Ep 211. - Ramadan and Resistance: 5 Ways to Keep Palestine in Our Hearts & Minds with Khalid El-Awaisi

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Bait ul Maqdis – the sacred precinct in Palestine - is a blessed place in Islam – but today, we have downplayed maybe its centrality to what it means to a believer. From my last conversation with Dr Khalid El-Awaisi – where he controversially said that al Aqsa and these blessed lands have to be more clearly central to our faith and worldview – we want to explore how we practically manifest this nearness to Bait ul Maqdis and Palestine.

Dr Khalid El-Awaisi is from Hebron, Al Khalil, in Palestine. He is a lecturer in the pioneering field of Islamic Jerusalem Studies. He is an Associate Professor of Islamic History at the Social Sciences University of Ankara.

Dua mentioned by Dr El-Awaisi: اللَّهُمَّ ارْزُقْنَا صَلَاةً فِي الْـمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى وهُوَ حُرٌّ عَزِيزٌ

You can find Dr Khalid El- Awaisi here:

IG:   / khalid_elawaisi  

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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



in our Salah we need to remember Dua like this grant us a prayer in ALA free from  occupation the um is going to wake up  


liberate ala and Allah will give you a long life  to see that and pray in it after it's celebrated  


with the month of Ramadan we're reading the  Quran as you're reading the Quran ponder   over the geography of the Quran every night  would mention Al each person needs to find an  


how can I serve this issue within my own field of


expertise Bal mtis the sacred Precinct in  Palestine is a blessed place in Islam but today  


we have downplayed maybe a centrality to what it  means to be a believer for my last conversation  


with Dr Khalid Ali where he controversially  said that Al AA and the Blessed land  


in it have to be more clearly Central to  our lives and our faith and our world viw  


I thought it would be interesting to really  delve deeply into why makis is so important  


to us and how do we practically manifest  that in our lives Dr kadid Al AI is from  


Hebron Al Khal in Palestine he's a lecturer  of the pioneering field of Islamic Jerusalem  


studies he's the associate professor of Islamic  history at the social sciences University of anara  


Dr KH and welcome back to the thinking Muslim  thank you for having me uh on the thinking Muslim  


again well look the the conversation we last had  brought out a lot of strands of of um follow-up  


conversation so I want to explore this concept  of be mdis in particular uh in in Islam let's  


just start from the very beginning because I know  you have five ways by which you can practically   manifest the love for B mtis but before we get  there just uh bring us up to speed with what  

What is Bait Almaqdis?


is B mtis in in Islamic terminology what do how  does it translate and uh the the reason why it's  


so important from an Islamic perspective yes  um within the uh context of uh Alam he never  


used any other terminology to refer to this area  as much as he used the name makd is in reference  


to three uh different meanings one is which is  and this is starting with the concept of Al as  


a house of worship of Allah subhana wa T and  the first house Allah says in the Quran in is


the so the concept of bait in that narrow sense  is a House of Prayer the second one uh so in the  


sense of the Kaa and then for the second house on  earth is and we'll explore it in in a little while  


so the second one is uh the city the holy city  which is Medina and we have alhi wasallam in the  


night Journey referring to the city as bis and the  third one is the region the holy land okay and S  


alaih wasallam uses this uh as the land of raising  and Gathering when he is asked about tell us a  


fatwa about he says it's the land of raising and  Gathering the quranic terminology for this region


is verse 21 so what we see is an Islamic  concept but when we say an Islamic concept  


um many people narrow the concept of Islam to  post Muhammad sahu alaihi wasallam but within  


the Quran within Islamic history Islam is the  religion of all the prophets of Allah so Moses  


was a Muslim so was Jacob so was Abraham so was  Adam and I think this is today Muslims have been  


narrowed down to uh uh what orientalists called  muhammadans uh and this is what many non-muslims  


see Islam to be and many what Muslims seem to have  been framed within and I think this is a very big  


uh problem that we need to rethink within the  Islamic concept Islam within the quranic concept  


within the prophetic concept Islam is the uh uh  from the beginning from Adam Alam and Muhammad is  


the last messenger of Islam and uh in the Quran  talks about the Disciples of Jesus as Muslims  


