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Ep 178. - Keir Starmer's Secret War on Gaza with Matt Kennard

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There’s an assumption that the West have remained honest brokers in the Gaza genocide, or at least critical friends of Israel. My guest today Matt Kennard argues that contrary to public utterances, the British government, like the Americans are deeply involved in Israel’s merciless bombing of Gaza. They are providing military support, intelligence, diplomatic cover whilst at the same time claiming they want a quick resolution to the slaughter. Matt is an independent journalist and author of three books Irregular Army, Silent coup and The Racket

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Transcript - This is an automated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation


Keir Starmer’s secret war on gazes Keir ordered hundred of them  in his first three months there's no justification  


for that kind of secrecy they didn't even allow  the question to be asked technically they have   been participants in this things have changed now  labor different to the stories no that it's not  


different they are the same uh belligerence you  go to a protest it's still discussions about a  


ceasefire you say the right things you go out  and protest but you don't rock the boat it's   interesting the role of the Muslim Community  they are generally on the other side of the


Empire there's an assumption that the West have  remained onest brokers in Baza genocide or at  


least critical friends of Israel here in Britain  we often hear British foreign secretary David Lamy  


talk of human lives working towards a ceasefire  the talk is one of diplomacy and restraint  


however much of this Dum who speak is merely for  public consumption my guest today is Matt Kennard  


who argu that contrary to public utterances the  British government like the Americans are deeply  


involved in Israel's merciless bombing of Gaza  they are providing Military Support intelligence  


diplomatic cover whilst at the same time claiming  they want a quick resolution to the slaughter Matt  


is an independent journalist and author of three  books irregular Army silent coup and veret mat  


Kennard welcome back to the must thanks for having  me again it's good to be here yeah wonderful to   have you with us uh so Matt uh this is quite a  controversial topic and I suppose we've got to  


tread somewhat carefully maybe we don't but um  uh you wrote a a a Twitter thread or an ex- Fred  


uh saying that uh K St is involved in a in a in  the silent genocide or involved is colluding in  


the genocide I think was the phrase uh with Israel  so let's start from the top um in that thread you  


talk about military assistance and UK are actually  quite complicit by providing military uh equipment  

Britain’s participation in the Gaza genocide


but also military assistance to the Israeli regime  let's call it a regime um tell us about that I  


mean first of all I think we need to change the  language about British involvement in the Gaza   genocide we are not complicit with participants  and we've been participants from the start U this  


is a tripartite genocide it's us UK Israel and it  began basically immediately so after October 7th  


um when the genocide began uh in Earnest um  I started looking at flights that were going  


from um the UK base on Cyprus which I'll talk  about a bit more later but and I noticed that  


there were daily flights going of military planes  military transport planes so they're called c17s  


and a 400s they're huge vehicles that can carry  over 100 Personnel weapons um and other military  


equipment and I started asking questions of the  ministry of defense and then some MPS started  


asking questions and we were given no information  about what those flights were for yeah and then I  


started doing more and more stories and they had  to respond and this was a dynamic that developed   throughout the whole genocide in that I would  find uh information myself which would push  


the government to have to release more but anyway  they always said oh well it's medical supplies and   moving ministers to Israel and you're sort  of thinking how the Dozen why do you need  


dozens of military flights to Israel um military  transport flights if you're just transporting a  


few ministers there were only a few ministers that  had gone at that point or medical supplies didn't   make any sense still doesn't we still don't know  really what were on those flights and we have no  


press that's pushing the government to to do that  so that that was at the beginning then in December  


the government announced that they were going  to start um spy flights over Gaza in support of  


Israel that's the quote from the government um and  they began in December and again they didn't say  


where they were going from they didn't say how  long they were in the air and they didn't say   what they were doing with the intelligence or  what uh Departments of the Israeli regime they  


were sharing it with but I again independently  found how many flights were going and it was  


often two times a day and these are flights that  are going uh in the air for 6 hours over Gaza um  


collecting intelligence the whole time and then  sharing it with these radies and we don't know   how that's being shared so I did that story  as well and then later on in the genocide um  


there was a leak in the New York Times  interestingly New York Times it wasn't a   UK paper because nothing has been revealed and  when I say nothing I mean nothing nothing has  


been revealed about the UK role in this genocide  the UK participation by UK newspaper it's bananas  


even for someone like me who expects the UK  media to effectively work for the government   which they do 99% of the time I've been shocked  that there's been no interest but anyway a leak  


in the New York Times uh this summer showed that  actually also at the beginning of the genocide  


the UK deployed a spy a spy team inside Israel  to help the Israelis with their operation in Gaza  


uh an Israeli official leaked that to the New  York Times and the Israeli official said that   the British spies and the British intelligence  who were uh that was being provided gave them  


value added and they said they added that the  intelligence uh is giving them uh is given to them  


in a way oh sorry the intelligence that they're  getting they cannot collect on their own that's   the quote on top of that you also had the Special  Forces so the Special Forces for people who don't  


know are commonly known as the SAS but there's  also the S SPS which is the the naval part of   it they operate as a completely secret arm of the  UK State you canot get any information even even  


more secret than the intelligence establishment  which is pretty secret itself but anyway it was   leaked to the sun again early in the genocide on  October 27th there was a story in the sun where  


it said the SAS is deployed again to Cyprus um  for Gaza hostage operations they said they so  


they but that's what they claimed and they always  all if the British government is ever pressed they   always say it's to do with hostage rescue so they  said they deployed to the SAS was deployed we have  


not had a single piece of information about what  the SAS have been doing over the past year since  


that article because the following day October  28th the UK military sent out a d notice to every  


media editor saying do not publish any information  about the UK special forces in in Gaza what's a do  


notice yes so a doot it's important people should  more people should know about this so there's a   system that the British establishment and the BR  UK military has operated for decades called the  


the dooce system whereby there's a committee  that's run by the UK Ministry of defense that   meets every six months at the ministry of Defense  in London top sen or senior intelligence and  


military officials meet with a small collection  of journalists and they basically decide what they   can and can't publish in the newspapers another  function of this committee is that they send  


out what they call advisories where they set uh  if certain information comes out or potentially  


could come out they send out an advisory  to editors saying please don't publish that   information now they say it's voluntary but it's  it's not voluntary because there are enforcement  


mechanisms they also say don't publicize these D  notices so that there's often well there's must be  


a lot of den notices that we never know about the  only reason we know about that do notice that was   sent out about gar and the SAS on October 28th is  because the Socialist worker party newspaper which  


is a weekly newspaper read by not many people but  they received the D notice and they exposed it  


they're the only newspaper that exposed it that's  the only reason we know and as I say the Jour the  


editors and the journalists have all acceded to  that request from the ministry of Defense not to   publish any more information now this is really  important because you're talking about a country  

