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Ep 193. - Syria’s Struggle and Allah’s Promise: Insights from Dr. Shadee ElMasry

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Syria has witnessed a remarkable victory in recent weeks, with a brutal dictator falling against all odds. What is the Islamic significance of this? How should we understand the concepts of victory and seeking Allah’s help? To delve deeper into this topic, we welcome Dr Shadee al-Masri back on the show to enlighten us about these crucial ideas of victory and seeking Allah’s assistance. How much do Allah’s help and victory rely on our actions, iman, and preparation? What are the religious implications of surrendering the struggle or feeling disheartened?

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Transcript - This is an AI generated transcript and may not reflect the actual conversation



if Victory is from Allah subhana wa ta'ala why  don't we just wait for it this is a gift from   Allah tala after all these months of seeing  all this terrible things happen the Syrian  


people know best about their country we Muslims  when we leave Islam we do worse when Allah gives  


Victory it's really sudden and quick but the  impossible did happen in Syria how many small  


groups have defeated large groups our Dua  to Allah is not restricted to what we can imagine Syria has w a remarkable victory in recent  weeks with a brutal dictator falling against all  


the odds what is the Islamic significance of  this how should we understand the concepts of  


Victory and seeking the help of Allah subhah wa  ta'ala to delve deeper into the topic we have  


welcomed back on the show Dr Shadi Al musri  to Enlighten us about these crucial ideas of  


Victory and seeking Allah's assistance how much do  Allah's help and victory rely on our actions our  


and our preparation what other religious  implications of surrendering the struggle  


or feeling disheartened Dr sh Al and welcome back  to the Muslim thank you for having me it's always  


nice to be on and I wish I could have been on live  in person in England but another time inshallah  


inshallah tala no it'd be wonderful to to have  you with us uh we had Dr D wed with us a few  


a few few days back alhamdulillah but it would  be wonderful to have you in in sunny or not so  


Sunny London you know that as well of course of  course well today we've got a really uh I think  


important show because it's it's really something  that I think I've been thinking a lot about and   I know that a lots of Muslims have been thinking  about especially in the light of what's happened  


in Syria uh so let's start with the the turn of  events really in these past few weeks like can we  


conclusively say that what happened in Syria  you know the the fall of a tyrant Bashar is an  


example of Allah subhana wa tala's Victory well  um uh for sure I think you could definitely say  

Allah’s victory?


this is a far a relief for the and not only that  the two Sundays ago or three Sundays ago whenever  


it was when the uh Bashar actually left fled uh  I don't know about you I'm sure for you too but  


from my soul from a cont it really had Aid type of  feeling absolutely seeing all those prisoners come  


out and then you know your Syrian friends talking  seeing how happy they are and think about it it's  


been a year plus almost two years now I even lost  track of this genocide what is it now going on a  


year and a half right next October two years yeah  for about eight 16 17 18 months most Muslim have  


been so down with the news it's like every day  some like terrible news comes and in little micro  


dosages and sometimes really gruesome pictures  although you're not touched in your daily life and  


we're not touched in our daily life but seeing it  nonstop it keeps hitting you it keeps hitting you   it keeps hitting you I felt that that Sunday a lot  of release occurred in a sense it was the opposite  


mood for once and you definitely had this feeling  that this is a gift from Allah tal after all these  


months of seeing all this terrible things happen  something you least expect it um such a good thing  


has happened and for that I don't think anybody  can deny that and the most educated and learned  


uh Scholars of Syria uh that are outside of  Syria and inside of Syria we're all celebrating  


they're going to know better about their country  than us right and when when I saw that I felt  


this is definitely something there's like a  unanimous across the umah happiness that's  


something from Allah that's a farage it's a  relief from Allah subhana wa tala without a   doubt Dr Charli there were some Muslims a very  minority of Muslims who were not happy and on  

Realists in Ummah


the very first day I remember of this Victory  they were questioning all sorts of things and  


they were raising all sorts of concerns and and in  a way dampening our Spirits like is that a problem  


from a from an Islamic perspective or is that just  we are going to have people in our um who who are  


realist who going to wonder about different  situations and try to analyze for situations  


in in a more dry Academic Way well there is a uh a  concept of from the Hadith of of course that means  


the believer is a mirr of the believer meaning  that um we should advise each other one of the  


meanings another meaning is that you reflect your  friends who are the friends that you always keep  


around you you reflect one another right your Dean  will be on their Dean it takes from another Hadith  


your Dean will be on their Dean but also there's  another meaning that we could take from that which   is when your Muslim brother is in a certain State  you also need to recognize that state that they're  


in and to see everybody so happy you don't go and  be a downer on that day even if you have something  


behind this that you suspect is coming the the  believer should mirror a Pious muslim's believer's  


State at that time like I can't go to a janaza  to a brother but say Hey listen like you're going  


to inherit a million dollars right that's not the  right attitude so there is something to say about  


that being not the right way to behave even if  you're 100% right then we go to the second point  


which is that uh the prophet am said the people  of Mecca are more aware of its little inroads and  


neighborhoods and Villages and that's something  where we have to remember the Syrian people know  


best about their country they're the ones who  suffered they're the ones who revolted in the   first place if you think about it right it wasn't  Outsiders who came to revolt it wasn't um Western  


funded Jihad groups who came and started this  right it was I should say false Jihad groups but  


was the Syrian people so why don't you take let  them lead on their own country and that's common  


sensical reaction uh regarding that thirdly just  let's look at it from another perspective which is  


that you're going to try to say that this is not  good for the axis of resistance but why do you  


care about the axis of resistance because of the  Palestinian people well aren't the Syrian people  


people as well and whoever did know how bad Bashar  was to his people on that day they got to see it  


from the medical uh I think biology Professor who  had been in jail in solitary confinement so long  


he struggled to remember his name yeah uh to all  the other to the children who came out of prison  


and I remember someone was saying oh wow they  they imprisoned kids and they like no they were  


born there from rape that kid hasn't seen the son  ever in his life so when they I think that should  


have shut up everybody I want to explore the ideas  of Victory and the help of Allah actually maybe a  


quick definition from you when we in English talk  about Victory we tend to use the word ner to imply  


