Ep 202. - The Plan to Destroy Al Aqsa with Dr Khalid El-Awaisi
Al Aqsa is the first Qibla, prayer direction, of Islam. It is regarded by Muslims as one of the three sacred Mosques, and its surroundings Bayt al Maqdis has been blessed by Allah in the Quran. The hadith talk of the blessed one who prays in all three of the Masjids, something alhamdulillah I have managed to do. But this mosque, its precincts and the entirety of Palestine is today under threat by a foreign settler force that is hellbent on eradicating its history.
My guest today argues that there is an urgency now in time to save this mosque, as the Zionist project comes to fruition and he calls for an intellectual reawakening of the ummah. Dr. Khalid El-Awaisi is from Hebron, Al Khalil in Palestine. He a lecturer of the pioneering field of Islamic jerusalem Studies. His main speciality is in the historical-geography of Islamic jerusalem. He is currently the Associate Professor of Islamic History at the Social Sciences University of Ankara and Executive Director of Islamic Jerusalem Academy .
You can find Dr Khalid Awaisi here:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/khalid_elawaisi/
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Transcript - This is an automated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation
AA is at the most dangerous time in its history Donald Trump coming back into into office Al AA
is in Greater danger and you've heard of the red he heer the occupation of the mind is much worse
than the occupation of the land is the source of Baraka to its surrounding what did you do to stop
that genocide this is where we as an um today have become selfish Muslims KH tell the Muslims to love
Al more than they love the Kaa and the mosque of the prophet in Medina Al does not need the
um the need two billion Muslims are unable to take a glass of water into Gaza without the permission
of the zist every house in Gazza has a picture of Al Al is at the core of the resistance of the
Palestinians ala is the first CER prayer direction of Islam it is regarded by Muslims as one of the
most sacred mosque and its surroundings makd has been blessed by Allah subhah wa ta'ala in
the Quran the Hadith talk about the blessed one who prays in all three of the masjids AL
AKA being one of them something alhamdulillah I have managed to do but this mosque and its precincts and the entirety of Palestine is today under threat my guest today argues that there
is an urgency now to save this mosque as the Zionist projects comes to fruition and he calls
for an intellectual Reawakening of the umah Dr Khaled Al AI is from Hebron Al Khal in
Palestine he's a lecturer of the pioneering field of Islamic Jerusalem studies his main speciality
is the historical geography of Islamic Jerusalem he's currently the associate professor of Islamic
history uh at the social sciences University of Ankara and executive director of Islamic Jerusalem
Academy Dr khid aliam and thank you for coming in to to see us at thinku Muslim the pleasure is all
mine it's Wonder it's really wonderful to to have you with us I think we last uh maybe a year ago we
had arranged to meet in Ankara to to conduct the interview for for all sorts of technical reasons
that was not possible but we meet at a time where uh things have developed uh Subhan Allah and you
know we have this pause inshah it's permanent in Gaza but of course we now have uh what seems like
a new front uh or a continuation of a front in the West Bank and as we get closer to Ramadan it's
clear to me that to all of us I think that Al AA will once again uh be a focus of settler activity
of of Israeli forces activity so I think it's a really important topic to to cover the situation
in Al AA and the strains Al AA is under at this moment in time and as I said in my introduction
uction you you uh uh have um have pioneered this study of Islamic Jerusalem and the Islamic roots
of Jerusalem so I would like to tap into that knowledge of yours today uh inshallah tala so let's start with the Islamic um Primacy let's say of the Masjid of Al AA um just talk us through um
what alaka means to us as Muslims uh first of all thank you very much for uh having me and
Al-Aqsa for Muslims
it's a pleasure being on the thinking Muslim and to be talking about Mida at a very critical time
in its uh in the history of the um yeah ala is uh not just something that is connected to the
past of the Muslims uh it is very well rooted in the history of Islam starting with Adam uh Islam
does not start with Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as is well uh established within the
Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but today we see Islam within the Western orientalist uh lenses which only limits Islamic history to the last 4400 years
so when we talk about for example the uh what you talked about the intellectual neckar that
we're living through as an um the occupation of the mind is much worse than the occupation of the
land the occupation of B mdis has didn't start the ne didn't start in 1948 with uh the zionists
establishing their state actually it was the British in 1917 that occupied the land and then
established this Zionist State as part of their Western project but going back to the importance
of within Islam it takes us back to the first human and the first human Allah says in the Quran
the first house of worship for Humanity is that at Becca the Kaa and theith of the authentic Hadith
when Abu asks him what is the first mosque on Earth he says Thea the second mosque he saysa
he says how long between both mosque he says 40 years and you look at this these are the first
two centers of Islam in the world of in the world the Kaa in meca and uh in uh and the name of Thea
was and the name of was the Holy house and that was the sacred house in a sense so the history
ofd starts with the history of humanity in a sense and this is even looking at from from
an archaeological point of view an amazing study by Dr heam he Compares between the architecture
uh and design of the and he finds them to be identical in proportions in the angles you say
okay the shapes may be similar uh but there is a very detailed study on this as part of the uh
Islamic jeruslem Studies uh so we know that the history of B MD starts with the first human and
then it is the center it is the land of prophets you look at the Quran a third of the Quran are
stories of prophets and these prophets are all centered around this holy land around B makd
and you see that the Muslims the early sahab were connected to this land yeah uh through the
stories of the prophets this is the second Center ofed on Earth and then they were connected to it
through it uh being their first so imagine imagine imagine the early muslims praying
because this was the of the previous prophets so they were praying in their Salah towards
and this is at a time when Thea was surrounded with hundreds of idols and Islam mamm had brought
to them so they were being uh established in this Faith to turn their backs to the idols but to face
towards so it established you see the early sah was very Central to them uh wasallam the early
sahab would pray towards it the Quran is talking about the story so imagine standing in as says
and he's reading Surah orah the story OFA zakar ibim uh all of this was this was the geography
of the prophets in this land and on the day om accepts Islam and this is you see the connection
with used to meet in his house comes to he says I'm going Tod he says for business for trade he
says no I'd just like to go and pray in and this is in the first years of Islam yes the sahaba were
connected their hearts their minds and their souls and the third dimension for the sahaba
was a political uh connection so the was uh uh we can say a spiritual connection the stories of the
prophets was uh a religious connection and the first quranic prophecy was about a war between
two superpowers at the time the Romans and the Persians yes and the Quran at a very difficult
time when sumayya was being killed when Yasir was being killed the sahaba are being persecuted