The secrecy around the intelligence


that has been investigated by the world Court  for genocide uh and has been taken over by South   Africa who's now been joined by a bunch of other  countries is also the the ICC Chief prosecuted  


Karim Khan is seeking arrest warrants for the  Israeli Prime Minister and his defense minister   yoab Gallant so this is there is the legal process  is in trained to to to uh to prosecute these the  


this country and these ministers for their  role in the genocide if the SAS has been on  


the ground in Gaza which might have happened we  don't know again um then that makes those people  


complicit or and participants in potentially a a  genocide case and and the ICC case so it's very  


very important we don't know my work on the SAS  and the special forces would uh previously would  


indicate to me that they probably aren't on  the ground in Gaza and probably haven't been  


but they have an advisory role with the Israeli  military this is what we often do around world we   send uh Special Forces advisor and they confer on  different operations in the case of Israel their  


operation the ground Invasion probably in Gaza  but again participation it's not complicity so  


we need to know that so there's a whole penopoly  of different uh elements uh that the British have  


done from the start to support and participate  in the genocide um we don't know uh half of it  


that's also important to say because as you said  the Tweet thread that you mentioned at the start   was based on recent parliamentary questions asked  by a variety of MPS and Lords about the specifics  


of UK support and nearly all of them were rejected  so these are just simple things for example one  


one one Lord from the liberal Democrat lord said  um ask the ministry of Defense can you tell me if  


Britain is providing intelligence to Israel for  the purposes of military targeting so that should  


be answered with just a straight note they said we  can't answer that so we don't know and likely they  


are so and and the other thing is they're collect  the UK role is important to to uh emphasize is  


basically um an intelligence and Logistics role  the AR side of things which is where most of the  


media focuses when there is a focus is not the  main part of UK support and participation in the  


genocide because if you look at a breakdown of  where Israel gets its weapons it's like 60% us   30% Germany and 10% with all the other countries  Britain's not a big player but where we lead is  

Britain leads in giving intelligence to Israel


providing intelligence we're the country sending  spy flights over Gaza twice a day for six hours  


in the year we're the we're the country giving  that intelligence to Israel we're the go we're   the government allowing our base on Cyprus to  become the international hub for uh supporting  


uh the Israel genocide with weapons uh Personnel  spies whatever it is uh ARF Criterion Cyprus uh  


has become uh well and became early on in the  genocide the logistics Hub but we should talk  


about that more more extensively a bit later on so  there needs to be um pressure on the government to  


reveal the specifics of of our participation we  know it's happening and we know we've scratched  


the surface but we need to know the specifics and  we need the media to really get on board with with  


with that with that job basically so we've got a  a variety of means by which you you claim or you  


suggest that the British government are helping uh  the Israelis so we've got reconnaissance missions  


uh flying possibly over or certainly over Gaza  we've got special forces that are potentially   advising or even training uh isra troops and  Advising them on on tactics and strategy um we've  


got planes leaving Cyprus RAF Cyprus on a very  regular basis what's on those planes we have no  


idea but those planes and these are pretty heavy  duty ples that are that are landing in in Israel  


so it does seem like there's some complicity that  there so just picking up on that last point you  


mentioned how do we apply pressure and what type  of information are you clearly looking for like  

How do we apply pressure on the Labour government?


what is it that you're trying to substantiate  yeah well in terms of pressure why I think is   important because you saw recently that the  labor government suspended 30 arms licenses  


to Israel which comprised 8% of the total and we  don't actually know what those licenses were for  


importantly they also didn't include parts for  the F35 plane which has been used to Pummel   Gaza so it was window dressing but the labor  government only did that because they came  


under pressure because everyone's saying stop  arms to Israel stop arms to Israel we need that   kind of pressure about the intelligence support  and the logistics support that's what we need  


whether it being a media or activist activists  need to change I believe their emphasis onto uh  


different elements of the participation and  part of the reason that's not happening is   because we have so little information right um  we should also get the pressure the international  


legal institutions like the ICC and the icj to  request information from the British government  


because recently um the British government came  under pressure to say whether they'd share that  


reconnaissance information with the ICC for their  investigation and they didn't say for a long time  


and they recently said we will share it with  the ICC yeah um but they and they also need to  


be um interroga about their excuses because they  always say like I said with the SAS for hostage  


rescue it's exactly the same with the Spy flights  they say this is all to do with hostage rescue   and you're sort of like that can't be true  because even when those spy flights started  


in December 2023 we had two hostages British  Nationals in Gaza one of them uh nadab Powell  


was eventually killed likely by Israel itself  so now we have one and you're talking about over  


a thousand hours of footage that's been collected  over Gaza so and probably it doesn't explain uh uh  


hostage rescue does not explain the quantity and  and the time in the year and the amount of footage   we've got so we need some transparency over that  and also the interesting thing is there was a spy  


plane British spy plane in the air over Gaza just  before the um uh the Israelis assassinated three  


British Aid workers World Central Kitchen we uh  we requested that information from the British M  


Ministry of Defense they refused to give it and  then we interviewed um uh the families of the  


of the of those Aid workers that were killed and  they all said we demand the UK government gives  


us that information there's no justification for  that kind of secrecy there's no justification at   all we also need to know where it's going that's  a very important point because they say well it's  


all it's only shared with departments that uh  have a role in hostage rescue but the I think  


that's semantic Play Because essentially how the  Israelis present their their genocide in Gaza  


is a hostage rescue operation yeah so you could  basically uh include anything in under the rubric  


of Hostage rescue so all this is is stuff that  needs to come out and will come out eventually  


but we need it now and I think that we need to  put pressure on our journalists to just cover   this stuff just very very basic as I said the  only information we got about the spy team inside  


Israel that's deployed there is from The New York  Times there's nothing there's been nothing in the   guardian nothing in the telegraph nothing in  the times about this spite te so we need some  


transparency about we also need transparency about  what's happening in Cyprus because Cyprus has been  

We need transparency around Cyprus


Central to uh the the the genocide in Gaza and the  the international buildup of forces and weapons to  


Center Israel uh I should give some background  on on the British bases there because it's  


it's a window into how the uh genocide has been  uh uh enabled but it's also a window into how  


British power works and how The Empire never died  after the end of the second world war which is a   common myth that's put out there so Cyprus was  a British colony until 1960 when it achieved  


