Ep 197. - Israel is Protected by a Wall of Arab Rulers – Dr Azzam Tamimi

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When we talk about Gaza, we often speak of it in isolation from the broader Muslim world. When the Muslim countries are mentioned, it’s normal to suggest that they have given up on the Palestinian cause. The Abraham Accords are oft-cited as an example of the Muslim world turning its back on a beleaguered member. But is that really the case? Is the future fortunes of the Palestinians linked to the Muslim rulers? To help us untangle fact from fiction, I am happy to have Dr Azzam Tamimi back on the show. Dr Azzam is a Palestinian activist, academic and broadcaster and travels extensively to the Muslim world.

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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



have the Arabs given up on Gaza the Arabs  everywhere from the Atlantic Ocean to the  


Arabian Gulf are struggling to regain their  freedom and now we see Syria uh is setting  


an example that what we might see be being  Fallen by other places in the the strong man  


is back across these Arab countries the Arabs  are living in a prison their jailers are their  


rulers Palestine will not be completely free  until the Arabs around it are free those on the  


left misunderstand what's going on in our region  I personally gave up on George Galloway more than  


10 years ago the Iranians need to reconsider  their position you need to attend to your own  


wounds first Zionism in Palestine and despotism  in the Arab world are two sides of the same


coin when we talk about Gaza we often speak of it  in isolation of the broader Muslim world when the  


Muslim country are mentioned it's normally to  suggest they have given up on the Palestinian   cause the Abraham cause is off cited as an  example of how the Muslim world has turned  


away from their beleaguered Muslim Breen but is  that really the case is the future fortunes of  


the Palestinians linked to the Muslim rulers to  help us untangle fact from fiction I'm happy to  


have back on the show Dr aam Tamimi Dr aam is a  Palestinian activist an academic and broadcaster  


and travels extensively to the Muslim World dram  and welcome back to the think Muslim thank you  


for having me again it's always a pleasure to  have you on the show and and and in many ways   um today's conversation I think is is quite  important because we've got the backdrop of  


Syria we've got the uh the ongoing genocide in  Gaza you know which is now coming to 15 months  


uh we have a a situation in the Muslim world where  many Western commentators have now suggested that  


the Arabs have given up on Gaza I mean maybe I  should start with that question have the Arabs  


given up on Gaza well uh the Arabs as peoples as  masses as individuals never give on Palestine or  

Arabs gave up on Gaza?


on Gaza yeah um sometimes people uh conflate  governments with peoples and and that's part  


of the problem the problem in the Arab world is  that these governments are not representative  


of the people they rule these governments are the  product of the world order that started forming uh  


at the uh by the end of the first world war and  was completely formed by the end of the second  


World War uh a world order that brought to an end  the ottoman calipat uh and created in much of its  


territory uh entities loyal to the victors in the  wars uh so Palestine is one of the symptoms a more  


serious symptom that sometimes we tend to overlook  is the fact that the Arabs are in shackles the  


Arabs are not free the Arabs everywhere from the  Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Gulf are struggling  


to regain their freedom and their dignity and uh  Syria is just an example of this I mean we uh 14  


years ago or 13 years ago we had the eruption  of the Arab Spring starting with Tunisia moving  


to Egypt Syria Libya Yemen and partly Iraq uh  threatening even other places with similar uh  


developments but then this was uh somehow  suppressed um and the fire was extinguished  


uh through the efforts of a global Coalition  uh some local uh Powers more some International  


Powers who feared the change came together and  suppressed it now we see Syria uh is setting an  


example that what we might see be being followed  very soon by other places in the region which is  


our Revolution is not over what happened 12 13  years ago of suppressing that Revolution was an  


end of one round in this process now we have the  second round there may be a third round than even  


a fourth round and and therefore you see uh if  you if we if if I were to diag diagnose what's  


wrong with the Arabs it's not that Israel is  occupying Palestine because that's a symptom  


but it is the fact that the Arabs are in a prison  the the Arabs are living in a prison and their  


jailers are their rulers who deny them their basic  rights and who steal their wealth and smuggle it  


elsewhere uh so if if you look at it this way then  you will come to the conclusion that I have come  


to which is the fact that the Arabs have not  uh given up on Palestine I want to understand  