Victory and help of Allah is that right like can  can n be interchangeably used for these two two  


basic ideas it is uh well there you have which is  a relief after oppression you have a a of course  


linguistically it means aid but when it's divine  Aid you're not going to lose so it's a victory  


but a n is a victory with with fighting right  and a f is Victory without fighting hence Allah


revealed the was T the fat was Mecca Mecca no  fighting with fighting Battle of H and and so  


when you have Divine Victory no one nobody can  defeat you and when you don't have it there's  


no way to win interesting so when we say as a  matter of Iman that Victory nther comes from  


Allah subhana wa taala and only comes from Allah  subhana wa taala like what do we actually mean  


by this Allah subhah wa taala gives Victory  inah saat to his Messengers and this has been




right Allah has ordained inah verses 171 until you  go to 17 uh3 The Messengers and no messenger was  


killed say ibraim he faced off against Nimrod he  defeated him Prophet Musa against F he defeated  


de him Prophet against all of their leaders in  the whole world he defeated them by a miracle  


Prophet M me we mentioned Prophet mus with  Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam  


we know defeated them and Prophet Isa was not  killed nor crucified and is not dead and will  


return to defeat his enemies and bring the B  is into the fold of Truth as it says in the


Quran there is none from the people of the book  except they will believe in him before his death  


so yes some may side with dead they're defeated  then they will believe in him point being is that  


Allah gives Victory to the truth he doesn't  give Victory to a religious group if you want  


it doesn't give Victory to an identity if you want  Victory you have to go behind behind the truth and  


you'll get the victory the proof at the Battle of  when the principle of obedience was not observed  


despite the power the defeat of the enemy and  the messenger of Allah himself was with them they  


suffered severe losses to the point they went home  feeling loss yes they had done great damage to the  


enemy but great damage happened to them too why is  that as the great Muhammad M shwi used to always  


is uh talk about this Allah gives Victory to Islam  if you are off of it and he still gives Victory  


then what does it undermine it undermines Islam if  the Muslims had a clear-cut victory in despite the  


Disobedience what would that have undermined the  prophet Sall alaihi wasallam that we disobey him  


and we still do good and so that's the principle  let's take a look at muslim's practice of Islam  


and their military status their political status  and then let's took when they left Islam and went  


to nationalism and secularism let's fast forward  and look at the status of the Islamic world now  


divide are they more divided 200 years ago or now  for sure now are the non-believers around them  


have more of a free hand to play around in your  own countries more then or now do you have debts  


outbound debts to other nations that basically  financially control you more 300 years ago or  


now like okay was your military feared 300  years ago or now like just go down the line  


of what we would call political power and  just do a comparison of unit by unit unit  


by unit item a line item by line item so we  Muslims when we leave our Islam we do work  


non-believers when they leave their religion they  do better because false religions shackle your  


mind it's falsehood so to to not have anything  at all is better so Christians let's look at  


them when they were into when the pope had power  over all the kings were they in the enlightenment  


or were they in Dark Ages they themselves call  it dark ages then when did you come into power   after you sloughed it all off right you threw  it away some the Eastern countries still have  


some Catholicism Western countries threw it  all away protestantism Catholicism the whole   thing is out which one's stronger in the world  the less Christianity you have the stronger you


are and and and for the  Islamic world history it's the


opposite this is all based on Allah saying


in our soldiers they will always have victory that  means that Muslim Army that nation of Muslims the  


Army well Army comes from the nation when they're  practicing their beliefs and their Islam Allah  


ensures them give them Victory because if they do  that and fail then Outsiders were like okay being  


religious doesn't help doesn't help me it's bad  for us so it's about these principles okay that  

Leaders in Ummah


that's interesting so you are in effect saying  that uh we need to be an umah that is deserving  


of Victory now how do we reconcile the fact that  sometimes Victory can come to people who are m in  


sins or even to non-believers um as we have seen  throughout history and maybe even throughout the  


last century or so that there have been leaders in  the Muslim umah who haven't been great leaders but  


may have achieved a victory here or Victory there  how do we reconcile that with what you've just   stated there about you know almost ity to Victory  there are a couple points to first of all all of  


what we're saying regards the broader Nation  not the individual is there anyone going to be  


more Pious than S Hussein but the individual level  you can being given Victory or martyrdom but at a  


national level at a military level and army level  the principle is is when you are upright and Pious  


you will get overall Victory doesn't mean every  single battle but overall you'll have Victory so  


that's the first issue so take out individuals  because some people might say there are many   IND Pious individuals they didn't get Victory no  the pious individual this doesn't apply to him he  


will have one of two victories the worldly life or  martydom number two Beyond this when Allah doesn't  


help a person when Allah's Aid does not come down  for a group of people he leaves them to themselves  


whoever is more powerful amongst you will win  whoever observes the laws of the world that  


Allah placed the asbab will win will succeed so  there so therefore amongst non-believing Nations  


there's still going to be victories but it's not  a Divine Victory how do we know what is a sign of   a Divine victory that the success improves your  beliefs your morals your Ean it improves your  


status and it increases you in happiness so that  was a sign that Allah has given you victory that  


it comes with all those other good things and it  it increases you in tawa and it comes to you at  


a time of tawa that's the Hallmark of a Divine  Victory here's another point to bring up that's  


two points so far Point number three related  to this subject when humans are left to their  


own devices Allah is not helping them then their  road to Victory looks like this it's very slow  


and then defeat and the end of the monarchy  usually is quick but when Allah gives you  


Victory it's the opposite it's very steeply  inclined upwards look at the sahaba a type of  


victory that would make you dizzy so you went from  a country that no one even wants to pass through  


because there's nothing there to a country that's  sending an army to Persia and the byzantines


simultaneously and taking on two empires that  had sewage they had governments they had books  


they had libraries they had civilization you Arabs  had nothing so that when Allah gives Victory it's  


really sudden and quick and then it tapers off  with the piety if the Piet is there you keep it  


if it's not there then it tapers off and as we  could see after the sahaba who had more piety   than the sahaba after them it tapered a bit  because the next Generation no one's going to  


have the same TAA as a sahaba so those are three  principles surrounding um the subject and uh you  

Competing obligations


mentioned earlier on that there is a relationship  between your practice of Islam your political and  


Military capabilities right so let's measure her  up let's weigh those uh let's call them resources  


wave them up like what's more important here um  because of course sometimes we do come across  


