Ep 213. - The Seerah Must Radically Transform Our Lives with Sami Hamdi
The Seerah (biography) of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is a key reading for all Muslims. However, many view it through a lens that misses its essence. Sami Hamdi explains how we need to rethink how we view Seerah so that we can internalise it in our lives.
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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation
the Seerah is a heavy book that should terrify you and you realize you've been reading the Seerah
it hasn't processed in the head my wife the other day she asked me hey why do you start your answers when Jal asks you with I think I'm retiring soon from politics there is no
God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God what was going through their minds when they did
this so that's an automatic block that we've put in our heads we can never be like sahaba here is
the Crux of it all is Allah sufficient for us I imagine like zakar talking to somebody who
is his best friend Allah you are the only one I can ask The Audacity Of The Prophet Muhammad s.
was whenever I speak to Sami Hamdi I usually end the conversation asking for sami's reflection on
an issue in our last discussion we left with a question about the the life of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and some advice on how I should study the during Ramadan
well he answered the question but ask asked to re-record that part so that he could elaborate
on his answer Sam and welcome back to the thinking Muslim for having me uh Sammy as I said there we
had that conversation we talked about um uh Gaza and we talked about Donald Trump and of course
most of our conversations are very political but I ended with a question and the question was roughly
um last Ramadan I was quite busy uh I I spent a lot of time Subhan Allah elections coming up and
so a lot of the time was spent in in the Practical matter so I felt like what I usually do is have a
routine and try to engaging some sort of study I always failed to to do that properly but at least
I attempted to it uh so last year I I thought about uh rereading and researching the S uh but uh
I just didn't get a chance to do that at all right so this year inshah where things Waters a little
bit more calmer I intend to do so so I suppose my advice to you as my last question from the show was how do I go about reflecting on Thea where should I go to uh I asked you for some
advice on some key incidents that I could I could sort of connect with especially those political
incidents I could connect with that will help me fine-tune uh or or even even in a heavy way
tune my my way of thinking about politics and about da um so you answered the question but
it was obviously not enough so you've asked to to come back to answer it in in a little bit
Why re-record?
more more depth which alhamdulillah is good for me um maybe the question I should first ask you
is why like why did you want to re-record this section I think initially when we recorded it it
was a heavy question in which I tried to cram the heaviness of it within 10 15 minutes even tried
to do it less than that primarily because we'd gotten late in the recording itself yeah and while
I don't believe that I failed in addressing the question anything to do with the SE of the Prophet
Muhammad wasallam deserves to stand alone in its own respect and deserves the respect of not being
rushed in terms of how to explore that particular the reason why I say this is that when Allah says
indeed in the example of the Prophet is is an example for you yeah there is a sense sometimes
that we read that verse spiritually that he's an example to us in tud he's an example to us in
prayer he's an example to us in kindness he's an example to us in everything that is to do with
personal relations but we forget that Aya also encompasses he is an example in How We Do politics
he's an example in how we manifest politics and he's an example in How We Do politics and I think
that if you look at the aah through that lens when you are told by the scholars legitimately
so that the life of the Prophet can be divided into two preh and post 13 years in Mecca and 10
years in Medina the question then begs itself the most the majority of the prophet's life in
dawa is 13 years in Mecca not 10 years in Medina but when we often talk about the S politically we
don't talk about the first 13 years we talk about the 10 years because we assume politics is only
associated with war only associated with diplomacy only associated with having a base and therefore
politics cannot be done until you have an army economy a base and the like and so when we talked
last time about the idea that in Ramadan it's good to focus on what you think are the victories B
the when the Arab tribes were driven back and Abu sufyan and the like the Conquering of Mecca that
the promise of Allah is coming but I think that there is Merit in that when we look at the first 13 years of the life of the Prophet wasam that we don't look at it necessarily just from the lens of
looking for a spiritual high in the perseverance but also recognizing the way he moved politically
in that period and my argument in last time was that in looking at the first 13 years we'll see
more parallels with what's happened in the past year in terms of what we've been doing in terms of activism by we I'm talking to the people who are watching this and the like and
and yourself and the like I'm not talking about us to over here about everybody who's watching this because everybody even just by watching it and giving the views and and and tweeting
and the like they giv the example and so when your question is why did you come back to redo it it's because while I listed examples on that lengthy piece of time I miss the examples of for
example becomes Muslim because of the da of his sister because he finds her reading
Surah her and her husband and he beats her and then he his sister says at least read it read
it first he says what is this and he opens it and he reads it when he calms down and he reads
letters from Allah we did not send this Quran as something to cause you panic
we only sent it as a reminder for those who fear those who ponder about what's coming next those who fear when reads that he says this could not have come from a man this
comes from Allah tala when he goes to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he knocks on the door and his reputation amongst the Muslims is one in which he is
violent and oppressive to the Muslims because when he knocks on the door and they tell him that it is says let him come in Don't Fear him he won't do to you what he usually does I'll
chop off his head from behind him to make sure he can't harm you like he usually does when walks in he becomes Muslim yes I've always pondered when you read this particular story
within the context of when people say what's the point of you guys just talking in a room what's
the point of Candace Owens doing a podcast on why Palace what's the point of taka Carlson changing
his to what's the point you guys celebrate small victories asalamu alayum this is your
Donate to Baitulmaal
brother Ahmed shab from natural disasters like floods in Pakistan and droughts in East
Africa to human-made crises like oppression and civil unrest emergencies around the world arise
that put people at risk of displacement hunger thirst or injury every year and when they do it
takes compassionate people like you to be ready to respond to those in need in their moment of Crisis
this Ramadan your generosity can be the meal they eat the Clean Water they drink the medicine they
take or the aid the saves them be the reason families make it out of crisis with dignity and
hope I read this story many times but I read it differently in the context of Gaza while I
Seerah in today’s context
was reading it when we would sit and discuss in the sense of when becomes Muslim and the other
books of and Martin Lings and these others they described that the reaction of the sahab was one
of it was of allahar can you believe that has become Muslim can you believe that he's gone
from somebody openly advocating against us not a neutral openly advocating against us to becoming
Muslim and my reaction when I read it in that context of Gaza was not how the story of sub
how my reaction was if this happened today and and Jalal and other people watching and and people in
this room said allahar I can imagine someone going on Twitter and tweeting look at these
guys they get beat up every day and they just keep protesting in the middle of the of mecah
and the Kaa and when becomes Muslim one Elite they're celebrating like they've have conquered
the whole world look at how small their Ambitions are look at how weak these people are look at how
they celebrate when I looked at I went me H what would your reaction have been what would you read
the story and and you realize you're brushing over it when you initially read it you go Subhan Allah
like it's a story where everyone in the Masid and the they go Subhan Allah look how Allah flips the hearts but no one asked the question if you saw that without the Holiness that you've attached
to sahaba and to the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam if you weren't Muslim and you saw that or rather if you were Muslim and you sort of detached the the Holiness and elevation and
status that they deserve to be given and you're in the room with them would it not have crossed
your mind and you would say like guys how does this really change anything because the next day
goes and announces his Islam in the middle of the Kaa he goes and he says you know inshallah like
sha King finds himself with where Shan King says guys I'm becoming Muslim this thing is
intolerable and I have found the H muh Shan King says it in front of everybody doesn't matter about
the backlash doesn't matter of whatever the next day Palestinians or the Muslims are still getting
beaten up it's reasonable rationally ignore the sense of what is right or wrong R was someone
to say what are these guys celebrating so when you said you know Sam why' you come back it's did I do
justice in when I was trying to elaborate on how my father taught me to read the S how I read the s
and I'm hoping in this opportunity I can do justice not for the viewer the viewer is irrelevant and I don't mean that as a disrespect the viewer is irrelevant but I do think my wife
the other day she asked me she said to me uh by the way why do you start your answers when Jalal
ask you with I think every single answer is I think yes she said sometimes when you say I think