Arab World and Israel


the link between the future of the Arab world in  particular and the future of the Palestinians and  


where there is a connection I'm reminded of aash  shalam uh his book on the titled the iron wall  


and the idea is that uh the Arabs have to give up  on any any Prospect or any belief that Palestine  


can be liberated from the Israelis um can you just  plot out that connection between the Arab rulers  


on the one hand and the security and safety of  Israel on the other well Israel could not have  


lasted this long without the continuation  of these despotic regimes across the Arab  


world because it's not just American weapons and  Western money and Western political and diplomatic  


uh leverage that is keeping Israel intact yeah  it's the existence of these Arab regimes who have  


been suppressing their peoples preventing them  from lending a helping hand to their brethren  


in Palestine uh it it is uh the duty of the  Palestinians to Rise Against occupation that's  


their Destiny the people of Gaza the people of  the West Bank all the sacrifices they're making  


that's their Destiny and it it's their duty at the  same time yet I firmly believe that Palestine will  


not be completely free until the Arabs around it  are free so it's it's really one project it's the  


same project we're talking about here and that's  why early on uh when the syrians took over uh uh  


main cities recently and the regime came to an  end I wrote an article uh talking about how uh the  


liberation of uh the Levant is a a glad Tiding for  the Palestinians because the moment these Arabs  


are liberated from their tyrants uh time will will  come soon when Palestine is uh is helped by these  


Arabs and when and that's why the Israelis are  worried of course Israelis are very worried about  


what had happened in uh in in Syria of course  there's a counterargument to that that many on the  

Syria distraction?


left imp particular put forward and that is that  Syria is a distraction in many ways um gazda was  


was the focus and the fate of the Palestinians  uh is is now in the balance because uh you now  


have uh Syria which has gone through this this  Revolution and um some may even suggest that  


it's now given Israel a better opportunity on its  border than it had with Assad who was part of the  


access of resistance the So-Cal access un untangle  that uh that that uh those Notions for me please  


well there are people especially those on the left  who misunderstand what's going on in our region um  


they are they are anti zionists they're against  occupation they're against American imperialism  


but they don't seem to see that the Arabs as  a whole have are are in desperate need of uh  


regaining their freedom and human dignity  yeah um and I have a problem with the way  


the way they're they're making a distinction  between the two they're not they're not making   the connection um that uh uh it's okay you can  support Palestine but at the same time you can  


forget about what Assad did to his people in Syria  I mean how how can anybody accept that if you know  


exactly what Assad was doing to his people in  Syria uh what every other ruler in the region  


is doing to his uh people the tens of thousands  of uh prisoners political prisoners in Arab jails  


from the Atlantic to the gulf uh isn't that cause  for concern so you see we we need to have we need  


really really need to have an open dialogue with  the with our friends our comrades on the left  


because we we do work together on certain issues  but we had uh disagreements and contradictions  


on other issues uh whenever we um for instance  demonstrated the against the war in Iraq we came  


together we worked together when we demonstrated  against Zionism in Palestine we worked together  


but when we went to demonstrate against tyranny  and despotism in certain Arab country they never  


show up they have a completely different I  don't know Reckoning probably uh or maybe  


they have a different analysis of the situation  um I wonder whether part of this is ideological  


I'm not sure but for me it's very clear I stand  with the oppressed irrespective of their religion  


irrespective of their color irrespective of their  ethnicity or nationality and uh I cannot see how  


I uh I'm expected to support the steadfastness  of the Palestinian people without supporting the  


struggle of the syrians for freedom I mean that's  really important coming from you because you know   I think in many ways we know at least from a  British context you are probably one of the  

Arab Spring


the key Palestinian activists at least you know  I've I've experienced your activism over a number  


of decades what about this this argument that's  presented that uh the Arab Spring in many ways was  


us inspired and we all we often hear fragments  of evidence to suggest that uh some of those  


demonstrations in 2011 in Syria in later on in  Libya and elsewhere uh was CIA funded in inverted  