Muslims who say that it's not really the Practical  side that counts it's more the Iman side it's the  


it's the wearing of the hijab it's the you know  praying of the Salah that's really what counts in   terms of in terms of Allah's scales when he gives  us Victory like how do we weigh up these different  


com let's call them competing obligations  possibly okay it's very good question that you  


bring up and there are two very important points  number one part of your religious obligation  


is to prepare every single possible  thing that you can based on Allah


saying so uh prepare every single possible  thing that you can that will strengthen you so  


that's a religious obligation equal to the other  religious obligations in the Quran so you're not  


permitted to go and engage in something without  having taken every single that you can that's  


number one and it's like this um this the same  people who those two things and you realize this  


worldly thing is a religious obligation  it's just like in a marriage when a woman  


receives a proposal and the we is thinking  well he's so Pious should we just take him   as is well you're he's Pious based on what the  prophet said religion and character you have to


assess so isn't part of religion that you must  be able to protect and sustain a family you want  


to marry this woman can you you feed her and  put a roof over her head and protect her and   clothe her that is your religious obligation so  we don't say oh this Dean and his are great but  


he can't provide anything yeah but his providing  is part of religion so when I ask about how are  


you going to live I'm asking about your  Dean that is a religious obligation upon  


you I want to know are you able to fulfill  your religious obligation it's not like it's   a civil social are we secular that's a social  obligation and this is the I no so that's the  


first point the second point is when those  who say let's be practical you don't have to  


say it Allah has already told us in the Quran  that the he had first said if you were one and  


you face a large what's the ay man you face a  large number sometimes I forget these numbers  


what's the ratio there is a ratio given to us  in the Quran which ends up being Allah saying


now Allah knows he knows you're weak so  now the ratio is 1 to two right one to  


two that means by Shar I am permitted to say  no I'm not engaging in this fight and sending  


my soldiers who have wives and children and  protect the nation behind us I'm not sending  


them into death so we are permitted to  have and Allah gave us the ratio right


uh if there are 20 patient ones they will defeat  


200 so what's the ratio one  to 10 20 to 200 was 1 to 10


yeah if there is a 100 you can defeat a  thousand so a 1 to 10 ratio of power this  


is power at large back in the day it's manpow  right today it's much much more than Manpower


however now Allah has decreased  this and he knows you're


weak if you are 100 strong resilient patient  they can defeat 200 so what has Allah done he's  


reduced the ratio one to two so that means if  I have thank you s if I have a my power is less  


or the the enemy power is less than double my  power so 1.75 1.9 but not double once it hits  


double we can make a decision now because Allah  has permitted us to at this point say no no this  


is we're we're we're not going to do this so  there is room for this pragmatics but again  


we don't have to think we're doing it no Allah  has given us that that's really interesting so  


is that why um people like Salah um first built  up Muslim Power by conquering Syria and in Egypt  


and bringing them under a singular a singular  Rule and and a singular uh formation before it  


uh before he sought to reclaim Jerusalem was  he was he basing it upon this capability um  


calculus that you've just described I believe so  because when you read their biographies they were   very much they were not kamakazi no running into  when you read their biographies it was there was  


preparations there were numbers and they were  thinking about these things in a very practical  


sense you would you can't succeed if you're not  practical like that but let me also make another   point this is for this doesn't necessarily  entail being invaded recently there was a  


clip of someone who quoted this correctly  but almost alluding to that uh defending


yourself includes this there is on that of  different Scholars when you're invaded by  


such a overwhelming majority that you have the  permissibility to make a deal with them but at  


the same time there is also the possibility to  fight as the Afghans did in their battle and  


the Russian power was way more than double the  strength of the Afghans and the Afghans had the  


terrain on their side right but they fought and  they expelled them and Russia came in an Empire  


and exited the Soviet the the Russian Republic  very few years later so they H they damaged them  


severely right and Allah also they put up a fight  but Allah also sent them their future enemy right  


as Allah says in the Quran he sends Moses I will  send Moses to his to an enemy of his and an enemy  


of mine the basket will enter and Moses will  end up being raised in his own enemy's house so  


likewise their future enemy the United States uh  came to their aid with Millions upon millions of  


dollars and even the playing field in fact the the  Afghans had the advantage now because they have   the terrain and they have the money earlier on uh  Dr Shi you mentioned that Allah subhana wa tala  


gives Victory to the True Believers but we also  know in Quran and in Hadith that allaha sometimes  


withholds Victory not because uh the Believers are  less Believers but because of a wisdom and explain  


that idea like the withholding Victory or why or  how does that uh come about well I believe that  


um and good example of this will be many righteous  Muslim armies were not able to enter B the the the  


Constantinople they could not penetrate the walls  of Constantinople sahaba tried right sahaba tried  


so then how does this match with the saying that  the the armies of Islam are always Victorious if  


they're Pious the answer to that is that the there  was no loss in the inability to penetrate those  


fortresses overall nobody would have said ah they  going not the right religion right keep in mind  


that Allah gives just like Allah gives to prophets  and victory to jund his armies so that inability  


is an example that did not end up making anybody  doubt the truthfulness of Islam if they had  


for example lost the Byzantine Army the the the  total war against the byzantines and the Persians  


then came to Medina then lost before that even to  M then an outsider would say oh I don't know if  


it's the True Religion right yeah they had a nice  few moments they conquered Mecca but that's it so  


that's the question that you ask and and that's  where uh the understanding that yeah there you  


don't get everything but you don't have the  losses that make people say this is not the   truth and I've seen it I've seen it where I was  having a discussion with an old man one time in  


Egypt and and he said that the the feeling in the  air when Jam ABD Nas was President the Egyptians  


felt they could take on the world he filled  them with confidence but that confidence was  


based on hot air and then he said when we lost to  Israel he said the the depression in Egypt was so  


bad so many people left so what happens when  Jamal ABD nasar loses you say I told you guys  


the secular ways Muhammad shwi he said that there  were sh in Egypt when they lost one of the wars  


against Israel he prayed so they said how could  you say that for the nation is lost to Israel he  


said this were not the people of Allah and one of  the soldiers there corroborated this he said the  


night before the battle they were passing around  illicit magazines the soldiers were passing around  


the night before the the the war the battle how is  Allah going to give if if Allah gave them Victory  


they'd say okay we don't need Islam then but all  these losses over the period of secularization it  


gives you a realize like where are you going  to turn to next what ideology is there next  

