Ep 180. - Will Trump Be Bad For Muslims? with Sami Hamdi

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What does Trump mean for the wider world, how do we position Trump’s America First philosophy in the context of US Unipolarity. Are we seeing the unravelling of the US in the world? To help us understand Trumps America I am happy to have back on the show Sami Hamdi. Sami is an analysts and campaigner and we are forever indebted to his energy.

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Transcript - This is an automated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



it's abundantly clear that Gaza was one of the  main reasons why Kamal Iris lost Gaza has been   phenomenal in that it mobilized the community  Gaza could decide the Canada elections could  


decide the Australia elections we might have  actually been able to bring about a shift we   managed to at least you managed to change the  public discourse there's a kid 12 13 years old  


no left arm no left leg he walks across the M  banking on on one arm and and one leg that kid  


didn't deserve he didn't deserve to have his legs  blow up Al what I saw him I saw my kid Sal I saw  


my kid Netanyahu may be emboldened by a new  Trump Administration I need the Iranians to  


get off my back so I can focus on my Raves  and my concerts no one should ever forget   who's at the center of the story ones who are  still being bummed today they're still being  


slaughtered today they're still being stared  today because some random group of people from  


the West believe this to be some sort of home  of theirs I'm here because you touched the n


Donald Trump despite all the polling won what  looks like a decisive victory over Kamala Harris  


he took votes away from the Democrats in almost  every demographic women ethnic minorities Muslims  


black Americans despite a felony charge and a  raft of outstanding cases this was a spectacular  


return for a politician who the pundit said  would never return but what does Donald Trump  


mean for the wide the world how do we position  trance America First philosophy in the context  


of us unipolarity are we seeing the unraveling  of the United States in the world when there are  


questions about the elections did Muslims play  the kind of role we were all discussing prior  


to the election and has Gaza been overlooked as  a cause now to help us understand Trump's America  


and the place and position of us Muslims  I'm happy to have back on the show some   HDI Samy is a consument analyst and a campaigner  and we are forever indebted to his energy now  


before we begin people always ask us how  can we support the thinking Muslim well   there's a number of ways the first and easiest  is to subscribe to our Channel over 80% of our  


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secondly join our 225 active patrons who help us  build this channel by donating on a monthly basis  


every month we held a zoom call with myself and  with one of my guests recently we had a call with  


Imam Tom fakini who answered questions from our  patrons and you'll also receive a thinking Muslim  


mug the description link is in the show notes  below samam to learn welcome to the thinking  


mus for having me well it's wonderful to have  you with us and I know uh you're probably still  


suffering from jet lag because you've been to the  United States alhamdulillah you've been on a tour   in fact when we last met and spoke uh I think you  were just about packing your bags and you were off  


on a on a speaker tour uh in Tu the states and I  I remember you saying that I these are my words  


but you were going to agitate uh against or for  a Harris loss um but also there was a discussion  


about the consequence of a Harris loss like how  we can as a mus as a Muslim Community how we  


could leverage that loss now certainly Harris lost  and and as I said in my introduction she lost in  


a very severe way uh but what about that second  uh objective like how much did Gaza play a role  

How much did Gaza play in Kamala’s loss?


in her loss for having me thank you for for having  me back here and it's good to be home I think that  


when you have Bernie Sanders of the Democrats  coming out immediately after Kamal Harris loses   and he States his assessment of why the Democrats  lost and he States Gaza specifically as one of the  


main reasons why they lost I think when you have  Rana from California coming out and speaking to  


CNN the media and suggesting that if they had  taken a different position on Gaza the results  


might have been different I think that when you  have AOC speaking to her voters asking them why  


some of them voted for Trump and for her and  they told her it's because of of the economy   and Gaza I think when you have the hill putting  out headlines saying Muslims punish Harris over  


Gaza I think when you have the New York Times  coming out and saying that it was the economy   and also Gaza I think when you have CNN with its  pundits discussing to what extent Gaza played a  


role in terms of pushing people to sit out this  vote remember Kamala lost 10 million votes on  


what Joe Biden got in 2020 I think that it's clear  that as far as these mainstream pundits concern I  


think when you have John fetman a known Zionist  of the Democrat Party tweeting as soon as Kamala  


Harris lost saying oh you punished her because of  Gaza now reap what you so I think that certainly  


from their perspective from Sanders Kana a from  fet and CNN the Hill New York Times and all these  


others it's abundantly clear that Gaza was one  of the main reasons why Kamal Iris lost I think  


also when you look at the results in those swing  states that were going to decide the difference   in the elections you look at for example in  Michigan the difference between Kamal Harris  


and Trump 80,000 votes there are almost 250,000  Muslims in Michigan you look at Pennsylvania the  


difference was 139,000 votes and you have 149,000  Muslim population in Pennsylvania in Wisconsin it  


was a 30,000 vote difference between Trump and  Kamala Harris there are more than 70,000 Muslims  


in Wisconsin itself and you can keep going these  swing States in Georgia 116,000 difference 140,000  


Muslims in Georgia itself at least the ones  that we know and that are registered so the   suggestion when you look at these fine margins  in the swing States certainly it suggests that  


it was very tight the elections despite the  difference in the popular vote suggesting  


any shift in policy May well have flipped the  states the other way and this isn't just my  


analysis talking here 34 different polls including  those from NBC including those from ugv including  


those from nor including those from the main  channels in the US itself 34 polls including  


in October the month before the election all  indicated that if Harris altered her position  


on Gaza she would get a 5% boost in those swing  States if you calculate 5% of those swing States  


they Grant her three or four of those swing States  suggesting the result might well have been very  


different from the landslide that we saw Trump  get in other words it's not that Gaza was the  


main issue of the election it's that Gaza swung  the election if the economy was the main pillar of  


the election if the issue of immigration was one  of the main pillars of the election they resulted   in a stalemate between Kamala Harris and between  Donald Trump and Gaza it is what swung it the  


other way Gaza is what decided it with these very  fine margins that are each of the Swing States  


barring two of them each of those swing States  the margin of difference is 2% or less l in other  


words when we talk about the impact of Gaza or  indeed the impact of the Muslim vote and here when  


I talk about the Muslim vote I don't just mean  the Muslims I mean non-muslims also moved by the  


genocide that was taking place and perpetrated by  Biden and Harris then it's abundantly clear that  


Gaza played a decisive influence over the election  that is being acknowledged by the Democrats that  


is part of the reflection that is taking place  and there are only two factions now in my opinion  


that are arguing that Gaza did not have a role  to play the firstar Zionist who are very keen  


to stress as they did when they campaigned against  Jamal Bowman when they toppled him in his district  


if you notice in the campaign against Jamal Bowman  they didn't mention Israel they didn't talk about   support for Israel why because they knew that if  they talked about Israel it would be an election  


loser amongst the constituents in Jamal Bowman's  District so they focused on economy they focused  


on housing they focused on the sewers they focused  on the domestic infrastructure in the constituency  


and how Jamal Bowman had not delivered there are  two groups that are trying to argue today that   Gaza did not have an impact despite the data  overwhelmingly showing that it did the one are  


the zionists and two in my opinion and I don't  mean this to deride them Pro haris Muslims who  


are trying to assert that the decision to punish  the Democrats was a wrong one but I think when   you look overall you see that it had the impact  that everybody thought it would have so when we  


talk about Pro Harris uh Muslims um I mean let's  be quite quite clear about this for example um  


Medi Hassan you know who has gone on record to say  that um he was supporting uh Harris and you know  


we've had discussions with I've had discussions  with him uh Medi Hassan made it very clear that   this was not the Gaza vote I mean how would you  respond to to that very unequivocal message that  


uh Gaza had no part to play in this I think one  of the things that is worth noting is that in the  


elections if you look look at the votes that Trump  got in 2020 Trump got 74 million votes yes in this  


election 2024 he got 75 million votes he got less  than a million addition meaning that Trump did not  


win because he suddenly became popular Trump won  because the 80 million votes that Biden got in  


20120 only 71 million of those votes turned out  for Kamala Harris there are 10 million who chose  


to stay at home let's suppose that 1 million of  those stayed at home because of Gaza again that  


also decides the difference but more important  than that is before we include the swing states  


in the elections Harris and Trump are very close  to each other in the Electoral College before we  


get to those six swing States when you calculate  the number of those swing States they are neck and  


neck until you consider the marginal votes until  you consider those marginal issues which areza or  


the like once you get to a stage where you have  the stalemate there is an issue that decides   which way it swings we saw in deborn Michigan that  they voted against Harris but for Rashida so they  


didn't abandon the Democrats they abandoned Harris  they made their point clear that we're punishing   on the presidential ticket we punishing you for  what you did for G but rewarding Rashida for the  


stance that she took in favor of and in favor of  the Palestinians this was also the same situation  


that happened in North Carolina it is the same  that happened in Pennsylvania we saw that down   the ballot we saw Democrats did better than they  did at the presidency and that voter showed up for  


democrat congress people like AOC and these others  in a way that they did not show up for Kamala  


Harris showing that there was an intention to  punish the presidency but reward those who stood   with Gaza but the key Point here is this when you  look at how tight the margin is in those swing  


state take Wisconsin for example 30,000 difference  between Trump and between Kamala Harris in an area  


with 70,000 Muslims what's going to swing it is  not the economy economy got it to a tight election  


immigration got it to a tight election but what  are the few thousand votes that are going to   get you over the line it was Gaza without Gazza  Harris has a chance of actually winning without  


Gaza Harris has a chance of keeping those swing  states that she lost and this is what the 34 poll  


suggested that 5% increase if she had changed her  position of Gaza all of the polls are agreed that  


69% of Americans were in favor of an immediate  ceasefire and if we compound that and we add  


to that Americans are not blind they saw how  after the hurricane that ravaged Florida Biden  


gave a pitiful amount of money for the rescue  in Florida but 8 billion doll on the same day  


to Israel Americans saw how you have homelessness  in California and rampant unemployment but Biden  


found $4 billion to give to the Israelis to commit  genocide instead of dealing with the situation in  


California Americans were noticing that the Israel  first policy of the Democrats was resulting in an  


economic decline in the US itself and this  is why I argue that it's not the fact that  


the votes just that they punished the Democrats  because if they supported Gazza many Americans un  


unwittingly punish the Democrats because of Gazza  because a lot of the economic woes that they were  


complaining from the funds were available to  deal with them but Biden gave them to Israel  


instead so even if they punish the Democrats  because of the economy not intending to punish  


them because of a lot of those economic Wars are  because of bid's prioritizing of foreign policy  


Biden's Biden's prioritizing of genocide Biden's  prioritizing of Israel that led to this disconnect  


between the Democrats and the American people the  American people who wanted America first but the  


Democrat Party that insisted on Israel first an  American population that wanted America first but  


a Democrat policy that put donor first and donors  who wanted the Israeli genocide to continue so I  


think when you put all these Dynamics together  it's clear that the Gazza may not have been the  


main issue but it was the issue that swung the  election and that's why again I repeat that's  


why Bernie Sanders Rana AOC John fetman CNN the  Hill New York Times in every single one of their  


analyses on the elections Gaza is mentioned  alongside the economy alongside immigration  


alongside the issues of the American people and  when you look at how Trump didn't add to his vote  


Trump literally had the same vote that he got in  2020 it's the Democrats who lost 10 Mill votes  


the question should be asked what made those 10  million people stay at home it was their inability  


to differentiate between Harris and between  Donald Trump on any issue including Gaza and  


that's why even Trump's own assessment and this is  very important here why did Trump go to Michigan  


why did he make that appeal to Dearborn why did  he go there and say I'm willing to make peace  


and why in his victory speech did he say that we  built the broadest coal I that includes Hispanics  


African-Americans and Arab and Muslim Americans  why did he say this in his victory speech once  


he announced his victory the reason he said it  is because according to his own data his own  