people might assume that you're undermining your own analysis and I told the Su I think is not for
the audience I think is my way of saying Allah I know only you know the I know only you know the
truth I know you see what I can't see and you know with certainty what's happening you are
the one who everything is in his hands you are the one who controls everything Allah I dare not
claim that certainty that you handle the Affairs of this world Allah accept this word of I think
as my recognition of this Supremacy with Allah subhana wa tala I said every answer has to start
like this because it's it's like a and I promise I finish on this point in 2019 my father ran in
the elections so I remember Tunisian election in Tunisia elections so I for the presidency in
2014 he came forth in 2011 his party came third and I remember 2019 he didn't want to run again
the Tunis experience was rough but we pushed him we said go run again you know your Valu are good so I remember on his Manifesto he had our party prom es to put in the Constitution that Islam
is original the state and no law may be passed that contravene Shar which was the additional we
want a unemployment benefit system we want free health care for those who are unemployed because we have the insurance system you can't access free healthare or healthare unless you have a
job so he's like providing access to healthcare for those who don't have it so when he went to Tunisia the strategy was when you go to speak on the media he would focus on the unemployment
benefit he'd focus on the health care he'd focus on things that would Elevate the poor and in society and say that those who did the revolution they should be supported so he went
on this channel with these two pundits secular pundits and and uh when they asked him about his
Manifesto they focused specifically on this Shar point they said what does it mean when you say you want to bring Shar you want to chop up hands what does it mean when you want to bring Shar and
my father was like we are Muslims this should be a no brainer for us I'm talking about the justice of I'm talking about they said no no no no no we don't need this stuff here we are a civil State
we don't need the religion and this and whatever and what does it mean and whose interpretation Etc and the like so anyway the interview ended up heated so when he came back my cousin is telling
me the story my cousin Jal he says to me my father was put in prison when he was 19 and
then again when he was 20 and then fled tunia so most of his life he's been outside of Tunisia so my cousin Jalal has never known him on a personal level until my father came back for the election
so my cousin is telling the story and he says uh my uncle he's talking about my father my uncle came home he calls him he came home and he was sitting with is and he was sitting with the
other campaign team and uh they were analyzing the interview so the the team said to him yeah
D we advise that in Tunisia the issue of Islam and stuff is very contentious with regard to
Shar so we believe in it but we think maybe in the campaign you should avoid talking about this
issue only talk about the my cousin says Samy I saw something in my uncle's eyes the moment they
said don't talk about it and put it to the side as if something went between him and Allah subh
he said Allah because of their phrasing of it I will not let it be said that I set aside for
the sake of the Tunisian people and for the sake of the election for your is greater to me than anything that these tunisians want and he went in every interview and would not talk about anything
except Shar and Islam and it's almost as if he agreed to lose the election when I heard that
story of course I was naive politically part of me said my father doesn't understand politics I mean
sometimes it must be okay you know to set aside these things I'm I'm deeply deeply ashamed when
I admit this I I'm deeply ashamed when I when I remember how I thought my father should do
politics differently that he should you know play the game that he should whatever and Subhan Allah
within a year two years the coup would happen from anyway and all those who compromise would end up
being tossed into prisons while Allah saved my father and he's not anywhere near the grasp of or
the like and I believe it's because Allah rescued him in that particular that's my interpretation of it but the reason why I say this is that ultimately when you read the SE of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam I know I've gone Along on this particular point when you read the SE of the Prophet mallam the SE of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is Allah going
above and beond to speak to you Allah sent down the Quran and sent down the book which is the
Quran and Allah said this is I have completed this book for you but it's like it's as if Allah
subhana said let me add the sun of the Prophet to it as well let me show you how you can live with the Quran I won't give you just a book let me show you how you can live with it and I wonder if
when we read the S if we truly read it or are we reading it in the sense of we look for the
spiritual high in Ramadan but when you read the parts of the S where we see resonance with what we should do politically we sort of say leave that aside that's not for us today and I think that's
the frightening thing that I hope will change the way in which we approach it this Ramadan because that's really interesting because of course um I think every time I ask you about um like our
Prophet’s political influence
viewers asked give us a book that we can read a primer on politics your answer is read B but of
course uh a lot of people are reading B but are not getting these examples of power and influence
and developing sort of a way of doing politics that you're getting from the zero right so I hope
in today's conversation we can maybe glean from the S some of those examples that you and I may you know we we we are accustomed to reading but we C we we infer from those examples something
a little bit more politically of of gravity than maybe the way we're we're doing it at the moment
so that that example of omab actually um can I start with that because um if I remember right the
prophet made a Dua before uh before that incident before he became Muslim that one of the two armors
should I would like bless or reinforce Islam with one of the two one of the two AR right and so
there is implicit within that Dua is a is a uh you know a an attachment of influence he wants someone
who of influence to become a Muslim because of course Muslims in Mecca didn't have that level
of influence in society most of the Muslims were not from the the upper echelons of of the elites
or the strong men of of of qur um just talk to me about that that issue the the influence as how how
important is this political influence aspect of the Prophet alam's 13 years in meca I think that
when you look at the story about and the Dua that's made for or who Abu J AB J yeah I think
that one of the things that I took from it and bear in mind a lot of what I say is is what I take from it and how it influenced me and I don't claim to be a finished project in any way whatsoever nor
as as many people will say do I ever recommend people to take my advice on anything as per a
story I told you earlier behind the scenes on the camera yes but I think that the Dua that
the prophet Muhammad makes reminds me of a story I was sitting in the car once and uh a friend
uh said to me uh I won't say jokingly he wasn't saying it jokingly but I took it jokingly he said
said you know Samy do you think Allah will provide some for Islam through Donald Trump you know like Allah guide him to be some sort of benefit and I burst out laughing and he said to he looked to me
and he went to me why you laughing bro like that I said cuz it's funny like like Donal Trump like
come on man like do you know I mean he goes why why is it funny I don't understand and I said it's it's Donald Trump man he goes yeah the prophet made Dua for Abu J that Allah would re
would reinforce Islam he said you know not just reinforce it comes from the word as well like not
just to reinforce it but to give glory to Islam through them as well if he did it for Abu J Allah doesn't need to accept the Dua he didn't accept it for Abu jahel but and Allah accept for Donald
Trump but I don't understand why if the prophet can make it send me because he was like a semi Kazi would you have laughed at the prophet if if you had to make that no like that and and and and
I almost went white with fear because that's basically what he was saying and you know it's it's I I I shouldn't have done that you know you know I shouldn't have done it to the audience I
was in America once and I told the story so people laughed when I said I didn't say it I said the how
the brother said it and and maybe three quarters of the audience they burst out laughing and then when I said the point about he made it for Abu you could see the audience their faces dropped because
the point the reason I'm telling the story like this is you read the SE of the prophet sallam and you see him making Dua for Abu jel when you try to apply it to modern times you laugh like I don't
mean in that way but but you yes so in that story and the the way it travels from the story to your
mind there is a filter there that is blocking the translation of what you've read there's something
there that's getting lost in almost like a Chinese Whispers or whatever is or Chinese wall something is missing you're reading it but you're not grasping it what is it that's preventing you
from grasping it and I struggled with this for ages until I came with a theory that I'm not sure if it's correct but it's the theory that when the prophet goes to the cave of when he receives the
Allah doesn't give him the full Quran he doesn't and and you know some people they pass by it but
one day after reading it a million times on the millionth and first time you're like wait a minute
hang on a sec why doesn't he give the prophet the full Quran why didn't he just give him everything from the beginning and whatnot and then I went read some Scholars and there was a scholar I
came across he suggested that the reason being is that a lot of the aat Came Down based on a certain
event to help the prophet interpret a certain event like in when the archers didn't listen to
his orders when the prophet was deciding what to do Under the court Marshal they should be executed they betrayed an order and they lost the battle as a result but instead the prophet is told by
Allah take the Holiness for a second and I'll translate the Ayah ignore for a second
