A curated selection of great articles, podcasts, videos and more. Choose from the below subject areas to explore each one further.
America is back – but what does back mean?
The contrast with Trump's "America First" could not be clearer. In his first month, Biden has issued a raft of executive orders and foreign policy shifts to reverse his predecessor’s foreign policy. Biden is sending the message that America wants to reengage with her allies.
GameStop - An Islamic Perspective
By now most of us have heard the great underdog story that is the Gamestop short squeeze. But do we know how as Muslims we should approach this event, and stock market investing as a whole? Riaz Hassan breaks down the context and consequences of the Gamestop saga in a concise 30 minute presentation.
Biden and the Uncivil War That Divides America
In the annals of the republic’s short history, the storming of the Capitol would probably rank as one of its most egregious episodes. In his inaugural address President Joe Biden promised to heal the country and defeat ‘white supremacy,’ yet nativism remains a potent force that can still destabilize the republic.
Macron’s Separatism Bill — a new liberal inquisition
The ‘separatism’ Bill announced by Emmanuel Macron on the 2nd October is currently working its way through the institutions of the French executive. The proposed law is called the “Bill to Reinforce Secularism and Republican Principles”, the term ‘separatism’, once considered, has been removed. The Bill looks to update the 1905 law that officially separated church from state.
Intolerance is at the Heart of Liberalism
Liberalism, as Douglas Murray rightly points out in his Spectator piece, is in the dock and subject to a new “cultural revolution.” Murray’s piece reflects an ever-growing pessimism across western societies that the edifice upon which liberalism was built is giving way to a “woke” progressivism concerned with curtailing free speech and toppling statues. In this new world, young people exhibit an illiberalism that would, in Murray’s mind, not be out of place in a “Talibanised” society.
Islamic activists need to learn from Imam al-Ghazali
Al-Ghazali’s central recommendation in his chapter on knowledge, to discipline the soul, is one of the most important personal duties of any Muslim that seek to engender a social or political change. Like the public debaters al-Ghazali encountered at his time and whose number he once belonged, those that gain prominence through public activism are trialled by a host of negative traits, which if not recognised and addressed, can lead one to troubling places.
COVID-19: Boris Johnson has failed the British People
The British government is careering into a coronavirus catastrophe, on the scale and intensity Italians are experiencing today. It is a tragedy entirely of its own making. Over the past two months, the government has failed to plan appropriately for the crisis, has failed to follow sound universally accepted scientific advice and has failed to respond to the clear indicators that a disaster is looming.
The Merits (Fadail) of Ramadan & Fasting
A collection of ahadith that have been related about Ramadan.
“Whoever fasts Ramadhan with Imaan and Ihtisaab (expecting reward from Allah) then all of his previous sins will be forgiven”.
Modi, Kashmir and Pakistan’s Dilemma
Modi’s surprise actions in Kashmir after repealing Article 370 was influenced by a worldview that has seized India, Hindutva, a rabid form of nationalism that is built upon a grand conceit. For Hindu nationalists, Islam is the problem and its place in any future India is for it to be subdued, depoliticised and chastened by the power of the state and the braying of the mob.
Boris’s Brexit Bluster
Boris Johnson entered Downing Street like a gun-slinger announcing his entrance at the last chance saloon. His cabinet cull, of seventeen departures was unprecedented in British politics, and some of the country’s most ideological Brexiteers have joined his team. The optics worked, the clearing out of Theresa May’s team and Cummings pictured behind the Cabinet Secretary in his trademark anarchic attire served to hail in a new British politics.
The Christchurch Terrorist was not a Lone Wolf
After the Christchurch shooter opened fire on worshippers during Friday prayers, he was described as a “lone wolf” whose world-view was fomented on internet forums. He was an introvert, a loner that was radicalised online and indulged his hatred for Islam in a violent rampage of death and destruction. This narrative is a convenient one.
Imran Khan’s ‘New Pakistan’ turns to China
China has been flexing its economic, political and military influence. The intensity of its project to unseat America’s 70 year grip over the region has reverberated across all capitals. The prospect of a future great Asiatic power has enticed many to reconsider on which side its bread is buttered, hedging between an established and growing power.
At the G7, America turns its back on the world
The Americans believe they built the modern world and raised it to riches. They expected in return the world would recognise its central role as owner and organiser of this system. Instead the world has turned its back on the United States, so now America is turning its back on them.