Allah’s intervention


um we hear stories from time to time from uh  those who are fighting for the defense of their  


lands like the Bosnian Muslims or the kashmiri  Muslims but uh extraordinary um uh events happen  


during battle uh where which cannot be explained  by normal uh science or mathematics you know  


things happen uh where uh it's and and they would  they would suggest that this is um you know from  


Suba tala Allah has sent his helpers to help uh  Believers how much should we delve into that type  


of uh conversation and discussion like how how  real how realistic is it for Allah to intervene  


in the in in Warfare and in in in our pursuit of  Victory the um karamat that happened and there's  


a book out uh on U the Kat of the Afghan War  it's like I'm going to send you the English  


it's in English too yeah it's just like page after  page after page and there are karamat from people  


who were jailed unlawfully just recently um an  activist by the name of Mai or something she was  


on a podcast saying that she was beaten so badly  in that she couldn't see the color of her skin  


anymore on the part of the body that she was  being the color of her skin she couldn't see   it from how many how much blood under the skin was  was flowing and she said she was fully healed in  


three days Zab Al gazali was a woman who her story  is beyond amazing she said that she was sent into  


a room full of dogs and was being bitten by the  dogs for three hours and she was able to estimate  


that time by the the daylight but she totally  passed out when she woke up and they threw her  


in another room she didn't see a single Mark of a  dog bite nor were her clothes even ripped so much  


so that she started to think was she dreaming  was this a nightmare or did it actually happen  


and guess what the the jail guard the prison  guard came in Furious and because he's Egyptian  


they know Islam like they know what these things  she said now he said to her now you're going to   start acting like a and doat could you believe  that so these types of things and you could read  


this in a book called The Return of the Pharaoh so  and it's a pdf online unfortunately none of these  


you write a book these days you could sell it for  like two two weeks before it's the PDF is out it's   terrible I feel bad for the authors right yes but  you don't plan for that it h it may happen it may  


not but you can't we're not permitted to plan  H for that so that's the difference I think we  


should read about those things to gain energy that  Allah's with us to belief that Allah's with us but  


I don't never seen any Imam say all right let's  go I'm going to send you and you're going to jump  


off the cliff and hope for a k you're not allowed  to plan for it but I suppose there there must be   a personal level of commitment to the dean and to  Allah subhana wa ta'ala to to expect or at least  


to hope for uh such an intervention the being on  the truth and being truthful yourself is all that  


matters and not being perfect not being um you  don't have to be perfect you don't have to be  


a sinless m so prophets are masum they cannot  sin and disobey Allah although some say this  


there they can do minor infractions outwardly but  not inwardly meaning he didn't intend to disobey  


Allah but he accidentally did they some said that  but otherwise they're mum the idea that they will  


willingly disobey Allah is not there but we can  be at the highest level Allah protected our inside  


our hearts and our bodies from disobeying him him  or if we don't attain that we can be uh we can


be which is yes you do but it's  very rare you do but maybe only  


one out of 10 one out of a 100 times  and then if you don't be that then you be that yes you do pretty regularly but you  always make Toba and then that's the line  


you cannot be under that F will not receive these  Divine blessings but above that and your cause is  


true then yes Allah will come to the aid of that  person so people do not have to imagine you have  


to have a uh absolutely perfect record that you  never committed any sins no you have to you you  


don't accept sins for yourself you make Toba you  don't accept it for yourself and also you are not  


obligated to have a PhD in theology AA and have  absolutely every single AA matter downright with  


the proofs and the evidences in order for Allah to  accept you no there there there is possibilities  


on secondary and tertiary matters that you may not  even know that you don't even know guaranteed for  


sure there were sahab who entered into battle with  the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam  


there were were so fresh in Islam they didn't  there is no way you can tell me that they knew   certain things there was even one sahabi entered  Jenna without having made one wo and one Salah and  


he asked what is happening here they said this  is the messenger of Allah fighting against the   pagans and he said what is he called to he says he  calls to this this and this he said and what does  


he promise he says he promises Jenna for those  who die in his sight he said then what am I doing  


eating these dates and he put the dates aside  fought in the Battle of bed with the sahaba died  


on the spot he hadn't even formally uttered the  Shah I don't think in that narration he formally  


uttered the like we he declared his belief  he did not do one wo one Salah and on top of  


that there are certain matters in a as well that  mistakes are tolerable and acceptable there can  


be mistakes there's in matters of so the primary  what is Crystal clear with no discussion in the  


language and then there are secondary matters  of there are right so a person can have mistakes  


even in those and he's still considered uh and  someone who Allah can help Okay that's really  

Wait for victory?


really interesting um C can you clear something  up for me um and again it's it's an idea you hear  


from time to time and that is that why don't  we if Victory is from Allah subhana wa ta'ala  


why don't we just wait for it and when Allah  decides to hand us this Victory then everything  


in the Muslim world will fix itself uh uh so  that's the Jewish version of the Messiah they're  


not allowed by law by religious law to even  make an effort they can move there to Jerusalem  


by accident or Not by accident but by for other  purposes even religious purposes but not intending  


to bring back the Jewish State that's the famous  three promis of Solomon three Oaths of Solomon  


they can't they can't establish the state they  have to be in Exile and they have to obey the law  


of the land they can't disrupt the people there  we don't have this Doctrine and on top of that we  


have to actually make sure to always correct the  concept of the awaited Mahi because I'm telling  


you I guarantee you this is a big roadblock for  people yeah they actually have to flip it Abdul uh  


