Ep 186. - Assad Was a Tyrant, Not An Anti-Imperialist with Moazzam Begg

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This episode was filmed on Saturday, before Damascus fell. The Syrian revolution began in 2011 as a grassroots, civil society uprising against one of the most tyrannical rulers in the Muslim World. Bashar al-Assad like his father before him, presided over a state of terror, with disappearances, secret police repression and a punitive state machinery that governed through fear. Assad styled himself as an anti-imperialist when in reality he had colluded with the West in past conflicts and after 9/11 Syria became a favourite place for the Americans to render suspects for horrific torture. Today we have Moazzam Begg who is the senior director of CAGE and author of enemy combatant – a book about his time as a detainee first in Bagram and then in Guantanamo. He also spent time in Syria during the revolution, as part of his investigation into the Assad regimes complicity in the CIA torture programme.

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Transcript: This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



if we want them tortured we send them to  Syria people were being executed at the  


rate of 40 to 50 a day we are able to go back  home and we're all going home they see Russia  


as a Bull workk against America's hegemony what  differentiates this current opposition and Isis is


agreed the Syrian Revolution began in 2011 as  a Grassroots Civil Society Uprising against  


one of the most tyrannic rulers in the Muslim  World Bashar alassad like his father before  


him presided over a state of Terror with  disappearances secret police repression and  


a punitive State Machinery that governed through  fear Asser styled himself as an Anti-Imperialist  


when in reality he had colluded with the West  in past conflicts and after 911 Syria became  


a favored place for the Americans to render  suspects for horrific torture but because of  


the nature of social media a narrative has taken  hold that disparages the Syrian opposition today  


we want to address some of these accusations now  today we have moazam be who is the senior director  


of cage the author of the book Enemy combatant  a book about his time as a detainee first in  


bagran and then in ganal Bas Detention Facility  he also spent time in Syria during the revolution  


as part of his investigation into the Assad  regime's complicity in the CIA torture program  


Mar and welcome back to Muslim and thank you for  having me again well look we've got a number of um  

Assad anti-imperialist?


I suppose accusations or criticisms that are made  of the Syrian opposition and uh I think it's fair  


to say that some of these uh narratives have now  sort of Taken hold in some on the internet and  


Beyond and uh I just want to really tap into your  vast experience of conflicts but also of Syria uh  


to to get allow us to appreciate uh where we are  in terms of the the current Syrian opposition now  


you know of course alhamdulillah uh and it is a  good it's a very positive thing you know we now   have the opposition sweeping across the country  and at the time of filming Assad still barely  


remains in power we don't know where he'll be  when uh when this actually goes live uh but  


I suppose the first question to ask is really  about Assad himself uh Assad Styles himself as  


an Anti-Imperialist someone who's worked against  the United States and against her interests for  


his entire uh governmental career uh is that how  you see ass said um let me just quote a former CIA  


operative who talks about the relationship between  the CIA and the various um Arab regimes with what  


they worked and so he says Robert bear that if  we wanted me the CIA wanted an interrogation a  


robust interrogation we send them to Jordan and  if we want them tortured we send them to Syria and  


if we want them disappeared completely you will  never see them again we send them to Egypt now  


part of my role since my return from Guantanamo  has been not just to look at Guantanamo but at  


the Renditions program and the Outsourcing of  the torture program so we know that individuals  


were sent to Egypt to Libya to Morocco and other  places because they would do in their countries  


things that even the Americans wouldn't do so we  call this the Outsourcing of the torture program  


but one place that uh people were sent to for  the torture and the most frightening of those  


places was Syria and I know this personally  because in ban the United States um CIA agent  


used to threaten me mam or 558 which is my number  if you don't cooperate we will send you to either  


Syria or Egypt meaning that you're either  going to get tortured or you're going to get   disappeared so being this great Anti-Imperialist  bull walk I mean let's check it let's put that  


to the test so if you look at the cases of  Mah abdah uhmed and these are all uh Syrian  


Canadians who at one time or another during from  2002 and onwards were sent with complicity of  


the United States of America and the Canadian  government to Syria and marah arar for example  


talks about how he was sent to a place called far  Philistine which is Paris Palestine branch which   is known to be an intelligence uh headquarters  torture center for the Syrian M and there he was  


put in a coffin-like cell and remained for around  10 months before he was eventually sent back the  


