saying is let people meet with the Democrats and  


labor let them hear the dawa let them be like when  the Muslim speak to Abu sufyan let it be like the  


way the Muslims write the letter to hercus let it  be like when the prophet Muhammad wasam writes the  


letter to Persia let them State clearly like the  imam's letter they will never win the vote vote of  


British and Americans who are against genocide  Muslim and non-muslim so long as they maintain  


their policy of supporting genocide and supporting  the Israelis let that let it be known that this  


is a community of resilience that will never go  back unless finally the politics changes and the  


reality is this jalun says a status quo neverl  we always talk about Britain like it's always  


been a two-party system it hasn't labor party  was established in the late 1920s and ended up  


becoming a major party after that before then it  was the wigs and the Liberals and all these others   it's been about 100 years since labor party have  really been a force to be reckoned with that's a  


short period in the whole tapestry of history when  you look at in the US for example the reality is   that they had their Civil War maybe 200 years ago  or the like that's a small period of history in  


the tapestry of History we always assume that our  lives is the be all and end all of time it isn't   these are all relatively new phenomenons that are  bending and adapting based on the way that people  


are changing and the way people are asserting  themselves I was with Ty hickey the Irish comedian  


who's doing those videos you were ler as well we  met him over there as well he was telling us about   the Irish struggle against British colonialism  Ireland The Good Friday agreement was only in  


1998 it was in our lifetime we saw it on the TV  The Good Friday agreement before then there was  


the troubles and a bit of War taking part in  Ireland now you can fly to Dublin safe and you   fly to belfar safely once upon a time not too long  you could not do that time is all always changing  


but it changes because of one thing and this is  the point that I finish on it changes because of   one thing because people always move people  always mobilize people always defy evil they  


defy oppression and when oppression tries to  go harder on them the people resist oppression  


harder and this is the point that I'm making here  when people are saying what's going to happen the   next four years I don't know but I do know that  what the zionists wanted to happen the next four  


years is not happening because of protest boycott  social media and resistance of the Palestinians  


that's abundantly clear Zionist did not want a  ceasefire a ceasefire was imposed Zionist did  


not want to lose the narrative on global public  opinion they lost it and the ADL says they'll   probably never win it back which is why we need to  buy Tik Tok and we need to ban It in America the  


the Israelis never ever thought that their allies  would question their policies all of Europe now is   questioning the Israelis the Israelis during the  genocide did not imagine that Germany would come  


out and denounce their plans to ethnically cleanse  Gaza Schultz who supported Biden is now coming out   against Trump the Israelis never imagin that the  whole United Nations would come out against it and  


the US would be the sole party that vetos against  it Israel never expected it why because they plan  


and Allah plans they plan and we plan they plan  and the community plans Democrats plan and we  


plan Biden planed and we plan and the reality  is they're not as strong as we think they are   and that's why I think that moving forward it's  not about what do we do differently it's about  


how do we sustain what has been done how do we  we sustain the messaging on Palestine how do we  


normalize language how now we normalize genocide  that was impossible before do you remember not too   long ago we couldn't even say it was an apartheid  regime it was deemed to be something unacademic  


now everybody is calling it an apartheid regime  but that's because of the efforts of ordinary  


people and this is why hercus when he said to Abu  sufyan who are the people who are supporting This  


Man Called Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam in Mecca who are the ones supporting  


in a manner that has now troubled you you qur and  troubled you leaders in Mecca when quray has been  


the superior tribe Abu sufan says it is the lowest  of society hercus says yeah AB sufan if it is the  


lowest of your Society who are the ones who are  Relentless Relentless in the way that they punish  


genocide Relentless in the way they take a stand  that when Trump comes with his fascist policies  


they hold firm that when Democrats tell them  that we're going to abandon you to Trump say   we'll hold firm and we have millions of non-muslim  Americans with us too these hercus said if it is  


these people then yeah Abu sufyan today you may  hold Mecca but I promise you this man is on the  


prophetic way and he will take Mecca from you  and he'll even take Rome from me too and this   is the message to the community now as well if you  continue as you are the way that you punish Biden  


not only will you smash Zionist influence in the  US which is already now under threat because now  


zionists are becoming so public in the way that  they are lashing out that even Matt Walsh of Ben  