Commerce I mean how how much credibility do you  give to to that level of collusion no credibility  


whatsoever none whatsoever why do you need funding  to get people to demonstrate against oppression  


yeah what what is it there you you're going to  fund I mean their fast food meanss or what I mean  


what people took to the streets because they they  they just couldn't take it anymore um there was  


so much despotism so so much corruption in Tunisia  in Egypt in Syria in Lebanon in sorry in Libya in  


Yemen in Iraq that the the people felt that they  needed to change their their conditions and why  


do people always have to attribute things to the  United States of America as if America was the god  


I mean America is just a political entity it's  a country it has a government it it's ruled by  


people who uh make mistakes and Grave mistakes  sometimes and they they blundered in Iraq they  


blundered in Afghanistan they blundered before  that in Vietnam everywhere I mean since the second   world war American policy makers have been making  blunders uh when something good happens to a  


certain Nation when people Rise Against despotism  then we uh bring in the conspiracy theory to  


explain it in that terms and attribute uh this to  to the Americans that that's real nonsense I mean  


I know I know I know for sure how things started  in Tunisia how things started in Syria in Egypt  


purely uh indigenous uh local uh motivated by uh  the need to be free from the shackles of despotism  

USA and Arab Spring


it's true when you suggest that we overplay the  the role of America in the Muslim world and and  


almost give it a like a Godlike uh impression  however we do know that since the Arab Spring  


um the first iteration of the Arab Spring as  you mentioned there have been lots of counter   revolutions across the Muslim Egypt uh Libya  is going through something quite similar at  


the moment with hafta and and UAE in collusion  probably with the Americans are um are trying to  


counter that Sudan is is going for a horrific  time and again UAE is is part and parcel of  


that Tunisia has failed in in many respects maybe  that was a a more homegrown failure but there is  


a failure there and the the strong man is back uh  across these Arab countries we have seen the hand  


of America in pacifying if not neutralizing these  genuine revolutions I mean uh is that how you read  


it is America quite Central to what happened to  Mory for example after onee in government you know  


Mercy uh was removed from Power by the generals  how do you how do you see that well if you if you  


are a superpower and you have interests around the  world and you want to maintain your Hony you will  


always uh try to reduce your losses when something  beyond your uh own uh planning your own thinking  


happen you try to limit your uh your losses  and hopefully magnify your gains that's natural  


in other words we should look at America as  interacting or reacting instead of initiating  


that's the problem I have with conspiracy  theorists they think that America initiates   everything no America or any other power in the  world human power uh they want to maintain their  


hegemony serve save their interests uh by planning  best how to deal with developments okay the Arab  


the Arab world Rose the Arab world wanted to  change those regimes uh which mostly were lackies  


to the Americans or or at least did things to  appease uh in a in a manner that that appeases  


the Americans and now the Americans needed to do  something about it now to be fair initially the  


Americans as well as the Europeans were willing to  accommod date the changes were willing to adapt to  


Mori being the first democratically elected  president of a big country like Egypt yet  


it was local powers in Egypt itself including the  military it was Regional powers like Saudi Arabia  


and the United Arab Emirates who insisted that  someone like Mory could never be allowed should  


never be allowed to rule because if he succeeded  uh in lifting Egypt uh from the U the the from  


corruption from despotism that would then be a  model to to to be looked uh for by the rest of  


the people in the region and the Saudis were  terrified the emiratis were terrified others   were terrified in the region and that's when they  started sending emissaries to Washington to London  


to Paris to Berlin to tell the westerners that  this is dangerous you shouldn't adapt to this  


you shouldn't accommodate it that's how I see the  process uh happened and of course Mory may Allah  


have mercy on his soul didn't have any powers  because the Deep state was all against him uh  


part of the business Community was against him  the media was against him and now with billions   of dollars being pumped in by the Saudis and and  the emiratis and with the green light given by the  


Americans and the Europeans he was easily toppled  but it wasn't the Americans or the Europeans who  


said initially no we won't allow this actually if  you prove yourself and if you establish yourself  


eventually they will have to deal with you and we  seeing this in Syria this is not to assume that   Syria is going to have a an easy ride it's going  to to be a very rough ride also for Syria there  


are so many challenges and there are uh many  Powers uh local Regional and international who  


will try and sabotage the syrians the Syrian  experience but at least we can see initially  


that the world is saying okay if this is what  the Syrian people want we have to respect it  


but we have concerns we have conditions we have  this we have that okay you can have whatever you  


like of concerns or conditions eventually it is  the Syrian people who should determine their own  