having to migrate towards uh uh ABIA very difficult situation the Quran does not discuss
their uh diffic hardships and difficulties it is discussing a war between the biggest two super
super powers at the time the sasan uh uh Persians and the byzantian Romans but this has this is a
war we have nothing to do with and they took over uh today all of turkey all of badam all of North
Africa and even besieged constantinopolis but the Quran only mentioned this war when it was related
to and when the this comes to so the sahaba are connected to it spiritually religiously and now
politically they're following everything this is not just the past the future of Islam will
be from there and we see this during the night Journey after the sahab are connected Tod and
these very strong connections Allah could have taken directly to the heavens from meccah but
after the hardships goes through after the year of Sorrow after after not being allowed back into
Mecca after all these difficulties Allah subhana T to relieve this is why makd is the Land of Hope
for the prophets ibraim when he was persecuted he was taken to B mdus muhammadu alaihi wasallam
was taken to B mdas and when he enters uh you can say from a spiritual religious uh
importance you can talk about this for hours but the uh important part is the political
ramifications of this particular uh journey and this is mentioned by I cawi and many of
the scholars of the Muslims that this was not a normal Journey this is the isra isra yes the
night Journey ofam it was not just a political uh Journey not a religious or um a spiritual journey
it was a political uh uh journey in a sense and how you explain this politically yeah this was
the handing over of the flag of leadership of humanity from the previous Nations to the um
of Muhammad alhi wasallam and where does this take place in and was leading the prayer of
124,000 prophets in as Abbas says there is not an in where a prophet has not prayed or
an angel hasn't stood this is a place uh of immense Baraka and this is at the start you
said Allah has given Baraka to its surrounding says something very beautiful he says is the
source of Bara to its surroundings so all of the bar the source of it is actually because Allah
says so imagine a cup uh and the it overflows to the area around it but the actual source
of that spring is that is so this handing over the Muslims leading Humanity uh takes place the
uh handing over takes place inside Masa with the presence in a unique Summit that hasn't happened
anywhere else in the world uh at any place in time but in from Adam to every Prophet prayed
behind Muhammad sallahu alaihi wasallam so when you see Talking uh we followed the chronological
discussion here uham how he connected the sah to the night Journey was the crown and the Jewel of
that connection and migrates to Medina he builds all the mosques of Medina towards makd then the
changes because it was already decreed and there is a long story of around that but following this
uham all the on the virtues of are actually narrated in Medina so do not set out to three
except the three mosque was after the third mosque was built which is the Masjid of the wasallam
wasallam made a culture in Medina where everyone's talking about makd because makd is not just the
past and present is the future there's a beautiful Hadith where comes to the prophet sallallahu alhi
wasallam and was a freed slave of she would always come to him and ask him questions about give us a
f about s give us a fatwa about charity about this about that and she comes toam and she says give us
a fatwa about and connects it to the Future and he says it is the land of raising and Gathering
go and pray in it it's a command from what does land of raising and Gathering mean that every
human will be gathered in this land for the day of judgment the start of the day of judgment will
be here B Makkah was the start of humanity makd will be the Gathering Place of all Humanity yes
for the day of judgment so when something happens today in in in in that circles of bar around it
remember that you're going to be gathered for the day of judgment in this land and you're going to
be questioned you lived in the 21st century when the first of Muhammad was under occupation what
did you do if you don't have an answer you're in big trouble right Gaza went through uh a genocide
and you lived through that time what did you do to stop that genocide if you don't have an answer
your future is at stake here it from that land you will set forth either to Jenna or to Janam
UHD is the land where all tyrants are destroyed from ancient history the Quran talks about the
story of dam fighting jalut and the story of a tyrant being destroyed in B makd to
the Crusades they were destroyed in this land to the Zionist to the muls to Y and
Ma to every Tyrant that think that they can rule the world like the Zionist today their
destruction because this is as Allah calls it it is the holy land it is the land where all
tyrants will get down on their knees and today we see after the the the ceasefire Netanyahu is
on his knees uh he does not want to stop this war he's forced to stop this war and this will
be the end of of the science project this the the more that they uh uh think that they have
transgressed is the closer they are to their and so in a nutshell is the past the present
and the future of the umah not just the umah but actually of all of humanity can I ask you
Al-Aqsa Ranking
about uh how we uh we place where we place or in relation to the other two mids the other two MOS
because um I remember I was I was waiting to enter uh you know and the Israelis of course they detain
anyone who comes in for a period of time and question them and I remember many people coming
and going and they were saying we've been to the first two mosques now we're going to the third
right and so it's become popular to rank it as the third of the of the mosqu to to to go to is that a
is that a correct um rating I suppose or or place to for for Mash ala it comes after of Makkah and
Haram of Madina and then then it's Mash ala let me start with something that will shock the audience
listening uh today a prayer in is greater than a prayer at the ca that's a bit exaggerated yes uh
many of the uh listeners will say but actually it's based on aith of wasallam yes wasallam says
prayer in Alam is 100,000 at the Masjid of the Prophet is 1,000 and at ala it's 500 and one
timei wasallam this Hadith is incredible wasallam comes out from his house and the sahab are sitting
in a discussing which is better the mosque of the Prophet or the mosque of Al and wasallam
says to them what are you discussing they say a prayer in your mosque is better that or in and he
says my a prayer in my mosque today is better than four prayers in ALA meaning
that ala the reward of Prayer in it at that time was 250 and the
m is 1,000 but there will come a time and the wording is incredible he says
uh there will come a time where 1 M Square to put it in our uh terminology from where
you can just see will be better than the world and everything within it so
the saying today a prayer in my mosque is better than Al but there will come a time
just seeing ala will be better than a prayer anywhere else in the world and Hadith in the uh
in the where wasallam says one hour ofat and this ISAT today is a for forgotten and
Allah rat is a very important Islamic that we have forgotten as an um today
soat being watching the Frontiers yes standing on the Frontiers defending uh Islam and today
you see our sisters at the gates of alj AA standing defending not praying just standing
at the gates of alj AA is better than you might say a prayer in the Caba that's what I
started Witham says an hour ofat is better than praying at the night of in front of the black
stone puts things into perspective and this is where we as an umah today have
become selfish Muslims uh everyone's looking for their own atonement everyone's looking for their
own uh personal uh forgiveness forgetting the um as a whole and this is where abdah