Independence and on Independence the British  retained 3% of Cyprus the land mass of Cyprus  


and turned it was in two main areas and turned the  Western area which is called AC Syria into a huge  


RAF Air Base which still exists uh in the East  they there's a installation called theia which  


is a huge intelligence station now early on as I  said I saw these flights going from AC ARF aceri  


to to Israel and then it came out subsequently  that it wasn't just uh British flights going 40  


US transport flights went from aceri to Israel  in the first month after the genocide and that  


was revealed in harats and hatarat actually said  that rfer is the international hub for supporting  


Israel early on also other special forces like  German Danish will also deployed there the SAS  


were deployed there um and part of the the beauty  for the British uh uh military and the imperialist  


class is that it's completely secret RF criter  you can't even send a Freedom of Information at  


request here about what happens there right number  one number two it's Al a US facility secretly so  


um I actually went to ARF crer two years ago and  did a series of stories about um the um uh uh the  


governance model there and basically it's run as  a military dictatorship it's all power resides in   what's called an administrator who's appointed by  the ministry of Defense in London how big is this  


place I it's so it's three huge it's huge it's  not just a base either that's the thing people   don't understand when he's all about 3% of the  island so there's bases on it yeah but a lot of  


it is there's houses on it and and different stuff  like that and interestingly it's not signposted in  


any way it's not there's no British flags right  partly because the British don't want to attract  


the a that there is for the occupation in  the north because turkey invaded Cyprus   in 1974 and have never left and still occupied  Northern Cyprus you walk onto or you drive onto  


at crer or deelia and you you there's no way of  knowing you just crossed the border and in fact   I interviewed people when I went there and was  saying to people tourists uh British tourists  


even us and and curus saying do you know you on  UK land here and they say no we didn't know that  


they're on because there's beaches there's Lakes  there's everything so it's hugely secret and the  


US have been there for 50 years and the story I  did one of the series of stories I did was that I   revealed the extent of the UK presence us presence  which had never been revealed so there's 120 us  


Airmen permanently stationed on that criter  um and again like the British we can't get  


the information about the Brit what the British do  is even more secret with the US role any question   you put to the ministry of Defense either of  either freedom information act or parliamentary  


questions or other transparency mechanisms is met  with a blanket answer we don't comment on allies  


movements or activities on our basis so we have  no idea the extent of the US role uh um supporting  


the genocide in Gaza from at crer although again  a series of stories I've done is about us secret  


US Special Forces fights which have been five for  criteria I revealed that yeah um and that's the   only work that's been done on it um so it it  and I think the secrecy is by Design because  


it's much easier to um uh support and participate  in a criminal War a genocide if you don't have to  


reveal any information and I think ministers along  the way have been scared by um by the fact that we  


the work we were doing and are doing and also  scared by the fact that knew once these legal  


processes came into to to train that they could  themselves be prosecuted so at one stage there was  


an there's an amazing or there was an amazing MP  called Kenny mccal who is part of the Alba party  


which is a splinter Scottish nationalist party  from the SNP and he was he he did all the the main  


work in Parliament trying to priz information from  the British government about what our our role was  


particularly on that criteria at one point and we  wrote a story about this that be classified at one   point he asked a question about RF criteria he was  given an answer from the the people who who table  


the questions to the Departments and said sorry  we've just been told by the ministry of defense   that there's a block on any questions about RF  criteria even in Parliament even in Parliament  


so and usually when they block want to block it  they can just answer it and say we don't comment   because it's National Security or some excuse yeah  they didn't even allow the question to be asked so  


that's how much they know that it's they they  could be complicit in in a in a in a potential  


legal case so I think there's real fear within  the British government because it's so obvious   you know this already something hid it yeah at  any time early on in fact days after October 7th  


yab Galant said we're withdrawing all um water  and electricity from 2.3 million people that's  


Collective punishment it's it's a war crime under  the Geneva conventions and the British have been  


part of that so I think there is real fear that  um uh that will get exposed them that they could  


face legal consequences and they should that's the  other thing the ministers responsible the British   ministers should all face Justice at the he and  I'm not just saying that to to sound uh uh some  


kind of uh rallying cry just they legally and  technically they have been participants in this  


uh and I'm talking about the previous government  under sunak Grant shaps as defense secretary rishy  


sunat K starma David Lamy John Healey all of them  have been part of it um and the other the other  


side of it as well is there's been huge secrecy  about the Israeli military planes that have been   Landing in the UK early story I did basically  Kenny mccal asked the question how many military  


planes have landed in the UK since October 7th  and they refused to answer and I independently  


verified that uh six had landed at four different  locations in the UK right um and then subsequent  


to that the the UK military as I said this is the  same dynamic they have to react so they then they   admitted that nine had had landed by April um huge  military transport planes in the UK one at Glasgow  


preswick Airport the story that I did on Glasgow  uh which included Glasgow pres airport eventually  


spurred the S&P government under um under its  leader Hamza YF uh to to resend access to for  


the Israeli military to Glasgow presic Airport  um which again goes to again shows if the media  


was doing its job and really revealing complicity  and partic IP ation of the UK government things   would change quite fast uh so that's why I think  they're complicit um but again so we and and the  


other thing is again they say we asked and Kenny  asked what was on those planes what were on those  


Israeli planes uh that went on to the United  States and they they refused to answer they so  


we don't we don't comment on on allies movements  or activities on our basis so it's a whole secret  


world that we are not allow allowed to know about  and the bar for secrecy is much higher for foreign  


militaries which is bananas like we should have  transparency about what our own military is doing  


on our basis cuz we pay for it it's taxpayer  funded but we should have more transparency  


about what foreign militaries are doing because  that's that's not our government that has that   is doing those operations so so there's a whole  world that needs to be revealed and should be  


revealed there's also Israeli military training  being trained in the UK throughout the genocide  


so in February uh the ministry of Defense admitted  that six Israeli uh uh occupation forces soldiers  


were being trained in uh in the UK um then they  said we can't give you any details about what that  


training is which is amazing and again completely  unjustifiable but they don't have to justify it  


because no media ever follows up Declassified  UK has done all the work on the UK role and  

