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Since starting the podcast The Thinking Muslim three years ago, we have had a singular focus – to inject expertise and thought into the conversations within the Muslim community and advance the cause of Islam and our tradition. This has meant shunning quick routes to notoriety and likes and instead working with patience to build our audience organically.

Alhamdulillah, we started as audio only and have developed a reputation for seriousness, depth and accuracy - according to Spotify, we were in the top 5% of shared audio podcasts worldwide in 2022.

Our journey has been a fulfilling one. In January 2023, we acquired a studio in central London, and as many of you know, we now broadcast our show on YouTube and continue on our audio platforms. In June, we established another studio in Istanbul.

We are looking for contributions to help us with our running costs, expand and build a budget to promote each episode.

One-Time Donations Click Here