and uh in his poetry when he wrote to him he said to him
a uh the one worshiping at the har if you see us making rat andad in the way
of Allah what you're doing in at mea and minina are is playing you're not
really uh you're looking for your uh self uh atonement but you have forget forgotten
that the umah needs this of standing steadfast today you see someone in
and you are shocked coming out of underneath the rubble a 12-year-old girl says did I not
become a Shahed had I become a Shahed it would have been worth it for at 12-year-old girl knows
the importance of ala more than the whole of the um and one of the guards of ala said to
me and when I say this people are shocked uh he and these are his words and today he was uh
uh last week he was released from prison but in in in an exchange with him he says KH tell the
Muslims to love ala more than they love the Kaa and the mosque of the prophet in Medina and I
said that's a bit too much and anyone listening to us would say no you can't love ala more than
you love the Kaa yes and he explains it he says ask the mothers ask the fathers if they
have three children and one of their children is sick in hospital would they look after that
child more than they would the other two children that are healthy I said definitely yes he said KH
ala is sick ala is under captivity ala is in prison ala needs the um to stay awake and to
liberate it when you liberate it you can go back and loving them in the same in the same
way but now Al needs the um and then he turned around and he said ala does not need the um the
and really this is the case the um in order to stand up the the situation the the situation of
the umah today as you look at it it's two billion Muslims are unable to take a glass of water into
Gaza without the permission of the Zionist is this how pathetic the the umah has become and it
makes you rethink the Hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in which he says
there will come a time when all nations will all uh attack you like they invite each other uh over
a meal you look at the situation of the Muslims from Eastern turkistan all the way to Sudan all
the way to Yemen the the enemies of Islam are attacking from Left Right and Center uh and
alhi wasallam explains the sahab are shocked are we little than Allah he says no you are a lot but
you are like the froth Over the Sea you have no value and today two billion Muslims are unable to
change the course of history and are are unable to change not the course of history to change their
own future uh this is how raised the um to be how will we Face there is two Hadith three Hadith
that since the 7th of October have really shook me this is one and the sahab are shocked and he
says it is because of Wan they say what is w he says love of D and fear of death and this
is the problem of the capitalist Muslims today we all we are only looking for our personal uh
development uh not thinking of the umah as as as a whole and the second Hadith which really
gives me uh so much hope is howah describes the people of and the people of 1,400 years ago he
says there's a group of my um that will always be on the right path they will all
always overcome their enemy uh until the the command of Allah comes and they are in that
state of steadfastness we asked wasam where are they he said in and in the surroundings of and you
see the Hadith is describing the people of today you know if was alive today the people of would
be his sahaba you say their IM is only something we read theoretically in the books of History the
sahaba at the sahab in bad these are the stories that we are living today three of my aunts live in
gazan when I speak to them I'm ashamed that and I stopped calling them and I called them a few
days ago after the ceasefire and I said to them I apologize I've not been calling because I feel
um um what can I say my words every time I call them they're they're the ones that are giving us
words of support and you see the words of wasam in which he described them actually perfectly
on H and my aunt said to me we were just praying that Allah would not deviate us from the right
path through this war this was I they worry they're well off and I asked my other Aunt I
said to her what are you eating water and she said I kept pressing her because it was a very
and I feel ashamed eating and drinking while they're starving uh and it really shakes you
from inside and I said to her what are you eating what are you drinking I kept pushing and she said
they were well off and she said alhamdulillah we manag with one bite a day and with a sip of
water uh but wall we are not complaining and that word just shook me to my core because on that day
we had a large meeting in turkey with all the NOS uh a governmental institutions discussing how to
get Aiden toaz this is before Ra was closed and and I told her we have 50 Nos and organizations
discussing how to bring Aid to you and she said we don't want your Aid we've been sitting since
the morning discussing this and I said why she said most likely it will reach us after we're
dead and today nearly 300,000 people in GDA are dead or or missing and this um did nothing for a
year and a half uh that re really shakes me from inside the third Hadith and I'll um conclude this
part with it is aith that wasallam says regarding the day of judgment he says a group of my um will
come to me on the how and the angels will snatch them and throw them in the Hellfire and the is
Inari will immediately inter and he says they're part of my and Allah will respond to him and
says you do not know what they did after you and says Let Them Burn Let Them Burn will give up on
part of his um and when I read this Hadith after the 7th of October I look at the situation of the
um I fear that two billion Muslims when we will come to and meet him on the the day of judgment
on the land of he will turn away from us or will he welcome us with open arms and this Hadith
together with the first Hadith that says you'll be great in numbers but you'll be like the froth on
the sea you want to be like that or do you want to be a Muslim that makes a difference in this
world a Muslim that will make the future history of Islam of this um of humanity uh and this is
why we started with the question that you asked uh is the third Al is not the third Al is number
one was number one for it was his first ala is number two it is a second mosque and ala is one
of three not the third nowhere does it say ala is the third holiest place yeah and this is used by
zionists to say Al the third holiest place for zionists for Jews uh Jerusalem is number one
but in reality was actually number one for the sahab also number two and one of three
mosques every Muslim should sit out to visit and those who say third in terms of reward today this
has been reversed because today standing not praying in standing at the gates of ala is more
rewarding in terms ofat what said than actually even uh praying uh 100 prayers in in in uh
so we're here to talk about Ala and the pass in the present and I want to uh really begin
this section of the conversation looking at the present um over the last few years we've seen uh
greater um turmoil I suppose especially in in Ramadan uh in mash alaka and and of course uh
Western Plan for Aqsa
there seems to be a plot a rightwing or a Zionist plot maybe in Broad of an Israel an American plot
to undermine Al AXA just bring us up to speed on um the the sanctity of alaka and where where it
currently is in terms of its security and and its status the T of ala or the flood of Al AA
on the 7th of October started with the name of Al AA but this was not the starting point
yeah the starting point takes us back 2 years earlier on the 28th of Ramadan after the night of
when the Zionist attacked the Muslims while they were fasting inside the Masa With Grenades
with smoke uh uh with tear gas with all and the whole world watched uh Islam's holiest site being
desecrated yeah in the holiest month of Ramadan the um is watching and the people in Al AA had
already given up on most of the Muslim rulers particularly the Arab rulers they have no hope