that it comes from Allah Allah is saying that those who resulted in the defeat of the battle
pardon them forgive them and ask Allah to forgive them and bring them back into the
Consulting phase somebody today would be like you failed in your first startup why on Earth would I ask your advice on anything you're a failure you barely get any views in your
videos who are you to advise me on marketing not use I'm talking about somebody else Mah you're blessed with the views Allah B you are a fail Tech what do you have to advise me about
my tech thing whatever Allah is saying and you suddenly realize hang on a second my logic tells
me as a Muslim that that person shouldn't be consulted because they failed before and here's Allah saying that those who disobeyed them in the Archer and led to Allah saying pardon them
forgive them is not the same as is like okay I forgive is erasing the the sin completely so
treat them as if it didn't happen I don't where is the missing link from reading the Ayah to it
being interpreted in the action of what you do and it goes back to that story in terms of how you understand Allah subhana wa tala when you're reading the S are you reading the S as a story of
a man who goes through a journey or the story of a lord who guides a man through a journey because those are two very different things and I give you the example that the Bosnian IM gave me which
I love because it humiliated me and for those who think that I learned this as a teenager I did not every year you learn something new about the the Bosnian president the who led Bosnia during the
war against the Serbian SS he has a famous quote I can't remember which book it is he has a quote where he says every time I read the Quran it's almost like I'm reading it differently it's not
the Quran that's changing it's me who's changing and therefore I'm interpreting it differently in terms the idea of Allah didn't give the full Quran because he needed to go to the events to
get the wisdom but the point of the bosan IM the idea of how do you perceive Allah subhana wa tala
when you're reading the S do you see Allah's intervention and do you appreciate it or do
you see the story of a man and I explain what I mean we were in uh the emperor's musque in Saro
in the summer um I keep saying telling you every time we come for an interview that I'm retiring
soon from politics yes because alhamdulillah the travel compan is doing well I'm just going to do tourism full-time so in the summer I had the groups they came from New York we went to
Bosnia we prayed jum in the emperor's musque it was me uh I won't say his name actually but in
any case a good friend of ours was with us as well and another person so the IM starts his
with praise be to Allah who elevated those who strive and fight in the name of Allah in the way
of Allah over those who sit at home and do nothing so those who move Allah elevates them those who
stay at home and just complain Allah Le when he finish the he comes and he says he sees we're
foreigners where are you guys from I'm from London these guys are from New York and this guy's from
Dallas and uh I said to him can I say something but don't be offended he said what I told him
that was a provocative way to start a he said what do you mean I said some people believe they should
sit down and you know make Dua you know and he said If Only They would even make Dua I said what do you mean he said you said that your father is from Tunisia I said yeah he goes so you've
prayed for rain before I said yeah he goes what's it like I told him it's amazing the whole village
gathers in the Masid and I've seen it before when you come to Tunis in one day when you go I'll show you my Village I'll show you how it's the vibe is incredible they gather in the middle of the
village in the midst of all these olive trees and the like in howed and the IM will start and he be like and it's a beautiful voice and they're making everybody goes you can feel the Earth shake with
the and everything I tell him it's wonderful it's like everybody's asking with one heart to Allah tala we all I said to him we're asking with one heart to Allah to please give us rain he said to
me okay do any one of your people when they go to pray or you do you take an umbrella with you
when you're going to pray for rain and I went he said Lord Al if you're praying for rain to
the lord of the heavens who can deliver rain at any time the logic should follow Jal that this Lord can deliver at a moment's notice so you surely you'd come prepared right you
don't want to be caught in the Blessed rain that Allah subhana wa T delivers in the response of your Dua is the absence of the umbrella perhaps a recognition that in your heart you might feel
like you are sincere but your action shows that you're not truly sincere the point he was making was how do you perceive Allah subhana tala do you perceive him as a Lord that does respond and hear
your Dua or a Lord that might hear your Dua and might respond to your Dua and it's the same way as reading the S do you see the message that Allah is sending you when the prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wasallam comes down and starts to convey his message and he tells them
that Allah essentially orders him go stand oh you who is covered go and give the da in public
when when has the order so far it's been in secret now they have to go give da in public what does he mean give da in public in a city they control no with an army that
they have no with media that they own no with uh you know a mafia member who can
protect protection no they've got to go to the middle of a town and go and call to town and say Muhammad aband not not accept our ways abandon in your ways Allah doesn't tell them
let's the doesn't tell them let's you know have the idols in Allah he tells him abandon
your ways for truly you are in and this is the way of Allah tal and he says it in the middle
of the Kaa and they start stoning the sahaba they start beating the sahaba they start when
you stop at this particular point in the SE of the Prophet wasam there's a difference between saying mashallah look how Noble and wonderful they are and a difference between saying could I do that
there's a difference between saying masallah the sah and the prophet wasam as if it's an abstract
concept that was never meant for you like it's a fairy tale or like it's a story too good to be
true there's a difference between looking and saying mashallah as if subconsciously you're
saying that's not like I'm not of them they're a different people but Allah subhana wa tala this
is the point if you believe that it is Guided by Allah subhana wa taala the implications Allah is
showing you how to live the dean and how people Liv the dean what was the consequences when they Liv the dean Allah is not saying these are special people separate from you Allah is saying this is
how it was interpreted by people who believed it to be true the point being is the question is not
the the the conclusion is not these are sahaba I'll never be like them the question is this is sahaba how can I be like them and when you follow that train of thought you get to the question Jal
could I do that build on the question even more let's suppose you're going through Ramadan you're
going through the build on that question could I do that you might say that this one is a bit hard
for me why because there's a lot of aggression they used to kill in those days they whipped bil
they put a rock on his chest they beat upar they hit Abu bakik and the Muslims had no protection or
the like okay fine but when you go and protest in London does that violence happen to you but you're
not going to protest in London or or some who are watching or or when they go to protest they go to one they don't go to the other because they're like what's the point there's too much effort
in going there so you have an easier time to do what the prophet mallam did in Mecca an easier
time but you refuse to do so either perhaps out of fear either perhaps out of you don't believe
that it's worth it or the like if you follow the Chain of Thought this is the point so now you've got you've got to the point the action of the sahab instead of going through the root of
these areab I can't be like them you go the root of what would I do in that situation then you say before I analyze this what what could what does it what can I do in my current situation could I
protest could I go to the middle of a city and say could I go in the middle of a city and say this is
a genocide all the like or that kind of thing as well then you go to the next part where you
start looking at it and you think okay could I do the protest and then you start saying to yourself is it worth it because if I do a protest in London it's not like K tomorrow is going to
turn around and say I'm cutting all ties with the Israelis so what's the point in protesting
hold that thought for a second apply it to the prophet Muhammad wasallam with a small group of
following going to the middle of meccah which is majority kufar antagonistic to the prophet
wasallam with the power to kill him and beat him he doesn't have any material superiority it would
be rational and I'm very careful what I say here you could imagine someone saying to him is there
not a better Str than this I don't see how this is going to make qur flip and become Muslim by going
to the middle of the Kaa and putting ourselves at risk like this this is just a protest in the middle of the ca yes we're making some noise but in the end they're going to beat us up we're going
to be forced to go back to our homes bleeding and in reality not many people are even going to become Muslim is this a is this something that you could imagine might have been said to the prophet
very much so is it a relatively relative to the time is it a logical thing to say say for someone
who does not believe that Allah is present it's logical objectively you're not going to change qur
based on one protest in Mecca so does the prophet Muhammad Sall alaihi wasallam say like some say in
our community that there's no point and they sit at home until somebody comes up with a better idea he doesn't this is the point jilled you realize um you realize the reason you're not sahaba is
not because there's not a grand opportunity to be one but because even in the small opportunities
that present themselves to you you don't take them in the way sahaba did because you don't see the
outcome so you don't move and you don't realize sahaba also couldn't see the outcome but they
still moved when they moved you follow the Train by we're still talking about the first time he goes and gives dawa we're following this train you're reading the Ramadan you're still on the