Syria and Egypt


future uh I want to speak specifically talk  about Syria in a second but uh you mentioned  


something in your earlier um responses which  I found really interesting and and that is  


you've singled out Syria and Egypt as been two  important states to have freedom or for the  


people to have to experience freedom in order  for uh Palestinians to have their own freedom  


and expand on that why are these two countries  so important to the freedom of of Palestinians  


like yourself well first of all there are the two  two of three countries in the region that border  


Palestine now we have Jordan Syria and Egypt yeah  Jordan is a very small country Jordan is without  


resources Jordan was created by the British  and continues to be maintained by The Americans  


for the purpose of uh prolonging American hijam  in the region so forget about Jordan for a while  


uh although of course the Jordanian population  is of strategic importance for for the people of  


Palestine but Syria and Egypt are both resourceful  countries they're both big countries with big  


populations and if they are democratically elected  and if their peoples are free from despotism that  


will have immediate uh and dramatic uh impact  on how things happen in Palestine at least it  


would deter the Israelis at least let me ask you  then about Syria now Syria has gone through this  

Syria and Israel


amazing revolution in this last month and I think  most people had given up on on Syria sadly uh but  


the turnaround of events is is truly a sign of  Allah subhana tala's magnificence I think and and  


I know you've referred to this as well in the past  um but Syria has been very uh tight lipped about  


Israel and some have uh in particular the Iranians  I found have have made have have pointed that out  


as some form of collusion there was a a statement  made uh by the a governor in Syria the other day  


which some pointed to to suggest that the new  Administration in Syria does not want to challenge  


Israel in fat there was some conversation about  maybe even normalizing between the two countries   which I think was dispelled by jalani um why has  Syria been quite diplomatic let's say about the  


Israelis especially since Israelis have been  bombing parts of of Syrian infrastructure and  


and and of course has invaded has have invaded the  the Golan hiatts um yeah explain you like from a  


Palestinian perspective do you worry about about  the Syrian position on Israel well I personally  


fully understand that for the syrians at the  moment the priority is to rebuild their lives  


you have a country that is almost entirely  destroyed yeah big cities when you see the  


pictures you think it's Gaza yeah you can really  hardly tell the difference between what happened  


to Aleppo Aleppo or uh some Palestinian camps like  aluk in Damascus and what happened to RAF or or


to Bahia or any part of of Gaza um so the priority  for them is to really rebuild the country and  


the priority for them is to U get their people  back home there are millions of syrians who were  


banished and they live in the diaspora and some  not in a very wholesome uh situation so you want  


to bring them back and you want to absorb you want  there's there are so many challenges uh that uh  


need immediate attention uh however uh of course  the Iranians and some of those who are supportive  


of the Iranians might make statements accusing  the Syrian Revolution as being associated with  


the Americans or with the zist that's nonsense  of course I don't accept any of this yeah  


I I can see that this is a Syrian Revolution a  genuine Revolution against despotism and against  


corruption and alhamdulillah it has succeeded  yes however statements made by by some well  


so far we've just had one official yeah uh I  think his name is mAh Marwan uh the governor  


of Damascus Damascus yeah uh well first of all  as a governor of d m muscus he should not have  


spoken about matters of international politics or  Foreign Affairs that's that's not his his business  


yes secondly if he made those statements he he  must be uh a fool uh probably somebody whispered  


into his ear uh trying to convince him that  the heart to Washington uh can be reached via  


T Aviv this is a slow that some Arabs hoisted at  some time right that led to the to the abrahamic  


agree uh treaties or records and and and it's it's  nonsense uh however after he made those uh after  


PNR um published a report about what he allegedly  said to them he came up with a video clip denying  


that he said any of it now if you ask me  personally I think he said it but I think   he was a fool but that that that that now he is  denying that he that he ever said it well uh we  


hope that the uh uh senior officials in the new  Administration will come out with clear statements  


we're not asking them to wage war to liberate  the Gan Heights or which is Syrian by the way or  


liberate any part of pal but we're asking them to  make their position clear VAV the Zionist project  