Hussein has put out a video and he said we should  not we should understand the meaning of the phrase  


the awaited M he says that the waiting here  just means the your hope that he's coming that  


he's hasn't come yet that's all it means but it  does not mean that you wait and it does not mean  


that we are awaiting permission to establish Islam  again it does not mean we that we are awaiting the  


completion of the Shar does not mean that anything  will happen in the religion that will not happen  


outside of him we should flip the idea of the MDI  to believe that he will not come to people except  


those who strive and struggle so if you want to  see him then strive and struggle not the opposite  


way around because they take the end times  hadiths and say he comes at a time when the world  


is filled with oppression therefore in fact when  we see goodness then we're actually further away  


that's a wrong approach because when the prophet  Sall wasallam says it's filled with oppression   does not mean absolutely in predominantly it's  filled with Darkness predominantly doesn't mean  


there's no force of light so when he comes he has  people who recognize him armies who recognize him  


so therefore there are pockets of light there are  pockets of light there are pockets of goodness so  


the messianism is actually a big crutch that some  people act out of ignorance lean upon and say well  


there's not going to be any until the M anyway  okay but who's to say the m is going to come to  


lazy people who's to say that Allah will not send  the M until he sees an um willing to fight with  


or without him and Ahmed when I asked him about  this how would we recognize the MDI he shifted  


it completely every one of us should tried to be  AI you're not going to be the Mahi but AI what  


does he come for to establish to establish a Shar  well you have the Shar already and you have the  


green light to establish it however you can so  messianism is a mental disease spiritual disease  


that is essentially a misunderstanding and the  that framework has to be broken and transformed  


it can it be possible that Imam m is going to  come to people sitting down it's not possible  


he has to come to people he will come to people  who are who are putting the effort with or without  


him and if you notice in life you always succeed  when you're putting the effort with or without   help then the help comes what is interesting  about Syria is um most political analysts in  

Gaza’s victory


fact all political analysts just did not see  it coming um and in fact uh it was seen that  


the Arab Spring had ended and the Syrian Civil  War had come to it conclusion and now really it  


was just about mopping up some of the uh some  of the remaining remnants of the of the uh of  


the rebellion in itli and and its Countryside so  the impossible did happen in Syria um and um uh  


and and that's you know that's amazing and and  today's discussion helps us to appreciate and   contextualize that um but let's talk about  Gaza because Gaza is is a different level  


of impossibility let's say that um whereas uh  Syria Assad had as back as you know Russia and  


Hezbollah and these two parties were weakened  um Israel has as a backer the United States  


your country the United States of America and  the United States is probably the most powerful  


power in the world most powerful power at least  in a military power the world has ever seen so  


the odds are very much against the liberation  of Gaza um I suppose the question here is that  


like does that impact our understanding of  the concept of Victory Mir shamer just had  


an interview with somebody yeah and she said I  don't get the people of Gaza you're not winning  


why don't you just accept defeat and at least  live peacefully live out your life well Allah  


tal has chosen a people who have a different view  of the world and really it's up it's the people of  


that have had this spirit and it's up to us now  to support their decisions in what they do and  


they have chosen to accept the very slim chances  of Victory or martydom and if you think about it  


if you think about it they have struck a severe  blow to Israel and Allah T mentions in the Quran  


you know I know someone everyone's say well look  what they suffered okay but getting gains against   your enemy is not free and they're willing to pay  the price uh Allah speaks in the Quran about to  


agitate your enemy and I always wondered about  that because to is agitation yeah so for example  


he says the piety of the companions agitates the  enemy the the visual the visual of it that means  


praying in front of everybody it agitates and  Allah describes the sahabi like a stalk that  


means visible they worship Allah visibly they're  not doing it in hiding they could have they could  


have worshiped Allah in and that's it no out loud  I'm reting the Quran knock on everyone door sik  


praying in his Courtyard so this agitation of the  enemy makes them behave irrationally to their own  


self detriment and we're living in a world today  where the hatred of the Zionist movement is at a  


level no one's ever seen before nobody has ever  seen before for every single Palestinian who has  


been killed there is probably a thousand regular  people in the world who despise the Zionist regime  


so it was up to them to make a decision  collectively as their as that Community to put up  


the White Flag okay let's just live with everybody  else and and at least we'll have regular life and  


probably nobody would have blamed them but they  chose another path and it's as if to say like  


you're you're you're building an empire but you  there's an unmovable Little Rock that you can't   move little Stone in the way but that stone has  deep Roots under the ground and that's their imen  


and they've chosen they've chosen that route so  it's up to us now to support them in that and uh  


they're not thinking about anything well I can't  say what they're thinking but I I can't imagine   that they're thinking about anything less than  Allah is greater than them Allah's greater than  


these people that they are enemies why don't we  go back even to Jewish history it's funny because  


well the history of B is David and Saul the army  that David Saul and their Prophet who was said to  


be prophet Samuel at that time only had about 313  people in it P say 315 and they faced Goliath who  


had the amalekites who were every single amalekite  was taller than every single Ben is it's why the  


word means like a tall person they were so tall  and they outnumbered them you couldn't see the end  


of the army versus 315 people who had no training  who have been outcasted in the woods living yet  


they defeated thema is which who who is David's  Army Reza or Israel right so clear very clearly  


in the biography of um Yar who which he wrote in  jail he essentially said there is no uh value to  


to life except through shahada um I know that  um we're not meant to um we're not meant to pin  



we're not meant to pin labels of hypocrisy on one  another or nefar on one another and it's a it's a  


very dangerous idea to to to use that term but um  we do know that there are some general signs about  


neak and and they often uh in the S they often  come about as a result of the questioning of  


Victory can you Enlighten us on on you know some  of those qualities of the maafi so that we can  


save ourselves from from being in in that camp and  may Allah forgive us for that well I think that


um of we can never know of action we can  know because we see your actions that's  


the if the and does it mean that you're a  of Allah says oh you who believe why do you  


say what you don't do so therefore there  is two n and then there's the outside of  


religion in the dun and the punishment  is in the duny but when people don't  


believe in Victory of Allah we wouldn't  say that's we say that's weakness of Ean  


right weakness of Iman and and it's people  simply do not know it is a lack of awareness  


or remembrance or consciousness of Allah's  power and that it will come to every it exists  


in every generation God's power didn't stop with  prophethood prophethood stopped but Divine Victory  


doesn't stop and Allah says in the Quran how many  small groups have defeated large groups he didn't


say not say how many small Believers believing  groups defeated large believing groups large  


enemies no how many small groups have defeated  in the realm of everything we see upsets we see  


surprise happenings so we put these shackles  on our mind and puts them on our mind which  


shouldn't be the case and we allow them to be on  our mind or we put them on our mind and then you  


live two three four decades with those Shackles on  your mind that shackle that chain that prison cell  


becomes home to you and people literally do not  want to leave it and I once got into the to the  