Shapiro's daily wire is coming out and saying  we should cut all Aid to the Israelis taka Kon  


saying we should cut Aid to the Israelis Candace  Owens every single day is doing a video saying we  


need to stop supporting the Israelis they've gone  cuckoo they've gone they've gone wild the reality   is that all of these changes is not because of  Bin Salman bin Z and these others it's because  


of the ordinary person who has a power that is so  magnificent because their lord is magnificent and  


the zign is what they want more than anything  else is for this community to shut up for this   community to go home for this community to give  up for this community to stop engaging for ikna  


Rel to stop going and helping the Americans when  Trump wants to abandon some of them for the for   for b m to stop donating to those communities that  might be struggling with Medicare Medicare because  


they don't want the Americans to see the truth of  what's happening and to see that actually Muslims  


are far closer to them in Justice and in Mercy  than these Zionist who are committing ethnic  

Trump and Iran


cleansing where do you think uh Trump is on Iran  uh I note that General Keith Kellog who's Trump's  


uh Ukraine employee he's an Iran Hawk and he  recently gave a presentation to a uh an opposition  


Iranian opposition group in Brussels and uh he's  spoken about using uh more um uh harsher leverage  


I suppose a harer means towards Iran for it to  comply Iran is in a weaker State as a result of a  


l last few months its proxies have been diminished  and uh and of course internationally its standing  


has has has lessened um do you think that Trump  who came to office saying that he's not going to  


start any more any new Wars he's a peacemaker may  take the bait uh which Netanyahu has set him and  


uh and U pursue a a a a war in with Iran I think  Trump is not naturally inclined towards war no  


I think Trump Deep frogged Over The Establishment  in the US to force the US troops to withdraw from  


Afghanistan I don't think that John Bolton  or these others were happy with it but Trump  


went through with it because he's not he's not a  warmonger he's not like Biden Biden is a warmonger   but Trump isn't I don't think Trump wants to war  with Iran I think that when he assassinated kasim  


sumani that was as a result of an escalation with  the Iranians and they managed to sort it out with   some sort of show for both audiences and they  let to go but Trump made it clear I don't want  


war with the Iranians and John Kelly was sacked as  a result and so were some others in I think what   Trump wants is he wants to bully Iran into a deal  I think he wants to apply maximum pressure and  


then say to them I'm willing to make concessions  I don't want to go to war I just want to make   some sort of deal I don't want you to have nuclear  weapons I don't want you have the extent to which  


he's willing to push that is unclear because  this time you have the Netanyahu desperate for   war with Iran and you also have the Saudis and  and others in the region who are who want to see  


Iran pushed back completely they believe Iran  has been defeated in Syria Iran is on very shaky  


territory in Lebanon they believe let's finish it  off get rid of the huthis in Yemen and also Drive  


the point home and get the Americans to finally  end Iran's push in the region which has seen all  


these militias and proxies come up as well having  said that I don't think Trump is likely to go to   war with the Iranians however a lot of those  predictions will depend on what he does with  


regards to Israel because Trump is not inclined  towards the war or sending US troops if he sends  


US troops to Gaza and he allows Israel to go to  war it would Mark a departure from what we're used  


to seeing from Donald Trump and it will indicate a  different kind of thinking with regards to Donald   Trump but I think if one if gambling was Halal  then and it's not I think one would say Biden was  


more likely to go to war with the Iranians than  Trump is finally um Ramadan is coming up and um we  

