Ep 204. - Trump's Gaza Riviera - Muhammad Jalal

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Trump’s Gaza Riviera, in the impossible event it was realised, would be built on the corpses of hundreds of thousands of dead Palestinians, half of them children. The idea is a grotesque display of American profligacy. A hegemon that knows no bounds. It would be wrong to blame it on President Trump's excesses. Trump is no more than another vile iteration of this crumbling colossus. The Biden administration was responsible for this genocide. They armed Israel, gave it diplomatic cover, undermined international law to protect it and financed its death machine.

Trump is a benefactor of this mission, not its curator. His proposal to 'clear out' Gaza and realise some perverse real estate dream is less a dramatic reversal of US policy – as some liberals cry, and more a continuation. He said the quiet thing out loud, and that's what the chattering classes across the US and Europe find so repulsive.

Read the full piece here: https://jalalayn.substack.com/p/trumps-gaza-riviera

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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation


Donald Trump's Gaza Riviera in the impossible  event it was realized will be built on the  


corpses of hundreds of thousands of dead  Palestinians half of them children the idea  


is a grotesque display of American profligacy a  Hederman that knows no bounds it would be wrong  


to blame it on President Trump's excesses Trump  is no more than another vile iteration of this  


crumbling Colossus the Biden Administration was  responsible for genocide they armed Israel gave  


it diplomatic cover undermined international law  to protect it and finance its death machine Trump  


is a benefactor of this Mission not its curator  his proposal to clean out Gaza and realize some  


perverse real estate dream is less a dramatic  reversal of US policy as some liberals cry and  


more its continuation he said the quiet thing  out loud and that's what the chattering classes  


cross the US and Europe find so repulsive their  insistence without a hint of irony that the two-  


State solution Remains the ultimate goal is no  more than a verbal slight of hand a Palestinian  


State died decades ago because it was never on  the cards except once as a demilitarized and weak  


vassel but the pretense of one helped disfigure  their joint Enterprise to gradually dispossess the  


Palestinians of their land this was the de facto  policy of US presidents and European leaders to  


complete their slow and steady strangulation  of the Palestinians Death By A Thousand Cuts  


what liberal imperialists of the Democrats and  the British labor party find problematic is that  


this gradual Suffocation has been expedited it  highlights their own duplicity and The Emptiness  


of the rules-based order they still claim  to uphold ethnic cleansing was always the  


plan not just for Gaza but also of the West Bank  how else do you explain the weakness with which  


Israel's settlement activity and its routine blood  lust in Gaza euphemistically called Moen Von would  


be covered up in Western capitals Washington of  the Clinton Bush Obama Biden and Trump variety  


have all consented to be annihilation of the  Palestinians albeit employing different methods  


and selective indignation it's not Republican  or Democratic problem it's an American problem  


this Hederman is morally moribond it has always  been about how much Israel could get away with  


without jeopardizing American soft power but as  Rome Burns for Sharad is over the liberal World  


Order dance no longer matters in many ways  Israeli narcissism mirrors that of us Decay  


perceived moral principles and rules-based  mantras no longer matter Trump is a simp  


symptom of decadence this is why his outlandish  press conference with Netanyahu the cat who got  


the cream should not be viewed as some form  of policy rupture but the Palestinians will  


resist because living is resistance tents are  resistance breathing is resistance and this is  


what Trump fails to understand he asks why would  they want to live there if they could find a home  


elsewhere in his NE liberal Universe where the  material is God what the Muslims of Gaza have  


achieved is unfathomable but these are a people  of faith of Iman of reat they know that their  


land is a trust from Allah subhah wa ta'ala  and they will never give it up voluntarily  


the problem is not with the Palestinians the  problem is with us the umah romanticizing the  


Palestinian struggle whilst doing little is not  a marker of faith it is a marker of a deeper  


malaise being a member of an umah comes with its  requirements and we will continue to fail until  


we work collectively to find a way out it's  not salahudin we should be waiting for it's


ourselves please remember to subscribe to our  social media and YouTube channels and head over  


to our website thinking muslim.com  to sign up to my Weekly Newsletter


Ep 205. - Gaza and the Fall of the House of Saud with Abdullah Alaoudh


Ep 203. - Gaza: Victory and Betrayal with Amr Abdul Latif