question of why are some people unhappy all the  time and somebody gave the best answer and he said  


that unhappiness has become their home success is  something they don't know how to handle so they  


much rather even if you're headed to success they  they will subconsciously screw it up and they lose  


all the time no matter how ahead they are they  lose it's because I I I I start to think they  


enjoy that's their home they're in a comfort  zone there this is what they know and winning  


and being Victorious and being successful is  something they don't know they don't want the   unknown after like age 45 they don't want the  unknown that's what I think happens we have  


to break these shackles there is absolutely  nothing by Shar by eschatology by anything  


that precludes or discounts that there  will be a great successes in the um of  


Islam and if someone cites the  Hadith that there's four rules


there's then there's then then the return of on  the manh of so uh they say okay we're going to  


have to tyrants until the Anda come down for  the who's to say that who's who's not to say  


that there won't be preludes to that like it  doesn't turn light like a a sun doesn't come  


up like a light switch comes gradually so who's to  say they're not going to be wonderful preludes of  


great success for the Muslim umah before that  telling you esoy if it's misunderstood people  


will will have depression yeah okay on on that  point because there are some who are uh and I  

Believer’s mindset


I've you know I've succumbed to this in in in past  years where uh we become so uh uh embedded in this  


eschatology language and discussion and Hadith and  uh that it almost like commands our life and makes  


and makes us admires our political decision making  and our concept of of Victory and a concept of  


defeat um so what is the balance I suppose mindset  of a Believer when it comes to when it comes to  


these sorts of narrations the balance is to that  the Shar will not give you two opposite things  


it will not say act and don't act therefore when  Allah tells us about the signs of the end of time  


these signs of the end of time must match action  any interpretation that results in inaction is a  


false interpr is an incorrect interpretation  right right 100% incorrect you have to act  


and you don't know what other kind of Victories  Allah will give you right right does not or bust  


orst no you could have a wonderful country it's  not but it's a wonderful place for Islam where  


Muslims can Thrive can live can can can enjoy  the government isn't putting you in jail it's  


possible to have that it doesn't have to be the so  the Hadith is right but also it requires action so  


that kind of mentality has to be that  framework has to be broken and transformed  


into an interpretation of action these good  things are not going to come to people who sit   around waiting they're going to come to people  who take action by the way there's a lot more  


than Levant in the Islamic world you know the  signs of the end of time or in the world that   we live sign times all in Levant right what about  da to South America what about da to North America  


who's to say amazing things could happen in these  parts of the world you're England doesn't show up  


in the signs of the end of time so what do what do  people think is happening there's no world anymore  


and everyone's just at a standstill watching  the End of Time happening no there's still life   going on who's to say that by the end of this  Century from now until the next century Europe


transforms now they're kicking and screaming  rightwing is kicking and screaming okay until when  


we've seen this before it's going to die off it's  going to die down the West is always es and flows  


and when it dies down who knows where how how much  guilt some of those uh people will have that's  


usually what happens you go so conservative so  fascist so ethnocentric the next generation's like  


oh this is like doesn't taste good and they become  so liberal right uh with migrants with immigrants  


how do you know that's not going to happen so  you and then I'd like to bring up another point  


it's actually an insult to the Creator that you  that he gives you willower and You' believe that   you don't have it and it's an insult really to  yourself as well to believe that Israel has so  


much more power than it does the West has so  much more power than it does who's to say that   you don't have willpower yeah this narrative is  also a disease that we have to pluck out of our  


heads that nothing really can happen happen except  if they do this that and they allow it and stuff  


right uh you're just given too much and let's say  it's true let's hypothetically say a fact comes  


down from the heavens is that it's actually true  they have 100% of the power all right it's not   going to change except if you stop acting that way  if you say okay well they got 100% let's play the  


part you're definitely not going to be the Agent  of Change the Agent of Change says yeah it is that   way but it doesn't have to be we can change this  right so you won't be an Agent of Change just by  


accepting all bad news and bad facts facts that  aren't for your favor you don't have to accept  


them like you accept that they're facts but I  don't have to accept that this is how it's going   to be in the future are we allowed to question in  inverted commas Allah subhana wa tala or implore  


him to provide Victory quickly or or is that a  a form of ungratefulness or a or is that being  


imp patient or lacking subur um how how do we you  know how do we see this idea of of getting Victory  


quickly uh in relation to to our belief system  well the um question comes overall in general  


is it permitted to ask Allah to bring the good  quickly and the answer overwhelmingly or maybe I  


could say unanimously is the permissibility and  praiseworthiness of asking one's Dua with when


it's there is actually permissibility in that  so where is the line the line is when Allah  


brings it and he brings it forward it's not on  your time it's not on your time so so someone  


says I asked Allah t for a job and I said  make it come quickly and it took two months  


I was unemployed for two months it's hard to  be unemployed for two months your credits goes   crazy or 10 landlord's after you you can't buy  food and gas okay but how do you know that that  


isn't the answer to your prayer maybe you would  have been employed for a year unemployed for a  


year and Allah brought it forth to two months  so on the the other hand it's like impossible  


to ever know what the tajid is so we should ask  for that but it should not constrain our actions  


and it should not be a crutch to take in action  and go to and sleep in this is one of the worst   things for any um is if you sleep in and number  two number three it shouldn't be something that  


you set the timeline for they say also is there  ever a permissibility to set a timeline for Allah  


T the answer is no unless the timeline is sent for  you oh Allah by tomorrow this guy's going to come  


and arrest me if I don't pay the my bills that's  when uh you can say well I I have a deadline no  


you didn't set the deadline someone your enemy  set the deadline so tomorrow either the money   comes or the guy will say I'll give you another  week if your D is accepted Siri has taught me uh  

Importance of Dua


I think quite an important lesson I I I get from  many Muslims that I've spoken to the the the sort  


of idea that sometimes you restrict your Dua to  what you think is politically plausible uh and  


so what I found uh in recent months mons and years  you know I used to give Dua I used to ask Dua for  


victory for Syria and I think that that Dua became  more watered down it was more you know alleviate   their suffering or alleviate their pain and and um  you know may I suppose my first question attached  


to that is that sort of a sign of weakness in a  way but also my my second question is really uh  


it's taught me to you know to uh to make du for  the impossible more often you know for KFA I mean  