Canadian government in his case in the case  of all the others I've mentioned uh eventually  


after years of litigation apologized and paid the  millions of dollars in compensation because they  


understood the level at which uh these people had  been uh tortured at cage we still are looking for  


individuals who've been and so you understand how  this has happened the war on terror happens the   United States invades Afghanistan it has people  like me through the Pakistani government capturing  


us from our homes to Guantanamo there are people  like aburi like Mustafa set Mariam Nas and others  


who are grabbed by the CIA and handed over where  to Guantanamo no to the Assad regime where they  


remain in prison for years on and in fact to one  of the reasons why I as you said I went to Syria  


During the Revolution was to meet with individuals  who' been part of uh that rendition program right  


and I did meet some including Abu Khaled who of  course became a leader of one of the other groups   sham but the point was that the this network of  the rendition program I met one Libyan guy who had  


been sent uh to from Syria to Libya to be tortured  because the information uh was given by British  


intelligence MI5 intercepted a a conversation  that he had with somebody in Britain um and  


they gave that information to the Assad regime  so there was the British were working alongside   at least in some ma matters with the assid regime  and there's several others we've come across the  


case of Muhammad Zar who was renditioned from  Germany to um uh Syria and tortured there so  


there are several uh uh Nationals of the West who  are originally syrians but nonetheless Western  


Nationals that have been working a alongside have  they been tortured because their governments have  


been working alongside uh Syria in the war on  terror so let me get this straight um it's not  

Syria’s torture campaign


just that they''re been sent to Syria uh but  there is active collusion there was active   collusion between the Syrian security forces and  the security forces in say America or Britain  


where information was been relayed as a result  of his torture campaign so we understand this   it's intelligence cooperation because after the  war on terror yeah and it's really it's important  


we understand this why are why is the so-called  part of what's apparently part of the axis of  


Evil a a state sponsor of terrorism yeah at least  according to the United States of America meaning  


Syria how come they're working with intelligence  Services of the West which is undeniable yeah and  


the answer is of course we may dislike you but  these people we disl even more and that means  


essentially any quote unquote islamists or people  who want Islamic uh uh solutions for the future  


of their countries right we have seen over the  last few days uh amazing spectacular scenes of  


uh prisoners being released some prisoners been in  in Hammer For example have been in prison for 40  


years since the you know the uprising um uh in the  1980s um uh what do you think they these people  


have gone through well you know here's an example  there's there's a a lady her name is Hiba the yeah  


and she wrote a book called just five minutes  and she was in 1982 18 years old when the mhat  


came to knock on her door they had already taken  her father and her brothers and eventually though  


they were killed she and then her mother was  taken were were taken into custody and that  


those five minutes turned into 9 years and there  are n years of it's It's A Hard book she's written  


called um just 5 minutes and when you read it  you you come across all of the cases how she  


describes uh the torture the sexual violence the  rape uh the beatings and the murder and not just  


the people from the Muslim brotherhoods of which  She's accused of being connected to but people   from other different groups including dissident  alawites including uh leftists and so forth so  


everybody's non Baptists who are not part of the  the regime's own version of Arab Arab nationalism  


are being killed and tortured for decades I want  to tell you a little story of a man I met his name   is Abu Ahmed and I met him in idlib when I was  living there he lost one eye because it had been  


poped out by the um Assad H Assad's soldiers when  they took him into custody he's a father of Bashar  


alad yes that's is a father yes so Abu Ahmed um  was a teacher of the Quran and like many others  


thousands of people were captured and taken into  prison and this prison was called tadmore which   is on the border with Iraq and tadmore is as being  recently even recently described as as a terrible  


torture Center and in tadmore people were being  executed he told me him there at the rate of 40 to  


50 a day they were put in large numbers of people  in small prison cells each person was allocated  


a number and the guards didn't know who which  number belonged to which name when his number  


was called he told me this himself and it was just  it sends shocks shock waves down your your spine  


and he said that when my number came was called  I was either lying down or asleep and one of my  


students who I didn't know he went in my place  and he was executed and that's how I'm still alive  


and so you imagine him that's his experience 20  the the the most conservative estimat say 25,000  


people were killed and at most 40,000 people were  killed if you ask people today if you do you know  


about the hamama massacre most people have  never heard of it yet it happened in 1982 and   the backdrop of that is so important because H has  now just Fallen to the rebels and this lady hi the  


bell I talked to you about um her my wife recently  got a message from her who knows her and she said  