Mainstream media’s complicity


has caused a absolute storm in Cyprus particularly  but yet zero has happened here with the mainstream  


media and just on the Cyprus issue so the stories  I was doing early on and into the summer um caused  


huge demonstrations in Cyprus because there's a  big Pro Palestinian movement in Cyprus which I   wasn't aware of before is that so yeah yeah it's  it's there's a there's a real there's hundreds of  


thousands of people that are on the side of the  Palestinians it's it's 40 minute flight time from   Gaza so it's Cypress is is is very very uh close  to the to the Middle East um and then so the so  


that so there started being regular protests at  Raf ceria was cypriate saying get out we don't  


want this British base that's that's supporting  the genocide and facilitating the genocide then   there was a demonstration in liol which is the  second city of Cyprus which is just next the RF  


criteria there was one recently actually and then  the CPR president in the South or of Cyprus had to  


make a comment he was asked about in the press  conference denied it the president of Northern   Cyprus was asked about it had to make a comment  the British High Commission in nicasia the capital  


had to make a comment then the the UK official in  Northern Cyprus had to give a newspaper interview  


so all this is happening meanwhile there's not  a single word appears in the mainstream media  


here and that even surprised me because I thought  that if you're talking about presidents they can  


ignore our stories they can ignore UK complicity  because they do that all the time but when you got  


presidents having to answer for it and commenting  on UK role and ambassadors and whatnot commenting  


you would think that there would have to be  some reaction but none and this has all gone   completely below the radar because of this so this  is why I believe the journalists in the mainstream  


The Establishment journalists that refuse to  cover it they're complicit the journalists that   have acceded to a uh D notice which is apparently  voluntary they not have to they complicit because  


they have allowed this to continue because if  they did their job if they revealed UK complicity  


pressure will build from the general population  for the government to stop that complicity to stop  


that participation so the fact they're not doing  it makes them complicit in the crime I mean Isis   is V sort of uh Silence of the of the media very  unique to Britain I mean for example we know that  


the Americans probably do far much more uh in in  helping and aiding this genocide do we see more  


Envy American Press about American complicity  or American quesence with Israel I yeah I think  


we do and that's it's interesting and interesting  not just on the media side on the government side   if you look at since the genocide started there  has been a steady stream of both resignations by  


Biden Administration officials and whistleblowers  who have revealed what's going we have had zero   in fact we did have zero until recently someone  called Mark Smith resigned from the foreign office  


that was the first resignation after a year of  participation in the genocide which is amazing  


that and and it that does make us different to  the United States in terms of whistleblowers   we haven't had a single whistleblower because as I  say usually in this kind when you're talking about  


crimes of this order like the genocide in Gaza  you'd expect some people on the inside to have   some kind of moral uh Consciousness that would  make them even anonymously leak some information  


as I say we're looking for more information zero  I think that's to do with the UK establishments  


um uh history really and the fact that they  uh we have in this country a deference to   power that's bred in private schools like Harrow  Eaton um which is gives gives our establishment  


uh some uh a difference to power which is kind  of unique and also goes back to the Empire you  


know all these institutions bred the the the  class of people that managed the Empire so and  


you know we've the throughout the history of the  British Empire they did not think twice about uh  


committing genocide against uh uncivil what they  called uncivilized uh uh sex groups of people so  


yeah I think it is different to the United  States and then obviously as I mentioned the   New York Times that article about the British  spy Squad appeared there you've had a steady  


stream of Investigations or of UK complicity of  us complicity and participation in the genocide  


in the US that you haven't seen here um and part  of it might be State repression because part of it  


might be the den notices cuz as I said there was a  d notice about the SAS there might have been other  


D notices sent out we don't know about the Spy  Squad could be that they said you can't comment on  


you can't mention a spy Squad yeah um and actually  again the difference with the United States most  


American journalists find it outrageous that the  D notice committee even exists because it's what  


kind of uh self-respecting journalist meets with  the military and intelligence Services is meant to  


cover to decide what they can and can't print like  it happens in the US but they meet behind closed   doors and they're embarrassed about it here it's  advertised that the dentice committee exists and  


the advisories themselves aren't sent aren't  advertised but they they come out eventually   there was another Den notice just um a side part  of this there was another D notice sent out soon  


after Edward snowden's leaks in 2013 which many  papers abided by and uh they tried to stop the  


guardian publishing which the guardian bravely  said no which was the right thing to do but  


Edward snowden's leaks interestingly have a role  in this as well because the only information we've   got about the US intelligence um role uh in Cyprus  is from those leaks and it shows that the National  


Security Agency which is tightly uh uh Allied  to the Israeli intelligence Community uh has  


uh operates the huge UK UK intelligence station  in the kellia in the east of Cyprus it's a huge  


uh uh us intelligence facility interestingly in  one of the Snowden lease it showed that the Brit  


that the the British told us P spies that were in  the kellia that they had to dress like tourists  


because they hadn't told this they didn't want the  ciate government to know that the the Americans   were were working there so so yeah I don't know  why we're so uniquely bad now yeah but Gaza has  


exposed the media for what it is which is that  it's an armor of the state and I I usually say  


995 99% of the time with Gaza it's been 100 %  of the time which is crazy um and that needs to  


change and hopefully uh uh it will change in the  as this goes on and and hopefully in the absence  


of journalists doing a job the legal institutions  which are investigating will demand these answers   because of course in in a legal process you  also have Discovery so the government will  


have to reveal stuff that they they refuse to  give to journalists and I think that we need to   put pressure on the icj and the ICC to start  doing that to the British government because  


they can Palm away journalists but they can't  Palm away those legal institutions as easily I   mean that's really really um um interesting and  actually quite harrowing to hear what's what's  


happening here now tonally at least you've called  it I think was you know K the secret war on gazes  


but you know tonally it seems like there has  been a shift since July and since the election   of K stver and um you know there was movement on  on and there was movement on on you know tonally  


at least more discussions about ceasefires and  one David lamb he always talks about ceasefires   and we're trying to get to come to a diplomatic  uh resolution to the crisis um from your from  


where you're standing has there been a sh where  fits the uh the ating of the conservatives and  

Has the Labour government really shifted?


the new labor governments well there has been  a tonal shift yes on certain things also the   arms licenses but I think that it's just power uh  politics it's it's not anything uh uh real which  


is shown by the fact that the Spy flights that I  talked about Kama uh ordered hundred of them in  


his first three months They carried on at the same  frequency there wasn't and that obvious obviously   that makes that's a much more important part of  our role uh than any kind of arms or anything and  


that continued secretly right the arms why I say  it's window dressing is because as I mentioned  


the F35 Britain 15% % of the F35 fighter jet is  uh which is mainly produced by ly Martin in the  