KFA seems like a a very distant Prospect but why  not you know Allah subh T can can bring us you  


know this Victory out of out what seemed like  nowhere I mean how how do you reflect on what  


I've said there really well it's such an important  subject to bring up and it's this is the mentality  


if it spreads Everything Will Change and that is  our da to Allah is not restricted to what we can  


imagine it's not restricted to us knowing the  ways in which it would happen it's restricted  


to is it a good thing and it could be solely not  a good thing neutral but desirable to me right I  


may desire something Shar says it's neutral  it's also permitted for me to do to ask for  


and to seek it from my Creator as Imad says even  if you wanted the D at least go get it from the  


Creator not from the creation we shouldn't have  this restriction it is a weakness and I'll tell  


you the pinpoint of the weakness is uh lack  of imagination and lack of submission to the  


fact that Allah tal can create what we don't  know in a ways that we cannot fathom Allah


says he gives him sustenance from where he least  expected it so Allah is announcing to us I have  


stuff you have no clue about right so go for the  end result you don't need to know where the steps  


are go for the we go for the end result in our  Dua not knowing where the steps are at all and  


here's the thing that's the joy of the whole thing  if it's predictable if the steps are there there's  


no joy to it you wouldn't even make du for it  because the asbab are right in front of you yeah   most people when they see the asbab the means  of attaining our goals right in front of them  


they don't pray they only pray when they don't see  the means but they really want to get to the end  


and and I personally um find that Dua for things  which you cannot fathom that is actually the most  


enjoyable because now you become an object in a  script and Allah moves you and you meet one person  


then you meet another person five years later  you're like I cannot even fathom how are we here  


well you're here because you believed in Allah  and he took you there he's a far better author   than me and you are ever going to be or any human  being is ever going to be so the whole Joy is in  


shooting for something that we have no clue how  we're going to get and not stopping the condition  


is you don't stop you don't say okay after two  yearsas I I give up fantastic um uh we often  


hear from from uh from Sheiks from um Scholars  that tahajud is a really important asset for a  

Value of Tahhajud


Believer uh in particular when you're in in very  dark times um can you remind us of the value of  


Sal and and why uh that's integral  I suppose to our worship when it  


comes to seeking Victory Prophet Sall was  asked which Dua is heard the most and he


said in the middle of the night and after or at  the end of the obligatory prayers so every Muslim  


prays five times a day at least we pray all pray  at the Baseline of a Muslim if your food is Hal  


and your wealth is Hal you have a gift from  Allah and to not accept a gift from a king to  


minimize it and not to use it to its fullest is  an insult to the king so when we approach Salah  


you're approaching to pray in order to receive  your gift the gift of Salah is that right after  


Salah you have a Dua that will be answered  and when they say it does not mean one Dua  


it means one session of Dua I may make a du with  10 things in it or 100 things in it or one thing  


in it so does not necessitate that it's only  one item that you pray for one matter so every  


Muslim should take advantage of their Salah make  and then make and whatever they can of the after  


if they're busy or they're free and then  claim your your gift claim your gift from  


Allah subhana wa tala which is a Dua and in the  language of Dua needs equals wants for example  


Prophet says Whoever has a need but in the  world of Dua ha means a want a desire and then


refers to an answer when Allah says means which  du is heard most by Allah is which is answered  


most by Allah Dr sh um how important is it to  study the battles of the messenger sallallahu  

Battle of prophet


alhi wasallam uh when thinking about developing a  a deeper understanding of these credal ideas like  


n like like other concepts of of Islam because it  just comes to me that uh often uh when reading the  


S um it's it's when we study the battles of the  Prophet Sall Al wasallam that we we get a strong  


feel for the acuteness of these Concepts and and  their applicability in our world but of course in  


a post 911 world uh we seem to shy away from today  discussing theat of the Prophet Alat wasam I mean  


what's your what's your take on that well it's um  remember in the 40 noi hadiths which IMI compiled  


as the essential foundations of the religion he  narrates one of them lists one of those which


says and that is that the the the part that is the  peak what keeps like what keeps attempt up or the  


high point is strugg fighting for for for for what  you believe essentially saying like this world is  


not going to give you anything and there's there's  no coincidence that it's not a coincidence that  


the greatest Empires are always the greatest  militaries it's as simple as that and when   does an Empire fall when it loses battles when I  was young I used to think it feel like so out of  


place here our whole history is over there and I'm  over here and like how do we get here that's the  


key we have to ask all right how did how did this  happen because you you can't help but feeling so  


out of place yeah so when you go back you go to a  very simple conclusion these people's grandparents  


beat my grandparents in Wars that's how simple  it is Generations later it got so bad we got to  


come here to eat better food that's how simple it  is right and if you don't like it don't lose Wars  


so we have no one to blame but ourselves right  no one to blame but ourselves for the situation  


that we're in and on the one hand yeah you're  grateful to have lived in a in a in a country   where you could practice your Dean properly think  clearly but also how many people have lost their  


Dean that's a whole another subject but point  being is that you cannot have a nation an umah  


in anything without fighting for it now this  is not me encouraging anyone to do a specific  


fight because that wouldn't be right for me to do  right or to even engage in anything that I haven't  


myself been engaged in or the sh is Crystal Clear  upon it that it just wouldn't be right and it  


doesn't look good and it doesn't settle right  but as a concept as a concept even states that


there are two obligations that will last until  the end of time you can't have a nation without  


defense and striking fear into other nations  like in the when you read the books about the  


some of them say or or Sultan the sulan Sul uh  they say the Govern the khif the sultan has to  


send a battalion in each of the four directions  of his land twice a year once in the summer once  


in the winter why to remind the opposing Nations  we're here and our army looks really good look at  


our that's why they do military parades it's not  for it's for the nation to gain confidence but   also for the outside Nations to say okay they got  this tank they got these horses they got all these  


soldiers you're basically saying don't come near  us it's like having a dog in your front yard it's  


for the protection of the lands um we've become  politically correct because of the Nations that  


we're living in but that's the only reason when  the United States supported the Afghan war there  


were mus there were Muslims doing fundraisers  for Jihad in the mass and it's almost like the  


military the US government had offices that would  help you get there they pay for you to get there  


it's not even a joke in Jersey City they had a mid  the whatever government Department literally made  