Studying Seerah in Ramadan


often focus on our relationship with Allah subhana  tala in this month and we try to extend our study  


and our our reading of Quran um I'm struck by how  often you say to me that if one wants to read a  


good book on politics one needs to study the uh  last Ramadan I I sort of said to myself I'm going  


to dedicate the month to SI but the elections in  Britain came uh were were were uh uh were imminent  


and uh Subhan Allah I think a lot of my time was  spent uh on that inshallah this year I I would  


like to return back to that idea of of studying  the so just give me give me some pointers what  


should I be uh looking at when it when it comes  to rereading V from a political perspective uh  


give me some uh some inspiration inshallah to on a  daily basis to uh to study V and to glean from it  


those political examples that you say every Muslim  should be getting from uh the life of the prophet  


I think that Allah subhana wa tala when  he revealed a lot of the aat when the   prophet first receives the Revelation he doesn't  receive the full Quran he receives only certain


verses and I always wondered why Allah did  not give him the full Quran in one go and  


the theory of some Scholars is that the reason  Allah didn't give him gi give it to him all in   one go is had he given it him in one go he  would not have understood all of the aat he  


had to go through certain events in his life  life to fully grasp what those aat are and   that's why some a they came down in certain  events for example after when he was debating  


what to do with those who disobeyed him on  the hill whether to punish them or not Allah said if you are hard and harsh to them  oh Muhammad everybody else will leave


you this is a powerful one so pardon them and  ask forgiveness for them so ask me to forgive  


ask Allah to forgive them and consult them in  their affairs don't do that whole forgive and  


never forget consult them in the Affairs and I  think when sahabah saw that he was able to bring   the ranks together it was a very political aah  very political move and he had to go through in  


order to understand that in terms of how he moves  forward but I think if I had to focus on anything   in this Ramadan for anybody who's in the western  who's studying the S I would do a very deep dive  


into the first 13 years of the life of the Prophet  Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasam in particular you  


know these days we have these VR machines where  you put into on your eyes and teleports you to   a different world or the like don't read the S  just as if you're reading a book about somebody  


else at every interaction so the prophet receives  the picture yourself that you see a man running  


down from the hill goes to his wife comes out  and says an angel has come down and said there  


is no God but he but he doesn't give you the full  Quran he only gives you a little piece of it then   he goes in the middle of the city in the Kaa and  he starts giving da ask are you capable of that  


are you capable of going in the middle of the  of your town and telling them I want to call  


you to one God and Muhammad is the messenger  then I want you to imagine people laughing at  


you the way in the S it tells you they laughed  and scoffed at the prophet Muhammad sallallahu   alaihi wasallam can you tolerate that can can you  put up with that can you put up with the gloating  


of those you punish for genocide telling you how  watch how he comes after you I'm safe because of   privilege but watch how they come after you watch  how they come after your Charities watch how they  


come after your institutions you wanted to punish  us we'll see what put yourself in the position of  


the Prophet Muhammad Al wasallam where they start  mocking him and laughing at him and the like as  


you go through you come across the likes of Bear  in mind you're only six seven eight nine pages in  


after you've passed the background context of  ABD MB and and and and and and and his father  


abdah and the story of the year of the elephant  and the light go to is found to be giving DA they  


pull out they tell her give up your religion  give up your religion give up your religion  


you know how people are saying it could be  worse under Donald Trump what if you're one   of the victims of that in in in Palestine for  example where they say give it up give it up  


imagine yourself in it the S is not a fairy tale  the S gives you different and it becomes scary now  


suddenly because you know when you say it's a time  we're supposed to reconnect with Allah wa tala the   the image people have is is a fairy Kumbaya moment  it's I sit there I meditate I have Zen and I feel  


spiritually high no no Ramadan is not that Ramadan  is going back to sub wa taala and understanding  


the contract with Allah subhah wa tala and to  understand that you look at the chosen people that   he had around the prophet muhammadu wasallam you  get to and she's a poor woman she's not the elite  


she doesn't have money to buy she doesn't have  a tribe to protect her she's the ones that some   people say you know they're the ones who are going  to be on the front line suffering while you sit in  


your you know like Abu Bakr sik or these others  you know who have some sort of tribal protection   not even the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi  wasallam could protect jendel and these other  


people as well is killed and you say to yourself  and this what I said to myself you say to yourself  