US is produced in the UK and that wasn't included  in those arm suspensions which actually could have  


if if they suspended that and Clos the UK part of  that that could have had a actually detrimental  


impact on the ability of the Israeli military to  commit its genocide which is what they should be   doing you know uh so uh and and the other thing  is there was a story recently by John makoy the  


journalist that uh two uh shipments of parts for  the F35 had gone from within the UK uh secretly  


to Israel so we're actually using British bases to  send that equipment to Israel uh again hasn't been  


covered At All by any uh mainstream media which  is crazy uh and barely any politician has spoken  


about itara sulana was talking about the other  day but that was the only one yeah so yes it and  


part of it is tally they're having to respond to  the population uh uh being against their policy  


so uh so it's understood why they're doing it  but if you look underneath the sort of PR you  


see that there's no there's no change in in in  participation and the complicity and the other  


side of this is not just their participation in  the genocide and the secrecy around it the part of   it also is a new war on journalists and activists  who are trying to disrupt RS UK participation  


which and this is very important and has picked  up since K St became prime minister just the other   day ASA win Stanley who's a very uh um respected  Journal investigative journalist who's done a  


lot of work on the role of the Israel Lobby in  Britain and also the situation in Gaza he had  


his house raided at 500 a.m. by counterterrorism  police who stole all his devices uh and he wasn't  


even charged with the crime or arrested which  sounds like something that happened Happ in a   dictatorship but that happened in Britain in  starman's Britain the week the month before  


Sarah Wilkinson another independent journalist  the same thing happened to her yeah although this   time she was bundled into a van and charged under  the terrorism act a week before Richard medhurst  


another independent journalist detained at Heath  Road for 23 hours in solitary confinement so this  


is uh so obviously if they were serious about  stopping their participation or complicity they  


wouldn't be cracking down in this way on people  who are exposing that complicity and and I think   the two Dynamics are linked they want to keep  it secret because they know that uh what they're  


supporting is uh one of the worst crimes of this  or any era and number two that they could be   legally uh uh complicit so I think we need to be  very very Vigilant about giving them too much uh  


credit for any of this stuff especially with the  30 weapons licenses the way they presented that   was was was very very different to the reality  and I think that it may for someone like or people  


like ourselves who do the research and look into  it you can see that that but I think that that   kind of just peacee little uh uh throwaway that  they gave actually convinced a lot of well-meaning  


people okay well at least they've done something  things have changed now Labor's different to the   stories no that it's not different they are  the same uh belligerent in this conflict uh  


and they should be seen as such and unless we put  keep the pressure on and understand that that was  


all window dressing then they they won't have to  do more which is what we need them to do in fact   we need to them to stop participating in always  specifically we need to full arms embargo which  


was done by Margaret Thatcher funny enough against  Israel in 1982 when she invaded Lebanon full arms  


embargo you need to bring that spy team home from  Israel all those guys you need to bring the SAS   home you need to ground the RAF spy flights you  need to stop all military transport flights that  


are going to Israel uh there were 60 by April  that on simple things like that all that needs  


to stop and until that stops our focus should  be on pushing for for each of those elements to  


stop rather than saying oh well now they've given  us they they've done this or that then uh that's   fine we can we can go stay indoors we don't have  to go out and protest or we don't need to reveal  


what's going on they they are banking on that and  they are using this peac Mill uh policies to to to  


kind of stop people uh the outrage that there is  in the population and also now they're having to   use and going back to the domestic repression part  of the reason the UK state and starma government  

Labour has lost control of the narrative


is camping down so hard is because they have  lost control of the narrative on Gaza and Israel  


I think Zionism is dying as a as an ideology  like it's one of the most heavily resourced  


PR campaigns ever has been put into the Zionist  project you know to present it as a progressive   Force for for uh uh against uh uh reaction  when it's the opposite when it's a colonialist  


supremacist ideology and has been from the start  people see that now in a way they didn't before  


really there's they people's eyes have been  opened and the majority of the population   want to ceasefire a majority of the population  want an arms embargo and in that context when  


the population is at odds with the ruling class  which doesn't want to do either of those things   for various reasons partly because of the Israel  lobby but when you had that um uh that that breach  


between the population ruling class you have  to then revert to the law as a way to dis the   population and that also goes with prescription  if you look what they did with um hez buah and  


and Hamas um now whatever you think of hez buah  and Hamas it's in a free Society you should be  


allowed to say what you want about any group um  as long as you're not inciting violence you can  


talk about I always use the example of uh Vietnam  uh it's like the equivalent of Outlaw saying it's  


make it illegal can go to prison for 14 years  for saying you support the Viet Kong there were   huge amounts of people during the Vietnam war  in America saying they supported the Viet Kong  


against the American imperialist Invasion now  people are getting arrested and put and charged  


based on just saying they support the resistance  right um and that and this is again goes back to  


what I'm saying this is the breach they know they  need the law and in fact the the prescription of   Hezbollah in fall in 2019 was actually the work  of the Israel Lobby it's not well known about  


but uh the militant parts of hisbah had been  had been uh prescribed earlier on but in 2019  


it was prescribed in total and Stuart poac who's  one of the maybe the doen of the Israel Lobby he  


was interviewed and said he was being interviewed  about the potential prescription of the Iranian  


irgc which is like a Obsession of the Israel Lobby  now they want to get the British government to   prescribe that and he was asked about that and  he said well what we need to do is pure lobbying  


that's the quote and then he was said with his  it took us ages the us being the Israel Lobby  


effectively so so and and and it but I don't think  it's going to work because truth is gushing out  


now and they can't stop it we got social media we  got people who have who are equipped of a bravery  


they previously didn't have because of what what  they've been watching over the past years yeah and   it's a deluge uh and they can use the law but they  can't put thousands of us in prison they can't so  


uh I think we've reached that momentum now where  that they are basically try this is a sinking ship  


and they're having to like put little plasters on  all the bits but in the long term zionism's dying  


uh people have seen too much and I think that's  a that's that's a great thing because it's it's  


taken too long 76 years of brutal occupation of  massacres of colonialism is too long for people  


to wake up to the reality of it we shouldn't  have taken the genocide in Gaza and also the   cost has been way too high for this real ization  um you know 40 well 40,000 dead has been that that  


figure has been there for months now and and  lanet has said it's probably closer to 200,000  


so um so there is hope amidst the horror I think  in the long term because there has been a a shift  


in human consciousness and specifically about  Zionism and and our previous conversation about  


the US role in the world yeah but uh but I think  we're going to see increasing amount of repression  


in the interim you know because they're C trying  to stem the the T they're trying to um stop this  


kind of uh tidal wave of Awakening so let's  talk about those leaders because of course in   a functioning democracy you would have the media  and you would have parliamentarians that would be  


holding the government account but it seems to me  and very few journalists are doing that and very  


few parliamentarians are doing that right you know  we have a few exceptions but generally speaking a  


collusion in with the British government or hiding  or silent about what's happening in Gaza uh We've  


then got the population and within the population  we've got the activist base and it just seems to   me that at the moment maybe the activist B base  has lost its way I mean you know you go to a  


protest it's still discussions about a ceasefire  and of course you know that's all well and fine  


but that doesn't put pressure on the government  in the in the way you're suggesting where you're  


specifying how the government is colluding with  the Israelis and you want to focus on that spe  


on on those uh way to collusion I suppose my my  question is how can the activist bace like reset  