Republican polls showed that an undecided voter  was six times more likely to vote for a candidate  


in favor of Peace in Gaza than one supporting  the genocide the Republicans own data of the  


electorate of those 10 million who chose to sat at  home the Republicans own data showed that if they  


came out and suggested peace in Gaza they would  pick up undecided voters if they came out and  


said they would stop the genocide they would pick  up undecided voters and this is why I say do not  


take it from Sami do not take it from M Hassan or  for Muhammad Jalal there is a quranic maxim that  


somebody from the from her side testified when  yfam when they ripped his shirt from behind it was  


somebody from her side that testified that Yousef  had been wronged don't judge it based on Sami look  


what Bernie says look what Rana says look what  AOC is saying look what CNN is saying look what  


the hill is saying look what all of these other  pundits are saying look what John fetman is saying  


look what Trump is saying look what the Republican  campaign was doing in Dearborn Michigan when he  


went to gather those votes and you'll find that  it's abundantly clear that according to them Gaza  


was a key issue and in many cases it was the issue  that swung the election in a way that none of us  


could have imagine maybe we thought Trump would  pick up two three states but to pick up all of   those States on those very fine margins the Gaza  can be the only explanation for it I mean that  


sounds very convincing but um there is something  that still perplexes me of course the abandoned   Harris campaign came out in support of the green  party you know I I interviewed Joe Stein and but  


wear and um there there seemed to be a momentum  for the green party at least U from what we picked  


up on social media and from some Poland but when  it came to it the green party only uh received  


0.5% of the popular vote um so their vot share  didn't really shift I mean they were aspiring  


to that 5% figure and we talked about it in the  last uh in the last podcast um so if the the main  


abandoned Harris campaign was supporting the green  party yet the green party did so badly uh are we  

The Muslim community’s role in Kamala’s loss


saying then that Muslims collectively came to the  conclusion that either they would stay at home or  


they would vote for Trump despite what the leaders  or one big leadership in the Muslim Community was  


saying I think there are a few Dynamics here to  consider yeah one of the things that I noticed   when I was in the US was I would often get posed  the question that if we're going to punish Harris  


Why Don't We Just vote for Trump right why don't  we make sure that she loses by going to vote for  


trump pragmatically it us pragmatically it was  blunt why and I heard it especially in North  


Carolina and in Michigan in North I remember  somebody actually stood up at the end of one of   the talks up and said Sami you should be telling  everybody to go and vote Trump and I said first  


of all it's not for me to tell anybody how to  vote even when I was here last time I simply laid   out where the Democrat concerns were and people  inferred from it whatever they wanted to infer  


but one of the reasons that he made was we want  to make sure that Harris loses I think that as the  


momentum for the green party continued I think two  things happened that changed the course the first   is the care poll that came out that suggested  that half of the community was still willing to  


go and vote for Harris you remember the poll it  said 41% of the community were still willing to   vote for Harris and I remember on that day there  were many people intending to vote green party  


who said Samy I am worried about the Betrayal  from my own community that will vote Harris I'm  


going to vote Trump to make sure that these who  were planning to vote Harris do not swing it for  


Harris when she could be on the verge of defeat  I'm switching my vote to Donald Trump and indeed   we saw the imams in Michigan they came out many  of them to go and endorse Donald Trump and they  


came out but the other reason that they endorsed  Donald Trump and the other issue I think that the   green party hampered their own momentum in the  final week was if you remember the LGBT and the  


trans issues ended up coming up an issue that  is considered very sensitive amongst the Muslim  


population that made many in the community feel we  are falling back into to the Trap of the Democrat  


Party where we vote for our immediate safety but  compromise the future of our children in the words  


of one person that I was speaking to I won't say  which state he was in he said my daughter I'm  


worried that my son will go to school s knowing  he's a boy and come home and say my school are   telling me I'm a girl and I think that that sort  of last week Fiasco just before the voting took  


place I think many Muslims ended up saying you  know what let me just focus on Resa let me go   for Trump or stay at home and I think many of  them did stay at home the idea being I can't  


vote not I can't vote for Trump morally speaking  I can't vote for Harris she committed genocide and  


the green party on these moral issues I can't vote  for them either even if I appreciate the Strategic  


necessity for it I'm going to sit out in these  elections like the 10 million who set out of of  


Americans who chose to vote neither for Harris nor  to vote for Donald Trump itself but I think also  


that the point that is worth noting is at the end  of the day I think the very fact that there was a   discussion that dominated the community about  whether to stay at home or to go third party  


certainly was a very effective Shield against  those who are advocating to go vote for Harris  


as well and what you notice in the care poll is  although the Green Party Support tended to stay   the same those who were Pro Harris and Trump that  Harris support ended up declining a bit and the  


Trump support started going up of course polling  in the community remains very difficult but I do   think those two issues I think were the decisive  factor in terms of affecting the green party vote  


but also affecting the election overall the idea  of it's so close and I'm scared Harris will win  


and therefore genocide will become normalized so  let me vote Trump at least in the swing states to  


make sure that Harris loses and the second I think  the LGBT issue and the transgender issue popped up  


once more in the days just before the elections  and I think for many Muslims and I heard it   across America where it said if that issue tends  to come up again and raise its head I think it's  


better that I stay home and I think they stayed  home and I remember the question I was asked   towards in in the final week was if I stay at home  is that would that also be punishing Kamal Harris  


and when you look at the 10 million who stayed at  home it's clear those who stayed at home Pro to be   a decisive factor in deciding the election between  Harris and Trump when we think about uh the future  

The Green Party not a vehicle?


and how Muslims will navigate future elections  I mean it seems to me that the green party   practically is just not a vehicle I mean if they  get .5% of the vote maybe next sum and they get  


a 1% of vote % they're not going to affect change  at best they will be a recipient or or a you know  


a place where you place your votes if you really  are inclined to vote but of course green parties  


socially are very very highly problematic right  and so are we not saying then at a federal level  


then the Muslims really just have two choices  and they've got to make either amends with the  


Democrats or change Democratic policy but they've  got to find a way in which they can carve out  


pro- Muslim policy within the Republicans I  mean it seems that they're between a rock and   a hard place still I mean how would you see  the future of Muslim voting behavior I think  


it's a bit too early to talk about what are  the necessary Pathways that Muslims can take   with regards to the system or the politics or  the like and I think that the premise of the  


question suggests that there might be salvation  in the system itself with regards to Muslims and   the way they live their lives and their values  and the ideologies and I don't necessarily look  


at systems as some things that are permanent I  rather look at what influences systems to change  


and I think what Gaz demonstrated so emphatically  is the power of Da in bringing about political  


change the point when I mentioned earlier when I  said I don't consider the Muslim vote to be just   those Muslims who voted but also the non-muslims  who were influenced by the images of the genocide  


taking place and therefore made the conscious  choice to abandon the Democrats and stay at home  


which led to the paving of the way for Trump  to win orbe that's not what they wanted to do  


but they wanted to stay at home because they felt  they could not vote for a genocider I believe that   power of daa to open up new avenues by which you  can manifest power I think that is what I am more  

The power of Dawah


interested in the idea that you could convince  ordinary Americans who are accustomed to voting  


for Democrats to abandon the Democrats because of  a single issue in which they abandon genocide and  


knowing they are abandoning the Democrats and that  they will pay a price for abandoning the Democrats  


and now coming up against Donald Trump and the  Damage he could potentially do to America and  


Beyond I think that da that ability to move hearts  that ability to shake society that ability to  


shift public opinion to see tan hessi Cod come out  and say I don't blame people who abandoned Kamala  


Harris because she did not speak to the brothers  and she did not address the issues that they  


were concerned with and she did not Pitch to the  demographics that she was supposed to win whether  


it's Muslims or African-Americans or the like I  think the story here is less about do we go green  


party or Democrats or Republicans and more that  look what dawa can produce in terms of opportunity  


look how dawa can shake America look how dawa  is not just something that is confined to the  


four walls of the Masjid but rather can influence  wider Society to take decisions that are perhaps  


outside of the normal traditional framework and  you've seen it across social media John Hudson  


the chief White House correspondent to the to  the White House Washington Post when he said 6  


months ago that new analysis captures that 1% of  democrat voters are thinking of abandoning the  


Democrats because of Biden's support for genocide  which is a condition that donors are imposing on  


him his exact tweet was new analysis captures the  difference between what donors are asking of the  


Democrats and the resulting 133% who might abandon  Democrats because of what donors are demanding  


it wasn't just % of Democrats who abandoned the  Democrats it was more than them how John hunson  


could predict that the da that was being embarked  on by Muslims and the subsequent non-muslims who  


heard that da who raised the issue of genocide and  car to the American population they made 133% of  


Democrats abandoned Democrats stay at home that  meant that Trump didn't get many votes more but  


Democrats lost 10 million Americans who are no  longer in inspired by the Democrats and I think  


it's safe to say genocide was a key reason why  they were not inspired so let me rephrase the   question what made those 10 million people stay  at home it was economy certainly maybe it was  


immigration maybe maybe Harrison inspired them  yes but also the genocide and what carried the  


message of genocide to these people that made  them hesitate and tell them to stay home there   was a video that went viral of one of the most  popular Tik tokers coming out and saying guys  


many of us stayed at home because we did not want  to choose between a fascist and a genocide where  


did they get the term genocid from it was da da in  the full meaning of the word not in the sanitized  


spiritual version that many of us Preach Today I  was with Imam s and he won't mind me saying this  


and he said Sami we don't do da no more we don't  do da no more he was giving an example he said  


once upon a time in Nation of Islam for example  he said ignore the AA for a second if a Muslim was  


caught sending a cigarette or alcohol to a fellow  Muslim there were repercussions for it these days  


we walk into a shop we don't even say to the  brother sending the cigarette or the alcohol we   simply go because dawa is not about changing his  way dawa is personal to him his way to me mine he  


said we don't do da anymore what is most potent  in this election is not whether green party were  


the alternative the only reason that we suggested  green party even though I never said they should   actively go to green party it was only what do  the Democrats fear they fear losing an election  


and a party getting 5% that would break their bet  that party didn't get 5% for whatever reason but  


the point is what created that scenario that the  Democrats would be concerned that 10 million might  


abandon it was dawa so when you're saying in terms  of what is the opportunities moving forward is it  


Republican is it Democrat is it green party my  answer is a much more simple one now you see how  


potent da is now you see how effective it is now  you see how we can actually flip Hearts now you  


see how we can change public opinion now you can  see how we can decide elections now you can see   how we can swing elections now you can see how we  can make Trump come to Dearborn to do a campaign  


now you can see how we can make Harris panic in  the last week of the election she starts coming   out trying to call for a ceasefire this is the  daa this is prophetic daa because the prophet  


Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam his da shook  societies his da moved people's hearts and that's  


I think the biggest takeaway in terms of this  political da even though I don't want to attou   political because da is political in and of itself  but this idea of Da how do you entrench it how do  


you raise now or move forward with organizations  that have the certain belief that their voices can  


resonate that they can convince American society  to do what they believed it could not do before  


if today they're convinced about genocide if today  they stay home because of genocide if today they  


punish Democrats because of genocide as one of  other me reasons of other what other things can   you change their minds on with the power of H  and the power of truth and that's why I think  


now in terms of moving forward to answer your  question so it doesn't look like you said I run   away from it I actually think that if social  media was the means of communication that in  


a disorganized fashion we were able to convey a  message that changed the hearts and minds of a  


significant number of the American society I won't  say majority but a enough of a number to affect  


the elections the question therefore should be how  can I maintain these lines of communic how can I  


entrench these lines of communication how can I  reach new audiences Allah says debate with them  


with that which is best what are the arguments  that I can use moving forward because let me give   you an example I was in California and I remember  sitting with a group of of of of of I say I was  


about to say youngsters but I realize I'm young as  well just for white white hair pop out but I was   sitting with a group I was sitting with a group  of people and they were saying Sami look there are  


lot of Republicans that are changing their  minds on Israel but do not be deceived it  


is not because they become Pro Palestine it is  because they resent the idea of a foreign Nation  


governing their policies and governing their  rules and deciding what the US should do they  


are resenting Israel because they are beginning  to feel like the Israel first policy is something  


that they don't necessarily approve of and that's  why even in this I mean we're recording now while   this whole mark Mar Rubio Fiasco is taking place  the reason it's causing such a divide amongst  


those magga supporters Trump supporters is is cuz  magga supporters saying H going to Second that's   not an American first candidate that's an Israel  first candidate there's a debate that's taking  


place in between them but here's the point here  what made them realize that there was a foreign  


influence greater than Russian interference  in their own elections it was Da it was people  


bringing to their attention that Biden could find  $14 billion in October in Congress to try to give  


to CC King Abdullah of Jordan to facilitate ethnic  cleansing but says we have no money to deal with  


the domestic issues like Medicare and the likes  in the US itself and that's the point in terms of  


debate with them with that which is best if the  Muslim believes that they're a Mercy to Mankind   and they believe that the H is H and the H is  powerful and the H resonates with the F the the  


natural Affinity towards Justice in the hearts  then the question posed is not about whether we  


we're republican or democrat or green party the  question is how do we keep continuing to talk   to American society now that we know that there  is not the glass ceiling isn't actually there we  


can actually reach higher and I think that's more  poting so what is the mood in the Muslim Community   I mean I I've received a great number of messages  from people who had watched some of my shows and  


uh they were pretty uh ecstatic I suppose a happy  with the outcome that Harris lost and uh they were  


you know uh very complimentary of of some of the  guests that we had on our show but then I I feel  


sometimes you know like everyone we're in a an  echo chamber uh you met with Muslims uh across  