could I do that for Allah could I do that for  Allah is that me and then you hesitate because the  


answer immediately I'll be honest with you is no  that's not me you go to the next page and you keep   continuing as you read just the first 13 years  of life propham is rampaging through meah and he  


anybody who talks about Islam he is aggressive to  them so he and his companions they're aggressive  


to the Muslims you don't have the muscles to go  against you don't have the power you don't have  


the way tell me Jal stop on that page Jal what  would you do Jal would you stay in your home when  


they tell you Jal we need some Manpower because  would You' be like and I'm going to do I'm going   to pray here you guys go go instead the prophet  has told us to go to the Kaa and announce it are  


you guys mad they're going to Stone us they're  going to hit us Abu is going to bring and Abu J   they're going to bring everybody against us would  you go if somebody asked you similar if you read  


in a kumb Zen moment You' be like yeah you know in  a bit of a high but when you ask yourself and you  


see it let's go and punish genocide let's go and  stand for what's right let's go out and protest  


let's go out and do the parallel of today let's  go you suddenly realize there must be a smarter  


way to do this that's what when you apply to it  smarter way you know when you know when people   say you know if I was in bad you know I would  Hab we're not even in bad yet we're already on  


on on just these examples over here and already  we're hesitating we're not sure where we are the  


prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam for 13  years tells you he's the prophet yeah all you see   is him being humiliated by qur organ organs being  thrown on top of him Thorns being put in his path  


by you know his wife is putting the thorns in his  path you see for example they are laughing at him  


on the street and he keeps going to them every  ha the tribes they come 25 tribes dignitaries  


they come and he goes to each dig telling them I  am the prophet and Allah is one and do justice and  


do whatever and they say to him he does it when  is he going to give up 12 months and people are   saying have Democrats learned their lesson 12  months everybody's saying another four years of  


struggle 13 years he's telling you go and struggle  and he doesn't seem to be making any tangible gain  


materially in terms of ending in terms of going  around and establishing a city establishing an  


army you're 12 months hesitating and you claim you  would last 13 years with the life of the Prophet  


Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam you don't have  to you if you do it properly you won't finish the  


first 13 years of the SE of the Prophet because  you'll get to the point where Muhammad sallallahu   alaihi wasallam says to his companions that  some of you are struggling and I know it true  


who wants to go to AB with because he sends their  weaker ones the ones who are would you have said


like who had the chance to go home you know when  everybody says I want to go home I want to go to  


Tunis I want to go to meca I want to go to wakanda  I want to go toah has the chance to go home with  


ja as part of a delegation the says to him no man  there is wronged you will be safe there says my  


place is here my place is here says if the prophet  had not sent me I would have stayed with him I  


don't want to abandon you Allah would you have  been one of those who says yeah I I'll go I I'll   go I'll go to abisa or would you have said I'll  stay with are you which category are you I'm not  


saying there's categories between them I'm saying  would you have said let me stay in the belly of   the Beast or let me make hij and get out of here  when you get to the Nashi part he's got chains in  


front of you he's about to chain you can you keep  the eloquence of jalib because your argument is  


not I can bring you businessmen I can bring you  investment I can do a vision 20 I can do a vision   uh 800 ad for you I can I can bring a Shakira I  can bring Jennifer Lopez I can bring whatever for  


you I will bring good economy for you I would be  beneficial in businesses or would you be willing  


to sayashi we worship gods of wood and stone  elements of our own manufacturer the rich have  


neglected the poor they've neglected Philadelphia  they've neglected hden they've neglected Bradford  


they've neglected and the act by which b or or  or mass or Baraka charity or or or or or HCI  


or or these others or relief the act by which  they go to these communities and lift their   fellow brothers up is described by them as like a  Kumbaya like a you know upsetting social order why  


are you a nice well and suited guy wasting your  time with these people over here that Trump has   taken away their their rights to free School meals  and Medicare why do you waste your time with them  


can you say that to n you think N I have to give  them something tangible says come on we're the  