Abraham as a Muslim and this concept I think a  lot of non-muslims have a problem with it uh but  


within Islam this is a very wellestablished  uh idea so going back to the the the concept  


of this is a land uh in terms of terminology  we've delved into it but this is a land that is  


holy blessed uh it is most of the geography of  the Quran is based around this particular land  


as uh many uh Scholars talk about this is a land  of the prophets a Land of Hope uh and it has many  


dimensions within the Islamic uh idea so set  up geography the parameters of geography of  

Geography of Bait Almaqdis


btis like where does it start where does it end  yes so within uh uh Islamic uh uh literature the  


region of M extends uh Beyond and different  from what we call Palestine today Palestine  


today is set by the British and French in the  early 20th century so today Palestine and the  


map of Palestine that is flagged up everywhere  is actually a colonialist map and well before  


that during the Roman period there was three  Palestines uh but the prophet s alhi wasallam   never used the term Palestine he always used the  term B mdis and the region of the holy land or B  


mdis within Islam is different from the Christian  holy land and the Jewish uh promised land so these  


are completely two different concepts within  Islam it extends to parts of today modern day  


Palestine and parts of Jordan so it includes  all the way to as al- Maki says in his famous  


uh book in the best of Divisions so he extends  it and this is based on many Traditions from  


the early period uh all the way to the area of  nablas and Janine in the north to in the South  


uh to parts of today's Jordan particularly kak  and mut where the sahaba came uh during the time  


of wasallam to uh uh so this would include heon  andalan to the west and Imani calls himself M  


because he comes Froman which is part of uh and um  ya um and ramla lud and even uh it has territorial  


water yeah IMI mentions it's 12 miles into the sea  in the medit Anan sea so it's a the the region not  


many Muslims would know this today but it's very  well established within Islamic uh geographers and  


historians and even uh uh early Muslim Scholars  and were very well aware of it and one example


is the companion of wasallam he knew it  is west of the River Jordan so he says to  


the sahab bury me west of the River Jordan in in  the land of and told KH hurry to your brothers in  


aam uh for one Village in is better to me than  half of Iraq or a great province in Iraq so the  


concept the quranic concept is the prophetic  concept is or the region and the geographers  


and the MU in the early Muslim period were very  well aware of these uh divisions and and set up  

Bait Almaqdis blessings


for me why makis is blessed like what other the  narrations that we know from from the Quran and  


Sunnah which set out the uh you know the bless to  be on the last show we talked a little bit about  


this and we said that uh in many ways um we are  used to meca and Medina uh but we know less about  


uh the importance of so just set that out for  us please yes within within Islam there is uh  


different terminologies that Allah subhana T has  established for these places yes so Mecca Allah  


and Medina wasam used the concept of Haram okay  and the concept of Haram is a sanctuary where uh  


within this Precinct no fighting no cutting of  trees no uh uh transgression uh it is a place  


of safety and it's a sanctuary in a sense uh  so even for Animals yes you're not allowed to  


hunt you're not allowed to uh so this is the  concept of Haram is not a Haram yeah uh so  


it's a very different concept the Quran never  calls or wasam uses the concept of Holiness or  


for mea andina but the Quran uses this for and  we talked about a little about the meaning of mad  


uh it has two meanings one is uh purified and  the second is Mubarak which is blessed so the  


concept of mutar it may be desecrated but it will  be purified and we talked about this in the sense  


of that desecration of injustices within this land  and it will continuously be purified when we gave  


the examples of uh from ancient history all the  way to the Crusades and to the Moguls and uh uh  


into the current uh Zionist State and also in the  future the example of and and Ma so this is where  


talks about it as land of rat and Jihad until  the day of judgment so it's a it's a testing uh  


uh land for the umah it's when the umah Falls is  what at the time of Salah it's what brought the um  


back up again and I think this is something that  today the um needs and I think is doing that uh  


particularly you see how not just Muslims but the  whole world is rallying against the Injustice that  


is happening there there's maybe injustices more  in other parts of the world like in Sudan or or  


in uh Eastern turkistan or in in Kashmir but this  is a place where if you in the Injustice here it  


will be reflected and it will have implications  across the whole uh of the world and if you bring  


peace in this land you will be able to bring it  across the whole world inshallah insh [Music]

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and [Music]