I'm now after 40 years planning to go back to my  home yeah uh Mar off camera we had a conversation  


about just a feeling of Jubilation that exists  within the Syrian communities around world and  


you know you you've uh through your role in in  cage and and also family connections you've got  


uh lots of connections with syrians I mean tell me  a little bit about the feeling you're getting from  


syrians who've been dispersed around the world  indeed I have simmer syrians in my family one  


of my children my my son is married to a Syrian um  and I've lived there and I'm still maintain those  


connections you know I spoke to a brother who was  working for Med Sanson Frontier yeah um and I I  


live lived with him very closely and I called him  and said how are things there how you how are you  


feeling that this has happened are you safe and so  forth he said he was so happy ecstatic he said for  


the first time us as internally displaced refugees  or persons we are able to go back home and we're  


all going home now this idea of uh you're all okay  in Syria and if if you had to leave your home for  


eight years or 10 years or 50 years um it's it's a  price worth paying is it's completely taking away  


from the Syrian experience uh because it doesn't  play into the narrative that some people want to  


push well when can I talk about that narrative  because I was going to ask you about this later   but I think he's probably apt to to do that now  there is a impression we get from some sources  

The Left on Syria


on the internet that um in particular from  the left and some parts of the left that's  


that argue that uh is the wrong time and Assad is  you know is positive figure and uh this is uh all  


part of a of of a major plan um and and somehow  that syrians should bear that pain if they even  


believe there is pain but should bear that pain  for the sake of some greater good I mean how would   you address this in particular I want you to talk  about uh because you have through cage you've had  


lots of conversations with uh you know naturally  because of the work you do you had conversations  


with people from the left um you know a lot of  them have just been horrendous on on this issue  


so let's just look at this now for context right  it's really important we as Muslims as people who  


believe in Justice who believe in holding power  to uh justice uh the powerful to Justice um we  


look at the suffering of the Palestinians and  we rightly act in whatever way we we can and do   whatever we can and hold our voices even if it  comes at some risk to ourselves yes but we did  


that for Syria right through the the revolution  yeah um many people may know that I was the the  


British government attempted to lock me away for  15 years because I was um in Syria investigating  


the role of the CIA and MI5 and so forth and uh  attempting at least to send a generator to one of  


the brothers who needed the electricity and they  tried to deem that as terrorism and this is the  


most important part because from 2014 at least if  it wasn't even before that um it was the Muslim  


Community all of us for supporting Syria being  criminalized yeah and that became the major player  


of the Islam phobic and structural uh racism  That Came Upon Us from the state in the form of  


that islamophobia meaning we're passing law after  law including prevent which came off the back of  


um the Syrian conflict yes and there were hundreds  of Muslims that went from here to help I know  


several doctors I know two who were killed trying  to help uh in the refugee camps yes of course some  


people joined Isis and so forth and with that  stick we were all beaten um but in relation to  


the left and their vision of us one thing that has  been forgotten totally if 43,000 Palestinians have  


been killed right now then that is something we  cannot stand for but then what will you say when  


610,000 syrians have been killed yeah why is that  number simply uh just a statistic that you're not  


even prepared to look at it means that you have  dehumanized the syrians to the level of which you  


would not do that to anybody else and the syrians  most most of the sying you'll find from uh the  


opposition they all support Palestine they all  support Raza they all support the resistance there  


you won't find anybody coming along except unless  they're Twisted that they will come along and say   that um we uh we don't care what's happening to  the Palestinians I simply have not come across  


that from any of the uh the rebels yeah um so can  I ask you why why are they so blinkered in a way  


you know they support Palestine and you know the  impression we've re we've got over the last 13 14  

Why dismiss Syrians?