economic partner this Etc and don't even believe  Jesus is the son and Jaffer holds his ground you   know in those debates when you're with the  Christians or the like he holds his ground  


you talk about women you say we feed them clothe  them discard them what about the womb that bore   you nesi says why are your 300 Gods Tongue Tied  while his one God is eloquent when you read it you  


feel spiritually masah jaur imagine yourself as  jaur it's terrifying it's frightening you sit in  


those crowd of those who are pro Zionist of those  who are pro qur and you're trying to tell them  


that Palestine that that the the prophet Muhammad  sallah alaihi wasallam that his cause is just his  


cause is right and Sky knew AB Sky new shouts at  you from the back and tells you do you condemn  


do p Morgan sorry do you condemn do you condemn  it's terrifying that's why many people don't go   to these different places bear in mind all of  this you've spent 12 days of Ramadan 13 days  


of Ramadan and already you think you're feeling  the spiritual High you suddenly realize Allah I  


don't think I'm as great of a Muslim as I thought  I was goes barges in on his sister this is first  


13 years his sister is reading the Quran with her  husband om walks in sees him reading the Quran  


beats up his sister says I will disown anybody  who has this would you have said ah this beating  


isn't worth it or would you have said listen w  we will never give up this religion never give up   this Dean bear in mind it's not for example that  she has money to lose or the like she's doing it  


all for allaha would you do it he says to you  know how we say this guy doesn't deserve my da  


has just hit his sister over Quran and hit his  brother-in-law and his brother-in-law and sister   say at least read it at least watch the Tik Tok  video at least see the post at least see it reads


it reads and says only Allah could have delivered  this he goes and he gives to to Prophet Muhammad  


and you know what he does next Jal he goes to  the middle of the Kaa goes to the middle of my   he says I become Muslim an you go through each  one could you Z sold as a slave ends up with  


the prophet Muhammad wasam his father travels  the length and breadth of Arabia to find his   son when he gets there Zade says to says to him  I want to stay with the prophet Muhammad sallam  


I don't want to go home with you all first 13  years they boycott you dies during the boycot  


ABB dies as well you've lost your protection  there are no Democrats to protect you being  


close to no Democrats to protect you and the  Republicans hate you Abu sufyan and these guys  


they're coming after you would you have said to  the prophet Muhammad do you have to give da every  


day can't we just do it in our homes and tell Abu  sufyan that like like why like they're not going  


even going to reflect on it they're not going  to appreciate it maybe we should focus on the   da in our homes why do you have to go to the Caba  and keep talking about it would you have been one  


of those would you have been one of those who  told him ya be rational be wise politically  


why do you have to go and Allah in the Quran  by the way says we know yeah Muhammad that you  


might be thinking of omitting some of what we have  revealed but know that it is to us that you return  


Allah doesn't even say to the prophet wasam you  you can hide it he says go and tell them bluntly   would you have said y to be honest I'm sick and  tired of the the persecution and stuff and to be  


honest you're not giving me a strategy or a road  plan it's been 13 years Yol Allah 13 years of the  


same thing new content where is it then they don't  even take you seriously Allah they won't even sit  


with you they laugh at you and you keep telling  us Allah will give Allah will give Allah 13 years  


not 12 months not 12 months not 15 months not two  years not three years 13 years when is it when and  


come suddenly they're shocked and abas tells him  you guys you do know if you support the prophet  


Muhammad wasallam you know all of Arabia is going  to come against you you know if you go and punish   the Democrats Zionist and Trump will come after  you hard you know if you stand with him for what's  


right you know he's got no army with him yeah you  know the other side has all the the the media on  


their you you know that they they're too they're  strong right are you guys mad going to lend   your support to the pal to the prophet Muhammad  sallallah alaihi wasallam do you know what could  


happen in the next four years if you give him your  support and they turn around they say yes we know   what we're given to the prophet Muhammad Sall Ali  wasallam can you honestly hand on heart when abas  


paints you the picture of the biggest the most  powerful tribe and all these other tribes coming  