How can the activist space reset their focus


itself so that it's ask you know you know you go  to a a protest which we all should and you listen  


to a speech and it's still the same speech that  was given back in October right yes in a way we  


should be specifying even even what you suggest  there in terms of the solusion I haven't actually  


heard that from a parliamentarian Zara sutana has  talked about weapons she's probably the best when  


it comes to you know expressing that complicity  but I haven't seen that level of specification  


like how do we go from here that's I suppose make  yes and it's a very good question and you have to   understand that the whole infrastructure that's  been bu built up for 40 years yeah even in the  


Pro Palestinian solidarity Community is basically  to keep the keep the issue on life support MH you  


say the right things you go out and protest but  you don't rock the boat because essentially I  


mean you could come up with theories about why  that is it's a controlled opposition well also   like there's a whole ecosystem and this doesn't  just operate on Palestine this operates on every  


issue with the NGO the Civil Society Community you  have funders um you have uh people who are career  


careerists and often the incentives are to just  keep the issue on life support yes you produce a  


good report you do a nice protest but essentially  you're not your goal isn't really to change the   situation on the ground which is what we need now  the situation is too critical it was before to be  


honest but but now and I think that Palestine  you can be specific about it uh the Palestine  


solidarity movement has been going for 40 years  in this country very little success to show for   it as you say protest great I've been on a lot of  them but it it's not having the desire effect it  


hasn't had the desire effect and then you look  at some a group like Palestine action yeah who   came onto the scene four years ago and they're  having win after win after win they shutting down  


the factories of death being operated by Elbert  systems the Israel's largest um weapons company in  


this country um they are having a huge impact with  their actions this is a direct action group direct  


action yeah uh and they got 17 political prisoners  in UK prisons now um and there's talk they want  


to I mentioned prescription John Woodcock this  government adviser on extremism or so so-called  


government advisor he's just a he's a he's backed  by the Israel Lobby and weapons companies so he's  


not he's got no he is the extremist rather than  being an adviser on how to combat extremism  


but he's argued that palestin be should be  prescribed and why is this why why are they  


so scared of palestin action merely because they  are having an impact and know the other Palestine  


solidarity groups a lot of them do great work  but there's no none of that government cracked   down on them because they but basically they're  not having an impact and we can't the situation  


is too serious now we're talking about 76 years  of this occupation this colonial occupation and  


massacres and now a genocide are T we have to look  at the situation soberly and say what is going to  


work to stop this to and palestin action I think  have the answers I think they're the only people   that have risen to the level that we should all  rise to as moral human beings in the face of what  


we're saying shutting down weapons factories the  other point of it is it's not just about Palestine  


their activity in this country has civilized  Britain how have they done that because every  


single Arms Company now that is thinking about  placing their weapons that their factories of   death in our country will factor in Palestine  action and the fact there might be spinter  


groups that might Target them uh that is a Major  civilizing Impact we have been freed part well we  


and in the long term might be freed from these  horrific institutions that make money off war  


and make money off genocide and make money off  bombing kids so um I think that uh there is some  


trepidation for people to speak about this because  you don't want to attack people who are also in  


the pro palestin pro Palestinian solidarity  movement and it doesn't have to be an attack   I don't see this as an attack I'm saying it's  a critique and understanding that uh it hasn't  


worked it hasn't worked even the protests haven't  worked essentially the only people that have had   tangible gains are palestin Nation another part  of this is the Palestinian Authority I'm sorry to  


say this is an institution that came out of hoslo  peace process um and ostensibly is a Palestinian  


Pro Palestinian institution but effectively Works  often as a subcontractor for the occupation forces  


and was designed like that and to go back to the  British involvement in the genocide in Gaza the UK  


has seven uh senior military personnel permanently  deployed in rala training the security forces of  


the PA now do you think as I've told you the  UK are participating in the genocide of the   Palestinians do you think those UK uh soldiers  are there to train the PA forces because they  


want uh uh they want to end the occupation no  they're there because they want they're part   of the Imperial tapestry which is enforcing the  occupation and they want to create a force which  


can dampen down on any real descent which might  upset the continued occupation so we need to be  


clear about what the PA's role is in all this and  again it's hard to Divine often because yes they   say the right things about like the genocide and  they say the right thing about the occupation but  


underneath the rhetoric what are they actually  doing abas has previously said security Co  


cooperation with Israel is quote unquote sacred  and you see them cracking down on descent in the  


West Bank against the occupation and and and the  genocide at different points so we need and and  


this is all a process of normal ation as well  and everyone's involved even Medical Aid for   Palestinians and again I don't want to criticize  them because they do a lot of great work but I  


was looking into what they do and they take um uh  MPS to uh to Israel and and the West Bank and what  


do they do they they they they arrange meetings  for them with the Israeli foreign Ministry yes  


they arrang meetings for them and then the PA  and maybe some uh local communities and stuff  


but the point is it's all about normalization  this process is all about making it okay to uh  


you're talking about a a criminal regime which is  occupying and massacring the indigenous population  


and medical AIS you shouldn't be arranging any  MPS to meet with it Israelis this whole like one  


side the other side no take them to Palestine  for sure but don't don't play into the system  


and and of course for Israel this is vital part  of their the continuation of their occupation  


because they want to kick the can down the road  they want to normalize the peace process as much  


as possible while they at the same time what  they do is they create what they call facts on   the ground and they've been doing this for decades  you you you you have all these lovely coexistence  


meetings you have all these uh uh MPS coming  and meet meeting with an Israeli meeting with  


a Palestinian meanwhile You're Building settlement  after settlement after settlement which makes the   potential Palestinian State you say you support  impossible to have so I think the whole ecosystem  


the whole infrastructure is rotten um and actually  has been exposed more than ever because of palese  


action and actually if you talk to some people  within the ecosystem that I've described they   don't like Palestine action which does not make  any sense yeah but it does make sense if you  