a makeshift office across the street literally  send them over send them over so then everyone  


was okay talking about Gad people there are  people in our community who went to Bosnia to  


fight there was no political ramifications at all  just as British and American citizens are going  


joining the IDF and fighting there's no political  ramification yeah so the reason that we've all  


stayed a bit quiet was two two things number one  our country is the enemy in those countries right  


so you you you're in that situation and number  two it got all cloudy by groups like Isis that  


gave a bad name to Jihad and so therefore  people are like okay let's stay away from   the whole thing there are people who just have I  would say allaham a type of modernism secularism  


and possibly a weak Faith who have put up the  white flag and said let's just live Islam as a


spirituality and live under the modern democratic  ways and I would say that I can't analyze that  


other than that I think they have just lost faith  yeah right and and how important is studying the  


the battles of the prophet in in this in this oh  it's it's uh essential to study what Allah said  


and what the prophet wasallam said about battle  because there are principles there are princi what  


you don't which what's not necessarily going to be  the important thing is the strategy used because   it's a different world right uh the most common  strategy that you see in all literally the whole  


premodern worlds nobody even knows it today  right like they called it the fain's retreat  


yeah the the F Retreat you find it  they talk about it like it's it's a   pick and roll of warfare back in we  don't even know it today but what's  


important is to look at the principles  in the Battle of Badr only has a few


AAS gave you victory of B when you  were so Meek and humble so meekness  


and humility in front of Allah is a  value then we have over 30 consecutive


and that's where the the point is obedience like  you have to learn from your losses obedience uh  


so those principles I think are is what's  more important than the strategems uh but  


uh all you can learn a lot from ssu's Art of  War those principles and and and and Universal  


strategies if that's the case because we know  everyone cites that you can definitely learn   principles and Universal strategies from  the prophet wasam from from from Universal  


strategies right like the prophet wasallam going  to the well they stopped and sahabi said there's  


a well over here so what does that tell us it's  like resources number one resource is water one   final question for you Dr Shard and jaak it's  been really a fantastic conversation and that's  

Giving up


really about um giving up um you know we've had  14 months 14 15 months now of a genocide um we've  


had years decades of excruciating pain in the  Muslim umah country after country we're seeing  


um chaos and we're seeing uh failure alhamdulillah  we've seen some good signs recently but you know  


the overbearing um uh the majority of what we're  seeing is still very very bad and and you know  


very circumspect so I suppose my question is um  we can uh psychologically be worn down by this  


and it can lead to you know some of us giving up  and showing weakness um and and is that you know  


is that a um I mean it's a bad thing of course but  is that you know a a problematic thing I suppose  


when it comes to our Islam and our Iman I think  it uh I think giving up because one's exhausted  


and lost faith is very different than giving  up because the situation doesn't even allow any  


more action so for example someone said what is a  situation where I'm allowed to give up it's like  


death right death I'm praying for my grandma's sh  but she dies Allah chose something else at that  


point you now just make Dua for her happiness  in the but as long as there is an ability to  


move your legs giving up is seems to be more like  it's it's there's no excuse for it yeah there's  


no excuse for it and that's why psychologically  we have to be balanced psychologically we have  


to be balanced and that balance occurs by living  the Shar Sharia will say get married Sharia will  


say have children Shar will say go go have work  sh will say make money Sharia will say make Haj  


Mak om we Muslims are doing tons of things right  we're doing so many different things when we do  


so many different things it releases some of these  tensions and stresses that lead a person to just  


give up right just think of something else for  a little bit but that some people call it stick  


toi liveness the idea that you just keep pecking  away and just go another day how about this pass  


it on to another generation that's it just pass  it on to another generation the situation may  


change in the future right just it should be a  principle that you just keep going keep pecking  


away keep pecking away keep pecking away and  the situation changes right so one of the these  


days the pecs uh may may actually break through  the wall and if you don't Peck away and if you  


don't stop you teach your kids the same thing  and that's like a hundred-year plan right so why  


don't we think of it as a hundred-year plan  I may be generation one out of four and the   fourth generation will see but I got to kick it  off right so the ethic is more than than asking  


for victory is establishing the ethic that we're  not giving this up period discussion over even if  


I'm generation one and it's going to happen in  generation 4 that means I'll be long dead very   few people live to see their great grandsons  live to adulthood but if I put my mindset on  


that then it ends up being what Joe Tori told  to um forget his name he said just try to single  


to left you might end up homering to right  right like why are you putting those pressure   on yourself to see the victory in your lifetime  why don't we put it off to the fourth generation  


so as long as we're working at it nonstop and  teach the Next Generation work nonstop and Allah  


lot didn't pressure you he didn't pressure you  to establish everything right but he pressured  


you to work and that's the ethic that I think we  have to have it that stick tutiven ethic I think  


is far more valuable than a desire for the victory  right now because you may end up just exhausting  


yourself putting pressure on yourself and failing  and then once you go into that depression you send  


your next Generation into that depression too  so we put it as an ethic in this our ways is  


this is what we're going for if it happens now it  happens next Generation next it will happen right  


it will happen that's a belief so I think that  mentality is far better and it's going to lead   to a multi-generational perspective and trust me  the one thing that Israel doesn't want they can't  


handle a multigeneration eventually eventually  eventually the United States will not be able  


to bankroll this operation anymore like this  is just a basic fact of history if you ever   saw a nation come up on the back of another  Nation you ask yourself a simple question  


what happens when that Nation goes bankrupt  right simp the Indian colony for example of  


England all it's there as long as England's Rich  what happens England's not rich they got to leave  


simple as that so what's going to happen the day  which is inevitable Every Nation Rises and Falls I  


don't like to think about this because we upra in  the dollar and I don't want to see more inflation  


right and and suffer from that but it will happen  someday as a fact of life now we're late no Empire  


is going to last forever so when that happens  and Israel has no Bank rolling we better be  


ready to take to seize that opportunity war is  preparation and taking advantage of situations  


opportunism it's preparation and opportunism if  the opportunity comes and you're not prepared  


that's a waste Shri it's truly been a a valuable  conversation today ja thank you so much for your  


time my pleasure thank you for all the work that  you do and hope to see you soon in person insh T please remember to subscribe to our social  media and YouTube channels and head over to  


our website thinking to  sign up to my Weekly Newsletter ja


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