against you just because a man came from a cave  and told you that there is one God and I am his  


messenger and here is my Miracles the proof that  is a book not a white light like mam showing it in  


the hand not a staff being thrown and it becoming  a snake he tells you I have a book Revelation   from Allah wa tala and he says based on this I  want you to support me would can you honestly  


hand on her say you would have without hesitation  said toam I'm ready to go against the whole world  


when you struggle even to punish a genocide when  you won't even suffer anywhere like the O K and  


when AB says it just so my dad doesn't shout at me  again like he did last time when I told the story   in Michigan when I told the story about how they  said yes we're ready for it and I told it before  


but I love telling it because it's a wonderful  rebuke for me where you think you know something   but you don't and it's very recent as well people  always think wisdom you get it and you live it for  


the rest of your life no it comes con constantly  the more you interact with people he says to me   Sami I said yes Baba he said I heard you tell the  story about the I said yes Baba he said but you  


didn't tell the story properly the point of the  story you didn't tell it I said babba what did I   miss he said abas tells him I said yes bab I said  abas tells him the struggle he goes yes I get it  


struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle but  that's not the point of the story Sami I said then   what's the point of the story Baba he says what do  they askam after the interaction with abas and I  


went Baba I forgot I had forgotten I'm reading I  forgot that particular part I was focused on the   struggle part I forgot the other part because I  spent my time fouryear plan first year recognition  


second year reflection third year Democrats come  and and take your votes or maybe you go third   party labor counselor punish Muslim vote Australia  Ali hung Parliament Etc you spend your time doing  


the political scenarios he said I see you doing  all these political scenarios Etc but I fear Sami   in your analysis of it you are forgetting one most  important aspect what did they asked after they  


spoke with abas I said Baba I forgot he says my  son they asked him what's our reward what's our  


reward if I put up with a struggle because I stood  for what's right what's my reward if I do what's  


right and I bear the storm that comes with it  what's my reward if I finally say enough is  


enough of lesser of two evils what's my reward if  I say the world cannot continue as it is even if I  


have limited power I'm going to hold my ground and  I'm going to do what's right Sam if he had said to  


them that your reward is when you win every khif  will come only from you would any Muslim have  


objected I said no if he had said to them that 50%  of the zakat collected will only be given to the  


Americans because they punish genocide that they  will only be given to the descendants of the ansar   would Muslims have objected no probably not maybe  to Americans but ansar no he said so what did  


he say to them what what's their reward you know  every saying what's going to happen in four years   what happens when do what's our reward if we do  what's right what's our reward if we take a stand  


what's our reward if we do what is principled  what's our reward if we punish genocide tomorrow  


and fight fascism today what's our reward if we  are the moral Consciousness what's our reward   if we're ready to be like sum if we're ready to  be like if we're ready to be like Hamza if we're  


ready to be like J if we're ready to be like those  who don't see the Conquering of Mecca what's our  


reward he says your reward is Al Jal you're  not halfway through the book and you already  


at the key question if in that moment when he has  nothing sallallah alaihi wasallam materially when  


you get to that point and inshallah you get to it  maybe on the 16th or the 17th night of Ramadan if   you do it properly you'll get to that point on  the 20th or 21st night of Ramadan when you get  


to that point bad hasn't come yet you don't know  bad is coming you don't know you don't know this  


man has just given you a promise he hasn't shown  you what the next four years are going to be like   he's given you a promise and ask yourself in that  moment would I have been somebody who would say


toam you are worth it I haven't seen you rich  I don't see an army with you to be honest all  


I see is qur doing horrible things to you and  you don't have power to react back to them I  


haven't seen you manifest power like the way the  Israelis manifest power on the on the Palestinians  


I haven't seen you manifest power the way  America manifest power over Europe I haven't   seen you manifest power the way China manifest  power over Tibet or these other places I haven't  


seen you manifest that power but you promise  me you have promised me that if I somehow stick  


with you against Rome against America against  China against Persia against the the evil of  


these states and if I go to these states instead  and tell their people to worship one God and to  


strive so that these people can see the good so  that these countries can become good if I strive  


to do this based on your promise of Jenna you're  saying I'm going to get Jenna he says yes you'll  


get Jenna would that be sufficient for you Jal to  say let's go and and and and I don't know if many  