months is is one of just positive allyship these  people are supporting a just cause but on Syria  


they're willing to forsake humanity and Justice  like what's going on their conceptually in their  


universe that allows them to dismiss uh syrians  and their struggle uh and yet Embrace another  


struggle for justice you know obviously there's  this presentation that um Syria somehow is this  


great bull workk of Defense of anti-imperialism  and standing against oppression and so forth but  


you know a simple question during the entirety  Peri entire period of the war on terror years how  


many pro asset supporters were getting arrested  by the British Security Services how many of   them getting detained at airports how many of  them were getting questioned under schedule 7  


how many of them were having their bank accounts  closed uh it was happening to all of us including   me all of other so you can see on the one hand  that um you're free as a as an Anti-Imperialist  


to do whatever you want you can talk all about  your anti-imperialism without being targeted and  


why is that why is the state not coming after you  why are they coming after me why are they coming  


after the Muslims and so you have to ask yourself  in the same way as said why is this the West  


the West isn't going after assid even when they  bombed assid they there was one occasion when the  


Americans bombed Assad and I think three or four  people were killed k out of the 50 cruise missile  


strikes I was in Afghanistan when Americans  fired cruise missiles they killed thousands   of people so that was a coordinated strike with  the Russians and if you look at it when they were  


bombing in uh Syria it was I think since World  War II it's the first time that the Russians  


the F French the British and others coordinated  their strikes they would argue to say that this  


is just Isis but it wasn't they were targeting  the other rebel groups because the thing that  


was in common that the West Assad Russia uh were  saying that these are all Al-Qaeda these are all  


terrorists and using the language of terrorism we  it's our experiences once you've done that you've   delegitimized and dehumanized those Muslims and  um it's unfortunate that Iran would step into  


that because they get called terrorists all the  time and they should actually become a little more   politically wise that you start calling people  terrorists uh you're already called terrorists so  


stop with that language and try to find another  way rather than targeting uh people there so  



V let me ask you then about Russia because um  many of the anti-imperialists left uh they see  


American imperialism as bad but they see Russian's  imperialism and they wouldn't call it imperialism  


as something that's benign or positive in the  world um and um they see Russia as a Bull workk  


against uh America's um America's hemony and so in  a way it's positive and it needs to be supported  


and actually China as well we can come to that  actually because you know uh their position on   the Wagers you know ACC it to the weager hoax and  you you hear that all the time from some of these  


guys on on the net I suppose my question then is  about Russia like how should we because you find  


a lot of Muslims support Russia and um whenever  you speak ill of Russia I noticed that recently  


over Syria where I started to question uh quite  publicly Russia's actions in Syria and how it  


fored the Revolution and uh there was a lot of  push back from Muslims who otherwise are very  


sincere who who suggest that um you know Russia is  somehow a a cause that should be celebrated in the  


world like how do you view Russia I think let's  just do this right let's play a little experiment  


we'll take an image of a child underneath Rubble  yeah we'll see manage manag to see part of his  


hand sticking out and his mother screaming  and his father desperately trying to pick up   the concrete block that's fallen on his head he  pulls him out but only half his body comes out


yeah now let's say this isn't palestin it's Syria  because that's what was going on for the past from  


2 the 15 until recently with the Russians bombing  right through alapo and Beyond against and nobody  


cared and that was happening and I'm telling you  even now the Russians have bombed and they've  


wiped out one several entire families and if you  were just to to the uninitiated those who don't  


know and say um if you if you say this it was  a Palestinian family you'd find a huge amount  


to support from the very people who if this  was a Syrian family would go into denial and  


that's essentially what's been going on  here the dehumanization there's an active  


dehumanization and if your heart uh breaks for  seeing what happens to the Palestinians your  


heart should equally break for what you see  happening there unless you have an entirely   different agenda and if that is the case then  even your uh support for the Palestinians is  


questionable because what if tomorrow let's  just say and this is a fact what if tomorrow  


after all the resistance in Gaza is very  Islamic if tomorrow they turn around and  


say that we are in Islamic resistance as some  of their the leaders already said like Dalal  


NAS from uh the Islamic resistance he said  that the Syrian resistance is equal to the um  


Palestinian that a Syrian child and a Lebanese  child and a Palestinian child are all equal in  


their worth in the sight of this um and they  have quoted the Quran and the Sunnah and said  


that the only way that we Revive Our Dean is  through this are they really as the left or  


whoever they are uh really going to embrace  this the answer is no yeah um can I uh move  