in them this is uh as a Palestinian saying this uh for for a very long time the people
in uh in Palestine gave up on the Arab leaders they know that uh they're actually not part of
the solution they're part of the problem they're part of this Zionist uh Western uh scheme in the world and we see this today unfortunately very clearly across the uh
so-called Muslim leaders who are uh very close to the zionists and their their their state aiding
them in the genocide in razza yes uh with with with many examples so on the 28th of Ramadan 2021
ala was attacked by uh the zist occupation forces to allow a few hundred settlers to pray in Al
and this was part of following uh the deal of the century uh and now come Donald Trump coming
back into into office ala is in Greater danger than it was ever before during the last term of
Donald Trump he talked about in the deal of the century that ala should be open to all faiths for
worship and what he means here is not Christians and others he means particularly Jews this is
part of the uh Zionist right-wing agenda that ala needs to be uh a place for Jewish worship you have
no interest of a Muslim praying in the Church of the Holy slia and you have no interest of a Muslim
praying in a synagogue but the zionists today are pushing this idea that they need to pray inside
Islam's holiest site in the holy land and they are really pushing this uh to a great extent and this
was a margin something marginal in Israeli society and this was something marginal within Israeli
Society until the year 2000 in 1967 when Al AKA was occupied by the Zionist the chief Rabbi of the
Israeli Army suggested blowing up Al Masjid AA and the secular generals of the army said to him we're
not interested in that but what they did is they took part of Al Masjid AA which is alak W Al Bak
W was never holy to the Jews before the ottoman period And this is within their own literature
this is something that was added later and then it became a national and a religious symbol for Jews
uh in the 20th century it was never holy to the Jews prior to the 17th century uh no importance
of Al Bak wall in that sense this is the Wailing Wall what they called yes the Wailing Wall or the Western Wall uh only in the 19th century in the 1800s did it become a place where they started
and during the British uh mandate or occupation they turned it into something uh holy uh so you
see this is the first part that they took from wall and they started in crouching upona but for
a very long time Israel Society was a very secular one and this group that wanted ala as a Jewish
place or Jewish temple were very marginalized within Society until the year 2000 right in the
year 2000 when ala in started with Ariel shiron entering masj AA this right-wing agenda started
growing and then they started having members in the keset and then this became a major issue and
today you see the these people around Netanyahu are part of this agenda that Al AA today is
actually divided uh if you recall and those who have visited and saw the mosque of ibraim after
the 1994 massacre in the month of Ramadan where uh one of their um Goin and he he is today for benav
he is his uh hero and his picture is everywhere so for this religious Zionism this is someone
who walked on people praying F Salah while they are fasting to making suud and gunning them from
behind in the month of Ramadan this is the hero of Bing air uh today so this is the the so what they
did is they closed mid IIM for 6 months when they reopened the 60% was allocated to the Jews and 40%
of the Muslims Muslims do not conduct five daily prayers in mosque ofid ibraim it is controlled uh
to enter it's like entering you've seen it when when you visited KH it's like entering a prison
you have to go through these Gates and it's very uh and this is what uh the zence would like to
implement in Masjid AA and they've been pushing this and Donald Trump in his last term gave them
the ground for this and in the deal of the century this was the main close that was used to justify
what the zionists are doing now ala is divided uh temporally and they're working toward it to
being uh divided uh spatially uh from 7:30 in the morning until Zionist can roam Ina conduct their
worship rituals and no one can stop them until recently this was not allowed anyone conducting
any form of worship apart from Muslims was being arrested by the Israeli police now this has now
become normalized you're not even the guards of AA cannot stop them they make this what they call
this Al this prostration where they lie on the ground of AA this is a very ancient form of uh
Jewish worship that doesn't exist anymore they revive it within Al Masjid AA in order to give it that uh that status they're entering in larger numbers although until today actually the majority
of the Jews do not enter Al Masjid AA because it is forbidden according to Judaism to enter
Al Masjid AA and on the Gate of mar it writes it very clearly that Jews are forbidden according
to the T from entering the site why because they are NIS they are impure now the Jews are working
towards purifying themselves with the red cow and you've heard of the red he heer uh and Christian
zionists are supporting this through genetically modified uh uh cows that they have shipped from
the United States from Texas all the way and now once it reaches the age of three then it
will be slaughtered it ashes it will be burnt and its ashes will be used to purify the Jews so now
a limited number of Jews uh religious Zionist are breaking this law actually they're not allowed to
enter technically according to the fatwa of their hams and the chief Rabbi but they're entering
breaking this law by justifying that we're not enter entering the holiest of the holies we're
just turning around it so we're not entering the area of the Dome of the Rocks so this is
this is what their argument is so is at the most uh dangerous time in its history on the 28th of
Ramadan the people in M asked the the the um to come to their help and to Aid them ala is not a
Palestinian mosque ala is the mosque of the um yes and the needs to come and wake up uh from
this only which armies of the Muslims did come to the aid if this would happen anywhere else in
the world a holy Place being attacked and if you remember the attack on the synagogue that happened
in in Paris a few years ago the whole world leaders came and gathered and marched in support
Islam does not allow any attack on any place of worship but when Islam's holiest sight is being
attacked the whole world does nothing and Israel is giving impunity to attack people fasting in the
holy month of Ramadan and this was not done in one Ramadan or two Ramadan or three Ramadan it
only stopped after the 7th of October in the Ramadan following the 7th of October but the coming Ramadan is going to be even more dangerous on Masjid AA because the zionists have been forced
Ramadan dangerous
to kneel down they've not achieved any of the goals of the war they've tried to destroy Gaza
they' wiped out uh uh 92% of the infrastructure and the the the buildings in gazda not one
University is left schools houses everything is being wiped out yet the people of Gazza are still
behind the resistance and this is uh looking at the Israeli media they're shocked that how are
the people after all of this still standing and saying we will never give up uh and this is now
the zionists you can see what they're what they're doing they forced stop in GZA they turn towards
the West Bank and they're attacking in Janine with the help of the PA and and and and others and what
you're seeing what we will be seeing this coming Ramadan in in a very short period is going to be
maybe the most dangerous Ramadan and when I say ala is not a Palestinian mosque imagine and put
this in perspective If Today IB Salman sells the Kaa to Donald Trump as part Donald Trump today
made a statement that uh he will visit Saudi if they pay 500 uh Bill million dollars or something
along these lines yes um so if IB Salman sells the Kaaba to uh Donald Trump would any Muslim accept