Muslims can say yes to that the reason why I say  that is the things that we fear in everyday life  


which are legitimate fears we don't fear them in  terms of hesitation we get paralyzed by that fear  


oh why did we do this why did we punish why did  we stand we are paralyzed by even though it was   the right thing to do and that's why I argue that  if you're going to read any book during Ramadan  


read the Quran as you do read the and read the  aat that are associated with the events in the   s that you have and W you will look at the prophet  Muhammad s wasallam very differently you will see  


him not as a soft human being who was weak and  was sahaba made him strong you will see him as  


audacious as formidable as as powerful and brave  and embodying all the traits that you thought you  


had but when you apply yourself to those scenarios  you realize you don't actually have those traits   at all when you said Sami last year I didn't focus  on S because I was focused on the elections do you  


know what a dam an indictment that is to go and  pursue that which is right is theal to go and  


talk to people on the streets and tell them do  that is s to go out and make da and debate and  


discuss with people and tell them let's do what's  right come let's go to call on them this is s but  


you didn't realize it because s is not what you  read in the book The reason I said put yourself in  


that position is can you strike a parallel between  what happened to the prophet muhammmad wasallam   and between what's happening in your life when  you see red pill talking about the way Muslims  


should treat women look at the section when the  prophet wasam gets the and comes down what does   the say he puts his head in the lap of and he says  to her cover me cover me cover me if they did not  


know that that man was the prophet Muhammad Sall  Ali wasallam these red pill guys and you told them   about such a situation may Allah forgive us from  any conclusion that these people would reach he  


went and showed love and kindness to his wife  where we are starting to preach hardness rights  


and obligations khad covered him and said to him  not why are you as a man putting your head in my  


lap she said yeah Muhammad Allah will never  humiliate you she put she reassured him yeah  


Muhammad Allah will never humiliate you she didn't  emasculate her husband in any way she didn't say  


why is he coming to me so terrified why is he  coming to me so fearful the our mother says to  


our beloved Prophet Muhammad s alhi wasallam she  says to him Allah will never humiliate you because   you're a good man and whatever Mission he has  given to you I am with you the whole way which is  


why he never married a second wife when Khadijah  was alive and it's why even in her death said  


that W I was jealous of a dead woman because he's  that's first 13 years look at your marriage and  


look at your wife or look at your husband if they  came home in the same circumstances fearful about  


something that they didn't fully understand or  comprehend would you say man up or would you hold  


them the way a marriage is supposed to be read  it and apply it to your daily when bah is being  


abused by qur when he's being abused Abu Bakr goes  runs he runs to try and save him do we look and  


say somebody else will get involved or do we get  involved in our society you know the brother or   sister they live just down the street you know  they're in Dire Straits you know this one has  


domestic violence you know this one has an issue  over there the prophet Muhammad sends Abu Bakr to  


try and reconcile to try and keep the peace over  there to try and help them are you somebody who   gets up and says I need to get out quickly I'm  going to go these are just the first 13 years  


don't think just about the Jihad about bad because  you think somehow that makes you feel strong did   you know abdah was asked by the people of kufa we  wish we were with you on the day of bad he said  


why we were fighting our family why would you wish  for such a fitna why would you wish we talk about  


it with Glory because we know Allah delivered the  victory but we don't consider what it was like to   be the soldier there to see your father on the  other side to see your brother on the other side  


to see how Allah tested them with that which was  dearest to them do not be cocky and arrogant and  


assume you would be because that just shows you  haven't understood the when you read it to answer  


your question quite bluntly the S is a terrifying  book if you're going into Ramadan expecting   Kumbaya don't read it for w when you read the  SE of the Prophet Muhammad wasam you realize how  