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so you set out five ways by which uh the sahaba  yes made B makis practical in their lives and  


and um how we should emulate the sahaba so let's  go for each one one by one so let's start with the  


first Way by which we uh we recalibrate I suppose  our way of thinking such that uh this land becomes  


closer to our hearts and our minds yes so the  first one is uh to put this within the context  


Allah subh says in the Quran the best example  for you uh is Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam  


so is the role model and looking at the way  connected the should be actually a very important  


lesson for us if it was important for if it  was important for the S then automatically it  


should be important for us and how R connected  the sah Tod then becomes to us the road map  


for us connecting ourselves Tod so from day  one wasallam didn't come with a new religion  


so this is an important context was the  continuation of the message that came before  


him the message of uh Isa and the message of  Zakaria the message of mosa the message of ibraim  


and going all the way back uh to Adam and the the  sh may be different but the main Foundation are  


all the same so in terms of Hajj fasting and the  Quran makes clearly that Muhammad didn't start  


this this ISL indeed to Allah religion is only  Islam how they were deviated later on is something  


else but starting with when wasallam immediately  after the first command read the second command  


was to pray because to make that connection with  Allah subhana wa tala and we know that used to  


pray in the morning and in the evening plus as  in the second chapter revealed to wasallam stand  


up and pray all of the night except for a little  part um and the as says in the authentic narration  


ined from day one his was towards towards so  that connection so wasallam would stand up  


in prayer from the day he becomes a prophet  and he prays towards the of the prophets so  


he's praying towards and that created a spiritual  bond between and in the he says immediately after  


after he would teach after someone would become  Muslim the first thing he would teach him is   Salah so that connection with Allah and uh Salah  is extremely important in the connection between  


the person and uh their Allah subhana his creator  so alai wasallam immediately creates a connection  


withd through it being the first and you have the  sahaba Abu Bakr Ali Khadijah Z and all the sahaba  


that are becoming Muslims and praying towards  and this is something amazing that while the ca  


was desecrated with hundreds of Idols B makd  was a place purified from sh at that time so  


this was idea of establishing in their hearts  at that moment because praying towards the Kaa  


at that moment would be surrounded what by Idols  it would confuse the new Muslims to to this or at  


least the perception of others towards them so  praying away from from that and would choose a  


place if he would pray with the Caba in between he  would come to a place where there was no Idol in  


between directly to the and the actual ultimate is  what this did to the sah is it created a spiritual  


bond between them and that the day accepts Islam  and narrates [Music] thisi in by he says when  


om accepts Islam and he was the 40th to accept  Islam one person made the difference uh and the  


felt the the pride of Islam immediately connected  it to and he comes to and he says I would like to  


go to he said for business he says no I would  just like to pray in and this I think spiritual  


connection is something that we need to revive in  our life today the today is the but we know that  


our Salah came through the five daily prayers  during the night journey and the Ascension of  


was from and our Salah should be an Ascension  so in a sense in our Salah we need to remember  


and a way to do this uh is to include in our  every day through a Dua uh and I think this Dua  


um is whether in our or after we finish our  Salah or just before we say Salam a Dua like


this Allah grant us a prayer in free from  occupation and I think having this as a  


routine would revive in our life like  it was for sah praying towards every day  


that spiritual bond that was created we can  do that through our prayer by making that  


Dua so and this is building on something  wasam says um within the framework of our


discussion it has to be continuous your action  being continuous is better than something oneof  


and being you know people today are associating  themselves with makd with oneoff things so when  


today something happens in ALA uh people  might stand up and be angry but then when  


it dies off they'll forget about it the idea  is to have something continuous so having this  


as part of your do daily Dua I think will get you  closer spiritually Tod I think that's it's a it's  

When to make Dua?


a fascinating um thing that you raised in fact if  you can give us that Dua we can put on the screen  


as well as in the show notes so that everyone can  memorize it and place it so uh you know you you  


mentioned there that we can read that in our suud  we can read that just before we give Salam yes um  


and and as long as it's in Arabic that's perfectly  fine for our Salah just a point in in terms of if  


you are a hanfi uh then it is uh you make it at  the end before you give your Salam but if you  


are a sha or Maliki or in your you can make this  uh you can make this Dua so in the terms of the  


uh some of the Hani Scholars have have an issue  of adding anything within the Salah but within  


the other wasam says the close you are to Allah  is in your yes so any Dua in your is something  


takes you that Ascension we talked about is at  another level right and this Dua in particular  


is actually for you and the so Ya Allah grant us  a prayer Ina free from occupation is that the um  


is going to wake up liberate and Allah will give  you a long life to see that and pray in it after  


it's liberated that's and I think that putting  yourself the um and in one Dua it and saying this  


on a daily basis whether in your or in in your in  your Salah I think it would do to us what it did  


to the sah praying towards every day right and  that's brilliant second Point uh how do we make  