same page this what I mean people say I read the s in two days no no you're on the same page now for the whole day this whole thought process is taking you a few hours Jal this is what I mean when I
say the S is a heavy book that should terrify you you're still on the same page you're talking about
the time when the prophet wasam takes sahab to the middle of the Caba and you're following that train of thought and you suddenly realize and hang on a second I'm stuck on this particular point now
you get to the point so the prophet Muhammad knows that when he goes to the middle of the Kaa K Abu sufyan and qur are not just going to turn around suddenly and completely changed that
was a genuine mistake they're not genuinely going to turn around and change but he still goes yes
what is realistically the maximum he can expect from such a declaration so public in the middle
of meccah that people might ask what's going on does he expect people to accept his way suddenly
there is that reasonable to expect when he goes out maybe one maybe two ex what what's
when people are saying give me a strategy Jal tell me how it goes from a to zed and you tell
them let's go to the middle and let's raise our voices okay for what against genocide yeah but
what's it going to achieve we're going to announce that it's happening and that it matters for what
what's it going to like what's it going to do the prophet has no answer for that but Allah has the
answer because when the prophet sallam goes and the sahaba they lock arms and they go to the Kaa
and in the film the message they do a wonderful replication of it there is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God and they're being stoned and hit and they keep going and they're
bleeding and they're refusing and and and the troops come out and they're threatening them they refuse to back down they're not going home they go to the Kaa they go next to the Kaa to assert this
Kaa belongs to Allah subhana wa tala and qures have come with their Spears they've come with their stones and they're throwing they beating up the sahaba anybody looking at it not knowing it
was the prophet M wasallam would say why on Earth are you not doing this for like what possessed
you to think you could do something with such a display but Allah had an answer while the they're
taunting the prophet Muhammad sallam and throwing and then you know mus says protect the prophet so
he turns his back to make sure he doesn't get hit somebody shouts from the crowd Hamza Hamza Hamza
is here Hamza the uncle of the prophet abdb and I love the scene in the movie they do it really
well it's accurate to the S Hamza rides in on the horse everybody CU he's known as a very powerful f
individual and he rides in Anthony Quinn plays him everyone goes quiet hamza's here you don't
mess with Hamza the sahaba they're considered weak you can beat them you don't mess with Hamza Hamza
walks in looks around and he sees the sahaba they've been beaten when the genocide in Gaza
began I vowed we would never let those responsible get away with this silence was complicity in a
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world that wants us to remain Placid a world that wants us to be concerned more about our immediate
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with Allah's Baraka we Galvanize our communities to confront these political Elites and send them
a clear message in elections on both sides of the Atlantic we brought communities together together
and led the way encountering their pernicious agenda such is the power of this New Media our
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us he's been shown the video on Tik Tok he's been shown the the image on in he's been shown
Bravery of Sahaba
the reality of what's happening now he has no idea what's happening here he has no idea that they've gone out to call to he doesn't know what's happened so what he does is he says he
doesn't even ask what's happening he looks at unarmed men being having been beaten by a mob
that is armed and his F immediately says there's something wrong with this scene so he looks at
Abu Abu J Abu J I think it is Abu J he says uh how strong you guys feel going after unarmed men Abu
Jah says but he insults our gods and Hamza strikes him and says strike me if you there why go after
people who are weak come after me I'm strong you think you're brave when you go after them come after me like a man everybody goes quiet he goes who will challenge me you thought you were strong
who will challenge me come everyone is like I'm not challenging Hamza they walk away the story
gets told across all of Mecca Hamza looks at the prophet Muhammad Sall alaihi wasallam and he asks
for the story so they explain it to him and he starts thinking he looks at them and he goes all of you guys came out knowing this would happen to you for this message for Allah so he goes home and
he starts thinking the reports in the S say that when Hamza in the meet in the Gathering said I am
of the religion of Muhammad do something to me he said I didn't mean it when I said it when he went home and thought about it he thought about The Bravery of these sahabah who were not deterred
by what people said we objectively s Superior people so he goes to the prophet after he says
yeah Muhammad when I go hunting at night in the desert I know Allah has not kept in a house look at each other the way we looked at each other when we realized that social media
was shifting public opinion sahaba looked at each other and went hamza's Hamza hamza's hind
the wife of Abu sufyan says the drunker Hamza who spends his time gambling and hunting this
Hamza has become Muslim and he's given up all of these vices what what is this the point is in the
buildup to the S when you're reading it this is what I mean when you're reading it there's there are two chains in which you go there's one in which you make sahaba abstract where all you do
is you say mashallah and you move to the next page mashallah and and there's another way you say what
was going through their minds when they did this what is the equivalent and when you go through and
Hamza becomes Muslim let me strike a parallel with today that when people say sam you exaggerate the
importance of social media I don't exaggerate the importance of social media when I see Hamza became
Muslim because they stood firm the logic follows that Candace Owens can become Karima Owens did you
know web IM web may Allah bless him lovely lovely lovely IM especially when you meet in person tall
web IM web put a post on Facebook after Candace Owens came out on the P Morgan show and said I
can't support support the Zionism so he was like may Allah bless Karima Owens and guide her to Islam I looked on the Facebook post and I careful with your chling man I'm joking I'm minding you I
saw on the I'm I'm minding you off I'm joking I'm sure many people CH I saw on the Facebook post you know the emojis that they put I saw a lot of laughing emojis and and and I thought and
this is the point that I made it reminded me of the story of my friend it's like why were people laughing at the notion that Candace Owens could become Karima Owens if dawa made her go
from Zionism to Pro Palestine if she knew Zionism Lobby and how strong it is and the money that they
have and the military superiority she knows they have the F-16 she knows the global superpower is
behind them and yet she saw resilience in the Palestinians and grew to sympathize with them
in a way in which now she's completely turned against the Zionism and constantly putting out Pro Palestinian content if that could happen in the space of a few months is it not realistic as
a Muslim to assume that with some dawa she could genuinely become Karima Owens I don't know if you saw the noral finlin interview with Candace Owens the way he talks to her is phenomenal cuz
I think that interview changed her opinion a lot Norman felstein doesn't give her facts although he does give facts but that's not the Crux of his argument his argument is Mrs Owens as he speaks he
say Mrs Owens I know that you are pregnant at this moment in time and that you are already a mother
if somebody came and bombed your kids would it matter to you what the reason was is there any
reason you would accept your kids to be bombed and to and you can see her face she's silent she does
he talks to her he talks to what Allah created in every single human being the Muslim put the
laughing emoji on IM web status the Muslim laughs at a Dua similar to the Dua of the Prophet wasam
when he says where does the laughter come from Jal where does it come from when we all know the story
where does the laughter come from when the prophet didn't laugh when he made that Dua where does the
sense that it is ridiculous where does it come from when your lord is the almighty Allah himself
where does it come from and you realize you've been reading the S but it hasn't processed in the
head because processing it is not saying masallah processing it is being like Oh my goodness it's
there is no power except Allah it's the recognition that only Allah could bring this
power from something that seems so simple when people respond on the comments to some of your videos and say you guys are taking small victory what do you mean go protest what do you mean go
and boycott when I read it these days and I and I'm not saying that these people are like that but when I read it I think if these guys were in the time of the Prophet wasam would they have said the
same to him when the sahaba were getting together and they were saying some of the weaker sahab go
to AB there is a king there who wrongs no one and jaali stands before Nashi Nashi immediately says
to jaali I'm gonna send you back to Mecca like I'm not going to accept he's like where he says
that I'm going to change the settlement program to make sure gazin are not allowed to move to the UK no ifs no buts you know in the words that IM Tom fakin though he said it in favor of Palestinians
of USS OB he won't like that I dropped his name here but in any case jali what did he say now he says to Nashi you told us this is a land of Freedom our Prophet said no man is
wronged in your land that you'll at least listen to us hear me what I have to say first hear my
argument and then decide if I said to a community leader that let's just talk to the Republicans
let's talk to the Democrats let's talk to liberals let's talk to the the evangelicals let's talk to
africanamerican pastors let's talk to them and say what the Zionist Lobby lobbies heavily for
these Republican candidates what's your word going to do we need a pack or we need a Lobby like the Israeli Lobby guys had the something like the Israeli Lobby in Nashi shall I tell
