Liberalism, despite its recent decline, remains the dominant ideological force in the world. Since 9/11, the primary aim of policy makers in America and Europe is to use a multiplicity of means, both coercive and cultural, to promote doubts and levy accusations that attempt to foster a supine Islam that can be moulded according to liberal tastes.
Young Muslims in particular, are a particular focus of this campaign, with many doubting Islam or uncertain about their place in the world. Our failure to intelligently counter the challenge of liberalism and explain the true essence of Islam as a spiritual and political guidance for humanity, has led many of the young to lose confidence in their faith.
For over twelve centuries, Islam stood as a beacon of hope not just for Muslims, but to the world. The dynamism of our faith, the courage of our leadership, and humanity of our civilisation produced solutions for human beings, society, the economy, government and international relations. This dynamism enabled Islam to become a leading order in the world and during much of this time the pre-eminent one.