Zionism is a threat to humanity Zionism Zionism  is a threat to all the Arabs and the Muslims the  


Zionist occupation of Palestine is illegitimate  and therefore no one should be allowed uh within  


the Syrian Administration to play with this uh  with this issue um and U that's why I have advised  


our Syrian brothers that uh they needed to run  training courses for their newly appointed senior  


officials who deal with the media not everybody  needs to deal with the media but if you want to   deal with the media especially the foreign media  the Western media you need to understand how to  


deal with them because they will they will they  will ask you questions and some of these questions   are going to be tough they they are going to  set traps for you so you need to avoid falling  


into the into those traps so I I advise them that  their officials need to have some uh specialized  


training courses on how to deal with the media so  you you accept I mean you know a a governor here  

Syria’s position


of there may make some Ry comments but you accept  the basic premise that the Syrian administration  


at this stage has to create a space for itself  where it can build and rebuild its country and uh  


build on capacity and any uh conversation about  you know liberating Goen Heights or liberating  


Gaza is is worthless or it's a it's a uh you  know it's it's talk which isn't going to help  


the situation in any practical in any practical  form what about how do we square that with you  


know I know you are very conversent in in sort  of theam Shar when it comes to uh defending one's  


land and we know from a young age I remember  at madas side there's a very basic premise  


I I learned which is that if your land is occupied  it's your responsibility to defend yourself and  


if you can't then the Muslims surrounding you  have to come to your Aid and the Muslims Until  


the Whole World's Muslims have to come to your  a and so there may be some an argument that some  


Muslims put forward maybe naively but put forward  to say that the first thing the Syrian government  


need to do to to uh fulfill its obligations is to  come to the aid of their brethren in Palestine as  


a as a Palestinian and as someone who who I know  is an Islamic thinker how do you understand that  


well no you cannot be so uh deeply wounded and  stand up to attend to the wounds of others you  


need to attend to your own wounds first yeah you  need to heal your own ailments um so I I I fully  


understand that Syria in its in its current  position cannot do much in terms of lending  


support uh to Palestine or liberating the golen  heights uh but what I am expecting from the Syrian  


Brothers is to have a Clarity of vision Vis A the  Zionist project uh and to uh draw the line yeah  


yes we cannot at the moment do anything and this  is not our priority that's fully understandable  


but we would never recognize the legitimacy  of the occupation of the Goen Heights or the   occupation of any parts of Palestine from gazda  to the Golan this is all Arab Muslim land uh  


this much has to be said um but I do I do F fully  understand this is a a terribly uh wounded country  


you you you need to really heal it first before  you think about anything else you you followed  

Arab spring failures


the Arab Spring the first iteration of the Arabs  being very closely and now we've had a number of  


failed attempts Tunisia is probably an example  Egypt for sure Libya Sudan um you know Yemen uh  


Iraq to a degree you know these are in many ways  failures or at least they're unfinished when it  


comes to Aros spring um Syria has through an armed  struggle has managed to remove this despotic ruler  


what lessons can the new Syrian State learn from  this first cycle of the Arab Spring well the first  


lesson is that this wasn't really an absolute  failure that was as I mentioned earlier a first  


round yeah in a continuous process of Revolution  that eventually will deliver right uh but secondly  


um that A Change Is Not uh such a major change  doesn't come free of charge the Syrian people uh  


offered so many sacrifices Millions have lost  their lives Millions were banished uh country  


destroyed um but it wasn't it wasn't really  the a militarization of the Revolution that  


brought about the current result I I I make a  distinction between the two yeah I'm still in  


favor of the opinion that the militarization of  the Revolution early on wasn't a good thing for  


the revolution it didn't serve that because  it provided the regime and its supporters  


International supporters especially Iran and  Russia with a justification to come in and use  


Force to crush the revolution yeah however it's  it's really late latter developments I mean there  


were there were a number of factors that came  together and precipitated the the uh the current  


situation we probably don't have time to to to  go through them uh but uh the regime itself has  


proven to has proven to be horor uh incapable of  protecting itself the Russians were increasingly  


preoccupied with uh Ukraine the Iranians uh  also suffered a lot because of the war in  


