Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal

Ep.70 - Is Modernity Destroying the Human Mind - with Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

Is modernity destroying the human mind? This is the question I ask my guest this week, Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad. Many of us are fortunate to live in a world where every desire we have are met yet curiously our ability to process these blessings leads many to a dark place, a state of mental anguish. It seems the more we have the less happy we are.

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Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal

Ep.66 The Trojan Horse Affair – Britain’s Anti-Terror Industry with Fahad Ansari and Dr Rob Faure Walker

Fahad Ansari is a lawyer and public activist, who in his professional career has defended many Muslims who have fallen foul of Britain’s nationality laws, including very high-profile cases of citizenship deprivation.

Dr Rob Faure Walker is an academic and author specialising in critiquing Britain’s anti-terror educational policy, also known as Prevent.

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Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal Islam, Middle East Muhammad Jalal

Ep.65 On Jihad, Empire and Solidarity - a Conversation with Dr Darryl Li and Dr Ovamir Anjum

Dr Darryl Li is a practicing lawyer and anthropologist who has written a brilliant work on global jihad mobilisation in Bosnia. His book, titled The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity, challenges the prevailing narrative – and attempts to ask more searching and important questions. Joining us is Professor Ovamir Anjum, who reflects on Dr Li’s work and the broader themes that come from it.

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Islam, Middle East Editor Islam, Middle East Editor

Ep.59 Islamic Governance, Caliphates and Emirates with Iyad Hilal and Kamal Hussain

We have brought together two Islamic thinkers and scholars that have been working for some time on rethinking Islamic governance. Ustadh Iyad Hilal runs the al-Arqam Academy in California and is a regular imam and khateeb at Masajids across his state. Kamal Hussein is a lecturer and legal expert who recently delivered a paper to academics and scholars on ‘al Sultan-al Ummah’ the authority of the Ummah

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