realize they've exposed them they've exposed that  they are by playing within the system and playing  


by the rules that they were given essentially  by the Israelis and allies like the UK and US  


they've been complicit in the continuation of it  and we now need a break we need a rupture with  


that whole system and we need to make a clear ride  analysis of how do we stop the occupation and how  


do we stop the genocide and how do we uh uh expose  all the different elements that are complicit in  


it including our political class and the way to  do that is not by playing by their rules I mean   there has been a I don't know if we can call it  a fatigue but certainly um what you described  


there of an ecosystem that seems to not be working  for protests and yeah the sort of daily petitions  


and uh it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere  because it's not very targeted not very focused  


uh but there has been a fatigue in the general  population like how do we release ourselves  


from this fatigue I mean I'm I'm Keen to to get  your views on the student movement in particular   because of course the encampment movement did get  somewhere yeah in the last uh period in summer but  


it seems that that's died down as up and I speak  to University students and I get impression that   you know that that fatigue has set in even in  that Community which I which ideally needs to  


be quite active like how do we restart so you're  calling for a like almost a a recalibration yeah  


of how the Palestinian movement should function  like how do we how do we do that yeah well it's a  

How do we recalibrate the Palestinian movement


good question I think that we basically just need  this a a longer sort of process than than we have  


now and also needs to be I I don't think I'm best  place to even come up with any ideas but I think  


we need to understand that um uh protesting by  itself and on the same themes is not working and  


has not worked and the Israelis are fine with  it so we need to understand what does work and  


direct action is what I believe works and also um  you mentioned fatigue I worry about this as well  


because I don't as I said I don't think the  world's ever been this awake to Zionism to  


America but also to many many issues because it's  like dominoes people are waking up to all sorts of  


lies that they've been told for years but how do  we make sure that doesn't all just evaporate once  


this genocide is over which it will be eventually  and I think um there's no uh Silver Bullet for  


that but for me it's just that the activism needs  to uh uh continue and education and uh physical uh  


uh direct action and encampments encampments are  great because they are places you can go to and  


they're often at places that have symbolism like  there's one that's just opened at the US Embassy  


yeah I didn't know about this again so that goes  under the radar because the media don't cover it   I went there the other day yeah and amazing group  of activists and they're happening all around the  


country so we need to maintain that momentum um  but again this is like a this is a question as  


old as time isn't it how do you how do you affect  political change um and and how do you keep how do  


you sustain the energy that these kind of moments  of uh Awakening create um I do think that it's a  


bit different with Gaza because it's been so long  and because it's been so exposed yeah I don't   think it can go back to how it was before I mean  I think people this is another thing I've been  


thinking recently is like we need to all accept  that we are different now we're changed yes we are   changed which is not a bad thing right and it's  inevitable you can't see that and not be changed  


the question now is how have we changed and how  can we harness that to help free Palestine can I  


have enough of us change I mean I hate to say this  and it's sort of you know maybe you've changed  

Have people moved on from Gaza?


maybe I've changed you know we we still feel it  very strongly but the world moves on we live in  


a capitalist Society where you know our lives take  over very quickly and you get that impression that  


um you know maybe not I'm not even saying it in a  sort of malicious way but you get the impression   that people have moved on it's no longer a a  major concern in their lives yeah but I don't even  


mean like uh they're concerned with this issue I  changed on a fundamental level just of our hum our  


Humanity I feel different now uh and I think and  to go to your question of how many people I think  


a lot of people or people who have been involved  but that's enough we're talking about millions of   people who have been involed D in watching this uh  have changed in ways I don't really understand yet  


yeah but uh there's two so I feel like it changed  personally but also changed my tolerance for our  


ruling class has got much uh lower like because  of the seriousness of the crime that they've been  


part of and defended yes like I I have not I I  I can't look at these people now without feeling  


disgusted because they uh and also I can't look at  them and not think you're all Psychopaths because  


anyone who's seen and this is not a Muslim or  Jewish issue this is a human issue anyone who  


has seen what we've seen over the past year yes  uh and actually is is part of a system or is an  


actor in the system that's allowing it to happen  and permitting it to happen and facilitating it   you have to be a psychopath surely yeah there's no  other explanation you can't you can't look at it  


and not and not want to do and not want to stop  it if you're not a psychopath so that has been  


a revelation to me but I think that because this  is a a definite like physical well psychological  


change it's not going to go back as a per on a  personal level I don't think people are going   to change back to how they were before but the  question is how will we changed I don't really  


know like I the to lower tolerance yeah that's  that's the simple part of it but there's other  


ways but part of it is also optimistic because  there is a strength uh that you get when you when  


you become part of a struggle that you know  is just and you know is uh uh on the side of  


the oppressed and uh I mean Israel Palestine and  the genocide of lives is super simple you know I  


support people who have been ethnically cleansed  I support people who have been massacred by  


a colonial power simple so there's no confusion  for me there but um and and there's also feelings  


of uh uh love and comradeship that have that have  exploded in the last year you know amongst po pra  


Community people feel a lot closer to their fellow  human beings yeah uh on on our side but that that  


again I don't think is going to go away that's a  that's an we've explored parts of our personality   we've explored parts of our Humanity that we  didn't even know existed before at least I  


personally have um and so so basically I think  the question now is to make an analysis of how  


what all these changes are and work out how do we  harness it to free Palestine because Palestine is  


the issue of our time yes and we're not even near  the end of what's going to H going to happen you   know like Israel is a rogue Lawless state that is  now bombing uh and killing thousands of people in  


Lebanon they want Iran ultimately to fall um and  I'm sure they'll do that as part of their the  


the this this whole uh uh uh horror show that  they're putting on um so yeah I'm I am hopeful  


about the future but as you say as as might be  obvious I haven't really had thought about it   strategically and I don't think it's my place to  be totally honest with you I think it's it's more  


Palestinian place or at least people in the region  as well though um but we we follow their lead you  


know like the BDS movement that came that was a  Palestinian call and the Palestinians do uh are  


are making uh uh requests from us and we should  listen we should say okay what if this evaluate  


and and and and abide by them um one of the  ones recently that I've noticed a lot is that  


Palestinians in Gaza a lot of them are saying  fot jel Stein yeah they're not saying vote  