Has Gaza brought about a shift?


the country the length and breath of the country  uh Muslims of all Persuasions and and none um like  


do you get the impression that post election they  did feel a sense of political autonomy and they  


realized that uh they no longer feel should  be uh sort of marginalized as as voters in  


America I think certainly there is an imp that  suggests that Gaza might have actually made a  


difference here and we might have actually been  able to bring about a shift and now the onus is  


on organizations in terms of how to adapt to that  momentum by and that's why we've seen some set up  


new packs whether it's you know care action C4 or  some of these others you know set up we've seen  


for example Unity lab which is expanding its  operations in terms of lobbying and and that   kind of thing we see in other organizations  we seen amja for example the uh what would be  


the equivalent of a union of imams put political  and social activism as one of their main agendas   in their meeting you know moving forward you  know we've seen the rise of the likes of Imam  


Tom fakini and these others we've seen sh Mas  now talking politics quite in depth on his own  


show and the like we've seen Muslims really start  to engage in terms of what are the parameters of   Muslim engagement in society and what is possible  in terms of advocacy or the like what that looks  


like what that looks like to be honest depends  on the opportunities that show themselves in the   coming weeks and the challenges that Donald Trump  poses I think that when it came to the Democrats  


and genocide there was a very unique challenge  that was in front of everybody this Administration   supported genocide if it wins a second term the  world will say that you can win a second term  


even if you commit genocide it was about trying  to restore some sort of order in that genocide   is truly a red line and I think that in right now  it's true there is a narrative battle the zionists  


are desperately trying to argue that Gaza did not  play a role but I think the data is overwhelming  


in suggesting that Gaza played a significant  role yes economy immigration again contributed   to making it a stalemate or or a tie but Gazza  certainly swung it I think that now there is a  


debate in terms of how we move forward and I think  to be honest you're focusing a lot on America in  


terms of the question itself but remember there  are elections coming up in Canada there are   elections coming up in Australia and I think that  Trudeau in Canada and albeni in Australia will be  


looking at what happened in the US and saying hang  on a second the Democrats actually lost and Gaza  


might have been a key issue and in Australia there  is a Muslim vote now emerging Shi and these others  


and there is the Muslim vote matters that also  emerges and they're already mapping out candidates   because their version of Dearborn in bankstown  in bankstown Sydney could also play a major role  


you have constituencies like Watson with 25%  Muslim population you have many other areas 15  


constituencies where Muslims could decide it and  remember in Australia the government doesn't have   a majority of 117 seats like the UK does the  government has a majority of one seat because  


of their system they lose one seat and suddenly  the majority is gone you look at Canada Trudeau   is already struggling in the polls suggesting in  the next election you may well have a sort of neck  


and neck between Trudeau and the other side which  again gives a disproportionate influence to those  


quote unquote marginal issues like GZA or the like  in which those small numbers like in Wisconsin  


,000 difference where in Canada the election can  be decided by that and there's already CMAC and  


these other organizations you know moving to try  to AR organize a movement like the Muslim vote  


in the UK like the abandoned Harris in the US and  the like people move so I think that it's not just  


about where do we go in terms of the Americas  I think that the momentum is not finished yet  


so far in the UK there was a a a limited or or  some impact on the vote but of course first pass  


the post system and N faraj sort of make a bit  harder to see their impact us we've seen a clear  


impact in terms of that mobilization with Gaza  if Canada and Australia suffer the same fate or  


not suffer we don't want these countri to suffer  but if Canada and Australia if they meet the same  


Consequence the the the current administrations  or the incumbents as Harris met in the US and  


Biden met in the US I think at that point the  opportunities that we see today might actually  


be much more when that moment arises and I think  I think that's the time when you talk about when   to maximize it and that's why I'm very wary in  that I'm aware that people talk in congratulatory  


messages with regards to the loss of Harris and  I'm very wary of that why because Trump is also  


a beast that to be reckoned with and may even be a  greater challenge than Biden and Harris no one was  


under any Illusions in terms of who is worse  between Harris and Trump my argument was not   that Trump is better than Harris my argument was  not that Harris is worse than Trump my argument  


was that the consequences of Harris winning were  worse than Trump winning in the elections itself  


and I think Trump is a new battle and I'm wory of  people patting themselves on the back because I   think that the roller coaster has just started so  let's talk about Trump because I want to dedicate  


the rest of today's discussion to Donald Trump  his philosophy what he stands for uh how he's   going to impact domestic policy in America and of  course International policy so let's start with  


International policy first because of course uh  there was a debate amongst some Muslims but Trump  


would be either worse or better on Palestine  and it just seems to me that a lot of this is  


still unknown because Trump is is a a Mercurial  figure but when it comes to Palestine policy do  

Is Netanyahu emboldened by the Trump presidency?


you believe that um especially with some of  the appointments uh and some of the sort of  


the the Rumblings of the of the administration  Marco Rubio you mentioned and others the UN  


Ambassador appointment it seems to me that uh  possibly Netanyahu may be emboldened by a new  


Trump Administration in fact smri just just  as we uh came uh came came on our show today  


MRE said that we have an opportunity with the  Trump presidency uh to expand our settlements  


in the West Bank this doesn't look good for the  Palestinians um uh what's your analysis of trump  


and Gaza and Palestine I think that one of the  things that is worth noting is that nobody's   entirely sure exactly what Trump's policy on  Palestine is going to be and I explain what I  


mean at the moment of when we're recording his  whole cabinet hasn't been appointed yet and in   fact when you look at those magga debates taking  place you know Donald Trump junor and the like  


it's clear that there is some disagreement about  what those appointments should be but putting  


that aside without getting too much into their  internal discussions I think that the Times of   Israel had a very interesting article where it  said that Trump had essentially told Netanyahu  


that this genocide has to be over before I enter  the White House that I will not tolerate the stuff  


under my watch I want to be somebody who everybody  says I bring peace to the world I bring peace to   the world and I think that when and Netanyahu come  out and say you know annexation of the West Bank  


is now back on the table I think just as much as  it is possible that they are genuinely asserting  


that annexation is on the table I think just as  much as that might be a possibility it is equally  


possible that they are pumping their chests as  they try to figure out what it is exactly that  


Donald Trump will do and the reason reason why  I say this is that there was a lot of talk about   what Trump would do in the Middle East when he  was in power last time particularly with regards  


to pressure on Iran particularly with regards to  pushing for normalization of ties the idea that if   he move the embassy to Jerusalem the world would  follow him and the like but instead what we found  


was when Saudi Arabia with the oil facility  of ab was attacked in 2019 by the houthis and  


the Saudis felt that Trump would be more likely  to engage against the Iranians and send troops  


Trump essentially followed the Democrat policy of  not engaging against the Iranians there was one   assassination of kasani and a quick deescalation  because Trump's policy was clear I don't want war  


in Syria when people expected it to light up again  when Donald Trump came to power instead we found  


that James Jeffrey the US Envoy to Syria would  later do an interview with monitor where he would  


say Donald Trump every single day would ask us  why on Earth are we in Syria we want to withdraw   from Syria we saw with Afghanistan instead of  exacerbating the situation Afghanistan we saw said  


that he unilaterally turned around to his Chiefs  and said to them guys we're leaving Afghanistan in  


his previous cabinet when he appointed the Hawks  like John Bolton or the like and everybody said   that John Bolton being in this position means it  will lead to War and the like John Bolton cannot  


take takes John Bolton takes every opportunity  to lambas Donald Trump because Donald Trump had  


him as in a senior position in the government and  then sidelined him and rendered him Irrelevant in   terms of what he wanted to do with regards  to foreign policy and this is why I argue  


that when it comes to the appointments that  Donald Trump is making it's unclear whether   these appointments are about keeping the party  together or whether they actually reflect what he  


wants to do in terms of foreign policy there was  an interesting opad in the Jerusalem Post calling  


on Jared Kushner to take a greater role and Serena  Jared Kushner saying that Israel is pinning its  


hopes on you suggesting that perhaps as far as  the Israelis are concerned they are not sure if  


Jared kushna would play the dominant role that he  played before now I'm not saying that all of this   is Su just that there is optimism what I'm saying  is even the Israelis are not sure what Donald  


Trump's policy is going to be and the expectations  of what Donald Trump was going to do in his last  


term did not come to fruition and disappointed  the Saudis disappointed the UAE disappointed a  


lot of those allies who believed that Trump being  in power would lead to an assertion of their own  


interest over Iran or the like and that's why  and especially when it comes to the genocide just   as it is possible that Trump might encourage  Netanyahu to finish the job as he said it is  


equally possible that Trump might call Netanyahu  and tell him dude I need this to finish I can't   have this genocide no more I want people to say  Donald Trump brought peace where Biden could  


not and that's why I think a lot of the B Trump's  Outreach to the Muslim Americans in in the US say  


about it what you will it was probably pragmatism  or the like but I think what's interesting is the  


imams who met with Trump in debor Michigan yes you  saw the WhatsApp that they put on their Twitter  


where they said we reached out to Harris and  we reached out to Trump trump agreed to meet   us Harris refused to why did Harris refuse to meet  with the imams because Harris was terrified that  


if she meets with the imams the Zionist donors of  the Democrats who do Zionist who donate more to  


Democrats than they do to Republicans the Zionist  would be upset and furious with her and Clinton  


I think epitomized the mood in the Democrats  with regards to Zionism in that Clinton went   to Michigan knowing they desperately needed it and  instead of saying to the Muslim Americans I hear  


you he told them you know in Translation ignor  you know Israel has a right to do what it's doing  


and the Israelis where they're first because for  Clinton the do the desire of the donors outweighs  


the Electoral need or what's happening on the  ground the point here being is if Harris refused  


to meet them because it was upset the Zionist  were the Zionist upset that Trump met the imams  


would how would the Zionist react to Trump telling  those in deborn I'm going to bring peace I'm going  


to end it I'm going to stop it is the Zionist  saying Trump is only saying it as lit service  


to win or is the Zionist saying Biden was more  loyal than you are Harris was more loyal than you  


are Clinton is more loyal than you are Obama is  more loyal than you are because they wouldn't say  


those things Harris was so loyal she didn't allow  a Palestinian speaker to speak at the DNC Trump  


allowed the yemeni Imam to go and speak on stage  I'm not saying Trump is a good man by any stretch  


of the imagination what I'm saying is as much fear  as Muslims might have of trump I actually think  


that Israelis have an equal level of uncertainty  about what Trump is actually going to do in the  


region in terms of the Wild Card option that he  presents so should Iran have some interfere from   Trump I know you've you've said we don't know uh  what Trump's policy is but just uh if we were to  

Does Iran have to worry about Trump?