this if today to go to the Kaa you have to ask the permission of the Americans and at the gates
of you have American non-muslim soldiers with guns and people while they're making ta they're being
shot by non-muslim soldiers would the Muslims just say why is the Kaaba important why is the
Kaaba more important than my local mosque every mosque is the house of would we get into that
discussion which is more important and this and that or would every Muslim say I how can I stand
in front of Allah in my prayer and pray towards my while it is under occupation I have to do
everything in my power to liberate that place and ala is no different than the Kaa The only
two mosques mentioned by name in the Quran is ala and the Kaa The most important places in Islam are
the first mosque the Kaa the second mosque Al the first the second MOS the second Thea and you see
there is always like a twinning relationship when Allah the starting point the Kaa the ending point
and you see this and if the umah does not accept this for the Kaa then they should not accept it
for but the problem going back to the starting point is that the umah is under an intellectual
occupation our minds are under occupation for the last 100 years ala is out of the agenda of the
Muslims today IB Salman says Al Palestine is not my issue the same is being said by many of the uh
Muslim leaders who are signing the Abraham quote unquote Accords with the zionists uh and and you
see this that ala is not their issue alhamdulillah is not their issue actually because ala is
an issue of IM there's no two Believers two M that will disagree on the importance of but
amongst thef you will have you will have these uh disagreements buta is the themometer of the umah
and we see this throughout history and seeing ala today under occupation since 1967 now being
Al-Aqsa today
uh temporally divided meaning that parts of the time in Al AA is dedicated to Jews and part of
it to Muslims moving towards what the deal of the century what Donald Trump suggested the first time
is that ala should be allocated during Jewish holidays only to Jews exactly like the mosque
of Ibraham is being divided in that in in that sense and looking at that context where we are
heading is the reason why uh Gazza on the 28 of Ramadan came to to to Aid was fora the reason why
7th of October according to the resistance is Al the um the people of have paid a very heavy price
not every not a single not a single household in Gazza has not had their house destroyed as
property uh lost or have Shahid or injured every every single one is paying the price
and you know the zus soldiers uh every they they say every house in Gazza has a picture of Al and
this is shocking them and I saw a video today in Northern Gaza where a man entered his house and he
has a beautiful uh marble of the DOR of The Rock and Masjid AA inside his house and the Zionist
particularly destroyed that because ala is at the core of the resistance of the Palestinians it is
the symbol of the resistance every I mentioned the story of the girl coming from underneath the
rubble 12-year-old saying everything I wish had I died it would have been worth it fora you hear
a man who lost all his property everything that he worked for in his life he says everything is
worth it for and fors you you have a child you have an old man you have an woman who lost or
her children everything is worth it for Al they know the importance of Al and the is unable to
do this the people of Gazza the people of Palestine have paid the price now the umah
it is time for the umah to wake up and before it is too late because it can be too late and if we
lose may Allah forbid it is the end of the um the last time and I'll mention this story
I felt ashamed of being part of this um last time I was in about 10 years ago I
saw something that every time I remember I cry because what I saw is not how raised the um to
beam for a single Muslim woman raised the whole of the Muslim Army for woman in the market of
the Muslim raised the whole of the Muslim for a single woman that was held captive in the
area around anara uh in in Byzantium Ankara at that time and today what I saw in ALA on
that day I cannot forget it I was walking with my son towards you know ala is not a single building
ala is a compound 140 2,000 square kilome ala is a large compound that includes the Dome of
the Rock Al the basements the minettes 142,000 square meters uh Anda is full of monuments so
I was walking with my son he was at that time 89 years old towards Al AA Museum in the uh Southern
uh Western corner close to alak wall and then we passed a group of Muslim women reading the
Quran they're sitting in a reading the Quran and we passed him about 100 m and I heard a scream I
looked behind and I wished I hadn't seen what I saw I saw a Zion Soldier on top of a young girl
maybe 16 17 years old biting her with his teeth like a vicious dog inside the Masid
I left my son I ran and an elderly woman was trying to help get him off her he pushed her
and she fell in he she broke her arm that image every time I remember it I got there with a few
Muslims and they started beating everyone then they used tear gas then they and I
felt I cried that day I went to a corner and started crying the um I felt is dead
Muhammad sallahu alaihi wasallam did not bring the um to be like this two billion Muslims today
and is not on our agenda Muhammad 100 years ago before Al was occupied by the Zionist it was
under the British he says every child after they learn they need to learn the importance of Al this
was before the umah Lost Al and then we became uh part of everyone has been divided the umah
has been split up into uh from one United body into 507 uh mini states that are all controlled
by uh various different powers and um everyone's caring about the box that has been drawn to them
and this concept of nation state even today Palestine the map of Palestine everyone knows
exactly what it looks like but if I ask you what is that Allah mentioned in the Quran maybe one
or two Muslims would know the majority would not know that is the land of that extends around the
city of uh UHD around m all the way to Janine in the north to nais and uh to in the South to
parts of Jordan today to Gaza on the other side uh not many Muslims would know the the extent of
the Holy Land but they would know what British Palestine is based on its biblical uh borders
that the British and the French Drew if I asked a quranic terminology Allah uses Bara the land of
Baraka Muslims would not know what it is because the Muslim mind is under occupation and this is
going back to the same point that we started off with it is worse than the occupying of the land
is the occupying of the mind and the Muslims have become so entrenched in their new identities that
have been drawn by the west by a ruler if you look at the maps of the Muslim world today day wah it
is in Arabic we say the worst of uh the pain is the one that makes you cry or makes you laugh
uh you look at the situation dividing Us by an imaginary line that makes you Jordanian and makes
me Palestinian and that one Syrian and Lebanese and makes that Egyptian or Sudanese or divides a
Moroccan from uh a Libyan uh from a Tunisian the way they've divided us this colonialist uh over
the last 100 years the um needs to break away from this change and since the 7th of October
uh we've seen major changes and the end of nation states we've been talking about this for the last
few decades nation states are actually dead and everyone's looking you have the European Union on
one side you have the Turkish uh Union on another side you have people breaking away from this and
the um needs to come back and bring a new Union that brings the whole of the um again and today
uh what is happening in ALA what is happening in Gaza should be Reviving the Muslim um and Reviving
these thoughts in our mind that we need to break away from this colonialist uh um sets that have
being boxes that have been set for for us and move towards uh a new form of governance uh a new