The opposition


on to the opposition because um the narrative in  I think similar circles is that the opposition  


is are all Isis and alqaeda now you've worked  with the opposition in collecting in information  


and research for for cage um so you've got some  understanding of the opposition like explain who  


they are and in particular HTS and uh and their  affiliations and where they stand on this sort of  


spectrum of of um uh of of understanding yeah so  in the Syrian Revolution uh there been a multitude  


of different groups and you know it's fair to say  that it started with officers from the military  


who set up the free Syrian Army because of the  targeting because of the sectarian nature that was  


imposed upon uh them and when they responded to  Peaceful protests during the Arab Spring there was  


a brutal a deeply brutal Massacre that took place  of protesters I've met so many of them who were  


shot paralyzed I used to speak to one man who was  actually paralyzed as a result of what happened   to him being shot by um uh Syrian soldiers women  taken into custody rape the famous Infamous case  


of Hamza the young boy who was tortured to death  who was just 13 years old so there's so much of  


this going on the opposition essentially this  was the the the frean Army then you had a group


like which was led by Hass Aboud who these are  all people who were former prisoners but had a  


vision for Islam and if you especially look  atam they what's happening now with HTS is  


exactly what they wanted back that time but H but  ja or the NRA front saw them as a little bit too  


moderate now the nusra front which is essentially  this has gone through several Transformations it  


was alqa in Syria that's essentially what it was  right yeah and it it originated from Iraq and its  


connection to the original anti Isis uh anti us  Isis or or Islamic State in Iraq rather in Iraq  


yeah so that went through a transformation they  separated and jolani set up his own group and  


then it eventually they started to change and they  Amalgamated with other groups including and set up  


uh uh HDs no before that it was uh um I forget  the name now but nonetheless they they formed  


together a group with the aim of being united and  then there was the last transformation which was


HTS sorry so the group was called so that  transformed and it started to change its views  


uh there was a purge they arrested several people  uh including people we know including uh all sorts  


from across the board not just those who was  quote unquote Pro alqaeda um and there was uh  


arrests there was people mistreated and so forth  that did happen we know that for sure but there  


definitely has been a transformation an attempt to  Plate allay the fears of minorities of uh the west  


and Beyond to say that we are not here to Target  anyone outside our borders and essentially this  


is a struggle for the Syrian people and Islamic  struggle but for the Syrian people inside and  


that's the language that jolani has been passing  through and that is from my understanding what has  


been happening on the streets people are sick  to death yeah of living under a torturous ring  


where you can't raise your head where every second  person around you could uh uh could be spying upon  


you and that's the old uh you know um style of  the asset regime and it's past Itself by date it  


it by necessity now uh I don't think it anybody on  the streets wants the old anymore whether they are  


pro HTS or Pro free Syrian Army or the Syrian  National Army uh which is the other part of  


this uh Rebel group yes the Syrian National Army  which is kind of more Pro Turkish or controlled  


or areas that are controlled by the Turks they're  also pushing forward um and eventually uh I think  


the the the speed with this which this is  happening um it's just a question of time  


before assid Falls inshah and I've just get  it got a a quick notification here about the  

ISIS vs Opposition


Rebellion is now 5 kilometers away from Damascus  alhamdulillah it's it's proceeding very fast so I  


just want to pick up on that point you mentioned  there about Isis um because we still get this  


that the Syrian opposition are all Isis uh like  what differentiates this current opposition and  


Isis as a group can can you spell that out for us  please yeah I mean one of the things that I think   anybody who makes the Isis accusation against the  the rebels or the opposition is that do you know  


the relationship between Isis and the opposition  yeah do you know that just as we're hearing now  


that the the the rebels are approaching Damascus  that they were approaching Damascus in 2014 and  


that in fact areas near Damascus like Yuka and so  forth had been obliterated uh where this which was  


full of Palestinians uh by the assid regime so  those who think that they um the Assad regime is  


defending Palestine is not at all and so it was  the rise of Isis in the midst of the Revolution  


and the rebels that literally uh stabbed them in  the back right despite the various it's true that  


there were many different groups but they had  come to a point at which in a unified way they  


were they were encroaching upon the regions  that were Damascus was in their sights yeah  