you a story in the s that makes me believe that our word might be stronger than the lobby Samy
don't do this I've had people say don't do this what don't bring the s in this example over here
these are sahaba we're talking about guys but but sahab are an example for how we should emulate
adopt why are you guys talking to me like it's it's irrelevant why is itel the way you guys
are talking to me right now just hear me out Sami you want to go and sit and talk to the person and
believe your speech can move them I'm raised with the story that jaali when Nashi puts the
Islam’s expansion
chains on him and Jaffer says at least hear what we have to say under the amendment of freedom of speech because our Prophet said no man is wrong here and you claim to be a nation of rule of law
Nashi says okay what's your what do you have to say says just send them back she says they've
laid upon me an obligation to listen to them the law says that I can't Shadow ban completely their
accounts the law says that I have to bring off ofcom says if I bring one opinion I have to bring
the other opinion that's the way we do things in the UK you can't do that in some Muslim nations of course the so jaff Tali says Nashi says to him what's your what's the what's the message like
what is it that's cus this grou Jaffer doesn't say I can bring I can if if uh Adon gave 100 million
to Donald Trump I can get you 200 millioni jafra doesn't say Elon Musk I can bring you somebody I
can bring you deep seek J doesn't say they're giving you this much trade per year I can give
you this much trade per year jaff looks Nashi in the eye and says to him we worship gods of
wood and stone elements of our own manufacturer the rich neglect the poor the rich neglect the
poor and the act by which a brother lifts his fellow brother up is described by these people
as upsetting the social order the idea that we should give Charities our Prophet tells us give
charity even a smile can be charity and asashi smiles jaff says he says love your neighbor
he says why should we be surprised that God speaks to us through Muhammad did he not speak to us through Moses through Jesus Nashi suddenly stops the evang the nesi stops and says where
did you learn these names what do you mean Moses what do you mean Jesus who taught you those names why the they're in the Quran says but they don't believe Jesus Son of God says what do you say of
the Son of God the discussion is not economics the discussion is not about tech or the like
says let me bring him back to the women women we buy them use them discard them Jaa responds
and says remember UK only gave rights to women in 1928 it's very recent for them Jaffer says
uh Allah said in the Quran that he created men and women different but equal surely you of all people
respect the womb that bore youi says the way that some of these social media podcasts are saying
why are your 300 Gods Tongue Tied why is Fox News CNN and New York Times Tongue Tied while
his one God is eloquent while the Palestinians are eloquent while those who support the Palestinians are eloquent why are you Tongue Tied about the right of return about the issue of coexistence
about the rights of the Palestinians why are they eloquent in in quoting international law
eloquent in quoting the icj eloquent in quoting social justice and the like while all of your
channels your 300 channels are Tongue Tied jaff Talib by the end of his conversation with Nashi
hasn't offered any any economic alternative he hasn't paid Candace Owens he hasn't paid
taka Carson he hasn't paid Matt Walsh to come out and say we should cut funds for Israel he
hasn't paid Bernie Sanders to come out and say to Democrats we need to change a position on Gaza he hasn't paid Michael Mo to say that we need to make distance from the Zionist if we ever want
to win an election again he hasn't paid T of hessi coats to come out and risk his career by going out
against the Israeli Lobby and being lambasted on social media networks no one paid these people Jal no one paid them the other side they're paying them you're right they're paying them millions
no one paid them right the example is before your eyes the example is before your eyes no one paid
people to go on Tik Tok and raise the voice of the Palestinians and explain what's happening
no one paid them to go on Instagram you who are watching this to go and Elevate and like can ret
no one paid you to do it they paid whole team to do it they created whole AI Bots to go and respond
even AI Bots didn't buy their propaganda they spent Millions on an AI bot that was convinced
Israel is an apartheid regime by people who convinced it for free ja beat the same way
Palestinians are beating zionists when you read it in the S you go mashallah ja AB Talib but why does
it stop at mashallah why don't you see how the word of Truth and Justice is superior to economic
interests of Nations why is it you believe that Nashi is a oneoff and Nashi cannot happen today
if the Sunnah if the prophet says I leave behind for you my Quran and Sunnah the Sunnah therefore
is not an abstract thing that you just look at for that only gives you a spiritual High where you say mashah it happened once before it can't happen again I like these stories they make me
feel good the Sunnah becomes something where you're thinking how can that happen today can such miracles happen today that's what Nashi says to jaur can such miracles happen today and that's
the reason why when you're reading the Seal of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam you made the point many people read it but they don't come to some of these particular conclusions and
I think it's because they stop short of asking themselves what would you do in that situation
and when people go beyond the idea I once asked a group and I said to them uh how many of you
believe that you would have fought in B they all put their hands up and I said said abdah
said to those who told him we would have fought in bad why would you wish and dream of fighting of bad do you know what a tremendous fitner it was for us to fight our own family members
none of us wanted to do that they all inquired they said what's your point I said who's right
you who say who who say you guarantee to fight in bad who says no one is certain whether they would
have fought in bad or not who is correct here now they all said abdah but the point here is
what is their interpretation of the that leads them to the presumptuous notion that they would
have stood with the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam when in reality when you see the parallels of today they don't stand with what the Prophet wasallam The Parallel what happened today
when you tell him go and protest he says there's no point K won't change his mind the prophet knew that Abu sufyan wouldn't change his mind but he still did it when you tell him boycott and pay and
and and put money between yourselves to free B and they like he says our money doesn't even have that much of an impact why did the prophet encourage sahaba to boycott and in order to go and fund
and support themselves instead when people say that raising your voice doesn't make a difference social media we're just shouting in a vacuum that it doesn't really make a difference you're just
making us feel good with small victories so when the prophet of Allah s alhi wasallam tells you for 13 years after being going under a boycott being beaten up having Thorns put in his path and the
like would you have said to him you keep telling us to raise our voices you keep telling us to give da it's not working king would you have said that to Al wasallam and that's the reason why I say is
a terrifying book it's a terrifying book because when you read it with the other eye open you begin to ask yourself do I truly believe I would have gone along with the prophet sallam in the first 13
years of Mecca in the 10 years after Medina that's easy for people to say I would have gone with him because he has a state he has an army everybody is going to fight you have the swords you feel like
you have power but these 13 years you know the hard part the the the when when you're trying to grind when you're going and Allah subhana wa tala has not sent you the Army he's left you 13 years
not left you but he's kept you 13 years in meccah giving da without the material superiority that
you're insisting that we need today this is why I believe when people read the S and I'm not saying I discovered this myself I didn't it was my father who came to me one day and gave me a test and
maybe people want to try it during Ramadan which is to pick up the SE of the prophet and to read it and to ask themselves to go through every sahaba and say the ending that this like went through
would I accept this as my role in supporting the prophet Muhammad Sall alaihi wasallam and I mean
sincerely when you go through and say if I was and they knock on my door they knock down my door they
barge through they grab me they grab me by my hair they dragg me out they put me on the desert floor and they start to spit in my face they start to hit me and they start to beat me and they tell
me give up muham and I can't see the prophet coming in to rescue me I can't see coming in
Abu Bakr is not coming neither is neither is Hamza no one is coming to rescue me I'm there alone with
Abu with the qur who've come to persecute me with the intention to kill me because I believe in
Muhammad in that moment Sumaya knows she's about to give her life for the cause for Islam for the
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam even though he didn't give her a mansion he didn't improve her living standards he didn't give her more money he didn't instead she's dragged out by
the first M of Islam she's dragged out when she's told give her up she spits in the face of Abu jahel and says Muhammad you look at and you look at her and ask yourself how are you viewing is
she a footnote in the journey or do you appreciate that this lady is now in with the prophet Muhammad
wasallam inshallah that she is the first Mar of Islam Allah honored her elevated her status her
name is given to so many girls around the world World in celebration of what she did the sacrifice
that she made no one came to rescue her she did not benefit materially but she still held on to
Muhammad when you read the and you start going through you realize she's a woman anyway let me go
to first let me go to Hamza you realize you start going to the S much more slowly why because when
you get to suay and you start hesitating you want to convince yourself you can be like Su so what you do is you go back pages you don't you don't go forward you actually start turning the pages