Lebanon hisbah had to withdraw from Syria uh and  the idlib region where the provisional government  


has been functioning for the past decade or so uh  uh was transformed into um a launching pant for  


the current process but the current process wasn't  planned uh even uh the edlib uh government all it  


had in mind was really expanding the region  detering attacks against it probably take  


halab or Aleppo in but they never expected the  regime to fall uh so quickly the regime itself  


probably was taken by surprise everybody was taken  by surprise so one can really write a thesis about  


the various factors that came together in order  to facilitate the victory that we have seen if we  


were to draw comparisons between um the example  of model of Syria yes there was an arm struggle  

Egypt’s deep state


and the state fell apart uh and so it became  relatively easy then to Capital Damascus but if  


we were to draw uh uh parallels between that and  say Egypt where there is a deep State and a deep  


state is extremely powerful maybe it's a mixture  of army personnel and and the generals and and  


I don't know a secular liberal Elite um it just  seems to me that the Egyptian state is far more  


cohesive than maybe the Syrian state is that how  you read it you know how how how could how can  


can one bring down the Deep state if it's not  through an armed struggle say in Egypt well indeed  


the Deep state in Egypt is much more cohesive  much more powerful um cannot be compared with  


Syria because remember the syrians had to call the  Iranians in yeah uh and then the Russians in 2015  


because they simply couldn't uh protect the regime  yeah uh yet in Egypt the security agencies is the  


Army in particular all intact all they they act  as a as a as a block yeah uh that uh controls the  


country controls the economy in the country yeah  uh it might seem difficult to envisage today uh  


the collapse of the deep state in Egypt yes but  it it is possible right it is possible if the  


people of Egypt one day wake up to to start  another Revolution that they decide this time  


to sustain and maintain for as long as it takes I  mean in the in the first round one of the uh one  


one I don't call it a mistake I call it anad in  order to save the blood of the Egyptians was to  


reconcile with the Army and to work with the Army  uh through a process of establishing a democratic  


Egypt of course the Army wasn't serious about this  wasn't honest about it and uh it was waiting for  


the right moment to uh uh to attack and have and  perform the coup yeah I think the next round will  


be different uh is there likely to be violence in  it I really don't know I hope not I wouldn't want  


to see any Bloodshed uh but if the Army Falls  in Egypt because of so much corruption because  


of so much oppression and injustices and uh it is  possible that we will see units turning against  


each other but what you really need in any of the  other Arab countries unlike the previous round is  


a a sustained Rebellion uh that continues  until the Deep state is dis dismantled you  


cannot rebuild on an existing state you have  to dismantle it can I go back to my original  

Arabs and Gaza


question about whether the Arab people have given  up on Palestine um I I you know I I sense it  


whenever I speak to any Muslim let alone an Arab  uh there is deep frustration and anger and worry  


and anxiety of about what's happening in Palestine  but you know if you visit any of the big cities  


in the mus anman or Cairo or any of these places  you will see that there are Muslims going on you  


know our brothers and sisters are going about  their business uh and and tended to their  


luxuries even uh in a way oblivious that a few 100  kilometers away less than 100 kilometers away in  


some instances there are people being completely  annihilated um like is there is there no personal  


culpability there uh that we have we have got to  a stage where uh we continue our lives and maybe  


that applies to us here in the west equally I  suppose but we have we continue our lives yet   there is a genocide taking place um I think  the general feeling everywhere and I've just  


come back from Jordan yeah is that uh we feel a  lot of pain for our brothers in Gaza we wish we  


could do something for them yeah but we feel we  are unable to do anything right simply because we  


live uh in a situation where these governments  um their own priority really their their main  


priority at the present time is to prevent that  aid from reaching the Palestinians yes and uh  


we have reached the stage where even if you tweet  something uh or post something on the social media  


yeah you might end up in prison and people  generally are worried about what's likely  


to happen to them or to their children so there  is there there is pain and there is fear at the  


same time uh so the Threshold at which there is  an eruption hasn't been reached yet yeah but that  


doesn't mean it will not be reached we reached it  before in 2011 and we might reach it again anytime  


soon can I ask you about Saudi Arabia um there's  conversations and you we pick it up in the press  