and then Isis came and declared its so-called  caliphate if you're not with us you're against  


us and I know many I know people personally  who were captured by them and executed beheaded  


there was a man that I weed to live with their  family um my wife was working in the hospital  


and looked after by his wife I used to look  after his kids when he would be gone uh and  


his name was abuan and Isis took him into custody  he was a very active person people knew him and  


they asked him to give Bea or allegiance to him  to them he refused after 6 months of imprisonment  


they beheaded him and still we were trying to  assist his kids Fatima and z and and so forth  


and uh that's just one example of hundreds  of people from the opposition that they were  


beheading they actually killed one of the  rendition victims that I went to go and   meet um who' been handed over by the CIA to  the Assad regime and imprisoned so uh people  


need to understand the relationship between Isis  and the different groups uh the Islamic groups  


in particular the the re Rebel groups so they  killed more of those people ever than they did  


anyone else yeah um so the allegation that they  are all Isis is nonsensical it makes no sense  


even if let's just say jolani came out of uh the  original Iraqi uh Islamic State they separated and  


then they changed and rebranded and disconnected  from Al-Qaeda Central so they're neither Isis  


nor alqa that's just a fact it's a stated fact  even if you dislike them um so to say to delit  


I the opposition all of them which includes uh  free Syrian Army who who are far more secular in  


the in their Outlook and to to with one soup  of the brush to say that they're all Isis or  


stroke Al-Qaeda you're saying that because you  know it's not true and you know it's not true  


because you want to be able to say that they have  no legitimacy there and that they should all be  


full because Assad is the better option and that's  simply not true because is why are Ordinary People  


in the streets celebrating are we suggesting  that Ordinary People on the streets celebrating   in this way they're also Isis too and this is  exactly what Israel does in Gaza it's exactly  


the same thing when the politicians say again and  again it's all of them they are all responsible  


they've all got tunnels under their homes they  all facilitate uh Hamas they all uh they voted  


for them so that's exactly the same thing that  um those who are saying the the rebels are Isis  

Post-Assad Syria


uh it's what Israel does and you've used the word  Islamic groups and an Islamic future and Islamic  


policies and um quite a lot there and a lot of  my uh viewership are non-muslims and they will  


see that and they will get the impression that  this is a an exclusionary State a state that is  


exclusive to to Muslims only and so the question  then comes um Syria is a diverse Society you've  


got Jews and Christians you've got alawites um is  there a danger that a post Assad inshah post Assad  


uh Syria is going to be one that will threaten  uh minorities whether Muslim minorities or or  


else or other minorities well let's just look at  what's happened over the since the assid regime  


yeah so you've got a minority of alawites uh who  are in power yeah and they have imposed through  


and steal uh massacres like the ham Massacre and  many others as I said talks about how Christians  


and Drews and alawites were taken into custody  and tortured beyond recognition so we know you  


already have a torturous regime there so the  question is are they going to be worse than   Assad are they going to be worse than those who  butchered over 600,000 people that's the real  


question yeah um and from what we've heard from  jolani and his acolytes is that they spoken to and  


tried toay the fears I'm know it's possible it's  possible that people start to get um mistreated  


that that's not beyond the realm of possibility  especially in uh the fervor of rebellion but  


this is what's being put out and you can only take  what's being said and that is that the Christians  


the Jews the alawites and any other minorities  have been told uh that you are safe you will  


protected you uh can continue your life as normal  and we've seen some videos come out of rebels  


talking with and um standing with Christian ladies  and uh welcoming them and thanking them there's a  


friend of mine who's there talk of Sharif who's uh  standing next to a Christmas tree with some of the  


Christian fren is over there so I don't think so  it's not within the Islamic belief system to harm  


or mistreat people of another religion it's just  not our it's not our belief system and if people   did that in the past it's because they didn't  follow how uh what Islam says about the treatment  



of minorities in a sense do you think that because  of course um jolani and HTS and the other groups  


that had administered idlib they had to deal with  the daily uh routine or daily life of minorities  


within within idlib so do you think in a sense I  mean you know of course this revolution has taken  