form of uh Union that brings the Muslims together but this first has to be done on the theoretical
side and the Muslim Scholars have failed in this unfortunately uh before moving to put it into uh
practice I want to go back to you talk about the last 100 years and this colonialism of the mind
Intellectual decline
and these imaginary lines between our borders that make us jordanians or Palestinians or syrians and
and how uh these identities are being hoist Upon Us by the West the Western identities that
have we've we've internalized and today we we're proud of our nation states um I I want to focus
on some of the seminal moments in these last 100 years like what led to this intellectual
decline um tell me about the first world war when um General alen uh entered Jerusalem and
uh and declared the Crusades are over what's tell me about the significance of that moment yes in
the month of December uh 1917 uh the British prime minister at the time said to Alan B I
want uh Jerusalem as a gift to the British people for Christmas this is David lloy GE and uh alen be
set forth what the worst part of this is most of the British army were actually made of Muslims the
Egyptian on one side and the Indians on the other side and the British uh government at the time
insisted that the Crusades should not be invoked in this discussion uh because this would hurt the
feelings of the Muslims within uh with within that the Muti of Jerusalem cam husseini at the time
stood with alen and when alen said the Crusades are over he got angry and he left in the middle of
his speech as he's proclaiming the occupation of uh of of Jerusalem however when I talk about the
intellectual neba it is so rooted and uh within within that that uh uh Haj uh cam Hussein the Muti
of Al congratulated alen on occupying really and when I read this I said no that's not real I that
cannot be the case then I read and I'm shocked even further that he placed the foundation stone
together with the um uh priest uh from Jerusalem of the Hebrew University Foundation Stone for
the Hebrew University placed by a Muslim and a Christian that confused you even more then I read
uh that the Muti of yafa brought gifts to alimi and the following year and congratulating him of
ending the Turkish occupation and wrote a poem and when I read this poem I was in shock uh he
says uh Children of the temps you have come to our land well welcome wasan yeah uh you have come and
ended a period of uh occupation and transgression of the Turks and you brought entit Enlightenment
and and when I read this there's something wrong in the Muslim psyche at the time and the root of
this was nationalism Arab nationalism and Turkish nationalism Sultan Abdul Hamid may Allah subh have
mercy on his soul until he was dethroned uh he was pushing for the idea of what he called Islam
all the Muslims under one umbrella and the hijaz railway was part of was an umah project was not
a personal uh project for the sultan and this is why he raised the money from the Muslims all the
way from India and Indonesia all the way to North Africa because this is a a project of the umah
so he United the the ja Railway and this is why Lawrence uh of Arabia uh when he drove the bedom
Sharif Hussein and his people out of hij he says if I was truthful to them I would tell them not
to leave uh we're going to uh all the promises we made we're not going to keep our word and this is
you see this at the end of Sultan Abdul Hamed at his time tury turkey ish nationalism started in
France Arab nationalism started in France 20 years in between them so Turkish nationalism started
first and then Arab nationalism started or in the early uh 1900s in Paris then it uh went forth to
Damascus and from Damascus Lawrence of Arabia in his book Seven Pillars of wisdom he talks
about that we should change the Hajj from Mecca to Damascus from towards Allah and Iman towards Arab
nationalism and they succeeded and this became the new religion unfortunately uh of uh the people at
the time that it is National aspirations and at the same time you have Zionism Jewish nationalism
developing uh Arab nationalism and Turkish nationalism and the Western colonialist used
all of them for their own goods and what we saw was shocking that your brother becomes your enemy
and your enemy becomes your friend and we see this very clearly in those who are aligning themselves
with the uh uh with the colonialists and we have three promises made by the British at the same
time and reading through them uh I'm I'm I was in shock that the British were uh playing everyone so
first you have the uh agreement with Sher Hussein the McMahon Sharif Hussein correspondence in which
they promised him a and I read this in the British archive here in Q garden and I read this and I was
in shock that the British knew Islamic better than the Muslims right and I read the document in which
it says that the should be in qur and the Turks are not Arabs are not quray so they are not the
legitimate uh rulers of the Muslims and this only belongs to quray so it should be Sharif Hussein
and I read the letter and the letter is written in such amazing Arabic praising him that he is from
the family of the Prophet Sall alhi wasallam that he thought that the British are really respecting
him and they're making him these promises and we would like you to reestablish theaa they said and theaa should be amongst the Arabs and we will give you all the land and they included
Palestine within this at the same time the British were already discussing with the French the sipot
agreement which is that they're going to divide this land between themselves and Palestine will be an international Zone at the same time they were making a promise of Palestine to the Jews
and this is uh at the time the only only Jew in the British cabinet um he was uh talking
about it as being an anti-semitic uh declaration uh you want to get rid of the Jews from the UK
because there was a Jewish Problem in Europe and the Jewish problem is because of anti-Semitism in
Europe anti-Semitism is not a a Muslim problem uh the Muslims have never been anti-semitic
respected the Jews included them as part of the um in the con ution of Medina until they
committed treason three of their tribes were expelled out of Medina or fought the rest of
the tribes the Jewish tribes continued to live with the Muslims in Medina and under Islam the
Jews were always welcomed when they were being tortured uh uh and expelled from Europe and and
and elsewhere coming back to to to to to the point this context in the 20th century where alen enters
what hurt me most is he was welcomed by the people of B makd clapping and cheering as
Occupation of mind
alen and his army entered and at first I didn't believe this but then when I realized this was
part of the occupation of the mind that your enemy becomes your savior and we saw this not
long ago in Iraq when the uh American army uh came into Iraq and the people were clapping for
their occupier only after a million Iraqis were dead now are we awake and saying oh that was
the worst day the Palestinians within 2 years started the first revolt against the British
in NAB Musa then the Barack Revolt then theam then 1936 then never since the occupation of
the British has the resistance stopped against them before Hamas even existed before fat even
existed resistance of the occupation like it happened in Algeria uh like it happened in in
in different parts against colonialist in India and other parts of the world it is a legitimate
struggle against occupier uh starting from the British occupation to the Zionist occupation to
today the genocide uh resisting this genocide is a moral responsibility resisting the occupation
wherever it may be uh if today France invades the England uh would the people say uh they
have every right to do so uh or would the people resist um and these These are uh uh what happened
in 1917 with the British occupying and with almb announcing it is the end of the Crusade yes what's
End of Crusades
the significance of this yes of calling it The End end of the Crusades yes because since Salah