Saudi Arabia


that uh Muhammad bin Salman the day facto leader  of Saudi Arabia is uh is currently involved in  


the negotiations with America and Israel uh to  possibly tie in uh the you know an expansion  


of the Abraham Accords to some form of peaceful  settlement in inverted commas in in Gaza um I mean  


how do you read what's going on there in terms of  you know s bin Salman's normalization efforts but  


also uh the idea that possibly a ceasefire or even  a peace negotiation uh could could you know could  


be connected to to his efforts to to create some  form of Security deal with the Americans well it  


is um unlikely that the Saudis can do much so long  as the war is still uh raging right so that's why  


every body is waiting for Trump to come and Trump  is their friends in as much as he is the friend  


of Netanyahu he is the friend of the MBS and the  mbz yeah um now if the war comes to an end and it  


all depends on what sort of conditions the war  comes to an end in yeah they might resume what  


they were uh talking about uh on the eve of the  7th of October 2023 the Saudis were preparing to  


sign the abrahamic Accords yeah uh and they want  to do that but of course they cannot because it  


looks awkward I mean how can you uh when the war  is going on the way it is when this uh genocide  


is being perpetrated by the Israelis every day  um so time will only tell I think for the for  


the time being what Muhammad bin Salman and the  other Arab rulers are doing uh is to maintain the  


populations under control and he himself admitted  in an interview uh previously that uh he doesn't  


himself care about Palestine or the Palestinian  issue but he knows that the Saudis do care his  


people do care how do we know that well well we  know from uh a poll that was conducted recently  


I think a very high percentage of the Saudis  in excess of 90% are concerned about Palestine  


concerned about Gaza you know the the the these  are Arab Muslim peoples I mean if I think well of  


myself I have to think well of them yes and I know  that they feel for us they feel for our people in  


Palestine yeah but again they are in shackles  and there are to today there are in excess of  


30,000 political prisoners in Saudi jails many of  them are Scholars uh reputable some of them are  


human rights Defenders some of them are thinkers  lecturers so you see the the the repression that  


is that is used on the people is is so huge that  people become frightened over the pasio um we on  



this show have been quite critical of Iran's role  in the region and in Syria but of course we can't  


take away from the fact that um Iran has played  at least some role in uh in funding for proxy its  


proxies like Hezbollah and uh and these proxies  have been quite uh prominent in uh in weighing the  


Israelis down especially on the southern Border  in Lebanon uh and then of course the hoies in in  


Yemen now as a Palestinian how do you weigh up  or how do you observe Iran's very belligerent  


role in the Muslim world and and it's its horrible  role in say Syria but also its role in in helping  


Hamas and helping the resistance in in Palestine  well I really hope that the Iranians uh learn a  


lesson from what happened in Syria yeah that  you cannot claim to support Palestine and they  


do support Palestine I'm not denying that yeah uh  while at the same time you support despotism and  


you support dictators who are killing their own  people the Israelis are killing the Palestinians  


but Bashar al- Assad was killing the syrians  and and that contradiction is going to cost the  


Iranians a lot I think the Iranians have already  lost a lot yeah and it's a Pity because in 1979  


the Iranians had a revolution against dictatorship  against the Sha and every Arab dictator that the  


Iranians today have good relations with is another  replica of the Sha is just doing what the Sha was  


doing to the Iranians um it's really a Pity and  it's very sad that uh uh Iran and its proxies  


are losing as a result because they couldn't make  that distinction um or or they couldn't see that  


Zionism in Palestine and despotism in the Arab  world are two sides of the same coin and therefore  


you have you you cannot go to bed with one of them  and claim to fight another uh I regret that we  


recently heard uh statements that are not helpful  at all that are not promising uh from the superior  


leader of the U Revolution K as well as from the  from the foreign minister the Iranians need to  


reconsider their position they need to realign  with the masses rather than with the governments  


and you cannot create proxies at the expense of  uh the rights of the indigenous populations there  

America’s decline


is a a conversation or an argument that behind  Israel of course is the billions of dollars of  


us funding uh and United States has a cast iron  security arrangement with the uh with Israel  


uh and so uh if any state if any Muslim peoples  were to challenge uh Israel hegemony in the region  


it's really challenging America and so from a from  a sort of tactical or strategic perspective uh do  


we need to see the decline of America before uh  one can see Gaza and the West Bank and Palestine  


liberated from this settler Colonial Enterprise  well the decline of America is inevitable because  