extrapolate from his America First no war in the  Middle East focus on China and and and the like  


uh do you think that Iran has something to worry  in the next few weeks and months because of course   Netanyahu uh in his congratulatory um phone call  to uh to Donald Trump did mention that we now need  


to focus on Iran um so how do you see Iran's uh is  it should Iran be fearful uh with what may happen  


when a trump presidency is realized I think that  if you ask this in abstract the answer is easy and  


that Iran has more to fear from Trump than Biden  but I no longer think this is the case when you  


put things into context consider what Biden did  Biden allowed a full-on genocide on RZA Biden  


gave every weapon that Israel needed to commit the  genocide and more Biden appended the international  


order to allow Israel to commit its genocide Biden  threatened the icj and ICC when they sought to  


step in to try to stop the genocide Biden ordered  his un ambassador to stand alone in voting against  


every resolution calling for a ceasefire when the  whole world voted for a resolution calling for the  


end of occupation Biden stood Alan and instead  said that we're going to veto and were going to  


vote against this resolution when the Israelis  went and hit Iran Biden essentially allowed them  


to go and hit hisbah Lebanon and allowed them to  continue firing M missiles without repercussions  


it's true Biden allowed a bit of f here and there  in terms of agreeing with the Iranians where they   could hit and what show they could do yeah but I  think that it was clear that the trajectory that  


Biden was going if the Israelis wanted a war  with Iran Biden would probably have gone along   with it I think that Biden was so Zionist and  his administration blinking Jake Sullivan John  


Kirby Matthew Miller these were so Zionist  that whatever Israel wanted of them I think   they could have been convinced for convinced to  do it even if Biden was hesitant about a war with  


Iran I actually think that the Iranians it may  well be that the Iranians might be breathing a  


sigh of relief because Biden clearly showed that  either he could not stand up to the Israelis or he  


did not want to stand up to the Israelis or he  was full on with the Israelis but with Trump I  


think that where Biden is an ideologue committed  to Zionism Trump is a transactional list there's  


a very interesting excerpt about his negotiations  with the Taliban where his advisers were telling   him Mr President this is a really bad idea and  withdrawing from Afghanistan really bad for us  


Interest really bad and after they finish  he says to them did you see how the Taliban   called me your Excellency there there there is  something about the way that Trump conducts his  


foreign policy they love me you know that the way  that the transactional personal nature of it that  


suggest that the Wild Card option for Iran is  better than the guaranteed option of Biden in  


which he was running headlong in his support for  Zionism in a way in which Israel was not being  


reigned in and Netanyahu instead was feeling more  and more embolden to continue doing what he was   doing despite the whole world turning against him  I think that more than the Iranians I think it's  


the Saudis who might feel a bit more concerned  about Trump coming into power can I ask on the  


Saudi issue say if I can just uh bring in so today  I read uh or someone told me actually on on U uh  


news that NBS for the first time maybe has called  what's happening in Gaza genocide but in that same  


statement he mentioned that um he warned against  an attack on Iran like how do you uh see Muhammad  


bin man State of Mind at the moment in in relation  to Iran and and Trump I think that if you open a  


map of the region yeah and you look at where  Saudi Arabia is situated to the north you have  


Iraq where Iran's militias roam freely and have  a iron grip on the government to the east you  


have Iran Mainland and to the South you have the  houthis backed by the Iranians who after a decade  


of War remain very much entrenched in s and as a  result of and them firing missiles are actually  


enjoying increasing International sympathies from  the Arab and Muslim world for what they've done  


in in terms of firing those missiles at Israel or  the like the Saudi policy with the Americans was  


we want the Americans to do the fighting for us so  they wanted the Americans to come and fight with  


them against the Iranian proxies whether that's in  Syria whether that's in uh Yemen whether that's in  


Iraq or the like as the years went by it became  clear that Obama was not interested in doing the  


fighting himself Trump was not interested  in doing the fighting himself when the oil   facilities were hit Trump did not react with war  Trump when it came to the situation in Yemen gave  


limited support he allowed the Saudis to do their  thing but gave very limited support Trump was not   willing to engage directly in war and as a result  of this the Saudis felt that given that we're  


being encircled by the Iranians given we lack the  force to drive out the proxies given we lack the  


ability to drive Bashar al-assad out of Damascus  we lack the ability to drive the huis out of s  


and given that the Americans are not inclined to  fight and given that even the Israelis cannnot  


convince the Americans to fight with the Iranians  hammed B J the Prime Minister he said when Arabs  


get close to the Israelis is not because they like  the Israelis it's because they believe Israel is   the key to the White House and Congress when Saudi  saw that not even the Israelis could convince the  


Americans Democrat and Republican to go to war  with the Iranians and drive out these proxies  


from Iraq from Yemen and from Syria and the like  Muhammad bin Salman says I'm now s eight years  


in power my neon project is not going well I've  had to significantly reduce it I've had to Second  


it CEO on the day of this recording while I'm  doing the Raves and the partying unemployment  


is starting to sore and the saudization project  is not going well because Saudis don't want to  


do the work of the bengalis and pakistanis and  Egyptians that I bring from abroad my coffers  


are being depleted by the mega projects that I'm  investing in so I'm having to take loans now from  


International Banks and the like come compies are  not setting up in Saudi Arabia they're setting  


up in the UAE because they don't trust my legal  system in Saudi Arabia because they believe that I  


can wake up at any day and issue an order whereas  UAE at least gives them free zones where they have   some sort of stability with regards to law and not  only that the missiles that are being fired at me  


by the houthis and by the Iranian proxies in Iraq  in 2019 and in 2020 have meant that companies also  


fear a security risk of doing business in Saudi  Arabia and it's also my normalization process  


with the Israelis where I opened up the airspace I  allowed them a land bridge during genocide I told  


blinkin that Palestine is not an important issue  for me it's just for my people I need to give them   some I allowed Israelis to enter my kingdom to ISS  to participate in sports tournaments I raise the  


Israeli flag at a rehearsal of EA Force tournament  and allow the Israeli National Anthem to continue  


going I've adjusted the education curriculum to  remove the parts of the Quran that refer to Ben   is I've done all of these normalization things and  kept the airspace and Bridge open I've done all of  


these things but the Israelis still are unable  to convince the Americans to give me the natal  


style security agreement that I want against the  Iranians given that the Americans have been so  


bitterly disappointing Republican and Democrat  I need the Iranians to get off my back so I can  


focus on my Raves and my concerts and my Economic  Development inside Saudi Arabia itself and my de  


islamization process Iran what do you want to get  off my back for 10 years Iran said we want you to  


rehabilitate Bashar Al Assad because he's isolated  binman said Bashar Assad was brought to the Arab  


League Summit to R and this is I think his second  or third time participating yesterday when he was   participating in in in the Arab League yeah the  he said to Iran is that enough Bashar Al Assad is  


now rehabilitated they said we want you to make  a deal with theis binman sends his delegation to  


and to mus to start negotiating a deal deal with  regards to the huis in terms of recognition and   offering compensation Iran is that enough oh wait  we have Lebanon that we want to consider as well  


when Israel attacked the Palestinians the Saudis  put that reconciliation on hold because the Saudis  


felt that if Israel went after Hamas the Muslim  Brotherhood they could be convinced to go after  


hisbah in Lebanon and to go after Iranian proxies  in Syria so Saudi media was heavily pro-israel in  


terms of pushing the Zionist narrative that  is had to attack Lebanon that the reason it's  


attacking Lebanon is because of Iran the reason  it's attacking Lebanon is because of hisbah and   you would have seen Saudi commentator celebrating  that Israel was attacking Lebanon and celebrating  


hass's assassination and celebrating yar's death  and the like we saw those taking place the Saudis  


pushing that narrative in and of itself but given  that Israel has failed to achieve its strategic  


objectives binson man is unsure if Trump is going  to provide what he wants in a NATO style security  


agreement nuclear technology to rival the Iranians  in the hope of building a weapon and investment  


given that it's not certain Trump will give it let  me up my leverage and up my demands by calling it  


a genocide right let me sit here and say I'm  going to call it a genocide if you want me not  


to call it a genocide come at me with a new offer  that will make me go back to my previous position  


but bin man's sincerity in his desire to normalize  with Israel and in his desire to be friends with  


Donald Trump is indicated in that while he calls  it a genocide and while he calls for a for a  


Palestinian State he does not shut his airspace to  the Israeli planes they still use Israeli airspace  


he hasn't shut the land bridge that goes from the  UAE to irbid in Jordan about a few kilometers from  


the uh border between Jordan and the Israelis  where the Israelis cross over they pick up the   goods and they go he hasn't shut the landbridge  Alia often referred to as Al the Hebrew channel  


is still propagating Zionist propaganda in terms  of moving in terms of pushing that forward those  


who are wearing free Palestine jumpers or shirts  in the har in mea Medina are still being detained  


and told to cover it and told not to wear it  if you go to Saudi Arabia you will see and see  


their graduation ceremonies it's as if there's  no genocide that is taking place the riy season   continues unabated binman is saying don't look  at what I say look at what I do I still want to  


normalize I still want good ties my three demands  stand I don't need a Palestinian State I need a  


NATO start Security agement nuclear technology  and investment in my vision 2030 Trump if you   give that to me I'm just a genocide getting ready  for that table I'm ready to and that's the issue  


in that and to finish on this point Trump Saudi  doesn't know what Trump's policy is going to be  


neither do the Israelis and you can feel everybody  now drling preparing themselves for that table of  


negotiation to see what Trump might offer when he  comes into presidency because it's important to   remember as well how Trump views the gulf you'll  remember that he did that rally I think in 2018  


where he said I met with the Saudi king and I said  we wouldn't last two weeks without us Iran would  


overrun you so I'm sorry for our security you got  to pay you got to pay and when bin Salman went to  


visit him in Washington and there was he made him  hold the the plard and he made bin Selman hold it  


and said this is all the stuff that they're buying  bman had to hold it awkwardly and he said this is   all peanuts to you and also Bob Woodward if you've  been reading his extracts where he says that Trump  


sent a messenger to bin Salman and said after  Kash you owe us you owe us for what we did in  


terms of rescuing you with regards to and that's  why although ostensibly there is a case to argue  


that bin Salman is happy that Biden lost and Bin  Salman and that Trump came to power it might be  


that bin Salman in these recent days might have  preferred Biden over Trump because Biden at least  


was beginning to see on the issues of nuclear  technology and beginning to seed on the issue   of a NATO style security agreement by agreeing to  give agreement like he gave to bahin with regards  


to the security but all of these Dynamics aside  I think that the the the Crux of it is it remains  


unclear how Trump will impact the region earlier  on in the conversation um you talked about the   tensions that exist and existed during the first  Trump presidency between the different strands  

Is the Trump administration going to be more ‘America First’?


of the Republicans now I've heard some analysis  that this uh Trump administ ation is going to be  


different He's already calling for a loyalty test  for anyone so we're not going to have uh the John  


uh the Melly the general Kelly the John Bolton the  mcms uh the you know those who uh ostensibly at  


least you know claim to be Pro Trump but we're  still um uh holding on to that old globalist  


agenda that neocon agenda that uh you can say  the post second world war consensus of of America  


where um uh there where America's foreign policy  is B built on sort of this militaristic Outlook  


um so the argument goes that the current Trump  Administration is going to look more American  


first and madder than more uh uh more globalist  and neocon now of course some of the most recent  


appointments seem to question that before we get  to that conundrum because there is that tension in   the Republican party and and also I suppose you  have a that the sort of the point there is that  


the Republican party in 2016 is not the Republican  party today Trump owns this party whereas in 2016  


he still had to deal with the tensions and and  the power Brokers wouldve been the you know the   old guard wouldve been the Republican party today  anyone in the Republican party that once again  


anyway we we saw about Willis Cheney has to First  pay allegiance to Donald Trump so the question  


first is just lay out for me this tension between  the Maga America First Trump policies uh and the  


sort of the old style the Old Guard the globalist  and the neocons like explain that to our viewers  


please I don't think necessarily it's just the two  sided divide I think there's a third Dynamic which  


is also the Zionist and the Republicans Trump  received 100 million from adson in order to  


