Ep.43 The Islamic View on Vaccines, Fake News and Expertise with Ustadh Iyad Hilal


According to WhatsApp, Bill Gates is microchipping the world through the rollout of vaccines, 5G networks are the cause behind coronavirus and most A&E wards remain empty and the virus has been exaggerated to achieve more nefarious political ends. And anyway vitamin D will make us immune and masks are the first step to authoritarian world government. 

Over the past few months, we have been subject to a barrage of conflicting claims on the pandemic and its causes. Some, within the Muslim community, argue that vaccines are haram because they contain impurities, others suggest seeking such remedies questions your reliance on Allah. 

As you know, The Thinking Muslim was setup to understand matters in greater detail, for a Muslim is above all someone that uses his mind and acts according to acquired knowledge and expertise. Over the coming two programmes, I want to explore the claims in some detail. 

This week we invite back onto the show Ustadh Iyad Hilal from California’s Al Arqam Institute. Ustadh Iyad has expertise in Usul ul-Fiqh and has recently presented a stimulating and accessible online Usul course. We ask him to untangle the issues of vaccines, medicines in general and we discuss how a Muslim should arrive at judgments and our responsibilities to not fall prey to theories not grounded in reality.


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Ep.44 Understanding Vaccines with Dr Hisham Abdullah


Ep.42 Capitalism and Socialism - Thoughts on Islamic Economics with Almir Colan