Ep 175. - Why Muslims Should Vote For The Green Party with Dr Jill Stein
I have a very special guest, Dr Jill Stein, leader of the Green Party and Presidential candidate. Jill is a Harvard educated doctor, an environmentalist, campaigner and organiser.
Ep 174. - African Americans, Democrat Deceit & Principled Politics with Imam Dawud Walid
I have invited today to show someone who I deeply respect for how he thought through these essential topics long before Gaza came along to haunt us. Imam Dawud Walid is the author of Towards Sacred Activism and an Imam in Michigan.
Ep 173. - The General's Plan: The Killing Fields of Northern Gaza
My guest today, is Imam Fuad Abdo, himself from palestine. Imam Fuad is the imam of Al Ansar Centre, Goodmayes, and someone who I have seen first hand at the forefront of activism – especially encouragement the encampment movement.
Ep 172. - The Imam Taking on Kamala Harris and her Cheerleaders - Imam Tom Facchine
To help us understand the political and intellectual climate, I have invited back onto the show Imam Tom Facchine show. Imam Tom has been instrumental in galvanising Muslims behind the anti-Harris campaign, and he joins us from Pennsylvania.