back because you start looking at context you start looking at what was it like at the time was
there an alternative that could have happened were there better ways that they could have done you start asking these questions and you realize Allah decreed the Sunnah and the to be in a particular
way for a reason so that when we look at it and we feel like our efforts don't matter Allah is saying
did not die in vain she did not die in vain was showed such resilience and resolve that she became
etern immortalized in history where everybody around the world all of the Muslims around the
world they know who she is and they celebrate her you know when Allah says Prophet we made it so
everybody says your name and sends blessings on you and the and the Allah elevated their status
because we know their names and we celebrate them we know them from when we're kids and we know that because the sacrifice that they made the point that I'm making here and I promise I finish on
this point even though I've G on quite a while but you can see why I wanted to rerecord good point the reason why I'm making this particular point is is that when you look at an event in the SE of the
Prophet mamam we tend to skip over events because I believe one of two things happens the first is
our subconscious belief that s is a fairy tale in so far as we can never be like sahaba means
we never dwell on what sahaba might have been thinking at the the time so that's an automatic block that we've put in our heads we can never be like sahabah which contradicts what Allah says in
that I've left behind the example of the Prophet wasam which means the example of him and the sahab we should be wanting to be like them and therefore we should understand them there shouldn't be that
block we should say how can I be like them and the second block is the more you delve into what
sahab did the more you start feeling these guys did things and these sisters did things these
they did things that logically what were they trying to achieve did they need to use this
tactic why did they I'm not I don't know why I'm holding myself but but why why did suaya
challenge Abu jahel why couldn't she just say yeah I don't believe in Allah and choose the lesser of two evil and and just you know ride it out Allah would have forgiven her right Allah forgave for
it but why didn't do that why why why didn't why is why didn't he just say that I'm just
a a slave under um I'm considered the lower class of society Allah is not going to hold
me to account if I just you know hide my faith keep it in my heart and give up why doesn't why
don't you just say it Allah will forgive you for it B why why doesn't B do it why is bil accepting
does bil believe he's going to be be rescued by Abu Bakr I don't think he did when he was being whipped does he believe that someone's going to swoop in and save him from um I don't think he
did he didn't believe it I don't think he thought he was going to get out of that situation I think he believed if I die I'm going to Allah and that is sufficient for me and here is the Crux of it
all is Allah sufficient for us that's the Crux of it the reason s is terrifying for me for me
personally is when you asking me the questions about analyzing politics or even the question
that you asked me about the Sarah from the from from the patron where she says you know did we punish the Democrats did we make a difference Etc we're sitting there analyzing the politics and I
believe in the analysis that I gave but there's a part of me where I feel like the analysis of
the politics it's like people saying show me there is value in this world to what I did
don't tell me about value in show me value in this world which is there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that that's not my point here my point is when you apply that
criteria to sahaba and you say where is the value in the world here why I I I don't understand it D
wise I don't understand it dun wise the only way you understand it is if Allah is sufficient
and the Very posing of the question why would you do it dun wise suggest that you even you
in your heart and this is the point of Ramadan when people say Ramadan is supposed to revive your heart it's not that you feel spiritually revived it revives your heart in that you go
back to talking to allaha what's the point of it's you talking to Allah by saying Allah I
haven't talked to you in a year I talked to you the last Ramadan I want to talk to you the way
the prophet used to talk to you I want to talk to you the way Zakaria talked to you you know zakar
called on Allah subhana waala quietly in the depths of the night said I've become
old and and I want a son the way he talks to Allah Allah says we are going to give
you a son and then Zakaria doesn't say alhamdulillah Zakaria says how
will I have a son when I'm old and and and my wife is is old as well
I have become old and Allah doesn't say are you doubting me Allah says I have decreed and it is
and your sign for it will be you don't talk to people for three days and your son we will call him y a name we have never given to anybody beforehand the beauty of the conversation Jal is
think about it Zakaria you know how I imagine it I imagine like zakar talking to somebody who is you
know his best friend somebody so Allah you know like like there's no one else to turn to Allah
you are the only one I can ask cuz he saw get the so he says you know can I have a son like
can I have a child somebody who who inherits after me as well and when you read that in the
Quran you start to ask yourself do you ask Allah like that I'm stuck I recorded a podcast with Jal
and I don't think I hit my points properly but I'm too embarrassed to ask him can I do it again
let me do it with dignity and then of course you know alhamdulillah I've been away from home for a
long time and I've left my wife in your care and in my parents' care and the like and and and and
my kids ease her heart because I've been away for a while because I don't have the you know romantic
tact to deal with it I I I completely forgot about the notion of ordering flowers online Allah can
you ease her heart so that she's and then you call her and you find her heart is at ease go do do what you need to do don't worry about me here subh thank you for Allah uh I'm about to go to a
person usually when I go their food is not great and I'm starving Allah please can you make it so
the food is and the food you know talking to Allah wa tala the reason why I say this is how the whole
s is about how you perceive Allah tala because if you take Allah out of the equation a lot of the S
politically you're sort of like I don't get why they're doing this but when you realize Allah is
in the equation and Allah amplifies the intention that you take one step Allah takes 10 you raise
your voice Allah amplifies that voice you go on boycott Allah amplifies the boycott you go and fight bad Allah says I send the angels to reinforce you your 300 was insufficient
your weapons were not like the weapons of qur but because you decided to stand because you decided
to stand on principle because you decided to do what's right Jalal even when all of the Dynamics
suggested that it's the worst thing you can do I am sending angels to you to reinforce you and
I gave you a victory that's absolutely true it's true you've seen it in B and that's why we could
go on for ages about these particular examples yeah but the Crux of it is and I promise this is this is the point it's there is I I believe this is my opinion that many of us Muslims we have this
Muslims - subconscious wall
subconscious wall between the bridge of the s and our Consciousness and that wall sometimes
we don't realize it exists until we laugh at the suggestion that the CF can become Muslim we laugh
that's proof there's a wall over there or when we read about the prophet and we skip over the first
13 years because we see it as a period of weakness there's a wall over there because you can't see the power that qur felt that made them so worried about the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam and that's why I think when my dad told me read the and go through every sah and sah and
ask yourselves would you be content to live a life like that if I was to be honest as a 17-year-old
when he made me do it I don't I haven't done the test since why because I was a bit I was deeply
troubled by the results deeply deeply troubled I haven't done it since maybe I should do it this
Ramadan but when you go through it and you read it would you be as happy to be as you would to be to
be and if the question is yes may Allah give you for those you're on the right path but if you are
hesitant or you say it and you realize you need to convince yourself I think that in itself is a sign
that you love Allah subhana wa tala but perhaps not necessarily his will belief in Allah is easy
Jal it's easy to Sayan says itan says illan says muhammadan knows Muhammad is the messenger Shan's
problem is not in belief Shan's problem is in submission to his will submission to what Allah has decreed for him submission that some people will see the liberation of ala and others along
the way might be condemned to because of the efforts that they did thrown in a in a fire pit
belief or submission to Allah subhana wa tal is the belief that you might be you might not be who
who was in the in meah after the prophet entered and that's hard J because I think that the only
way you you can prove that you are happy with those roles and this is the point about the s
that scares me is are you willing to move even if it looks like you won't succeed are you willing to
stand for Allah subhana wa tala even if you can't see the immediate benefit are you willing to keep walking through that dark tunnel even though it only seems to get darker are you willing to keep
giving da like for 900 years or are you the one who says you need new content bro you can't keep
telling us keep boycotting you can't keep telling us keep protesting you need something new are you going to are you someone like Alam who could say the same thing for 900 years same thing that there
is one God I am his messenger and there is a Jenna and there is a Janam stop cheating stop you could
repeat the same thing for 900 years and you might get frustrated but would you keep going the wayam
keep going and the frightening thing is that we've done 12 months of activism for and many people are
talking about tiredness or fatigue and this is where the s is because that's 13 years in Mecca
that's not 12 months we barely even started YF and the concept in the Quran where he says prison is