short we falling and only the promise of Allah in  the Quran gives you the reassurance that there's  


still time to get up there's still time to make  it better there's still time to call your mother   who you haven't spoken to for 6 months and tell  her M I'm sorry I shouldn't have G gone more than  


two days without speaking to you there's still  time to get up and invite your brother around   for a meal or the like just to reconcile between  him there's still time to go and see your in-laws  


and reconcile between them there's still time to  go out and give charity there's still time to go   out and help your neighbor there's still time to  do there's still time to boyot there's still time  


to protest there's still time to Tik Tok there's  still time for social media there's still time to   make Netanyahu go and desperately plead for Tik  Tok to be banned there's still time to fund those  


student encampments and give them Biryani so that  they stay there so that they push back against the   new University rules there's still time to go and  think of a third way that we don't have to accept  


the status quo for what it is we can change it  the way the prophet Muhammad wasallam changed all   of Arabia they were a tribal Society he changed  it in one generation it doesn't need to be two  


or three generations we don't there's still time  every time you have breath tomorrow is a new day  


where you can do something when you read the SE  of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam   you realize as ham said he said that when I go  hunting in the desert I realize God is not kept  


in a house the reality is that when you go out you  see Allah is everywhere when you are contributing  


to the Muslim vote when you are traveling from  Canada to go and study when you're coming and   doing the camera and I finish on this particular  point do not underestimate the value that you give  


I remember we went for an event there's a guy  doing the audio he looks ridiculously bored as   a joke to prove his value as a joke I walked by  I told him you know M may Allah reward you you're  


really helping to facilitate this so he thought  he's like 17y old or 16-year old he thought I was   just giving him empty words I thought he wasn't  taking me seriously because people think that  


I exaggerate the Small Things whereas Allah said  those who do even an atom of Good Deed Allah sees  


it so as I'm walking by the audio thing I didn't  pull the wire out I unplugged it from where he had   plugged it on the light and then I put I pulled  the cable out and I put a different Cable in and  


made it a different exit on the wire so I've gone  to talk on the microphone and no one can hear me  


and he's panicking so I've gone again like my mic  I'm like is there a problem with the audio problem   and they spent 15 minutes trying to fix it when  he finally figured out it was the wire he came  


and apologized and I told him I'm the one who took  the wire out he was like to me what I said yeah   I did he goes why I wanted to prove to you that  they can't hear my voice without you they can't  


I can't do what I do without you you see your  role as something little but you are absolutely  


essential for me I did it with a camera as well  the guy had the camera like a thing and I wanted   to he looked so miserable I told him I need you  otherwise no one records it so what I did was it  


was an atom camera so I changed from a USBC and  I made a USB the the two point the the the one  


which is the thick one he spent half an hour msk  and his boss is shouting at him and then I had to   go and I felt sorry for him I said but boss it's  not his fault I'm the one who changed the wire he  


looked a bit grumpy I wanted him to realize that  he's the one who has the value of it everyone has   their value Sal gave the idea of the trench some  people are geniuses at boycott some people are  


geniuses at Tech some people are geniuses at  podcast some people can only talk into a mic   some people are good at making mugs with logos  that say free Palestine or thinking Muslim or  


the like some people are very good at editing  stuff that goes viral and gets me in trouble   some people are good at doing everybody has why  because the reason the world is changing is not  


because one man is changing it not because one  lady is changing it the resilient community that  


punish genocide is moving as one its heart beats  as one and when this umah moves One Step Allah  


takes 10 steps which is why the ceasefire came  and which is why no matter what the US does in   Gaza the Palestinians will stand strong Palestine  will be free from The River To The Sea because the  


umah moves with it the saved us not us saved may  Allah continue to use us as vehicles inshallah and  


may Allah inshah make it easy on the Palestinians  and those on Sudan and all these other different   places and may Allah always use us and not  replace us thank you so much for your time  


and Allah reward you once again please remember  to subscribe to our social media and YouTube  


channels and head over to our website thinking  muslim.com to sign up to my Weekly Newsletter



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