liberated from the Crusades there was never a stop in the European psyche of taking this
land back from the Muslims and I'll give you a few example yeah immediately when Salah in 11
87 took makus uh the Third Crusade with the King of England King of France and Germany set out on
the king's Crusade the Third Crusade to take B mdis back and Richard continued the rest of them
uh Philip of France returned back and uh Frederick of Germany died on the way uh but Richard fought
against Salah he won some battles eventually he signed a truce with Salah not a peace treat
it was a truce for a number of years that there will be no fighting um and he set a new strategy
that our focus should not be Jerusalem our focus should be Egypt if Egypt is in our hands Palestine
or the holy land will easily fall into our hands and we see this uh today with what is happening
in Syria Salah first started from Syria then moved to Egypt then crushed The Crusade today
without the fall of Assad which alhamdulillah he has fallen without the fall of CeCe ala will
never be liberated that's so yes uh and this is a historical precedent we see this we learn we need
to learn from the historical example who brought C into Power why were the Western Powers not happy
with Mercy you want democracy democracy brought mercy and during the time of Mercy when in in 2012
when Gaza was was attacked immediately he sent his prime minister into Gaza and opened all the borders today you see CeCe he is doing the job of the Israelis he is to to the gazin sometimes
even worse than the Israelis because he's the one complicit in blocking the aid blocking everything
every Lifeline into Gaza is being blocked by by uh CC himself but going back to uh Richard
Richard made this strategy and the following Crusades concentrated on North Africa and Egypt
in particular and the seventh Crusade actually uh the the the the king uh Lis iith was was captured
in Egypt and he was uh imprisoned imprisoned there uh we see this every Century from Salah there was
always an attempt for a crusade not one one not two in the 12th century in the 13th century 32
Crusades none of them achieved their goal however there was always this idea that we need to take
Jerusalem back from the Muslims from the Infidel Muslims this was always being pushed forward in
the European psyche and taxes were raised the Salah tax was raised across England and Wales
and Scotland in order to uh uh raise new Crusades a very interesting example this continued through
the 13th 14th and 15th century is Christopher Columbus why did he go west most people think that
he went just to discover a new land he was looking forward towards an alliance with uh the East so
he would go around an alliance and come together with EAS he would christianize he would turn uh
uh the people of the East into Christianity and bring them and attack the Muslims from
both sides and take Jerusalem back from the East and from the west but when he reached the Americas he wrote to Ferdinando he wrote to Isabella who were the friend the Kings uh
of andalus at the time and he wrote to the Pope that I've raised enough gold to raise an army to
liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims and this is written in his Memoirs and there's a book
about this that discusses this in a lot of detail that this was the aim of Christopher Columbus and
this uh idea of the end of the world and uh he had certain calculations and his last will all
the money that he has raised was put into a trust to raise a new crusade to liberate Jerusalem from
the Muslims but now the the West had to deal with the Ottomans coming into Vienna and coming into uh
Europe so the Crusades turned towards stopping the Ottomans but this idea never disappeared
and then we come to secular Europe with Napoleon who comes to where occupies Egypt and immediately
comes to the Holy Land and when he OCC he tries to occupy acre uh Napoleon was a very interesting
character you know he become he became Muslim he announced Islam yes where at Al AAR in order
to win the Muslims to his side this is uh one of the his tactics but when he was in acre he issued
a proclamation to the Jews of Asia and Africa calling them to un to come under his banner and
he will reestablish ancient Jerusalem for them and build them their Temple Napoleon was very cunning
in using religion although according to the French Revolution we need to separate uh uh the the
church from the state but he was using religion to his own ends and and he continued to push this
idea uh even after he was defeated in 1799 but this was the for first call for Jews to come to
Palestine immediately the British took this idea and particularly Protestant uh Evangelical groups
who we know them today as Christian zionists and today very important point on Christian Zionism
today out of every 10 zionists nin of them nine of them are Christian Christian Zionism is more
dangerous than Jewish Zionism and it came well before uh uh it came well before Jewish sanism
and this start started here in London with the um Society for uh turning there was a society
established to turn Jews into Christians uh and to send them to Palestine so this was the initial
cause this project failed so then they moved to the second uh phase which is let's just take the
Jews to Palestine and this then really becomes an issue in uh 18 in the 1830s uh and becomes
part of the British policy particularly with two individuals Lord Shaftsbury and Lord Palmer
and both of them one was part of this Christian Zionist group uh Lord chatsbury and uh his
father-in-law um Palmer was uh the Prime Minister and he saw him uh as Palmer was looking at the
British interest in this because this was on the trade route between India and um uh uh uh and and
Britain and we should not fall in the hands of the French it should be in the hands of the British so this was part of a a struggle so this was being sold in Britain as one a religious issue to those
who interested it in it in a religious matter and being sold as a matter for British interest in
the region and then it came into the idea that Palmer was pushing the Ottomans let the Jews
establish some autonomy under your rule in Palestine so he was pushing this on in a
serious note and this then developed into an idea of a buffer state in order to control the Muslim
world and all of this was being developed here in London all these ideas in order to control the region the heart of it for religious reasons for the second coming of the Messiah on one side
this is from a religious point of view but for our interest in the region we should establish here a
buffer state or um a state that is uh foreign to that region a friend of the West an enemy to the
uh people in the region and this was developed and this is when we talk about the Zionist project is
a western project right this is why after the 7th of October you saw sunak you saw Biden you saw all
Western leaders rush to Tel Aviv yes why because this is their project yeah no one can get away
with what Israel is getting away with no other country in the world will get away with it but
because this is part of their project and this project has two Dimensions one it is political
uh economic uh and GE political importance in the region in controlling the region the second is the
religious uh Dimension the religious religious Dimension is very dangerous and today what you
see with Donald Trump and all his cabinet are part of this religious agenda Evangelical yes
Christian right yes pushing towards that you you see his uh uh defense minister saying we
need to establish a temple over with the site of Al AA you see his uh ambassador to uh to Israel
saying that there is no West Bank uh all of this is Israel so you can see this agenda is now very
very clear uh within the American Administration and what is going to come within this uh Christian
Zionist uh agenda is very dangerous for ala in particular and for Palestine and the World
in general there's one last question I have for you and it's really a question about the future
Is there hope?