Annex the West Bank in order to fully support the  Israelis and the like and I actually think that   given that there is a push for this narrative that  Harris lost because of a support for the Israelis  


I think zus are an overdrive to ensure that they  still maintain supreme power over foreign policy  


in terms of what's moving forward and that's  why I think there's a big focus on the Democrat   Reflections to insist that GZA didn't have a role  to play I think that while the data shows GZA had  


a role to play I think the Zionist are pushing  to ensure to argue that g didn't have a role to   play because then it would suggest that support  for Israel has become a liability and that's  


why I think that it's very important everybody  looks at that data and also the 10 million who   stayed at home who felt that Harris's support for  genocide was so extreme that they could not bring  


themselves even to go to The Ballot Box and save  America at least from the Democrat narrative to   save America from fascism they prefer to stay  at home because they saw no difference between  


Harris and Trump with regards to the threat that  they posed to America given their support for the   Israelis or the light but I think that there are  three Dynamics I think the first is the idea of  


the America First the idea that we should focus  Fus on what's happening at home the idea that we   should focus our resources on what's happening  at home and I think that when you look at the  


analysis of why Trump won Bernie Sanders argues  is because the Democrats abandoned the working   class if you look at the celebrities who went to  the Democrat rallies you will see that it clearly  


showed that Democrats were not necessarily your  traditional workingclass party anymore but rather  


it was a very glitzy you know upper middle class  upper class party almost became a party of the  


rich yeah while Trump was going around and  campaigning however sincere or insincere he  


might have been but going out and campaigning  and saying the reason you're in this mess in   the first place is because those in Washington  Democrats are more focused on the rich they're no  


longer focused on you the reason why I focus on  this particular part is there are those America  


First there are those who are the globalists but  I think the real battle would be those with the   Zionist because I think the common denominator  with these initial appointments are that they  


have a very strong pro-israeli stance very strong  Pro Zionist stance and they are heavily funded by  


ape they individuals heavily funded by APAC almost  as if Trump is wrestling or at least the family of  


trump are wrestling between the demands of the  globalist the Zionist and those who are coming  


out and saying America First and mega first  Trump remains a personality that can assert  


himself against all three but the issue is that  it's unclear where Trump stands on any particular  


issue and there's often the assumption that Trump  doesn't actually have any opinion on any issue   Trump's opinion depends on who he has breakfast  with on that particular day and and the like but  


but I think that if we're assessing the division  of the Republican party I think those divisions  


the concern in the Republican Party regarding  these divisions is how it forces the world to  


shift macron is already talking about EU needs  to pursue its own security policy China number  


one Public Enemy for a lot of these Republicans  shifting Focus away from the Middle East to focus  


on China or the like Russia and the war in Ukraine  but there is one final Dynamic that is worth  


noting which is a lot of these appointments that  are being made if you look at their statements   in 2016 and the statements today there's a lot of  180 that is taking place Marco Rubio is changing  


his opinion 180 with regards to Ukraine aligning  it aligning it much more with Trump a lot of the   other appointments also aligning themselves with  Trump how the Trump factor affects those policies  


remains to be seen but I do think that my concern  and focusing in these Republican divisions is  


that it suggests that these divisions will lead  to a radical change in policy from that which  


we've seen in the past you don't think it' be a  transformation and I don't think necessar it would   be a transformational because the problem in the  American system is not one of two ideologies it is  


the fact that there exists a machine where whoever  is in power it just seems to keep pushing out War  


if it ends in one place it starts in another and  and I think that although Trump presents himself  


as the anti-war candidate the encouragement he  gave to the Israelis by facilitating normalization  


of ties helped to pave the way for this genocide  that took place in the first place I don't think   he's blameless with regards to that moreover  I think that Trump created or normalized what  


Biden could not normalize had Trump not existed I  think that that support where he normalized ties  


between Arab states and the Israelis gave Biden  the encouragement to go and say I'm going to one   up Trump with regards to Israel in that now Arab  states have normalized let me go ahead with the  


genocide and I think when you look at the Arab  states position what Trump normalized in their  


relation with Israel this genocide would have been  finished today if the Arab states took a position  


but I think it's becoming abundantly clear that  the Arab states remain supportive of the genocide  


not apathetic they remain supportive of the  genocide because they believe there is a greater  


interest in keeping Israel on board because Israel  can influence both Republicans and Democrats at  


least from their belief and I think that's where  I think the real damage is May maybe um uh Israel  


Palestine is an aberration in in this schema  right so of course the Zionist Lobby is strong  


and and powerful and U Donald Trump is not going  to depart from that consensus that but you know  


consensus between the two parties on on Palestine  Israel but I think it's interesting to uh at least  


from my side it's interesting to take note of uh  this America First policy and whether it's going  

‘America First’ from a trade perspective


to be transformation I think it is going to be for  example on trade policy now of course all of this   could just be Bluster but on trade policy Donald  Trump has stated that he wants to Levy uh tariffs  


on almost every good coming from outside even  like very basic Goods now of course he's not going   to do that but he's not differentiated greatly  between and foe you know he's he's already talked  


about tariffs uh being levied against European  Imports for example if they don't behave and  


so uh he said that the last time round um and  maybe uh the the moderators within his he his  


administration were able to uh to hold him back  but I personally think that there's going to be  


a stronger America First emphasis here at least  on China I mean I I think we both agree that with  


China um there is going to be a very assertive  probably aggressive trade policy against China  


I mean speak to the trade side of things I mean do  you feel that um because of course the globalists  


uh have this very basic assumption that free trade  is good Trump is upending that assumption quite  


radically seems to me I mean yeah speak to our on  trade I think that Trump certainly shook things  


up when he imposed those tariffs on Chinese Goods  coming in but I think a lot of American companies   were able to bypass that as well I think the  other impact that Trump had was he forced a  


reckoning amongst us allies whereby there was a  bid to try to accelerate Independence of the US  


because the US was trying to shut itself off from  trade in terms of asserting that America First   policy yeah but the reason why I said that I am  wary of the impact that Trump will actually have  


in this regard yeah is that once Trump was out  of power and Biden won the EU stopped pursuing  


its independence it still relied on a you global  order underpinned by the US even when we look  


at the Muslim world I mean everybody points at  turkey and erdogan you know pursuing some sort of   Independence or the like yeah but today we seem  him so heavily dependent on the US Global Order  


that even when it comes to a genocide he's unable  to take any serious stance with regards to the   genocide and ships are heading to Israel are still  docking in turkey and it takes a municipality  


election to get him to suspend trade but instead  we see Turkish companies bypassing sending their   ships to Cyprus or Greece and changing their  Flags almost as if erdogan is saying to the is  


the genocide is making me try to appease the  Turkish population but I don't want to ruin my   ties with you Egypt you would have thought  in economic crisis in America First policy  


under Donald Trump after the way he bullied  those Muslim states they would also pursue an   alternative whether it's joining bricks or the  like but the reality is that I will never forget  


the image of Biden in India when he stood with  India South Africa and I can't remember Brazil  


and I can't remember the others and the bricks  members and the and the caption was these are   us allies too the suggestion being that that yes  we can talk about alternative economic models but  


I still think that even with Trump in power yes  those four years brought about a debate about how   to move away from the US because of those tariffs  but the reality is that their economies once Trump  


went there wasn't an impetus to continue pursuing  that but rather there was sort of a reversion   back to a Alliance towards the US in terms of its  political power in terms of its economic power and  


the like and that's why I argue that when we talk  about America First with regards to what Trump   actually wants to do it remains to be seen how  that will manifest how does it manifest in terms  


of imposing tariffs with regards to the EU and  then realizing you need to import those goods from   outside anyway in order to supply the American  demand what loopholes will you leave open that  


end up undermining your America first because the  way the way the world works is it's very difficult   to be isolationist the way everything operates  what happens if that Gap that you've left for  


China China takes advantage and starts you know  expanding the way it's done in Africa or erdogan   starts doing it the way he does in Africa and US  interests start to become undermine what do you do  


then as a US foreign policy you abandon America  First America First in this context means to go   back out in the world and lash out more violently  in order to impose yourself in the way that Biden  


did so in Israel in the way that the others and  that's why I argue that in theory there's a lot of  


possibility but I think sometimes in theory we get  lost and and we lose sight of the practicalities  


of what Trump actually wants to implement this is  still a global order in which it is underpinned by  


the ability of the US to organize for for in a way  that is unrivaled and unmatched in today's world  


and I think what festine and what demonstrated is  is that the facade of an international order is  


upheld by the force of the United States and when  us chooses that that this International order no  


longer serves its purpose it comes crashing down  and no one can lift it back up no one is willing  


to use the power to lift it back up and no one is  willing to deploy its resources to create an alter  


ative order instead you have China when we look at  what's happening intine and Israel with regards to  


the shift away from or or the anger towards the  us or what's happening in Israel and Palestine  


from states that are sympathetic how has China  capitalized is very difficult to pinpoint a way  


in which China has capitalized in a way that  suggests a genuine shift away from the US think  


about it this way before Israel and Palestine  people before the the genocide taking place we  


were talking about the potential of people looking  East after this genocide everybody is looking West  


after this manifestation of brutal unadulterated  power everybody is looking towards Washington  


everybody is trying to see what Washington is  going to do out of fear that Washington might   come and bulldoze those countries as well and  China will have the same fear as well and that's  


why I argued earlier when you said the future of  Muslims is it Republican Democrat or green party  


the same analogy applies to the world in that it  I don't think that the solution moving forward  


exists within the current system the reason why  I focused on the concept of Da and being able to   shift public opinion is what has demonstrated the  genocide is is created an environment in which we  

Gaza created a new environment


can actually now start to discuss new ideas and  convince the public to entertain those ideas in  


spite of regimes that despise those ideas it  has created an environment where before only  


in certain Corners you could talk about new models  you could talk about new systems now it's come out  


in the open because everybody is dissatisfied  with this International order including the 10  


million who cost Harris the election in America  including those who stayed home and truly  


believed that there was no difference between  a genocide and a fascist they saw no difference  


between Democrats and Republicans and that's  what made them stay home the question here is  


not about what Trump will do in terms of the  actual charot or trades but rather now that we  


have this environment where people can discuss new  ideas and the public might be able to get behind  


it in ways it was never able to do so before what  are these ideas that could be presented and that's  


why I think that there is very much a possibility  that Trump's aggressiveness against the world in  


pursuing America First May well cause certain  leaders to start to consider alternative models  


but the reason why I'm not relying too much on  the governments and more on the public is that   what prevents leaders from pursuing new models is  the fear that a public backlash because they know  


the public aren't on their side and that's why I'm  more focused on how do you mobilize now the public   given that showed you can mobilize them and that  people you didn't think could be mobilized can  


be mobilized and narratives in areas where you  thought couldn't be changed can be changed with  


it's t Carlson with it's Candace Owens with tessi  Co with his friend ches Ali coming out full force  


talking about Gaz I know you had on one of your  podcasts over here yeah whether it's regards to  


Spain talking about favoring Palestine whether  about Ireland Norway South Africa there are new  


avenues there are new opportunities the question  is not what Will trump do the question is now that  


the public have shifted the world in a way that  created those opportunities in spite of Biden  


in spite of Democrats in spite of Republicans  in spite of in spite of the EU in spite of the  


international order no government brought about  this change it was people that brought about it  


the question is not what Will trump what change  Will trump bring the question is how far can this   public pressure go how far can this public opinion  change and how far can these new opportunities go  


and how can you ganize that momentum to create  something new and that's what I'm scared of I'm  


scared that in the focus of trump in the focus  on the US in the focus on Green Party in the  


focus on the systens themselves we lose our eye  on the ball in terms of what created this change  


and that's why I'm more focused on now that you  see that binman has gone back to making Dua for   festine where he had banned it for a year and  a half where you've seen the UAE now coming  


out and giving Aid to Sudan because it's terrified  that people are starting to discover the genocide  


it's committing in Sudan when you see that Egypt  CeCe on the one hand is letting Israeli ships go  


through on the other hand increasingly panicking  that his people are Furious and they might revolt   against him that erdogan is trying to keep the  peace with the US and the Israelis the Turks are  


giving him hell for it they're making it very  difficult for him to do so he is struggling to   balance between Turks who punished him with  the municipality elections and between his  


desire to be in power by maintaining good ties  with the US and the Israelis we're seeing these  


shifts take place around of the world because  of public opinion and public pressure and that's   where I think that Trump May well try to pursue a  globalist or Zionist or America First agenda but I  