Centralising Al-Aqsa


AL Central to our practical lives yes or Central  to our practical lives uh the way we look at the  


wayam connected the sah to and actually this was  through quranic Revelation a third of the Quran  


today are stories of prophets the prophets  of Islam and I keep repeating this because  


we need to uh Allah subhana says to us that we  as believers do not distinguish between his we  


do not distinguish between the messengers of Allah  so we are the true inheritors of Abraham and Moses  


and Jesus peace be upon them all and Muhammad  sallallahu alaihi wasallam so in this sense the  


Quran is full of the stories of these prophets and  these prophets are the prophets of Islam and they  


came with the message of Islam and you see all the  prophets of God have come with the same message  


and calling people to uh a better uh to the  betterment of this life and the Hereafter and you  


see these stories half of the Quran in Mecca was  stories of these prophets and it had many reasons  


it was one giving wasallam uh giving him support  that what you're going through your brothers the  


prophets have got gone through before you and  another dimension it link the sahabah to the land  


of the prophets which is uh starting with uh Adam  coming to uh the story of Abraham and Allah subh  


says inah which is a mean chapter and we saved  him and L to the land which we have blessed for  


all the worlds and this Bara of this land going  back to the quranic terminology the land of Baraka  


the Baraka is not just for the Muslims the Baraka  is not just for uh humans it even goes beyond to  


the most inclusive quranic terminology for all the  worlds uh so you see the story of ibraim this was  


Land of Hope for him like it was the Land of Hope  for S alaih wasallam after he has gone through the  


the year of sorrow and T and and and and others  on the other side you have the story of L you have  


the story of uh uh Jesus Isam and his disciples  you have the story of Mariam you have the story  


of Zakaria and Yahya you have the story ofan and  dud you have the story of ishak and is and and  


all of this the geography of this is the land of  makd so whenever you are reading these stories of  


the prophets it is making that connection so  imagine Abu Bakr or om AR or Al or Ali or or  


standing up in prayer facing reciting the story  of and the Quran uses specific Quran geographical  


terminology an easterly place and when the Muslims  uh buil rebuilt the ofam is exactly in the most  


easterly corner of Al Masjid AA and they call  the gates the gates of the of mar and then you  


have the gate and this is Reviving how the Quran  when the the and the sah rebuilt M on the original  


foundations that date back to the time of Adam  and this is the way the Quran was connected the  


S to so was through the Hadith and one Hadith  Abu who was one of the first Muslims comes toh  


wasallam and his story of his Islam is incredible  uh he doesn't eat anything for 30 days and all he  


drinks is zamzam water and he comes to wasallam  accepts Islam and he says toam he's Amazed by the  


bar of zamzam and he says to him what is the  first Masjid on Earth and he says the he says  


what is the second mosque on Earth why would he  ask this because it was his and he says he says  


how long between and Thea and he says 40 years  andani Andi and most of the Muslim Scholars say  


the building of the Kaa comes way before ibraim  from the first human because Allah says in verse


96 the first structure the first  house of worship for Humanity is the c  


and thei here says the second is and between  them 40 years the great says this is from the  


time of Adam both these two centers of yeah  so way before the children of Israel way  


before uh uh the uh uh time of way before  way before M way before ibraim these are  


the two centers ofed on Earth and this is the  inheritance of the Believers so you have the  


stories of the prophets you have the Hadith  of wasallam connecting the sahab to this land  


uh and this religious connection for us today so  we said the first spiritual connection is we can  


revive it through Dua the uh religious connection  we can revive this through understanding why is Al  


and the land of Barak important to me as a Muslim  today and to do this I think every Muslim needs  


to read something uh on a daily basis that will  reconnect them like connected the sahab to this  


and I think with the month of Ramadan we're  reading the Quran as you're reading the Quran   ponder over the geography of the Quran uh in one  side if you can read why it was important to the  