13 years to get to mature inah to something but do  you think that uh small stint as administrators or  


governance in ITP is actually help them mature  and develop um uh you know broader policies that  


will put a place of in good stead for inshah some  form of of of governance structure in in Syria as  


a whole well there have to be because they have to  deal with so many disperate and uh different types  


of ideologies and groups and belief systems and  you know for example the the region of the Syrian  


National army they will have to deal with them  that's they're not HTS yeah and they are a force  


as they're a military force as well as much as  they are uh syrians so they will have to deal with   them and to um uh what I've heard also is that  there are groups of uh Drews and others who've  


actually joined the revolution even the Kurds have  fought now against Assad so all of them are coming  


together it's the question will be how will they  manage it that will be the that would be the the   litmus test but if you just take a look in inaz  for example an Islamic group that rules of that  


area um it isn't the Islamic group that's uh  targeting and bombing the churches through thir  


Century churches and and monasteries and so forth  It's the Israelis doing that and if you ask the   Christians from the Palestinians um what do they  say about their oppressor it's very clear their  


oppressor isn't the Muslims their oppressor is the  Zionist and in the same way I think that you'll  


find um that if voices are allowed to to come out  of Syria that they will say that our oppressor has  


been the Assad regime for all of these decades can  I ask you a question about Assad um the criticism  

Assad against Israel?


of the opposition is that uh assard uh was someone  but the West wanted to get rid of partly because  


or completely because Assad was SP opposition  against Israel and us had played a central role  


in this fight against Israel and so it's all  part of his plan and I suppose the insinuation  


there is that the Americans are either turning a  blind eye or even promoting this in order to uh  


in order to undermine uh a pro Palestinian country  or faction like do you find anything within that  


uh criticism that makes sense to you just think  about it the last time that uh Syria under the  


assads fought against Israel you know the the key  imperialist Zionist entity in that region yeah was  


in 1973 yeah it's like 52 odd years ago that's the  last time they fought and whilst it's true there  


were they fought before that um after that and  especially after the Goan heights were taken today  


to this day the majority of the Golan Heights  are in are occupied uh several years after the  


with the the war in 73 Israel annexed the whole  place it is now Israeli territory territory and  


they'd even got a brigade called the Golani  Brigade which is fighting in Gaza and taking  


a bit of a kicking from what I've understood um  but they have totally occupied it so the question   is this that your country borders this place that  you're supposed to be this great Anti-Imperialist  


against what have you ever done for 50 years to  take let not let alone to defend or to help or  


to arm the resistance in Gaza or to fight or to  send your troops to or your aircraft to defend  


them what have you done to take on back your  own land and when Israel bombs you which it has  


been doing even now as we speak what retaliatory  action do you do as this great Anti-Imperialist  


uh Defender you bomb idb instead you you bomb  the your own people yeah that the people that  


you're supposed to be looking after and taking  care of you're actually bombing them and saying   it's them is the problem not the people that are  actually bombing you so that tells you all you  


need to know about this so-call um presence of uh  Syria um being this place that the West don't want  

Palestinian resistance on Syria


also let me ask you about uh the resistance the  Palestinian resistance and their relationship with  


uh with Assad and also a relationship with uh the  Syrian resistance because of course the impression  


we get is that the Palestinian resistance is  very much pro-assad and and that that is the  


One Singular narrative that comes through from his  antier left and from Iran and others like explain  


that relationship to me please so first of all  let's look at this ideologically they come from  


the same place they' both um essentially come  from the ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood the  


they're targeted in hammer in the'80s and still  the revolution it starts off at least to some  


extent with those influences uh in in 20112 in  uh in Palestine and particularly in it's still


inl is uh the Muslim Brotherhood essentially  so they are ideological Brothers they're from  


the same uh movement so it is natural for them  to support one another and so when the Syrian  