What will dictate the future of America?


don't think that's what will dictate the future of  America what will dictate the future of America is   this 10 million could it become 20 million next  time and the same way that the system in 1968  


was forced to bend over backwards and give rights  to African-Americans when it was not designed to   do so the same way in 1920s they were forced to  acknowledge that women should have equal rights  


at The Ballot Box the same way as men in in very  recent times we're talking 100 years ago in what  


way will the system Bend now as a result of public  pressure nobody knows but it's interesting to see   where it goes I think that's fantastic and I would  like to pick up on the public pressure thing I  


don't necessarily think it's even the 10 million  I think it's 150 million who voted because uh if  


we were to consider uh this America if we were to  claim that America firsts is a cerent ideology it  


reflects the mindset of lots of Americans who  feel that the current world order has failed   them it's failed America it hasn't given America  the type of wealth and the type of strength that  


he he claimed uh at the beginning of the end  of the Cold War and there is a recognition I  


think amongst a lot of Americans and I think Trump  fairly reflects this but the rise of China which  


is for sure the biggest uh threat that America  faces in this coming decade the rise of China was  


down to America's complacency with this globalist  globalization agenda we allowed China to rise  


China became Rich China became powerful and now  China asserts itself on the international stage so  


in a sense I think I and it's a question for you  um public opinion of those voters in America is  

Public opinion in America turning towards Nationalism?


pushing America in a very parochial nationalistic  nativist Direction and I think Trump quite fairly  


whereas the Democrats claim to represented Biden  never signed a single trade agreement with any  


entity during his four years but the Democrats  still play uh still have very strong globalist  


agendas globalist policies you know I think it  may be and again you know I agree with you that  


who knows what's going to happen Trump is a very  mural person but I think there is a greater chance  


let's put it like that that the the uh let's call  it the America First impulse comes through in  


these next four years I think it's going to be  transformational at least that's maybe in four   years time in if Allah still gives us life we'll  be sitting here and you'll be coming back from a  


trip and talking about jet lag and how warm is in  California again but I think maybe in four years  


time we may talk about quite a transformational  but but I agree with you in this regard one of   the things that I noticed in America was and it's  like one of the points that I mentioned earlier  


about in California some of those who voted Trump  they were saying that you know weaz doesn't matter  


to usaz only matters to us in so far as why are  things so expensive for me here and I'm giving  


money to Israel over there why is Healthcare so  expensive for me here and my government is telling  


me I have to give money to Israel over there  Ukraine why and and Ukraine and these things   and that's why I think this is why I always argue  politics is the is is is is the science of human  


relations it's a very simple science it's governed  by human emotions by human sentiments an ordinary  


cab driver or or or or or blue collar or white  color worker in America the reality is that and  


and this is what I meant when you go to America  you realize this when you talk to Americans about   what's happening in Gaz and festine you can  convince them genocide is wrong they would be  


horrified by the images and then they will ask  themselves my taxpayer money is going towards  


that but I'm struggling in my own and that's the  point in that America First may not manifest on  


the grand level rather the power of the America  First is in the way the Americans vote in which  


they say Democrats talk way too much about Israel  they talk way too much about Palestine they talk  


why are we sponsoring this genocide in the first  place I want things to be focused at home Harris  


talk too much about Gaza Trump talks about saying  he's going to make peace in the world and focus on   me home I'll vote for the one who talks to me here  at home and this is the point where I made earlier  


when you were saying what is the true impact of  razza the true impact of Gazza was not just in   those who voted because they wanted to punish the  people because punish the Democrats because they  


supported genocide the power of razza was also  in the way in which it exposed to the ordinary  


American that a lot of the problems they're  suffering in America at home the reason they're   not being fixed is because you have a government  that believes in Israel first that believes in  


and they said this can't tolerate exposed and  therefore I'm going to punish the Democrats not  


because they committed a genocide but because they  favored a foreign Nation over my own interests and  


they should be serving me not the Israelis and I  think that that impact will be very difficult to  


measure but it's undeniable it's beyond just the  10 million that stayed at home it's also amongst  


those who decided to go and vote for Trump over  Harris because they truly believed I want to keep   my money in America itself and that's the point  with regards to Da in terms of talking to people  

Dawah’s ability to shift society


what is your ability to shift Society I mean you  are here in the Muslim vote in the UK sometimes   they get criticized they say sam you spent a lot  of time in different countries in the world you  


neglect your home country in in the UK but but  you saw how you could talk to I mean you've had  


so many non-muslim guests on the show who come and  join the thinking Muslim to talk about issues that  


matter to Muslim and non-muslim who talk with  the and you I've seen passionate the way they  


talk to you their hearts are rent with regards  to what's happening in the world they see the  


Injustice that's taking place and they've seen a  resonance with what this podcast says with what  


you say and the topics that you say because  F exists in the human being and that's why I  


argue when you talk about America first I've  met the Americans I've been to nearly every   single state except New Hampshire I I promise  you there are nice people in this world who are  


just ignorant about what's happening in the world  who if you were to show them what is happening in  


the world you will realize that their hearts move  with just as much passion as your heart moves and  


that's why im's statement it rings in my it gives  me nightmares at night Sam he says we don't do da  


no more we don't we do not do that we think we do  but we do not he has a very famous story where he  


cleared these crack houses near near Brooklyn when  he established the Masjid and I told him with what   audacity do you wake up one day and choose to do  so he said Islam should be a mercy for mankind we  


should be a mercy to to our societies and that's  where I think sometimes and I know you know  


sometimes people say you shouldn't mix religion  with these things but for me Islam is is is one   and whole it it it it makes me wonder how do we  Muslims understand dawa and how do we understand  


the potency of dawa and how do we understand DA's  ability to create opportunities from where we do  


not think think it exists mam is told by Allah  subhana waala not to Run to the Hills or run  


to the mountains from Pharaoh he's told to go  to the Sea and Allah will deliver a miracle in   splitting the sea Allah tells him I will give you  an opportunity from where you don't even think an  


opportunity can come from the prophet Muhammad  sallu alai wasallam he receives only only that  


the first part read read in the name of thy Lord  he doesn't receive the full Quran but then he   goes out you know in the words of hind you know  raving with poetry going down in the middle of  


meccah he you cannot tell me that he's sees the  opportunity in front of him because everything is  


wedged against him everything stands against him  but he goes in the belief Allah can create that  


opportunity and Allah created that opportunity and  that's why for me America us uh Canada Australia  


Japan Europe and I'll be honest perhaps this is  more humiliating for me than anything else and I  


think it says more about my lack of understanding  than anything else is when Allah says


indeed in this book we tell you the best  of stories stories that prior to which you   were ignorant of what is Allah saying in these  stories in the Quran he's saying Jalan you're  


not the first to struggle you're not the first  to live in a world where all of this genocide   stuff is happening you're not the first to feel  pain hardship heartbreak and despair you're not  


the first Jalel to stand up and actually say I  want to make an effort you're not the first to  


think what initiative can I do you're not the the  first to try to change the world you're not the   first to try to rescue people from Darkness into  light you're not the first to go and mobilize and  


protest you're not the first to donate you're not  the first to go and strive you're not the first  


and the reason Allah says this is if you believe  you're the first that's when you ask yourself   when is the opportunity coming where does it come  from what do we do next how do we move the reason  


Allah tells we tell the best of stories is yam is  thrown into a well and then he's sold into slavery  


and then he's put into prison but comes out m is  raised in the Palace of pharaoh in a wonderful  


status quo and then he defies his his his adopted  brother Pharaoh tells him what you're doing is  


wrong his brother turns against him and then he  suddenly kicked out of his city has to flee to the  


Sea and W the lands and then go to Jerusalem  but he comes out Victorious at the end of it   Noam spends 900 years giving da Jal trying to get  Society to change trying to tell them genocide is  


wrong trying to tell them it can be better trying  to tell them the system can be better 900 years  


he's given da Allah delivers him in the end the  reason Allah tells you these stories is you're   not the first to face off against Republicans  and Democrats and starm and macron and Trudeau  


and the like but the point of these stories is at  the end of every story there is a victory at the  


end of the story you win at the end of the story  Allah had delivers at the end of the story the  


opportunity comes from where you don't expect  it but you have to move to get it you have to  


keep moving to try to create it you have to use  what you have squeeze the levers that you have  


press them push test tease poke you have to keep  doing it until an opportunity shows itself from  


where you don't even expect did do you know when  Allah subhana wa tala tells the story of talut of   David and Goliath when talut is marching with his  army Allah describes his army as one that is ill  


disciplined they go to the water they drink from  the water when he tells them don't drink from it   and they see go Army and it's organized and it's  disciplined they say how on Earth are we going  


to beat Goliath's army jal's army the wood is not  hint that nor is he implied the is not introduced  


until the that killed goli Allah delivered it from  where you did not expect it and the reason why I  


say this is not to run away from your question  the reason why I say this is I don't know what's   coming next I don't know the scenarios that  are coming next I don't know what the battle  


that come looks like I don't know what comes next  but I don't think that's what defines the victory   that's coming what defines is whether we are still  willing to move even after these elections whether  


we're still willing to get up and give dawa  whether we're still willing to get up and preach   of a new world order a new system whether we're  willing to talk to Matt Kennard and Franchesca  


albanesi and these other people that you have here  Owen Jones and the like and say to them here is  


Justice let's stand for it let's stand for what's  right appeal to the F in the hope that Allah will  


deliver an opportunity where he sends from the  enemy Army to become commander of our own Army  


where he sends from the leaders of qur the enemy  to join and become our khif where he sends who  


comes against the Muslims and sends him within  our own ranks to deliver Islam to the rest of the   world and Conquer Egypt and Beyond this is what  the Muslim should aspire to it's not about what  


the situation looks like now it's about what do  I have in order to be able to make a change and   that's why I argue has been phal in that it  mobilized the community and gave them a small  


taste of Victory decided the US elections could  decide the Canada elections G could decide the  


Australia elections not because the Muslims have  numbers they don't have the necessary numbers but  


the ability of the Muslims to give da in the way  IM s w said the ability of the Muslims to speak  


to the world in the language of H the language  of Truth the language of of Justice resonates  


in such a way that you can make 10 million sit  out the elections in the US that makes Harris   lose you can move society and Franchesca albanesi  to defy the whole world and stand as a un rapor  


and the Israelis are trying to take it down you  could convince the world to shift and create new   opportunities that I don't know what they look  like now but when they come you will say it  


came because we moved look how Allah opened them  for us Sam um it's a it's a running conversation  

Never forget that Gazans are at the centre of all of this


now between me and you that uh these social media  clips that we produce sometimes go viral uh it's  


not because of me it's because of our sister AIA  who's managed to cut uh some really controversial  


let's say or amazing Clips as you know um uh there  was that one clip that went out uh uh everywhere  


non-muslims picked it up Muslims picked it up big  accounts picked it up and I received uh just a  


great a deluge of messages uh the day after the  election that said that clip changed my mind um  


I'm not sure where the question is here except  just to ask you I mean how do you feel about   that like in a sense you know you are an outsider  in in the United States alhamdulillah you came  


on my program I'm I'm even more an outsider uh  but in a in a small sense maybe maybe in a big  


sense uh we managed to or at least you managed to  change the public discourse and place Gaza at the  


center like explain that that emotion there for  me please I I I'll be brutally honest with you  


yeah I don't take credit for any of it primarily  because I was in Houston Texas and this is where I  


realized I wasn't as fully connected as I thought  I was so I was in Houston Texas in October and a  


doctor asked shikar shuk and said can I have Sam  me for dinner at my place I said sure it's better  


than staying in a hotel by myself I go in Jal  they rolled out a kid in a wheelchair 12 years  


old two legs blown off his hand blown off and the  the other hand he has two fingers so the doctor  


says to me with a straight face today is a day of  Celebration I think at my mind what's this lunatic  


talking about celebration so he says to me this  kid came two months ago from Gazza part of one  


of those limited people could come out from Gazza  for humanitarian Aid came for treatment he said   Samy today he went to the doctor and he finally  got feeling back in his two fingers which is why  


he's celebrating he holds his smartphone here and  he's happy that he can play with his two fingers  