dearer to me than what they call on me if we saw somebody being put in prison it's like when I told the Imran Khan guys they said you know Imran Khan is in prison it's a disaster I said yes and no yes
because he's been roamed no because maybe he's been spared being president prime minister of Pakistan during Gazza where he wouldn't have been able to do anything like erdogan seems not to be a
to do anything and all of his support would have collapsed people would have said he's impotent maybe Allah showing him Mercy keeping him in prison do you see do you accept that maybe there
is a hikma in the same way that Allah showed you there is hi in yam that's the thing it's it's may
Allah make us close to him and make us I don't I don't not see him in the sense of you see him
physically may Allah let us see him physically but but see him in the sense of you feel his presence that you can go and say that I sit in a room in London doing a podcast and Allah object
it shouldn't reach America and make a difference Allah accept this from me because this is the best
I can do with my talents and let it be Amplified I would say you've been Amplified Jal I I I would
say that a humble act that you did that seems quite small I mean I've seen this setup it's a nice setup but it's pretty makeshift setup I don't mean this as a disrespect I'm saying
look what they're laughing over I'm saying look what with limited means you can do to achieve something big and everybody's role when you look at the SE the prophet the reason I mentioned
and is that it's like the story where I walked into an event and I saw a
17-year-old guy at the audio and he looked miserable you know like he'd been dragged so I said to may Allah reward you like because of you alhamdulillah like
you're the facilitator I I don't exist without you and he looked at me like I was just throwing him some you know like just something like to make him feel good he was
like so I was like he he he doesn't appreciate what I mean so my friends will tell you that
I'm a prankster and and so are my siblings and I enjoy it a lot so I went when he left his audio
deck I went and I pulled one of the cables out and I replaced it with another cable that wasn't
connected to anything so when I went and stood up on stage I grabbed the microphone and of course no audio was coming so he's panicking I can see him panicking with and I can see his boss saying like
what's going on what's going he's trying he's like I don't understand the the the audio system is on but his microphone is not working Etc and I'm like guys I'll just do this shouting whatever he's like
no no wait like we'll do we'll just take it and he's panicking M when I see him really at his wits ends cuz he's looking he sees the cable there put the same cable I just didn't connect the other
side of it I went to him and I said to him I move the cable earlier he said why I told I wanted to prove to you no one hears me without you I didn't mean it as platitude I need you like I know you
think you're just some audio guy you're not alone I can't achieve it everybody has to do their bit
everybody has to pull together to do that bit we're one um the reason we made a difference is because we moved as a community as one um that's why we made a difference I did it again to a
camera guy because he had the same look miserable people are going to be like you know I think she's going to check the cameras afters but in any case but the point is that I went to the camera guy I
remember and I knew the setup because I know about atam and these things so I changed the SDI cable
and I put it and I put it in the SDI out and I changed the in out to the in like that which meant that no feed would go to the actual recording system so when I went and I talked of course he's
panicking it's not recording in the system what's going on Etc and The Wire yeah it's connected it's whatever Etc and the guy's telling me semi please like don't start yet cuz we need the recording Etc
I said no no we don't need the recording he goes no we need the recording so people can see it I said we don't need Allah if it's not working it's not working and he said no same way and I said
okay enough's enough because the guy's getting in trouble with his boss I toldi I swapped the cables the SDI in and the SDI out he goes what' you do that for I said you looked miserable and you
didn't take me seriously when I said that I need you I this is this is why when I read hercus and
this is the example I finish on I promise when I read what herac said to Abu sufyan when Abu
sufyan says to him there is a prophet who has come because Muhammad sallam by the way writes a letter to hercus when he doesn't even have a piece of land can you imagine it it's like someone sitting
in a in a a in a poor country you know like being op pressent and he writes a letter to Donald Trump and tells him I call you to Islam don't laugh no one should laugh no no one no one should
laugh the reason why I say it is because it's the whole point to understanding the S The Audacity
Of The Prophet Muhammad Sall alaihi wasallam to sit and write a letter he was eled but he asked
somebody else to write it for him he dictated I am the prophet of Allah I call on you to obey
Allah tala and to acknowledge me as the mess of and he sends it to Donald to Hercules's office
if somebody told you Jal that I have written a letter to Donald Trump to say to him Islam
is the truth and here is whatever what would be the reaction of people listening to him really they'd be like come on man you lost your mind like it's what are you doing when you reading the S you
think mall on the prophet but why is it there's a disconnect when you're reading it and then you're applying it to today that's the frightening thing about the SE of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam because Abu sufyan then says to hercus the lower class people are the ones who
follow the prophet wasam and hercus says to him and I keep repeating it somebody said to me Sam you know I've started to memorize the stuff that you say I say that's good because Quran hasn't
been changed for 1400 years and it means that the the principle Remains the Same which is that herac
says yeah Abu sufyan if it is ordinary people who are moving and mobilizing with the prophet wasallam despite what seem to be insurmountable odds then the fact he can mobilize them despite
the insurmountable odds despite his inability to show them what can come next because he
says the fact he can do that then this is the prophetic way and it is only a matter of time
before he takes mecah and before he takes Rome and that's why I hope that during this Ramadan
when people read the S of the Prophet Muhammad s Ali wasallam I don't think if they read it this way I don't think they'll get anywhere near to finishing the SE of Ramadan I actually think
they'll probably get to if they read it fast in this manner they'll get to just before the
hij of the 13 years if they read it every event asking those chain of questions I don't think
they'll get further than the boycott that the qur imposed on the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam and for those who really go deep into it I don't think they'll get past ja AB Talib speech
to Nashi well let me ask you about you talk about jaffin AB Talib um uh these sahaba were very young
Young Sahaba
when they embraced Islam jaf bin AB Talib was 18 years old when he embraced Islam musab I've
got here a list of sahaba and their ages uh musab was what 17 years old when he became from a rich
family from a rich family but but of course he his mother uh punished him for for becoming Muslim
alib ABI Talib 8 years old when he became Muslim zuw 8 years old um Talha 11 years old these were
very young uh young sahaba very young and they embrac Islam um I suppose my question is that um
something spectacular must have happen in Mecca to these individuals in those 13 years of this
mecan Crucible as some as some Zer books call it um uh these were the same people who were the ones
who went to her aculas who were the Statesmen the politicians the Army generals the uh the
um governors of of the the different Pro vinces that the Muslim conquered in Medina and onwards
uh these were the people who were the backbone of this Islamic message as it spread uh and They
Carried Islam with with wisdom and strategy and planning and everything else that we talk about
that makes the S an amazing uh record of of very amazing people including prophet wasallam and all
of the sahab around him like can you just you know just explain how these very young people
very very young people you know we come across these sorts of Ages all the time right you know you give a talk at University and you come across a 20-y old you know you come across a 21 year old
what is it that Islam did to them or the prophet wasallam did to them in in Mecca that turned them
into these Extraordinary People in Medina and Beyond he led by example the prophet Muhammad
sallallah alaihi wasallam was the first to go and give the dawa he didn't ask them to go and give dawa he went to give the da and they came with him when he would be oppressed by the
they would see it and they would tell him are you okay and he would get back up and keep giving the DA they would put the thorns in his path they would tell him y you don't deserve this he'd
get back up and go and give the da when he though he was a prophet of Allah when they came and sit
with him said after he became Muslim he said the prophet Muhammad made me feel like I was the most
important person in the world when the prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam would sit with an individual he would talk to them as if Allah was a addressing them directly yeah bil
you're not a slave in my eyes yeah bil I see your Footsteps in Jenna yeah abdah you're not
a Shepherd in my eyes yeah abdah what I see for you in Jen he used to go to these people
whose society would render them as irrelevant individuals and tell them Allah believes you to
be great imagine being 18 17 years of age and being told that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala TR
trly truly loves you and has given you talent and has given you health and Allah is one who gives
wisdom and he can protect you and he can guide you and Allah will keep protecting you and keep preserving you you might not believe it the first time but you see the way that he does it to the
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam how could you not believe otherwise and you mentioned possibly was the greatest inspiration for me throughout this whole period And I explain
what I mean is told by the prophet Muhammad s alaihi wasallam to go to Y and convey Islam to