Revolution begins you have the leaders of uh  the Palestinian resistant like hania uh and  


others uh photographed with images of the  free Syrian flag and so forth and they are  


uh presenting this uh as something they they  they call them the brave Syrian people rising  


up for their rights now as a result of that they  have to relocate because Hamas has a presence in  


in Syria yeah um but even now if you look  at for example the statements by T N who  


one of the spokespeople he makes it very very  clear that this is something that we're deeply   proud of and happy about we don't separate  one from the other um there are statements  


by people like senoir before he passed away  before he was killed um in which he talks  


about this the the asset or talks about Syria  in itself but it's understood unfortunately  


that the Palestinians have been uh abandoned by  the Sunni world yes they have been abandoned by  


their neighbors and that's primarily because  these governments are run by despots tyrants  


who like we've said before were implementing the  US torture program in all of their lands Jordan  


and and Egypt and even Syria to be honest with you  they were all doing it but at least there was some  


resite they had we've already explained how Syria  didn't do anything to defend itself against Israel  


let alone anyone else and the only place you can  see that somebody's actually taken up the armed  


struggle to fight is in Lebanon and whatever  your view of what's happened to hisbah or not  


you can't take that away from them you kiss cannot  and so but the relationship it's natural there are  


so many videos I've seen coming out from ordinate  people of Palestine when we see your freedom when  


we see you coming back to your homes when we  see you exercise the right to return to your   home we think about us going back to our homes and  it's natural for them so I think that connection  


um is only going to build and people who say  that as a result of what's happened in Syria  


Palestine is being forgotten Palestine will never  be forgotten uh maim um I feel that a lot of us  

Islamic activism


have like developed our political um knowledge  and a political advocacy and a political uh  


activism upon uh these very shaky and fragile  Anti-Imperialist standards that we we get from  


commentators on on the net and I I just wonder  whether we need to recalibrate that and build  


it upon more solid foundations and for you and  I it's Islam right like what is it within Islam  


that what are the Islamic Concepts that  should guide our activism moving forward  


these are the Hadith of the prophet sallallahu  alaihi wasallam and the ver of the Quran Allah says he says the same verse again but this time  with so he connects the concept of being united  


with ta with fearing Allah subhana tala and  the second concept of being connected to the  


concept of of worship so our Unity is an act of  worship Allah says hold on to the Rope of Allah  


be not disunited he's explained how the Muslims  are the brothers of Muslims and one part of the  


body feels pain it is the rest of the part part  part of the body that feels it we feel it in  


palistine we feel it in in Syria it connects  us and we keep it keeps us as one Brotherhood  


it doesn't mean that anybody that's outside  of that Brotherhood uh is abandoned or put   aside it's just this extra connection uh which  is a a Rabani connection it's a it's a Divine  


connection that uh follows us into the Hereafter  uh what we do for our our brothers in this dun  


will will see its fruits in the Hereafter yeah  and when we try to help people even who are not  


from our um they're not from Islam but we come to  their assistance when they're facing an injustice  


even if it's from us because the prophet Sall Ali  wasallam said help your brother whether he's an   oppressor or oppressed and the companion said  y we know we understand helping him when he's  


oppressed that makes complete sense how do you  help him when he's an oppressor and he said by   staying his hand taking control contr of him and  trying to stop his oppression and that is a part  


of our Brotherhood uh with Islam with our brothers  it's part of what we love for our brothers what we  


love for ourselves we don't want to see them doing  any Injustice to anyone but neither can we allow  


Injustice being tolerated upon ourselves or anyone  else so this is part of our our our connection to  


the umah to whoever they happen to be and our  Islamic framework connects Us in this way my  


final question for you is that are we going to be  able to say without consequence let's go and visit  

Will we be able to visit Syria


Syria well I wonder what what happened to me last  time I went there um look Syria now has become a  


part of a living part of our reality the prophet  sallallahu alaihi wasallam said if the people of  


sham and Sham is not just Syria it's Palestine  it's Lebanon it's Jordan it's even a bit of turkey  


if the people of this region become corrupted  there's no good in you and who's he talking  


to he's talking to people like like there's  no good in you if those people get corrupted  


so it's part of our faith to be wanted to  connect to this place Allah used to say the prophet Allah Place blessing in our land of sham  Place blessing in our land of Yemen so this is  


a blessed land and we should feel connected  to want to go and visit all these lands and  


have you know it's the land of the prophets  it's the land where Allah when he says he's  


talking about this land this is the land of  the of the Fig Tree and the Olive Tree um so   we should we should want to go there um but  not yet thank you so much for your time today


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Ep 187. - How Did Syria Move From Torture To Triumph? With Robin Yassin-Kassab


Ep 185. - What they are not telling you about the Syrian Rebellion with Sami Hamdi