I don't know what to say to a boy like that but it  was the day after the M Hassan video where he came   and said you know the who's this samiam guy took  on and I looked at the boy and I and I was like  


what happened he's bit you know grumpy you know I  can him so his mother's telling the story that he  


had gone out he was starving I think for seven  days days so he'd gone out with his cousins and  


he found what looked like a tuna can he opened  the tuna can and Kaboom it blew up his legs it  


blew up his hand the other and killed some of the  kids around him and I was my immedate reaction was  


this is too real for me I was in fome Sacramento  I've never seen this before I walked in a Masid  


there's a kid 12 fed years old no left arm no  left leg he walks across the Masjid banking on  


on one arm and and one leg like that another kid  come he's missing an arm over here towards the  


latter part there were I was being introduced  to more and more kids and the people roll them   out and say yeah like you know they want to sit  with you they want to talk to you they saw some  


of your videos and me was like this is too this  is too real for me the reason why I say this no  


one should ever forget who's at the center of the  story the ones who at the center of the story are  


the ones who are still being bombed today they're  still being slaughtered today they're still being  


starved today because some random group of  people from the West believe this to be some  


sort of home of theirs they're being massacred  they're being bonded into Oblivion they're  


being ethnically cleansed their homes are being  demolished they are the center of the story the  


reason that Harris was punished was not because  of some political plays because she get genous  


side Biden did genocide Biden slaughtered 240,000  Palestinians Biden assert the whole International  


order to make sure those kids could be killed  Biden BW off the lenss of that kid then send  


Clinton to Michigan to tell them that he deserves  it Biden went and told the I Karim Khan I'm going  


to investigate you for sexual abuse why because  you dared to go and issue an arrest warrant for  


the one who blew up the legs of that kid Janelle  when you see it's different when you see it with  


your own eyes it's different that kid knows with  a feeling of running he was running six months ago  


that kid knows the feeling of having two hands he  can't feel it no more that kid is there sitting in  


Houston Texas wondering what on Earth am I doing  here I was in with my family why did I get bummed   in the first place they are the center of the  story there's a horrible Injustice taking place  


B was punished because he gave unfed access to  weapons for them B was punished because he said  


to hell would the Muslims who were angry about it  Biden said my America supports genocide that's why  


he lost that's why he lost this election why  would you as a Muslim try to argue something  


different when the whole world is saying he lost  ber says he lost because of says he lost because  


of the Hill says was the main reason why he lost  CNN says that why would you as a Muslim sit in  


your WhatsApp groups and sit in your circles and  try to argue because the was not a deciding factor  


why do you not believe what they believe why does  the non-muslim believe in the power of Allah more  


than you do why do they believe in the power of  Da more than you do why is it when Allah's power  


is Manifest and some justice is served you still  want to deny it and that's why when you pose the  


question like that I'm humiliated J all we can do  is go and talk to people and tell them please when  


they said to me I was desperate to go home they  said to me said what's wrong with you I said toas   I have to beg my community to punish genocide  I have to beg them I have to beg them get I  


said almost said to my I said I dare you look and  that kid with no legs and tell him there isma in  


rewarding his kill go I dare you anybody who voted  Harris I dare you look at that kid who had his  


legs blown off for no reason Harris could not even  meet with Palestinian families she would not even  


go for look that kid in the eye when you see in  it's different it's easy what we're here there's  


no one here from Palestine here it's it's when  you see it's different and look him in the eye and  


tell him there is hikma because my comfort might  be compromised if I uphold Justice for you it was  


different Jen I came home I said what kind of life  is this we're sitting here with two microphones  


trying to come up with political analysis and  scenarios to convince people to do what J to move  


to convince them to move we have to convince them  to move Jan that's what the state is we have to  


convince them to move because if we do not they  will not that's the state so when you say s it's  


not s it's the fact that 12 months in it took me  12 months to find some sort of chain of words that  


could move people it took me 12 months to do so I  couldn't do it before I didn't have the eloquence  


to do it before and I don't know how to stop this  genocide I'm trying to poke and PR let's try and  


punish the Democrats let's try and punish Harris  Let's see what we do with this battle with Trump  


let's see what happens in Canada let's see what  happens in Australia just raise your voice say   me but what does it look like what does the world  look like what I don't know Li I don't know but  


you have to move and do something don't sit and do  nothing that K didn't deserve it didn't deserve to  


have his legs blown up well what I saw it I saw my  kid Salma I saw my kid can you imagine if your kid  


two of years old looking for food starving and  opens in Kaboom for why why and then you look  


in the US and you look in the world and hesitant  to do something for you why it it's such a cruel  


world it's such an ugly world but it's not ugly  because of the evil it is ugly because the people  


who should be moving are still debating whether  they should move and that's why I'm not here to  


berate my community I'm here because you touch  the nerve it's not it's not the clipse it's not  


talking it's not it's not trying to mobilize it's  it's yeah move and do something for life for every  


second you are quiet for every time you don't move  evil thrives this is a battle of good versus evil  


this is about the heart of mankind this is the  battle you are fighting and the prophet sallallahu   alaihi wasallam will sent as a Mercy to Mankind  and we will be that Mercy we will be that Merc  


to America I believe in their hearts I believe  their hearts can be shifted I believe the hearts   in the UK can be shifted I believe the hearts in  Canada can be shifted I believe in Australia can  


be shifted I believe why because Allah is the one  who flips the hearts Allah is the one who is all   powerful Allah is the one who is in control Allah  is the one who decides the fate and Allah will  


decide Our Fate too Allah gave us the opportunity  to do good let's take it otherwise he might take  


it away from us and give it to somebody else and  condemn us to humiliation let's just move and do   something just for the sake of Justice and this  is why and I finish on this point my dad one day  


called me and he rebuked me that he said to me  apologies can I have a tissue please let's break   for tissue yeah he he called me once my father  called me once after I gave a talk in America and  


I remember he said to me Sami I see you in America  painting all these political scenarios and yes  


some of them are very good and yes I understand  why you want to do it but son never forget never  


forget never forget he gave in the context  I'll give you the context just give me just   two minutes I promise I'll be quick on this point  I had told the story of the Pledge OFA when an go  


to the prophet and say we're willing to support  you after 30 years and Abbas says to them wait  


on this path there is struggle if you if you  raise your voice you will be persecuted if you   stand with him all of Arabia will stand against  you if you're not ready for that struggle don't  


give him a false promise and they say yeah abas  we're ready so my father calls me and he tells me   Samy I heard you tell the story but you didn't  finish it I said Baba what do you mean he said  


what did the ansal ask the prophet Muhammad  sallallahu alaihi wasallam afterwards and I   said to him Baba I don't understand I said you  know they said we're willing to struggle with  


you and because yes I understood the struggle of  a struggle and struggle but certainly that's not   the point of the story the point of the story is  what they asked next I told him Baba what did they  


ask I forgotten suddenly he said they asked him  what's our reward and he tells him their reward   is Al Jenna son I know you're trying to entice  people by painting political scenarios some of  


which might come true some might not for Allah is  the one who knows the unknown but son remember the   P that ansar made with Al wasallam it will stand  for what's right Allah gives you Jenna do what's  

The reward for our activism is Jannah – centre this


right Allah gives you Jenna stand and move and  Allah will give you Jenna it was a reward in  


the Hereafter and they said that is sufficient  for us and when I thought about it later on I  


started thinking and I said hang on a second when  you think about it ansar Anar in the B of bad when  


the qur came to defeat the prophet wasallam to try  to beat the prophet wasallam and could have said   what dragged us into this personal beef between  mammam and his family they could have said that  


they didn't the prophet marches out and says to  them advise me and says as if you are asking us  


if we're willing to continue with you and he says  and if I am and says we gave you the pa the PA of  


what Jalan the P of standing for what's right in  exchange for Jenna let's go in is killed and so  


are leaders of an they could have said why are we  losing our leaders for a family beef between the  


prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the people  of qur they did the when they asked are you still   on the pack they said the promise was we struggle  for Jenna that pack still stands in KH when they  


digging the trench they could have said Jan they  could have said he's brought all of the tribes of   Arabia at our doorstep and he doesn't even have a  plan except to dig a trench they didn't they said  


what's our reward Jenna we keep going H they said  now he's signing a PCT with them for 10 years he  


won't even go and do in the in in the Haram itself  why are we fighting for they didn't they said does   our PCT still stand struggle for you for Jenna  he said yes they continue when he enters mecah  


and he divides the spoil the ansar are Whispering  between themselves and they say look how he treats   his family and Muhammad realizes that they're  Whispering so he gathers them and he says Anar  


gather before me if you had said to me oh ansar  that yeah Muhammad you came to us with nothing and  


we gave you everything we gave you the support we  gave you the donations and the money you would be  


correct they're too embarrassed to say anything  then the prophet say if you had said to me that  


yeah Muhammad you came to us a refugee a refugee  running from the other tribes of Arabia and we  


give you security when no one would give it to you  you would not be mistaken they're too embarrassed  


to say anything he said how do you feel then  that I divide the spoils here between them but   you go home with the prophet of Allah and they say  allahar with this pack when he died s wasam they  


could have said yeah we gave him the city we gave  him the Army we gave him what he needed it's our  


turn to be Khalifa No they agreed to Abu Bakr when  Abu Bak who dies they could have said Jal that  


what's our reward in the D I want to lead thinking  Muslim now Jal resign it's my turn to lead it I  


I I have as much right over here you know I also  got views for you over here I gave you support I  


should Etc they didn't say that they said go ahead  and then after and then after Ali and these were  


people when they entered Medina they split their  wealth into two to share it they weren't like us   we put refugees in tents and we tell them  when are you going home we put refugees in  


tents and we tell them how much is the UN giving  they didn't give me money today I'm not giving   you money they didn't treat refugees the way that  we treat them today they treated them with honor  


and integrity and dignity For What and this is  what my father said Samy do not go to an umah  


on the basis that you want to entice them with dun  restore The pact between the prophet and the ansar


in which do what is right not because I can  explain to you what the opportunity is next not  


because I can make a viral video not because I can  explain the scenario what comes next not because I  


know what comes next I don't but do what's right  because it's right and because Allah will give  


us Jenna if we do what is right and that is how  you change the world move because it's the right  


thing to do don't move because you're worried  what Trump Or democrats will do move because   Allah gave you a promise and Allah will always  fulfill his promise Sam mean we're near in the  


end now of of our conversation to alhamdulillah  it's been really really U informative um I want  


to stand back a little bit and just talk about  politics in general and um uh you link that the  


call to Islam and politics and you combine the  two uh and um I think until now it's fair to say  


at least in the you know alhamdulillah  lots of people do this but at least in   public conscience that has not really uh been too  closely connected to politics um not only are you  

Connecting Dawah to politics


connecting that word to politics the call to Islam  to politics but also it seems to me that and and I  


can see that by the number of people who stay to  the very end of these videos I of course normally   when you have a political analysis session people  drop off after 10 minutes and you know the people  


stay and people want to understand and want  to listen um just the other day I remember I   was going into my local Meat Shop you know buying  some meat and the guy at the counter said I know  


you from somewhere didn't you interview that guy  who talks about politics right so you know I'm not  


saying you know alhamdulillah you know this person  is a you know is a good Muslim but of course you   know he may not have ordinarily been someone who  followed politics so where or you are or at least  


the conversation is permeating throughout Muslim  Community um how important is politics to da  


and I suppose to be blunt in a secular World um  and you touched upon it in the last in the last  


answer but secular world like how much does that  and politics matter when it comes to the greater  


scheme of things of jna like are there are  we going to go to jna because we're political  


analysts and a got great political astuteness I  think that one of the reasons why da in modern  


is not typically associated with politics it's  not because da is not politics it's because  


once you open the other eye and I saw it from a  deic perspective once you open the other eye da  


is frightening in its potential it's frightening  in its capacity for change what did the prophet  


Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam do in qur he  didn't have an army he didn't have wealth he went   and he preached to people told them they need to  change their ways their behaviors their etiquette  


the way they do business the way they treat  their women the way they form their families   the way they interact with one another and all of  a sudden is joining his ranks is joining his ranks  


the sons of the leaders of the elites are joining  his ranks the slaves are joining his ranks and   they're being free like the shepherds are joining  his ranks whoever hears his message is joining  


his ranks but joining his ranks in a way where  when the force of society is being brought down  


upon those who joined his message they refuse to  abandon his message even by threat of force they  


hold on to it because now they've internalized  something much greater than anything the dun can  


provide all that the Dunya can threaten them with  and that is the problem not the problem but this  


is the issue that people take when it comes  to talking about da in terms of talking about   it politically it is that propensity for change  ultimately leads to a very frightening word which  


is called Revolution which is what the prophet  Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam did Revolution  


not in terms of subjugating a people revolution in  completely altering the social and political Norms  


of a community in a way that is different from  that upon which it was before the ability to turn  


around and tell people that selling cigarettes  and alcohol to each other harm Society we don't  


want it that when you're teaching transgender  LGBT the harm it does to our kids we don't want  


it when you argue it to people and the like when  you tell them that kindness to your neighbor when  


you're organizing initiatives to gather people  to bring the bonds closer when you've got people   designated to go and heal feuds between family  members because you fear how it might break the  


fabric of society when you're starting to forbid  what is evil and enjoying what is good that da  


ultimately leads to Revolution why it's not just  the daa itself it's that Allah has put a system in  


everybody's heart Muslim and nonl which is the  F and that F only resonates with dawa it only  


resonates with truth it does not resonate with  evil if you say something that is evil and spend  


Millions promoting it it cannot move the heart or  win the heart but if H is conveyed even without a  


million doll propaganda machine that hak will  win the heart and win that rest that's the way  


that Allah subhana wa tala has created that and  I think that with every da and and it's funny not  


funny I should be wory of my words I was on the  train coming here and often when I'm particularly  


you know nervous or the like even though somebody  said doesn't look it but when I'm nervous or the   like I open Muhammad ID's book in the hope of  gaining some sort of wisdom from it or the like  


and I opened the page where he is talking about  when Muhammad sallallah alaihi wasallam received  


the from jel the Revelation he went down and he  was very you know very scared and the like and he  


told cover me cover me soad says two things she  says one Allah will never humiliate you because  


you do good whatever happens to you Allah will not  abandon you because you do good move prove and do  


action with what is good Allah will not humiliate  you even if you feel like you are by your people  


Allah will not humiliate you they try to humiliate  him by saying he has no Sons Allah sent down an A and then says go to her uncle when he says  he says something profound he says oh what  


you have received is the Divine message  from J from Gabriel himself would that I   were young and with you when your people start  to persecute you he says why would my people  


start to persecute me he says nobody comes  with the message of Truth except that those   who are the ilal Society come to persecute  them that's the terrifying thing about dawa  


it is not that people believe it is wrong it is  not that people deny its potency it is that the  


path of dawa the path of struggle the path of  what is right when you read those stories in  


the Quran let's be brutally honest they are  frightening stories when you read them with  


two eyes open the S is a terrifying book when  you read it with two eyes open you read about  


yfam thrown in a well sold into slavery thrown  into prison that's not the life I want to live  


you read about who resonate like the people of  Bosnia and when they were gathered by madich and  


the serbs and told give up your Islam they were  told we because of you because you're Muslims like it's one of the shortest that we all learn  are told by the ruler give up your dean and we  


won't kill you and they know what's coming next J  this isn't if or maybe Harris or Trump they know  


what's coming next if they give up the dean they  are safe if they don't give up the dean they know   they they want to be thrown into the pits they  choose to hold the dean they're thrown in the pits  


and they are genocided like the people of shanit  but this is where I think it becomes a matter of   perspective and I and and I try to finish just  on this anecdote I was in uh my wife and I we  


we we take groups on Hal travel guide to these to  these places we had this group they came from New   York to Bosnia in the summer we took them to Sera  Memorial I'm standing next to alir alir pich one  


of our our guides over there so I'm I'm standing  and I'm watching the group they clearly moved by   the 8,000 tombstones said is not an easy site to  visit they seen the 8,000 tombstones and alir is  


standing next to me while the group are going out  to the graves and I say to alir alir Subhan Allah  


cuz I had the group the week before I told them  to do this twice in two weeks I hate coming here  


he said to me I know how you feel I said W to to  realize what happened here where we're standing   the massacre of the thousands of Muslim men and  boys for no reason than they were Muslim by the  


madich and the and the Serbian nationalist eth  nationalist Al says to me look at the perspective  


Al says to me but you know brother I used to feel  like that but now I feel jealous what do you mean  


you feel jealous he said think about it brother  all they had to do was give up and they were  


surrounded like and they had you know they knew  it was the finality they chose to hold on to it  


so right now they ski day of judgment they're in  Jenna happy with what Allah gave them while me and   you are stuck here trying to figure out a way just  to keep away from Hellfire perspective and that's  


the reason why da is so frightening I'm not saying  that is going to result in people getting killed   that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is what  comes with da the struggle that comes with dawa  


is something nobody is assured that they will  be able to persevere and push through because  


even the prophets and this is the point that I  was making even the prophets spent 900 years of


said I've called my people day and night  and every time I call they run away from


me if only I had power or powerful Ally to  resist you they say things the prophets that  


we are saying today if only I had power I keep  calling that nothing changing they say things  


but this is where the pa of Jenna comes are you  doing it because you believe you are entitled to  


the outcome or are you truly the traveler that  the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam described   in the Hadith in this dun where you are simply  passing by and prodding and pushing and upholding  


what is right for your alloted time in this  dun until you return to Allah subhah wa ta'ala  


and then Allah will hold you to account not for  the outcomes but for your deeds and I'll finish   just on on on on on this point here just there  is a Bosnian brother in in in who's with us on  


on the groups his uh his name is Dino one of the  guides so we had a group from New York they were   there they were with him so they asked Dino and  this is the point about perspective they said to  


him Dino how do you reconcile the fact that  your family members were killed by you know  


these SS and the like but how do you reconcile  that Justice was not fully delivered and Dino   says to him without skipping a beat Dino says  I imagine that one day when I'm in Jenna inah  


I'll ask Allah to show me the movie from the  beginning to the end ask him to show me what   happened and I'll show to the beginning to the  end I didn't think anything of it I I walked away  


and then one of the brothers from New Jersey said  to me Sammy did you hear that and I said what and  


he said did you see the certainty with which he  spoke of Jenna the certainty with which he spoke  


of Allah's Justice and the certainty that he would  be satisfied with Allah's Justice even if he's not  


alive to see it because Allah would deliver the  best of justice and it made me realize that this  


is the point when I say these subconscious things  that lurk in your heart but you don't realize can   everybody hold their hand to the heart and say  I would be satisfied with the same and this is  


Dino who went through war and felt that pressure  and came out with those conclusions and that's why   I wonder sometimes how do we arrive to these  perspectives it's one thing to have knowledge  


it's another thing to have wisdom it's one thing  to know everything that's written in the world   it's another thing to manifest it and that's why  I think for those non-muslims who are watching  


cuz I realize you have a large Muslim audience  it's like when gandal says the world is not in   your books the world is out there because when you  go out there you realize that dawa is inherently  


social political economic because dawa is human  and we are humans with hearts and with f and I  


think as long as that is the case and as long as  Allah is there upon High I have faith in humanity  


I have faith that people can be guided from  Darkness into light because it is that faith   that I believe will help to ensure that I myself  die as a Muslim because I appreciate that to be  


Muslim is not a right granted to me it is a gift  that Allah gave and when Allah gives you a gift  


you show gratitude and the way you show gratitude  is by giving aan to the world and give the da and  


say I have something beautiful here you should  have it too and you should love the people the  


way you want them to love you if you are misguided  you would want someone to love you so much that  


they would for pull you out of Janam even if it  that's how you'd want people to do for you do you  


have the same sentiment to your Society do you  have the same sentiment towards your community   do you truly see yourself as a mercy desperately  trying to rescue people from the Hellfire or do  


you believe yourself almost like a Zionist that  you are a chosen people while everybody else is   desent to be condemned for every moment we have  breath on this Earth we are ambassadors for the  

Is politics so ingrained within Sami that he will carry on in Jannah?


deed we are ambassadors for Islam we take every  opportunity that's available to us and Trump would  


present a different battle and we will push  through that battle we won the battle against   the Democrats when supported genocide Trump might  represent a new battle and we keep moving we keep  


moving until Allah decides that everything should  go back to him and at least at least inshallah  


maybe we look at Allah if maybe before Allah  would stand before him and would say Allah I  


tried I tried I tried and please make it heavy on  my scales inshah so I should build on one question  


one last question for you um if we've got to be  so certain if we should be so certain about J and  


Allah's Mercy if Allah subh gives me mercy and  forgives me and um allows me to enter jna and  


I come to see you Sami inshallah tal will you be  discussing will you be in a meeting with all of  


the future political analysts or will you give up  that's for because of J and you would be I don't  


know a farmer or or someone just relaxing like  where is politics so ingrained within you that  


even in jna you'll meet the future politicians  and political analysts between now and and um and  


uh and just have constant conversations with them  who knows maybe you have a thinking Muslim podcast   there as well you know narrating everything that  happened afterwards but you know I I think I have  


when I was growing up I only ever imagined Janam  and how to avoid it yeah but I think the more that  


I see people move with new initiatives the more I  see Ordinary People striving to make an impact the  


more I saw people when you tell them that you know  at least raise the voice on that algorithm and you   see in his eyes or her eyes they believe they  don't have the power they want but the suddenly  


in their eyes they look you say wait so this  is power like I I can make a difference if I   do this and you see the rush with which they do it  I've my faith in humanity is genuinely restored I  


truly believe that people want to do good things  and that's why I think when when you invite me   to thinking Muslim and the like and I'm grateful  the opportunity I see is you ask you know how do  


you see you know would you be discussing politics  I think it's more here are avenues that I think  


work what Avenues do you think work here's how  I see the world show me how you see it and let's  


see where it merges because it's like for example  that website words of justice.org where he set up  


you know that AI database that knows the history  of festine and then you know it it generates the   tweaks for you in case you're not eloquent to do  so I knew that you know perhaps we should educate  


people to respond I didn't know you could use  AI you know I had an idea I had one perception  


of it he had another and he produced something  we all build off the backs of each other those  

We all build on the backs of each other


abandoned Harris those you know Unity lab those  that that like thinking Muslim what I found what  


restored my faith was you know you were mentioning  you know semi by the clip it wasn't me it was we  


all work together we all moved together it was  wonderful to see it it was wonderful to go from  


Community to community and have people say we want  to do something here what the powers that we have  


is this sufficient we want to move forward and  it was wonderful to see the um move almost as  


one body it was wonderful to see them move with a  Unity of purpose and that's why I think GZA saved  


us I think the fact that GZA made such an impact  on the US elections shows when the community moves  


they can have an impact and that's why I made  the point earlier when I said that the question   is not what happens next the question is now that  we realize in 11 months you can move and have this  

Imagine the impact we have if we continue moving


sort of impact imagine what impact you could have  in 5 years if you move with the same tenacity and  


the same Vigor don't go home now don't sit at  home now just keep moving keep pushing those  


ideas the community is moving and the mentality  is Shifting and the perspective is changing and  


maybe when historians write they will write this  was the turning point because the um finally woke   up Sami um so Australia and Canada next and we're  in contact with the groups in Australia it seems  


that Canada still uh haven't yet at least from  my side I haven't yet come across a coherent  


organizing body and election so it' be wonderful  to speak to Muslims in Canada to see if we can set   something up I don't know if you know any better  but thank you very much for for your time today


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