sahab why the at least read a verse of the Quran a  day or a Hadith a day that connects you todis and  


there is uh a good website that uh inshallah  by the month of Ramadan will be launched uh  


ww. I love aa.com okay and what it does it does  this the idea is to revive the importance OFA in  


our hearts through this religious connection how  told the sah to be connected to this is a way  


that we can read this and an example uh of this is  how every night would mention and you might think  


how is this possible our mother says after the  night Journey would not sleep until he recite is  


soah does not want to forget the meeting of all  the prophets together in Al and this concept that  


every night mentions and should be an inspiration  for every Muslim that every night I will mention  


the first two centers of and the ca uh and  rekindle This Love For This Place uh through  


the way connected uh the sahab to this uh to  this so that's a SP first point is a spiritual  


connection second point is a religious connection  the third point is a political connection explain  


that yes the political connection and a lot of  people have an issue with politics and Islam  


but this is part of the secularization of uh uh  Muslims today uh but this is you cannot separate  


religion uh or Islam from politics in any way  and although the European experience post uh uh  


the French Revolution try to separate the church  from uh politics but that's not in reality that  


hasn't been experienced but what has been forced  is separating Islam from politics is something  


that we're living through today and even within  Muslim states this is something that's been pushed  


secularization moving religion out of the equation  completely but when you see uh Donald Trump and  


you have uh uh Charles uh King Charles uh being  the head of the church uh the Church of England  


or on the other side the religious manifestation  within the West you think why is Muslims mov Ming  


religion completely out of the equation is another  matter but the Quran is full of politics life our  


life is based on politics but the example that  does this in the Quran is while the sahabah were  


in the most difficult stage in their da which  is in the mechan period when suya has been uh  


martyred when her yaser has been martyred when  the sahaba are being persecuted the Quran does  


not come to discuss their local politics it comes  to discuss International politics and this is a  


war between the Persians and the Romans or the  byzantian and the Quran in the first quranic  


prophecy does exactly that what does the Quran  do [Music] so imagine today going to the the UR  


Muslims and telling them there's a war between  Russia and the West over Ukraine they'll tell  


you yeah why are you telling me this the sahaba  are being persecuted in Mecca and the Quran comes  


down to talk about a war between two superpowers  why does the Quran do this it is as the scholars  


the MU have mentioned it is to take the Muslims  from the this is not a local matter Islam is an  


international religion and you need to keep your  eye out on what is happening and this prepared the  


sahaba for the conquest of these lands a decade  or two decades later and Abu Bakr being the first  


khif he was well aware of the weaknesses and the  strength of both the Persians and byzantian that  


he managed to within 5 years of the death of  s alai wasam both these Powers have been have  


kneeled down in front of the Muslim armies and the  Muslims have conquered these lands but taking it a  


step back the Persians have taken over all the  byzantian they've even besieged Constantinople  


Istanbul today they've taken all of North Africa  all of bilad sham and the Quran mentions this  


story when it's in relation to so the Quran says  the Romans had been defeated where in is the  


land of uh around Jericho around the area of the  Dead Sea uh the lowest part on Earth in terms of  


geology um and they shall be the Quran prophesizes  that they shall be victorious within a few years  


something political analysts at that time said  that is not impossible they've lost imagine today  


Russia is invaded and every part of Russia Falls  with the exception of the capital city Moscow  


the Romans lost everything with the exception of  their Capital the byzantian uh and everyone said  


this is the end of Byzantium the Quran said no  they shall be victorious within a few years what  


this did to the sahabah it connected them to this  world World politics and Abu Bakr sik even made a  


bet at that time betting wasn't uh it was made  uh Haram in Medina forbidden in Medina but in  


the mechan period it wasn't so Abu Bakr made a bet  that within 3 years the Romans shall be Victorious  


and then he tells this to S alaihi wasallam andas  said who said 3 years he said in Arabic is between  


three and 10 said be a little more careful  increase the uh number of years and increase  


your uh wager so Abu Bakr increases it to 9 years  and he makes it from 10 camels to a 100 red camels  


which are the best so imagine someone making a  bet today 100 Ferraris uh on uh a political or on  


a football match or whatever what this did to the  sahabah it made them follow the smallest details  


of the war between the Persians and the byzantian  uh the sasanids and the uh Romans and this took  


this to a completely new level and was Central to  this how can we revive this in our life today the  


people in makd are doing this on behalf of the  um the people of Gazza are giving up this fight  


on behalf of ala on behalf of the umah so the  umah the least it can do is do what follow what  


is happening politically and do not just passively  follow uh turn this into action by re-sharing and  


exposing the real face of Zionism um and this I  think is reflected in verse S of Allah says in the