them maybe they'll find a base there he goes when he gets there he talks to people and they tell him
yeah your message is all well and good but if you don't convince no one here is going to follow you
meaning I'm not willing to follow you on on on your own merits if you can convince S I trust
s if s becomes Muslim I'll come Muslim too when s comes to him sad doesn't come to him and says
let's have a coffee sad comes to him with despair angry face and says to him listen boy I say this
how I interpreted it is especially when I went to America I imagined it like going to a racist Deep
South place somebody coming in with a gun and saying listen boy you've been spreading these
ideas around here and I don't like it s didn't say I like your ideas s says I don't give you
permission to spread these ideas here and if you don't stop I'm going to kill you he doesn't say
I want to listen he says if you don't stop I'm going to kill you like stop spreading these ideas they're not welcome here get out says I'm not here to cause anyone harm hear my
message if you like it accept it if you don't I promise I leave like I'm not here to cause anyone harm I'm just here to convey a message I'm not here to take over America I'm here to
deliver a message I'm not here to conquer you to subjugate you in America I'm here to invite you to Islam because I think it will benefit you too I'm not coming here to put you underneath me I'm
here to say let's go to Jenna together I'm not here to subjugate you in my history b a former
became my master because he embraced Islam before any of us did used to be an any of Islam we made
him used to be he defeated the Muslims when he became Muslim no one said you're lower in the
hierarchy we made him commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces Islam is not here to subjugate you I'm not here to establish a priest or and the and and and a member relationship I'm here to
ask you I I want you to I don't want you to go Hellfire I'm not coming with evil intentions
just hear my message and my Lord has told me I can't force you let my Lord has told me I can't
put a gun to head until you believe just hear my message let's talk about it s says if you
don't convince me you leave puts his spear down he says tell me what the message is aggressive
we're not talking neutral we're talking enemy is so eloquent in what he delivers to s that s mu who
is the leader of Medina who knows what it means if he accepts the message who knows what his relation
with the prophet of Allah will be sallallahu alai wasallam s goes back to the people and they say
is coming back to us with a face different from the face that he left us with and says whoever of
you does not accept the message of the prophet of Allah then I disown him and he's not from me the point is you read the story like that and then you say to Brothers after J come with
me and let's go to n far's constituency and tell them why n far's rhetoric is wrong they shouldn't
have voted for n faraj let's go and engage them and convey the da man I got football at 7even
what do you mean go and talk to them what we going to do just walk on the street talking to people like what like a Vox Box come on man that's tacky what do you mean like what so we're
just going to stop random people and tell them come on man like there are more sophisticated
ways of doing this these are all natural things that people say the story of musab scares me why
because you get to situation where you're like it's beneath my dignity to go out and go and talk to people and call them to Islam so you've read the you've gone mashallah you've gone masallah
cuz he's Young when he goes you've gone masallah but when you're trying to apply the same thing in modern day you're saying it's beneath my dignity you read the you sayah how eloquent but then in
real life when somebody calls you to it you're like what are you talking about what you mean go to and go and talk to people and tell them to I wonder I would love to see somebody do a research
not on the S itself but on the transmission of s to the of the Muslim where does it get lost on
that path from the bridge whereby you say are you saying masallah because you fear Allah and that
blocks your understanding because then you have another problem and that's why I think that you mentioned Prophet said he's 17 years old tells him to go lead an army if you sometimes people
have problems letting a 10-year-old Quan to it makes you wonder the prophet there's a reason
he did this and that's why what I meant to see as a terrifying book because you read it
and you look at these examples if you were to ask yourself the question could I do that you
enter a different realm of s if you were to ask yourselves would I do what mus did and go and sit
in front of I'd probably be like no no no let's have coffee like don't bring a spear in my face would I do that you realize that there's there's some sort of Disconnect what is that disconnect
and I I think the Crux of it is the disconnect is that the sahabah are an abstract concept and Allah
is an abstract concept and that's why I think that this Ramadan if you were to read this in a different way and you were to deny the abstract nature of Allah subhana T and sahab and truly see
the fact that they were the examples I think Not only would it transform your relationship with Allah subhana wa tala it would transform the way the community moves you had over here who
I consider one of the Geniuses of our um though he would never deny it I consider him a genius the way he talks about as a public science that is designed to be a blueprint to build a Medina
wherever you are he was on our show discuss exactly the way he talks about Zak he's such an underrated gem the way he talks about zakat and how it can be restructured in order to di redirect
the flow of money in the community and how that can serve as a basis to support more larger
projects for the umah and the like if only such a project could could come into being where Zak no longer became personal but finally was restored to a public institution the way it was in the time
of the prophet and the in a way that it was done in the time of the which can be done here in the UK which is what he's working on but the point is when you appreciate the sahab in that lens and you
appreciate the s in that lens it transforms the way that you think about these principles and I think it makes you realize that the ultimate aim in life when you get to the end of this of the
propess which I don't think people will get to the end of the SE of the Prophet but when they do perhaps in a few months time going through that process they will ask themselves in the
end you liveed 23 years of Da what did you achieve at the end of it you had Mecca Medina
certain parts of Yemen and parts of the Arabian Peninsula but you did not have a a kingdom or a
or a land that rivaled Rome and rivaled Persia yet you return to Allah subhana wa tala sool how do I
measure your success because if I measure it based on what I keep telling my community to measure
success which is where the Kama changes position which is whether you know Israel has been defeated
whether if I T him to measure on that then you did not become a superpower you did not become a
superpower like America or the like yet everybody rates you as the most significant human being ever to have been created how do I understand your 23 years given that materially Alexander the
Great conquered Mor lands given that in terms of finances and material enrio danda of Venice had
way more than you how do I understand your life your 23 years of Da when in the end of it Allah if
I was to analyze what you achieved you took back your home of Mecca but you died a year later you couldn't even stay in Mecca how do I measure it what is it that made you so great what is it that
makes me love you so much what is it that made Islam the fastest growing religion what is it that makes Islam the only true alternative what is it that you did that made Generations after you even
those who are not Arab carry your flag and carry in what is it about this s that makes us love you
so much and you realize it was never about what he achieved necessarily but about the fact that even when it looked impossible he kept going even when it looked insurmountable he kept going even
when he didn't know when the victory would come he kept going even when he didn't have the means that he wanted he still moved with the means that he had even when he had a backlash from people
materially Superior he still got back up and kept going even when people told him they matal Superior it didn't put him off because he said Allah is superior to them even when he was told
I'll give you the Son and the I will give we'll give you status and wealth you can worship Allah one year will worship the idols another year he said wah if you put the moon in my the sun in my
right hand moon in my left hand I will not give up this Dean even when he's kicked out of Mecca of his homeland he doesn't give it up even when he's defeated in he doesn't give it up even when
all of Arabia come against him all of the Z all of the all of Arabia they all come against him Abu sufyan all these other tribes they come to destroy him in Medina and he's betrayed from the
back as well by Bena and all he can do is dig a trench he digs the trench and he doesn't say
why did we fight B what was the point of it he doesn't say why did we fight we were defeated in instead he digs the trench and he says with this perseverance that we have I can see the pearls of
Persia and people are laughing at him he's digging a trench in existential crisis with Trump bearing up with the qur bearing down on him and he talks about Victory like it's coming around the corner
what's this guy doing the prophet mamam never lost hope he he never stopped moving and that's why the
S is terrifying it's because the prophet wasam lived in Far harder circumstances than we live in
and he never stopped moving he lived in Far harder circumstances than we live in and he never stopped
preaching he lived in Far harder circumstances than we did and he kept protesting he kept mobilizing kept raising his voice he kept moving while we in much better circumstances continue to
debate whether it's worth it or not that's why s is so terrifying the prophet sallam never had
those discussions he knew Allah was worth it is Allah worth it for us um if you do
retire from politics Samy should take up uh explaining n to us all because I think we we
need that inshallah not that you are going to reti on politics anytime soon thank you
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