Kamala Harris so all these people who say it's  going to be much worse for the Palestinians um   if Trump gets in which might be true it might not  be true uh they're not the ones we should listen  


to what are the Palestinians saying a lot of them  in Gaza are saying well we've just had literally  


had the whole uh Homeland destroyed in a year we  canot understand how you can vote for the woman  


who did that and she did do it she's been in the  executive branch she's been vice president through   it all when they've been sending all the weapons  defending it so we need to I I think that's  


another thing that needs to happen after this is  and I was asked this a couple of days ago about  


what can we do uh and uh uh changes in the in the  narrative changes in the Consciousness here and  

What can we do?


then I answered it and I thought actually I'm  I'm thinking in a very Western Centric way in  


some ways it doesn't even matter what happens  obviously we have power here because we're in   an imperial capital but really the conscious the  the global South is much more conscious of how the  


world works is much more conscious of the reality  of Israeli power is much more conscious of the of   us power so we need to follow their lead there's  wonderful people around the world that uh and  


leaders that have been speaking out forcefully for  Gaza like we talked about last time like Gustavo  


Pedro in Colombia uh it's not a coincidence  there in countries that have been hammered  


by the empire for for centuries uh so we need  to listen and we need to we need to understand  


that we don't have all the answers and we need to  follow the lead of the people that are actually   at the butt end of this system which is now more  than anyone people in Gaza thank you Matt I mean  


I I get from speaking to you that there's a lot  of optimism and we've just got to refine our our  


activism and make sure it's Focus rather than sort  of this general you know ceasefire call that we we  


have and also I get from the conversation today  that we need to actually change our terminology  


because terminology makes a lot of difference so  it's not even complicity it's collusion they're  


working together participation I like the word  participation and it's not just semantics they  


are participating they are participating they are  providing intelligence to the Israeli milit likely  


the Israeli military they won't tell us but yeah  you can be sure it is to uh uh to help them in  


their operation in Gaza that's participation they  are s they are allowing our base on Cyprus to be  


used to ship weapons to Israel to be used in Gaza  that's participation they are participating in it  


um and this is and as I say it's very very very  important this is the only information we know   about the participation for sure is way way deeper  way deeper because as I say it involves all these  


institutions which the British establishment  has made completely secret not to protect us   but to protect them from us so the SAS completely  secret we can't know what they're doing so we can  


imagine what they do intelligence agency gchq MI5  MI6 what are they MI6 and gchq what's their role  


we got we don't know at all they're probably part  of the spy team they're probably part of other   teams that are in Israel or have been involved we  don't know anything so uh uh it's quite scary when  


you think about it and it's quite scary when you  understand that the general population does not  


even think we're complicit apart from arms they  know we're sending arms but they don't know the  


there's a literally 0.01% of the population would  even know the small bit of participation that we  


know about so that is a that's a job for all of  us uh it's an educational job and actually to  


go to your question previous question so much  of this I think is about education it is yeah  


because the way uh we are as dissidents or as  people that are interested in truth and truth  


is Tainted by corporate and state power wherever  it is when it gets out into the society yeah and  


they have all the power and they have all the  money state and corporate sectors so uh you're  


up against think tanks which are funded by arms  companies oil companies NATO foreign Ministries  


you up against establishment media which is funded  by corporations where all the journalists come  


from elite private schools every uh institutes  uh academics all these uh uh parts of the British  


establishment and it goes for the us as well  they have all the money all the resources and  


and to to project their narrative onto Society  um so it's literally like you've got a toothpick  


against like a two ton truck to go to to try and  push back um but that but there's an opening now  


that I've never seen CU I've been in this game  for a long time and saying all this stuff that   people call you crazy and conspiracy theorists  and I've never seen the openness now to hearing  


these ideas about the reality of how it's working  so and I think we need to take advantage of that  


and and and that happens through activism through  uh uh educational uh forums through talks like now  


I go every single time I get a request for a talk  I say yes because I I don't enjoy them that much  


but I feel like it's so important and that's how  we do it we and education is the way forward but   one that topic I mean lots of um Islamic societies  and Palestinian societies you know their members  


would be watching uh the thinking Muslim  podcast I mean you're happy to to be invited   on to for sure yeah yeah and it's interesting  the role of the Muslim Community because they  

The role of the Muslim Community


are um through a Confluence of historical factors  they are generally on the other side of the Empire  


yeah not just in Gaza if you look at Iran if you  look at East Asia um uh Syria other places they  


are so they have a there is a special role now for  for the Muslim Community and I think the Muslim  


community's eyes are open maybe more than any  other community think so because the victims of  


uh Imperial crimes understand them much better  you know and the other thing is I think maybe  


related to that is the repression of the Muslim  Community even within the West itself which is  


I've never seen anything like it up to now you  know like uh you got Donald Trump obviously uh uh  


uh in the United States but here Tommy Robinson  and what you can say about Muslims now is is  


is akin to what what how Jews were treated  in the 1930s by the British establishment um  


and you could read in the Daily Mail outwardly  anti-semitic stuff now you can read islamophobic  


stuff every single news well the tabloids you  can read it every day um so that gives the Muslim  


Community an understanding of societal forces that  you don't have if you're at the top people don't  


have that at the top because they they it's their  incentive is to embe all the [ __ ] theories of  


their fed uh to justify the system when you're  on the other end of that system you you have an   understanding and you see that I've done a lot  of reporting around the world in the Middle East  


for also other places and when you're talking  to peasants who are at the uh at the sharp end  


of the corporate system which is something I've  looked into a lot they understand how it works a  


lot better than if you go and talk to a a lawyer  in a in a top firm who's working for a corporation  


because they just can spout the theories whereas  the people on the ground have been had to learn   the system from the reality of how it operates  in their on their land and with their resources  


so yeah I and and I mean I think this has been  the case for a long time with the mus I think it  


really happened with the war in Iraq right yeah  after September the 11th and and then the build   up to Afghanistan and Iraq like there was a a  big shift in uh uh in the Muslim Community and  


uh into politicized uh and that's that's being  accelerated by the the war the war in Gaza and  


also the links with the left you know stock the  war Coalition was quite uh was a Pioneer in this   in that there involved a lot of Muslim groups  uh a lot of leftwing groups and I think that's  


something we need to cultivate because interests  align truth Alliance you know um and there is and  


there is and and there is hope you know like uh  uh there is no reason that the Muslim Community  


should be seen uh how it's presented in media as  reactionary as medieval whatever you know these  


racist tropes that you come out with the reason  much more for the m to be Anti-Imperialist to be  


against the uh the the the exploitation of their  people which is what's happening and they are at  


the bot end of it Canard it's always a pleasure  but thank you very much for your time today   thank you thanks for having me thank you please  remember to subscribe to our social media and  


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