Quran before you will enter the Masid you will  disgrace their faces so this is we're talking  


about a road map for The Liberation and these  are steps one Dua two uh learning the religious  


importance three following the politics and being  active in sharing this uh and exposing the real  

Activism and Baitalmaqdis


face of uh Zionism today so let's talk about the  fourth Point activism yes how does that link to  


practically manifesting this love for for for  this yes this we're talking about the minimum  


standard that we should be doing on a daily  basis for our connection with BD yes and I  


think each person needs to find an nich how can  I serve this issue uh within uh my own field of  


expertise um and each one uh needs to develop  their own road map and what we're talking about  


here is just uh uh ABC but each one needs to  develop their own uh Way Forward and I would  


like to give an example for this activism  from the Quran and it's in relation to B is  


uh and it's the story of talut uh and jalut  and the Quran mentions inah Bak that a group  


of bani is after they were forced out of their  land they went to a prophet of theirs and they  


said we would like to make Jihad in the way  of Allah and the context here is B is wanting  


to fight in the way of God and to reenter the  holy land and he says Allah has chosen over you


talut as king sa in the Biblical context they  say we will never accept him because he's not  


the right leader he says Allah has given  him two attributes that you do not have


one Allah has given him uh uh intellectual ability  and strength in physical ability and he intellect  


comes well before uh physic physical physical  strength uh they don't accept they get into an  


argument eventually Allah brings the Ark of  the Covenant carried by the angels and that  


is the sign for him to be your king it's a very  uh detailed story he becomes the leader of the  


Israelites to take them into the holy land and  he the first thing is this is linked to activism  


is you have to have discipline  and he tells them your first test


is you are not allowed to drink water but water  is halal no one will tell you don't drink water  


he says your test is you'll be tested by  a river and this River uh no one should  


drink from and if you drink he will not continue  and there 80,000 with him only 300 do not drink  


and you can see this level this this uh uh  discipline is what is lacking today and I think  


this we can trans translate this into uh each  one needs to find the niche in which they are  


able to do this but I think at the same time uh  think how what self-discipline I need and I think  


within this context maybe boycott is something  that active boycott is something that will give  


us that self-discipline for us to be able to uh  something uh I like I will not take as part of  


my self- discipline towards on the route to B  so your final Point your final Way by which we  


practically manifest UMD in our lives is preparing  a gift explain that to me please uh this is in a  


context where Al wasallam is responding to a gift  he receives in his Masid a companion from his  


name is from Al from Hebron he comes to Medina  he's a priest he accepts Islam and he brings  


two gifts toam one he builds the first for in his  Masjid the second is he put ltin in the mosque of  


wasallam and you know particularly at night when  it was dark uh now you have light in the Masjid  


So within this context Maya a female companion  comes toam and she tells him yeah give us a fat  


about and he says it is the land of phasing and  Gathering go and pray in it for one prayer in b  


this is equal to a thousand elsewhere immediately  Muna a female freed slave uh a companion she says  


what if one cannot go there doesn't just say make  Dua or just learn he says turn this into action  


and he says send the gift and he puts the gift  in the context of uh put light uh send the gift  


uh of oil to lighten its Lattin for the one that  sends a gift will get the same reward as praying  


in it so you can see that context that send a gift  it will be as if you are praying in it and this is  


something that easily can be done by every Muslim  today uh I think a small gift today to Ala to keep  


ala alive but I think a gift for the liberation  of Al is something that we need to ponder


over uh it's been a really fascinating  conversation and we need to internalize and make  


sure we practice yes uh what you you mentioned uh  to practically manifest Al in our lives so thank  


you so much for your time and I pray to Allah  subhana that we can act upon these points and  


Del Liberation will then become closer and that  we can pray in ALA free from occupation a mean a


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Ep 212. - Ramadan: The Radical Reset for a Capitalist World – with Imam Tom Facchine


Ep 210. - Scapegoating Muslims: Germany and the Rise of the AfD with Marcel Krass