um we often have guests on this show and they're very optimistic even though we're in a very weak
State and you've described that weak state today very optimistic about the liberation of Palestine
and inshallah one day um maybe soon uh the uh zionists will be removed from uh from uh their
uh from colonizing this land um you know is that how you see it and from your study
of Islam and the study of of Jerusalem um corroborate that optimism for me very um
important question and wasallam in the most difficult times was always giving
hope yes so the um actually needs hope right so starting with this sense of hope we see am says
uh when will come to the to the Holy Land and has not come to the holy land yet Tod yet um
so definitely this land will be and from the from the verses from the Quran this land will I swear
by Allah will be liberated and let me link it to another po point that we touched on on a little
earlier is the name of this land is and has two meanings one is and the second one is Mubarak so
blessed in a sense and the second one is it is free from imperfection yes and what this means
the perfectly put this that no Injustice will ever last in this land so it means that this land
will be desecrated yes but this desecration will not last long and we see this throughout history
this is why this land is the land of rat until the day of judgment describes it so what this
means is it's continuous it will become desecrated then it will be purified it will become desecrated
will be purified and we see this starting from the example the Quran gives with uh J
and talut coming to the Romans coming to the Persians coming into the Crusades and the Crusades
occupied this land for 88 years they thought they were the first Western Colonial project in this
land bringing the problems of Europe into the Holy Land 88 years they thought they will last there
forever then they were destroyed then you have the the MS coming occupying and no everyone said no
one will ever stop them their destruction was in this land and then they turned into Islam you see
this land is always the land which brings when you say about H and B it is the land where you
see this manifested to its maximum then you had Napoleon he came his destruction was in this land
and then he turned returned back then you had the British now you have the Zionist W they will not
last in their own prophecies they're not going to last 80 years and they talk about this you
know they rabbis uh talk about that there is the curse of the 80 years and Netanyahu said I will
make sure that this state will last 100 years in their own psyche they know that they will not last
their own ministers are saying if you don't have a second passport get get a second passport and you see how many hundreds of thousand fled since the 7th of October they don't want to be in this
land and if you look at it within that context their destruction they are a foreign body that
was put by the West in this land and this will end but this will not be the end of it but an
important question here is when will this end yeah this depends on me and you and the listeners Allah
says in the Quran Allah will not change your circumstances until you change it yourself
the is not going to nothing will change if you make Dua 100 times a day and if you haven't and
uh I was in South Africa a few weeks ago and one brother came to me and he said to me the situation
of the um is like this he says there's a mosque we're about to enter into the mosque and we see
a thug beating up a Muslim and we're a lot there is 50 of us we're entering into the mosque and we
say to the brother uh you know what we're going to go into the mostos make Dua that he will stop
hitting you this is the situation that we are in until you stand up to the Injustice and stop it
nothing will change and this is when we talk about two billion Muslims are ineffective in
stopping a genocide what more does the umah need to be able uh to do this if Falls next will be
Al next the whole of the um will fall nothing will stand but if we ask when will this happen
this will happen when the umah starts to move at an individual level before the state's hope
is already lost uh at the state level so at an individual level everyone if you're doing
20% 20% is not enough 50% is not enough 100% is no longer enough we need to go 110% everyone to
the maximum because on the day of judgment you're going to be asked in this land what have you done
when ala was under occupation when a genocide was taking place and you see this is no longer
an Islamic issue this is an issue of humanity you have Jews standing up and saying not in my name
you have non-muslims and Muslims are still asleep when this is for you an issue of humanity and an
issue of what of IM and an issue of your future is linked to this land so going back to the meaning
of every Tyrant will get down on his knees in this land Netanyahu is not going to survive
much longer to give this hope but this has to be on the hands of the Believers you do not wait
for uh just uh we're angry we don't accept what you're doing you have to stop this the zionists
only understand one language and you have seen this across the uh the Spectrum uh if uh the
Zionist will continue with this impunity uh uh what what made them what made Netanyahu stop he
did not want to stop this war is he was pressured Joe Biden did not put any pressure on on Netanyahu
uh Trump wanted this to end before he comes into office but he's going to give he's already talking
about this ceasefire is not going to continue and unfortunately the people of Gazza speaking to the
people there alhamdulillah now they can breathe a sigh of relief but they know this is not going to
last for too long uh so let the um take Serious action to stop uh to stop this and putting this
within the perspective of this particular land this will be the end of future tyrants not just
this Zion State we will read in the future in the books of history that this ended but your
grandchildren are going to ask you you live through a genocide what did you do to stop it
and as a Believer this is as a human as a mmin as an individual everyone has to say I did everything
in my ability to stop this genocide on one side on the other side on the day
of judgment you have to have as Allah says in the Quran what is your excuse on that uh
on that day thank you for your time today thank you for having me and inshallah we
meet in the liberated and we pray theah of there ending with this hope in meet there
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