America is an oppressive power it's a tyrannical  power and these sort of powers don't last look how  


many uh how how much how much uh misery America  has caused to the world yes in Asia in Africa in  


Latin America in Europe everywhere so the American  decline is not necessarily just linked to what  


it does to us in Palestine or in the Arab world  yet I think we sh we we as Arabs and and Muslims  


cannot wait yeah for America to decline in order  to perform our duties we have duties to undertake  


and that's what the people of Gaza have done  they they they they they they did not wait for  


for America to decline in order to uh rise against  their oppressors yet there is a price to be paid  


for that and Gaza is paying a a hefty price and  we need uh to come out of this experiment with a  


conviction that we cannot gain our freedom without  paying the price is going to be a very Hefty price  

George Galloway


um going back to that discussion we had earlier  on about the left I know you've uh uh you had a  


relationship with George Galloway and you know  at one stage in the Iraq War uh there was a a  


close relationship with uh the left and and uh  you know there was a Meeting of Minds between  


the Muslim Community and and the anti-imperialists  George gal recently said that he's given up on the  


Arabs and I think it was in the context of the of  what's happened in Syria had it didn't go his way   in effect um like can you comment on on that and  and maybe sort of the ongoing I don't know if you  


still have a relationship with him but you know  your feelings about uh what he said at about the  


Arabs well indeed in the anti-war alliance uh we  had very close relationship with George Galloway  


and the left in general but uh I personally gave  up on George on George Galloway more than 10 years  


ago yes uh we had a disagreement over Syria uh  he stood by Bashar we stood by the people that  


Bashar was persecuting yeah and uh he even once  threatened me um because uh I shared um a clip of  


him in Parliament uh when he was um I think uh he  was uh spoken against by the prime minister at the  


time or something over his support for dictators  in the Arab world right uh because I shared that  


clip uh he contacted some of my friends and  threatened me so I had no relationship with  


him since then I feel sorry for him yes because  if you support the Palestinians in their struggle  


against Zionist oppression you should support  the victims of Oppression everywhere yes this  


is not ideological this is not left and right  this is a human thing yeah uh why should the  


Palestinian have have the right to be free from  oppression but the syrians don't have that right  


or the Egyptians don't have right everyone in the  world has the right to be free from oppression one  



final question we've seen 15 months of genocide  and um uh there are many people who are becoming  


weary of just the the daily scenes on our social  media feeds of hospitals uh being invaded of of  


people burning in tents um uh it's horrific what  we see on our screens and there is a feeling that  


maybe of hopelessness that's that's seeping  into the anti- Zionist movement the anti-war  


movement uh we've tried everything you know we've  demonstrated uh We've petitioned we've boycotted  


but there is a resilience there uh and a collusion  with the media and with the apparatus of the state  


um you know as as a Palestinian as an  activist there someone who's who's uh fought   for Palestinian and and broader Muslim rights for  for a very long time um like how do you perceive  


that what we're going through at this moment in  terms of emotions uh and feelings about about  


this genocide yes I agree with you it's horrific  uh especially that we see uh every minute new um  


Images new footage of Bloodshed of Massacre of  genocide of hospitals being burned down on the  


patients and uh medical staff but for those or to  those who have uh sense of hopelessness developing  


as a result I'd say to them the Palestinians are  not hopeless the people of Gaza themselves despite  


all the pain are not hopeless there is a still  resistance and Israelis are suffering and are  


um taking casualties as a result um and I I think  it's a matter of time when the balance of power  


will be tilted in favor of the Palestinians uh  so if the Palestinians have not given up if they  


are not capitulating why should those who support  them from Far uh have this sense of hopelessness  


you should still have hope you should think of  new ways and methods uh of expressing solidarity  


and uh lending support to the Palestinians  uh rather than falling into this trap of  


hopelessness Dr aam Tamimi it's been a pleasure  as always thank you so much for your time you're


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Ep 198. - Elon Musk’s Crusade


Ep 196. - How Waqf Endowments Built The Foundation of Muslim Society with Maulana Tahir Talati